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单词 For nothing
1, Nothing for nothing and very little for a half penny. 
2, It was all for nothing.
3, You're just a good for nothing bum!
4, He was giving his collection away for nothing.
5, No, he's good for nothing.
6, Great trees are good for nothing but shade.
7, I got this picture for nothing from a friend.
8, All that for nothing.
9, You're good for nothing.
10, If you don't live for something, you'll die for nothing.
11, Children under 5 can travel for nothing.
12, He put me down for nothing at all.
13, 'People like doing things for nothing.'--'I know they do.'.
14, He lives for nothing but his cause.
15, Just imagine going all that way for nothing!
16, We had all our trouble for nothing.
17, They live for nothing but pleasure.
18, All her hard work has gone for nothing.
19, We went all that way for nothing.
20, These investigations are not done for nothing.
21, You're not doing yourself any favours,[http:///for nothing.html] working for nothing.
22, They care for nothing but fighting.
23, She gave me their old TV for nothing.
24, He made away with his money for nothing.
25, 'Thanks for nothing,' she said acidly.
26, His overseas results count for nothing.
27, Don't pay attention to him, he cries for nothing.
28, Such small defects count indeed for nothing.
29, Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing
30, We bought these six chairs, and they gave us the other one for nothing.
1, It was all for nothing.
2, He was giving his collection away for nothing.
3, No, he's good for nothing.
4, I got this picture for nothing from a friend.
5, We bought these six chairs, and they gave us the other one for nothing.
6, All that for nothing.
7, You're good for nothing.
31, All that preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled.
32, The fact that she had apologized counted for nothing with him.
33, He's ensured that his children will want for nothing .
34, Why pay a plumber when my brother will do it for nothing?
35, You can't be expected to work for nothing - it's not on.
36, We could have got in for nothing nobody was collecting tickets.
37, He worked for nothing.
38, Pantelaras was giving his art collection away for nothing, to spite Marie and her husband.
39, What the teacher said went for nothing because the student was absent-minded.
40, As the only child of wealthy parents, he lacked for nothing.
41, Not for nothing was he called the king of rock and roll.
42, Let us make sure that these brave men did not die for nothing.
43, He queued for two hours and for nothing - there were no seats left.
44, She gave them all the help she could(), and asked for nothing in return.
45, I've been working on this book for six years, and all for nothing.
46, The furniture was threadbare; he'd obviously picked it up for nothing.
47, Peres is to be blamed for nothing.
48, Why linger here in the sordid dark for nothing?
49, He'd want for nothing, and they worship him.
50, All her brave effort had been for nothing.
50, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
51, All these people running about in tracksuits for nothing.
52, And it was all for nothing.
53, You can skate for nothing if you want.
54, My dad said he'd fix it for nothing.
55, For nothing. Spoilt brats, I say.
56, We drove all the way down there for nothing.
57, After all, it wasn't dubbed the Palace for nothing.
58, Nobody gets anything, for nothing.
59, Stop for nothing. Bring home the bacon.
60, It's not for nothing that Cimarusti married Christina Echiverri, a retired pastry chef now raising their new baby girl.
61, After just 5 minutes inside the pair were out again. this for nothing it creates a disrespect for the law.
62, Three-times world champion Ayrton Senna would give up £12million a year just to get behind the wheel for nothing.
63, I'm glad you told me about the show being cancelled. Otherwise I'd have travelled all the way to Glasgow for nothing.
64, It is not for nothing that scabies is commonly known as the itch.
65, Hell, his great-grandaddy used to work for nothing, for all that matter.
66, Feeling small and lousy, not knowing what to do; fit for nothing, not even to stick out your hand.
67, The mad drive up the M4 with pain like barbed hooks turning in his arm had all been for nothing.
68, I don't want to struggle all my life for nothing.
69, He suspected she could have wished for nothing better than to have him confined to bed and reliant on her care.
70, The manager was refusing to allow the Committee to use the hall for nothing.
71, Ascolese scours local farmers' markets for the freshest ingredients and settles for nothing less than the best.
