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单词 breeding ground
释义  ˈbreeding ˌground noun [countable]  1  CAUSEa place or situation where something bad or harmful develops 〔坏事物的〕滋生地,温床breeding ground for Overcrowded slums are breeding grounds for crime. 人口过于拥挤的贫民窟是滋生犯罪的温床。2. HBAa place where animals go in order to breed 繁殖场Examples from the Corpusbreeding ground• Culture-specific rules and procedures of turn-taking provide ample breeding ground for misunderstanding.• Where scum settles on wetted surfaces in kitchens, it creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.• Macroconsolidation within organizations provides an ideal breeding ground for insulation, isolation, and illusion.• The race, the breeding ground, might be missed, both in sporting and traditional terms, should it cease.• The whales' breeding grounds are off the west coast of Mexico.ˈbreeding ˌground nounChineseSyllable  where situation or something place a bad Corpus




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