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单词 Blackness
1. A terrifying scream in the blackness of the night made my blood run cold.
2. The mountains were shadowing into blackness.
3. The twilight had turned to a deep blackness.
4. She peered out into the blackness of the night.
5. I stared out into the inky blackness of the night.
6. Even in its blackness, the sky did not rest.
7. A retreat from the beauty of blackness.
8. There ensued a blinding light and then blackness.
9. Above the rain and the blackness low clouds touched with pink from the steelworks sidled across the sky.
10. Helpless, he toppled forward into blackness: his hand went limp and the knife clattered down on to the foot-rest.
11. Usually only blackness is named, which constitutes the white majority as the norm.
12. But now they were almost there, the blackness was turning gray; now he had stepped out joyfully into the daylight.
13. Cold blackness grasped at him, fingering its way through his warm blood, just waiting its moment.
14. He felt the blackness return, felt its clamminess across his brow as he started to sweat.
15. We were cast into impenetrable blackness, with the rain still cascading down and that devilish thing on the loose!
16. They seemed to have been stumbling through pitch blackness for hours now.
17. Urquhart stepped forward out of the blackness, his profile framed by the window.
18. He brought the fertile blackness of the earth with him.
19. Her tracksuit and flying jacket dragged on the ground as she slid and bumped down into the blackness.
20. At night, when the hospital bustle dies down, the stillness can match the blackness under the blindfold.
21. Only his bright red lips and large blue eyes stood out from the general blackness.
22. For the past half-hour she had been feeling distinctly uneasy as the ever-present shadows had deepened into almost impenetrable blackness.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. The criss-cross pattern of streets, pricked out by street lights, flowed inland until the town petered out into blackness.
24. Bloody misfits, he cursed inwardly, as he trudged down into the blackness.
25. A searing pain exploded between her ears and she sank into blackness.
26. Corbett knew he had to leave but the room was spinning around him and he fell gratefully into the gathering blackness.
27. Then Gilroy shows how these innovations have infiltrated the modern entertainment economy, especially the parts of it concerned with selling blackness.
28. I gazed up into the darkness but the rafters were cloaked in blackness.
29. Theological references to them are scant, though St Bernard took the blackness as a symbol of humility.
30. Occasional low lintels bumped and scraped his head in the blackness.
1. A terrifying scream in the blackness of the night made my blood run cold.
31. But can the child transcend the blackness and wear the white mask with pride?
32. To his left wing he could see the great blackness of the Park, lit only occasionally by murky yellow lights.
33. His blackness shut off the blue window, the blessing hands of the Virgin.
34. They were following the concrete channel of the serpentine rill, which emptied itself into a pool of stygian blackness.
35. Doubled up he drew his knife, eyes behind the vizor desperately searching the inky blackness.
36. The mystery remains unresolved as twilight turns to total blackness.
37. Although invisible to present probes, such preternaturally potent super-snakes are conceivably copulating throughout the icy blackness of outer space.
38. Somewhere in the impenetrable blackness was a desperate man, cold, hungry, hunted.
39. Once the thriving port of Linlithgow, Blackness is a picturesque village with a heavily fortified castle.
40. The overwhelming blackness, the cracking peals of thunder and the piercing flash and hiss of forked lightning.
41. She looked into his eyes, into their endless blackness, seeking silent reassurance that he would inflict no more pain.
42. Early birthdays were preserved in snapshots: round cakes blazing in the blackness, her own clapped hands in the high chair.
43. They saw nothing but a dim grayness, or was it blackness?
44. Great golden ridges hung like curtains and our beam of light was swallowed in deep gulfs of blackness.
45. Herbalifers scuttle into permanent blackness, and a Soweto funeral procession comes on.
46. She was standing in blackness in the middle of a narrow, ice-cold stream.
47. Rock Gospel vibrated through us all, the light from behind the altar silhouetting the blackness of the men's skins.
48. Such stereotypic thinking forces even black stations to downplay their blackness in order to compete for the advertising dollars.
49. The room darkened, and Culley's outline melded into blackness beside her.
50. Without other references to compare it with, the light seemed to drift around in the blackness.
51. He was gliding softly through the water towards the deep ultramarine stain the sloop made in the brimming blackness all around.
52. The blackness was suddenly all around, closing in like quicksand.Sentence dictionary
53. Half way up the wall there was a slightly darker square set into the blackness.
54. As it vanished, absorbed in the veils of blackness, Stephen stumbled over a twisted root and fell headlong.
55. The jangling of his chains and bells was swallowed up by the blackness.
56. At last, faint and far off in the total blackness which now surrounded him, he saw another gleam of light.
57. After eighty yards we came to the rails and sleepers themselves under a foot of water leading onwards into the blackness.