72, On such journeys men of means and their families wanted for nothing.
73, For nothing can be called intrinsically valuable unless it is actually valued by some conscious being.
74, Hundreds of man-hours had gone into its compilation - all for nothing.
75, Not for nothing is New York mocked by some as Moscow-on-the-Hudson.
76, Expertise and experience count for nothing if a fighter isn't mentally prepared before he enters the ring.
77, Theorists all over the world had been redoing their sums for nothing.
78, The boy laughed at them for running and being out of breath for nothing.
79, But in the end it was all for nothing, because I got pregnant anyway.
80, If it does not stand as a moral example to the followers of the Church, it counts for nothing.
80, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
81, His mind was set on walking down his quarry and had room for nothing else.
82, William was a sulky little boy who seemed to care for nothing except his video games.
83, And look at her ... turning soft with admiration for a man who cared for nothing but his ambition.
84, This weekend's results, of course, will count for nothing in the Olympics.
85, If we don't get the contract all our hard work will have been for nothing.
86, They are never drunk one day and good for nothing the next.
87, The mountaintop offers eloquent testimony on all of this, for nothing there grows for ever.
88, At least music lovers have made it known they're no longer willing to part with money for nothing.
89, For nothing much, apart from Mr Lamont's replacement by Kenneth Clarke, has happened.
90, A stance that helped the poor and promoted growth, it said, counted for nothing without a strong anti-corruption strategy.
91, All her discoveries seemed to count for nothing if he didn't care.
92, Fortunately, archaeology breeds rebels who care for nothing but ferreting out the truth.
93, Presently, there was a lightening of foliage and I thought, almost disappointedly, all that panic for nothing.
94, Not for nothing had this little procession presented the air of a party setting out to receive guests.
95, A cautious man would have inspected the properties he was lending against, for nothing but property underpinned the loans.
96, He has a comfortable life in west Los Angeles; he dates a movie mogul's ex-wife; he wants for nothing.
97, Friends like the Post Office workers who have kindly agreed to deliver this leaflet for nothing ....
98, Not for nothing have the return invitations dwindled a bit over the years.
99, Sally-Anne deserved punishment for forcing him to do that, if for nothing else.
100, Not for nothing have I a brother-in-law who cooks professionally.
101, All that money, all that cleaning out, all that careful feeding for nothing.
102, He gave me a whole bunch of flowers for nothing.
103, She gave us food and clothing and asked for nothing in return.
104, Where others see trinkets, Romans see the holy grail: something for nothing.
105, What could be more stable than for nothing to change?
106, Even the best selection procedures may be for nothing if inadequate attention is given to transitional learning.
107, Not unexpectedly for our primary participants, what the teachers seem to think counts for nothing.
108, His investigation concluded thatthe operators grabbed the entire system for nothing.
109, He lived in beautiful houses, travelled the world in the greatest of comfort, and wanted for nothing.
110, The punishment of criminals should be of use; when a man is hanged he is good for nothing.  Voltaire 
111, Some are interrupted by strings of material that appear to code for nothing.
112, These are men who lead their daily lives with inflated pomp; they grovel for nothing.
113, You could, for nothing, real or imagined, the slightest slight, get crippled in a place like this.
114, These are tiny freedoms, and if a woman enjoys being part of a couple, they should count for nothing.
115, In the world of trade and realpolitik, it counts for nothing.
116, We got the car for nothing because the woman wanted to get rid of it fast.
117, Ironically, later auf became a local expression for a long wait, or working for nothing.
118, Where would the poor girls be without their pimps, who shower money on them and ask for nothing in return?
119, The expense would all go for nothing now because the Emperor had just rewritten the social calendar.
120, Such small defects count for nothing.
121, I had been stalling the diplomacy for nothing.
122, There was no point in upsetting Tristan for nothing.
123, Not for nothing was the plane called "The widow-maker".
124, The speed of a runaway horse count for nothing.
125, Not for nothing is Angst a German word.
126, My feelings, as a victim, apparently count for nothing.
127, He shall want for nothing that money can buy.
