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单词 Listing
(1) There was a brass plaque outside the surgery listing the various dentists' names and qualifications.
(2) The company is seeking a stock exchange listing .
(3) The ship was listing badly but still kept afloat.
(4) The damaged vessel was listing badly.
(5) We asked for an itemized bill, listing all our phone calls and how long they were.
(6) Indeed, if many investors abjure the listing , those who hold their noses and take the plunge might make even more money.
(7) The tanker is listing badly and liable to sink at any moment.
(8) A full listing of the companies will be published quarterly.
(9) Lack of space forbids listing the names of all those who contributed.
(10) To obtain listing forms, call 1-800-273-7322.
(11) See index on page 43 for full listing.
(12) The paper has a listing of the day's happenings.
(13) By uh by listing factors and so forth.
(14) A descriptive listing of 116 bed-and-breakfast inns is available.
(15) Indeed, listing is in essence a collective preservation order.
(16) Meanwhile, an event log shows a listing of events and breakpoint messages.
(17) It is intended to update this listing on a regular basis.
(18) With listing, you jot down a few words(), saving the real writing for later.
(19) Listing particulars A company which is seeking a listing on the London Stock Exchange is obliged to prepare and publish listing particulars.
(20) By listing, you allow them to tumble on to the page from their captivity within your mind.
(21) The inventory consists of three pages listing items of cloth.
(22) Screen 1 Here's a directory listing showing a typical selection of the files that make up an application Screen 2 Yuck!
(23) This simple listing task is tackled with great gusto, and greatly deepens their commitment to their roles.
(24) In addition, a listing is given of the companies in the top 50 of the Index which have offended in each category.
(25) Listing would be by statutory instrument made on the advice of an advisory committee.
(26) Each truckload of concrete arrived from the plant with a certificate listing its ingredients and proportions.
(27) Do you know of any discos or clubs in your area listing events under a cigarette brand name?
(28) Each grave was allocated a separate slip of paper listing its artifact types.
(29) She made no mention of her activities at Denison House, listing it only as her home address.
(30) The directive contains requirements for the contents of prospectuses which broadly mirror those for listing particulars under the listing directive.
(1) There was a brass plaque outside the surgery listing the various dentists' names and qualifications.
(2) Indeed, if many investors abjure the listing , those who hold their noses and take the plunge might make even more money.
(31) The figures were made no more palatable by a spate of published tables listing Britain's richest people.
(32) Adult Education Centres See local telephone directory under your local council listing.
(33) This year, for the first time ever, we have changed the format of our programme by listing events under categories.
(34) Guide books customarily take a lesser role, informing the traveller and listing things to see.
(35) All parties in Crown Court matters should be subject to tight timetables and wasted costs orders, including judges and listing officers.
(36) The entire class works together on listing each step in the process that they have gleaned from numerous interviews.
(37) In addition, the Stock Exchange imposes conditions on companies wanting a listing.
(38) We are also very sorry to all clubs and venues omitted from our mammoth listing of live music.
(39) The modern convention, when listing ingredients, is to list them in order of their abundance in the product.
(40) A listing of major factual book publishers may also be of help.
(41) Some Democratic Unionists do precisely this by, for example, listing their active involvement with the Orders on their election literature.
(42) Here one finds a listing of assets such as marketable securities, accounts receivable, and inventories.
(43) The Listing Particulars Directive of 1980 sought to harmonise disclosure requirements, with a view to eventual mutual recognition of listing particulars.
(44) And some of the identified regulations - notably regulations on domestic bond markets such as listing and registration requirements - remain widespread.
(45) They announced plans for its complete redevelopment and applied for a certificate of immunity of listing.
(46) Error 1402 Maximum package depth exceeded - repeat listing at a lower level package.
(47) There was no listing for stockings on the store directory.
(48) She said the listing in the bankruptcy filing sounded like a private equity partnership, but she would not discuss the investments.
(49) These options are inhibited if the Listing is viewed at the terminal.
(50) On my way out the door I took a minute to look up a listing in the White Pages.
(51) Open it, right click inside the directory listing and choose New, Shortcut.
(52) See the product specifications for a listing of applications on the R380.
(53) The best way to create solid structure without expending extra editing time is through the fast and simple process of listing.
