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单词 free enterprise
释义  Related topics: Business, Economicsfree ˈenterprise noun [uncountable]  BPEthe principle and practice of allowing private business to operate without much government control 自由企业制 → private enterpriseExamples from the Corpusfree enterprise• Once Marxism was a value system then capitalism and free enterprise tried to coalesce as a value system - largely unsuccessfully.• The light is democracy and free enterprise, and that light is shining brighter and brighter in the most unusual places.• It was a celebration of freedom, free spirits and free enterprise.• All this is being done in the name of free enterprise.• We are by nature the Party of free enterprise and market economics.• Yet others say free enterprise should rule and government should not interfere in the marketplace.• But what began as an enlightened innovation has become an albatross around the neck of the free enterprise system.• The core of the neoliberal argument is the need to free enterprise and initiative from the dead hand of the state.From Longman Business Dictionaryfree enterpriseˌfree ˈenterprise [uncountable] approvingECONOMICS when people can own capital and organize their businesses in any way they like, without being prevented or controlled by the governmentEncouragement has been given to individualism, free enterprise and the pursuit of profit. → enterprisefree ˈenterprise nounChineseSyllable  principle to Business and practice of Corpus allowing business the private




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