128, I got this handbook for nothing.
129, Cleverness is serviceable for everything, sufficient for nothing.
130, Five, skillful top and bottom ascent, low block steady pass, midway don't change to block, the ascending grade defends to turn off, go down slope absolute prohibitory for nothing block a skidding.
131, You care for nothing but dogs, shooting, and rat-catching. (1) You will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family.
132, This was Game indeed to us, but this was no Food, and I was very sorry to lose three Charges of Powder and Shot upon a Creature that was good for nothing to us.
133, Because of his casual, happy-go-lucky nature he made friends easily, and drug pushers supplied him everything he desired for nothing.
134, Such believe led to their self-will, obstinacy and irresponsibility, caring for nothing and uninhabited , .
135, Darwin had scolded his teenage son, saying, "You care for nothing but shooting, dogs, and rat catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family."
136, Philippians 4:6 says, Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
137, Mediocrity is the law of your existence. Your days are remarkable for nothing but sameness and insipidity . Yet you may live a great life.
138, He makes sure that his widowed mother wants for nothing.
139, Its voice and force may count for nothing if they are withheld too long.
140, And 15 years work would have come for nothing And -- and it was gut wrenching.
141, WY : I bet that sometimes you have to wait for several days for nothing.
142, A whole year's hard work have all go for nothing.
143, She's my daughter. I love her and she will want for nothing.
144, Those behave fawningly to rich one have no money received and that means they offer their soul,[] their dignity for nothing.
145, Spending a tremendous amount of time building a precise model of the workers and the caseload may be for nothing if the model is transformed for actual execution.
146, GM Shop, really sucks, the colors do not go for nothing, at least my taste.
147, All their wonderful history and tradition counts for nothing in a relegation dogfight like this.
148, She looked for nothing save what might come legitimately and without the appearance of special favour.
149, I can't help thinking that what we have done go for nothing.
150, After all, they don't call you old windbag for nothing!
151, A crowd is there to support you, so dont make them scream for nothing.
152, He was good for nothing now except navvy work, and his broken nose and swollen ear were against him even in that.
153, News, and news aggregator site has something for nothing, this is unfair.
154, According to statistical theory, photon and subatomic particle ease make clear into vacuum is only for nothing probably concept: Bestrewed the particle that is in normal and antiparticle among them.
155, It is not for nothing that the mirror, the stopper of the carafe, indeed the look of the hypnotiser, are the instruments of hypnosis.
156, At the thought of the failure of her little surprise and of the two and fourpence she had thrown away for nothing she nearly cried outright.
157, One remained faced by the fact of a man blown to bits for nothing even most remotely resembling an idea, anarchistic or other.
158, Yes; I am a supercargo; pen, ink, and paper are my tools, and without my tools I am fit for nothing.
159, Chinese music fans were raised on knockoff CDs and are now accustomed to getting hold of music for nothing on file-sharing websites.
160, But we must use it discreetly and not waste powder for nothing.
161, Of course you may scoff at these victims since they were trying to get "something for nothing" - in this case, a free anti-virus program when really they were being given a free virus instead.
162, For every little trifle they blame you, my child. The yare ready to find fault for nothing.
163, It's not for nothing that interior decorators the world over look to the English country garden for glorious inspiration.
164, Not for nothing did Thomas Carlyle label the subject the dismal science.
165, They regarded us as little kids who count for nothing.
166, Be anxious for nothing, but ... let your requests be made known to God.
167, Carrie put out her hand, smiling, if for nothing more than the man's exuberant good - nature.
168, That it is more blessed to render useful service, and more profitable than to demand something for nothing through government subsidies or public charity.
169, When Janis Joplin sang, "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose, " the current economic doldrums probably aren't what she had in mind.
170, You shall want for nothing as long as I live.
171, He gave me two Cup Final tickets free , gratis and for nothing.
172, It is not for nothing that the term "varietal wine" was invented in California.
173, Your days are remarkable for nothing but sameness and insipidity. Yet you may live a great life.
174, All that is very amusing information you are parting with for nothing.




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