(54) The following is a listing of securities called for partial or complete redemption during the week ended Dec. 29, 1995.
(55) A teacher volunteers and works the staff through a brainstorming session, listing all the issues that they feel should be discussed.
(55) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(56) It advances as a fast loser, but rolls into the pits listing hard to port, like a ship going down.
(57) The sole practitioners audited three companies with a full listing, and one company quoted on the Unlisted Securities Market.
(58) Listing particulars contain detailed information about the issuing company, its securities and certain future issues.
(59) On top of the announcement, Tadpole is also filing for a full listing on the London Stock Exchange today.
(60) This is a selection of some of our favorite special ingredients, not a comprehensive listing of all ingredients.
(61) At the base library he found a catalogue listing the names of colleges abroad.
(62) For example, the initial listing of a dozen possible places to live has now been reduced to, say, six.
(63) Listing, in theory, is an objective assessment of architectural or historical importance which does not necessarily prevent demolition.
(64) The information is stored on index cards, with each card listing the totals for each individual salesperson.
(65) All listed companies will be subject to identical financial reporting requirements and other listing conditions.
(66) Celia began listing their recent purchases and gestured proudly to the fountain.
(67) You pin up a wall chart listing how many calories you eat each day.
(68) It is estimated that over 30 species have become extinct while waiting for a listing.
(69) The items I am listing and discussing separately are interrelated in Hughes's analysis.
(70) Beneath the letter was a xeroxed newspaper article listing all the bars in the city.
(71) If a listed bidder is proposing to issue its own securities as consideration under the scheme then listing particulars may be required.
(72) Would you add in overtime pay when listing your annual salary?
(73) Whereas the endangered species listing is determined solely upon scientific data, economics play a role in deciding critical habitat.
(74) He grips a marble tablet listing the troika Marx, Engels, Lenin, and a fourth, struck out.
(75) Opponents to the listing see it as an expensive attempt at an impossible dream and a misuse of the Endangered Species Act.
(76) This is followed by a listing of more detailed criteria relating to one aspect: place value.
(77) The mnemonics used in the Relationships Listing map on to the text strings used within a module header.
(78) Sometimes it is incorrectly assumed that listing patients' problems precludes inclusion of psychiatric diagnosis.
(79) Between the listing buoys and sandbanks two mulish tugs were pulling a tanker loaded with glass from Pilkington's.
(80) What drives hopefuls through such hoops for a mere Guinness listing?
(81) Tyrone had filled out the form, listing his age as 25 and a made-up Social Security number.
(82) It should be an easy task to produce a comparative table listing official language policies.
(83) A listing of all existing product names can be obtained using option 5.4.4 - View Product Titles.
(84) The Amsterdam Stock Exchange threatened to scratch its listing after the company reported its shareholder equity had turned negative.
(85) It has just published a table listing 48 countries and their tolerance of economic corruption in trade deals.
(85) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(86) The summarising or listing of information extracted from any of these manual systems can be a lengthy procedure.
(87) The principle behind listing is that the ideas you want to write are already in your head.
(88) We are looking at options which will almost certainly include a Nasdaq listing.
(89) If the purchaser is a listed company it may need to apply for a listing of the consideration shares.
(90) The group announced tentative plans to obtain a Stock Exchange listing and float some of its shares.
(91) One such database contains a listing of Internet addresses known as domain names.
(92) So over winter break, she did some research and put together a 10-page printed listing of job resources online.
(93) An abbreviated version of the Package Structure Listing can also be obtained which contains only the package modules in the structure.
(94) There are no other matters relating to him which need to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 16.4 of the Listing Rules.
(95) I have a piece of paper listing one traveller's journeys during the first fortnight of this month.
(96) Sohu's stock price is languishing below Dollars 2-down from its Nasdaq listing price of Dollars 13 last July.
(97) Ripped through that document in record time, listing, writing, rewriting, and, yes, even showing your message.
(98) Walsh produced a static listing at first, updating it once a month.
(99) The amended listing was then sent to an outside data preparation bureau where data were recorded on punch cards.
(100) Lastly, there's space for listing any undertakings that require signature by your client.
(101) Corporations qualify for access to this market if they have a stock exchange listing and net assets exceeding 50 million.