58. Words were rising through the blackness like little wriggling golden fish.
59. There were stars but no moon, and the sky had cleared into a frosty blackness.
60. At last I fell back on to my stool and into the blackness of a drunken stupor.
61. She reached out to switch on the bedhead light and realised that the blackness of night had been replaced by grey gloom.
62. The moonless sky was overcast, and gliding into an opaque blackness we might have been in outer space.
63. But not necessarily in a negative way: he had used his blackness to become a better boxer.
64. She peered out through the windscreen into the eerie blackness of the winding lane.
65. He blinked against the blackness, afraid he would be smothered by it.
66. A side road appeared, a soft and dusty grey-white in the blackness, and they pulled over.
67. Something nipped at her neck, and she pitched forward into blackness.
68. The white shape hung there in the blackness of the short corridor inside the entrance to the cathedral, grinning at them.
69. The far wall was a large expanse of ornamented glass, with pitch blackness beyond.
70. It goes straight for a few yards and then bends round the corner into blackness.
71. My blackness was seen to be a public and political fact, whereas my gayness was seen as a purely personal matter.
72. Lydia woke suddenly in the tangible blackness that was moonless country night.
73. Blackness rushed into his head.
74. The lightning lit up the inky blackness.
75. Blackness is an important parameter in the radiometry.
76. The coach dissolved into the blackness.
77. the inky blackness of the cellar.
78. Everything was swallowed up in the blackness of darkness.
79. BLACKNESS Turns all output black.
80. Instead of appearing self-luminous, as white disks do, blackness seems to generate a void, or a black hole, that absorbs all the light.
81. Shortly afterwards, the second launch approached the dock in pitch blackness amidst the buzzing of voices.
82. And patches of Blackness where the woodmen had Burned the Brushwood and rubBish.
83. Beyond the light of the fire everything was swallowed up in the blackness of darkness.
84. Montanelli sat alone under the magnolia tree,[http:///blackness.html] looking straight before him into the blackness.
85. No gray hairs are in the even , smooth blackness.
86. With the clear perception of my plight, there fell upon me a blackness of despair.
87. The cliffs and hills were so drawn together that hardly did the stars shine into its pitchy blackness.
88. Friend, face the blackness, stand to keep, do not crouch down.
89. The energy salvos and counter-salvos sent narrow beams of blindingly bright light and streams of angry red-orange annihilation disks skewing through the blackness.
90. I clothe the heavens with blackness And make sackcloth their covering.
91. He is seen by the black nations at the U . N . as an ambassador for blackness.
92. At the same time, they are bacteriophage to prevent chondrification, blackness and grayness of culture.
93. Is white blackness thinkable?
94. With only one of them did I see anything but blackness or the familiar lacteal opacity, and that time I saw, to my pleasure and amazement, a variegated constellation of flecks, specks, and dots.
95. Its blackness has no connection with the sublime blackness of the inkstand.
96. In the pitch blackness, Quentin's voice came up from the pile where we all lay together, "A ghost. She saw her husband's ghost."
97. As the last rays of daylight dwindled and disappeared, absolute blackness settled down on Treasure Island.
98. Halo virtual world in contrast, blackness is the edge began increasing.
99. The cleanness & dirtiness of the colours is depend on its blackness appeared.
100. Instead, it has an atmosphere made up of chemicals such as vaporized sodium, potassium and gaseous titanium oxide, which absorb light, but that still does not explain the planet's extreme blackness.
101. Philip Bird : I arrived at Bryce Canyon, Utah, in pitch blackness on a bitterly cold morning to photograph the sunrise.
102. Above the stratosphere, blue layers mark the upper atmosphere (including the mesosphere, thermosphere, ionosphere, and exosphere) as it gradually fades into the blackness of outer space.
103. A deep chesty bawl echoes from rimrock to rimrock, rolls down the mountain, and fades into the far blackness of the night.
104. Total heat transfer of the furnace is equal to heat radiation coefficient alm ost , and is the function of systematic blackness, average smog temperature,[http:///blackness.html] wall l surface temperature.
105. After a while I forgot all about his nakedness and his blackness.
106. Lucy gazed through half - closed eyes at the blackness ahead.
107. I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I make sackcloth their covering.
108. She could hold on no longer and fell into blackness, she drowned.
109. A power failure at 11:03 P . M. plunged the city into Stygian blackness.
110. Deep chesty bawl echoes from rimrock to rimrock, rolls down the mountain, and fades into the far blackness of the night.
111. I unloaded my gear and made my way in pitch blackness to the starting area.
112. Within the inky blackness, gravitational forces were assembling objects in the cosmos.
113. She turned drowsily on her side, a slow creeping blackness enveloping her mind.




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