(102) Generally this is perceived, not in the abstract, but by listing the failings of Catholic countries.
(103) In addition to listing properties on-line, homeowners can e-mail, fax or mail their information.
(104) Give examples of hardcopy devices suited to the production of cartographic products, listing the properties of each device. 5.
(105) Note that when listing by latest version, the actual version number in the package selection is used to list contained packages.
(106) Patti noted that some of the information was incorrectly entered into the database, but that Abele later corrected the listing.
(107) And only the remote has a digital readout, listing the track number and playback functions.
(108) Under the Apostolic listing are prison visiting, family contacts, catechism classes, Catholic action groups and Sunday schools.
(109) Publication date for the directory was last month and the editorial listing for Hanson appears to be up to date.
(110) The following is a listing of securities called for partial or complete redemption during the week ended Jan. 05,() 1996.
(111) Listing can also significantly shorten your actual writing time and help you create strong coherent language.
(112) Listing 2. Global reference to the servlet.
(113) Listing 1 shows how to ignore a SIGINT.
(114) The SH index opens with a green listing today.
(115) Listing 4 is a sample configuration file defining ACLs.
(116) Listing 24 tests whether the external storage is read-only.
(117) This webpage offers free listing of Chinese christian organizations.
(118) This special attribute is highlighted in Listing 5.
(119) Listing 1 shows a sample input file.
(120) The following listing summarizes the more common retrieval programs.
(121) a comprehensive listing of all airlines.
(122) No accurate listing of those present could be obtained.
(123) Listing 1 shows the relevant portion of this WSDL.
(124) Listing 10 shows examples of how to insert extra content structure to identify major sections of the page layout and add a link to the start of the page content.
(125) At present, domestic enterprises in Germany by high - level cross - market listing of 3.
(126) By typing the following command, you can see an assembly listing of every section in the object file that contains executable code.
(127) Listing 1 shows a sample configuration file created by W4GL.
(128) Listing 25 shows how to write to external storage to store public data.
(129) This paper introduces the definition of PAB-net, describes its physical representation, gives an algorithm and its analysis on listing all minimal frames of PAB-net.
(130) Adding some code like that shown in Listing 5 takes care of this clean-up.
(131) To demonstrate, Listing 4 offers a JTextField component for input and a JLabel component for text display.
(132) There will be more and more mainland firms listing in Hong Kong.
(133) Listing 4 shows a speed test being performed on hda.
(134) Listing agent Michael Rankin of TTR Sotheby's International Realty says he got an offer three days later.
(135) The file in Listing 1 is fine for initial development and testing, but the fact is that we've hard-coded the database name and the database product into our implementation.
(136) GreetingServiceAsync is the actual interface that the client code will use, as shown in Listing 7.
(137) Listing 4 shows the use of a reference specifying the target attribute to resolve the service endpoint, as in .
(138) The minicom welcome message appears, as shown in Listing 3.
(139) Listing 2 shows the results from running this program on my notebook computer (a relatively slow 1GHz PIIIm, running Mandrake Linux 10.0) using JDK 1.4.2.
(140) Based on the CMP/A naming convention, the push-down method is called ejbFindByPrimaryKey, as the code snippet in Listing 6 shows.
(141) For example, if you want to use Sanitize in your products controller, the top of your controller might look like what is shown in Listing 7.
(142) The http:request element can contain an http:body element, as in Listing 2.
(143) In Listing 1, I define the Word class in the Java language.
(144) Listing 2 shows the one line of change required to use the alN.dict dictionary file we built.
(145) Listing 6 creates a scalar function that extracts a given XML element from an input document and shows how this function can be invoked in a simple SQL query to return the name of a given customer.
(146) Album: includes the dc:title property for the album title,(/listing.html) as well as relationships to the artist and to an RDF sequence with the track listing.
(147) In the deployment descriptor file web.xml, shown in Listing 10, you map the URIs with relative root path /* to the Wink servlet org.apache.wink.server.internal.servlet.RestServlet.
(148) Listing 1 shows the file included in the script library that would be used in a UNIX environment.
(149) But Stetson had just gotten a good look at the Yamato. The ship appeared to be listing badly.
(150) I assembled an RDF representation such as that in Listing 2 from all the synsets in WordNet and performed a similar monolithic query of the resulting database.
(151) However, it will quit with an error attempting to extract the cell value and print it out (see the comment in Listing 6).
(152) For every person's information in the input list, we first retrieve the country name by the person's e-mail address (line 10 of Listing 3).
(153) Given the parse tree, you apply the algorithm in Listing 3 to compute the transition function.
(154) Searching for the mode with possessive s returns only an exact match, as shown in Listing 10.
(155) Skyway generated the admin.xml shown in Listing 11, a JSP for the admin View state and one JSP for the second View state.
(156) To find which files are hard links to a particular inode, you can use the find command and the -samefile option with a filename or the -inum option with an inode number, as shown in Listing 11.
(157) Listing 15 is a short utility program that deletes the data that SQLTester inserts.
(158) To illustrate how to use dacscheck, let's revisit the pseudo-code that builds a menu, presented in Listing 2, this time in Perl.
(159) Listing 6 shows the definition of the HTML drop-down menu that you need; you can see the chart type codes in bold.
(160) I have a listing for your neighbor, Ray Jacobs, and his daughter Amanda.
(161) This is the latest in the case of tobacco enterprises backdoor listing.
(162) Listing personal information such as height, weight and age and providing photographs is a pet peeve for Heather Mayfield, vice president of training and operations for Snelling Staffing Services.
(163) XML is human readable, for example a matching spool file location could look like listing 1 shown below.
(164) In Listing 12 you can see how we pass a parameter with the name format from the client to the server.
(165) When the company held a second listing in Shenzhen last year, it was oversubscribed 88 times.
(166) In Listing 7 you avoid the circular reference between the JavaScript object and the DOM object by adding another closure.
(167) Lastly, I define a test goal in the maven.xml file shown in Listing 11.
(168) The output from Listing 3 will be identical to that of the target parser method in Listing 2 but ought to be much faster because lxml can optimize the event handling internally.
(169) When the script is running, it outputs the node name and server name where the migration is performing (Listing 5).
(170) The directors, supervisors and senior managers of the issuer shall confirm in writing the listing announcement so as to ensure the genuineness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed.
(171) Listing 2 is a modification of Listing 1 illustrating that RELAX NG does not actually proscribe using namespace prefixes in attributes.
(172) You can look at the process table listing to determine who might be using a given file.
(173) Listing 3 shows you two ways to create a soft link for the file1 that we just created, and also how to create soft links instead of the two hard links that failed in Listing 2.
(174) Adding the MemberField annotations to the Cabin class (Listing 4), for instance, will render a better look to the form (see Figure 8).
(175) You can check the $? variable after mkdir and then email the output, as shown in Listing 11.
(176) Listing 2 demonstrates some of the ways the appearance of the color bar can be customized.
(177) If is the domain controller and an NTP time server, the TimeSyn.bat looks like the code shown in listing 1.
(178) Listing 1 shows an example of the pwd command being traced.
(179) To find out more about how to use a dictionary in Python, you can use the built-in help interpreter to learn about the dict class, as shown in Listing 2.
(180) Finally, Listing 6 shows a partial implementation of the parameter definition subclass for int parameter values.
(181) Another common action is to set the value of a node to a desired value, as shown in Listing 3.
(182) Joe was quietly listing the day's tasks on his fingers.
(183) Transcript listing courses and grades will be sent on request.
(184) Listing 6 shows a new walk-through topic map that is also generated from these same files.
(185) Remove the disk from the rootvg (assuming that X is the disk device number), as seen on Listing 6.
(186) Macquarie, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan were also chosen advise on the listing.
(187) Now you'll Tcl your desktop with a more complex GUI program: a scientific calculator written in a mere 50 lines of code (see Listing 2).
(188) Here, then, is a selected listing of the league's most dauntlessly tenacious performers.
(189) If you also want to scan the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports, you must specify the -sU options, as shown here in Listing 3.
(190) For instance, if you need to change the Tomcat HTTP listener port, change the value of the port attribute of the TomcatWebConnector GBean, as shown in Listing 1.
(191) As if by magic, you get the ordered output of the full execution path triggered by thread 24, which should look something like Listing 8.
(192) A sample configuration file is given in Listing 16, below.
(193) As you can see in Listing 1, no explicit reference is made to any XML tag.
(194) The Job class from the Job.vb class library is responsible for displaying the complete information for a particular job listing (see Figure 8 ).
(195) Listing 4. Create a database range and an auto filter.
(196) Working in PHP, the code is practically the same as Listing 10, but you have to change the XML document header to include the required automatic styles element.
(197) Listing 7 defines a sequence of names, and then uses a for clause to loop through this sequence, retrieving each name and adding it to a node collection.
(198) Increment the iterator variable iter for each "article" element, as in Listing 20.
(199) You create string literals for these new types by prefixing u or U to the string, depending on the type. Look at Listing 5.
(200) In the following example, CL produces a combined source and machine - code listing called HELLO. COD.
(201) This is accomplished using the trap command as demonstrated in Listing 8 below.
(202) One detail you can't see from the output is that perror() writes its message to the standard error channel (stderr); the printf() call in Listing 1 is writing to the standard output channel (stdout).
(203) As you can see clearly in Listing 1, each of these eight properties is set in the configuration for each of the three Ext.Window objects.
(204) In Listing 2, I use a classical merge algorithm to merge the lists from both documents.
(205) Variables obtained at the time of listing were analyzed for prognostic value using multivariable analysis.
(205) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(206) The listing would go ahead as scheduled on December 16.
(207) If you disassociate the fault message name from the operation name, you can reuse that message without it looking strange (see Listing 3).
(208) To get your free tickets, please send a self-addressed envelope and a letter listing two desired films.
(209) But real estate Web site, which tracks listing prices on multiple listing services across the country, took a look at what's happening to listing prices for homes over the $2 million mark.
(210) Listing 4 shows the use of the kernel attribute that is automatically injected into the class that defines the life cycle code.
(211) If you think of Listing 1 as an XML-based rendering of a given data set, you can render it in other ways.
(212) Pressing the Return key (shown between lines 130 and 131) simply continues listing from where the last list left off.
(213) Listing 1 presents the boilerplate module functions, defining the module entry and exit functions.
(214) Because the DITA screen and uicontrol elements describe navigation controls (see Listing 1), traversing a path through the application becomes a matter of simple recursion.
(215) A snippet of the Action class code shown in Listing 1 illustrates how the Model service is called from the Action class.
(216) The output in Listing 19 shows some entries in a ODBC trace file.
(217) You can see a sample case document in Listing 6.
(218) For instance, in the User object in Listing 2, the findByName method leverages Objectify's get call to load the corresponding domain object.
(219) To gather user input, you use the read statement and assign a variable to the user input, as shown in Listing 25.
(220) Let's look at a concrete example: Listing 1 shows a simple XML-based user service profile.
(221) The getNorthing() (in Listing 5) and getEasting() (in Listing 6) methods calculate the northing and easting values.
(222) Stage for advice in the widely discussed business listing standards without change.
(223) Listing 9 shows how you can query status of a table space to know about CHECK PENDING status.
(224) It has a map and listing of all the retailers on that floor.
(225) The set of punctuation and symbols substitute for other members of the set, even if the search term is enclosed in double quotes, or the punctuation is escaped, as shown in Listing 25.
(226) Listing 5 includes the IANA type for the JPEG format.
(227) No part of our share or loan capital is listed on or dealt in on any other stock exchange and no such listing or permission to deal is being or proposed to be sought in the near future.
(228) Listing 2 contains an example of a service link type definition.
(229) Table 4 explains the code segment shown in Listing 17 to help you better understand what the code is trying to do,() and how it goes about doing its job.
(230) The code segment in Listing 1 generates the output shown in Figure 3, cell a.
(231) If you specify bind or dns, then DNS is used to resolve host names, and you can use nslookup to check whether the host name resolves (see Listing 12).
(232) Listing 13 demonstrates how a specific error can transfer control to the exit handler where a user-defined error message is returned depending on the value of the SQLCODE.
(233) The router, whose code you'll see shortly (see Listing 2), exposes an operation called process that accepts two parameters.
(234) Consider the example in Listing 1, where you try to create a small .dll file that has a single function, printHello, which is called from the main routine in the main.cpp file.
(235) The example in Listing 14 uses the XISCAN guideline without an index name to indicate that the table 'SECURITY' should be accessed using the cheapest available XML index.
(235) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(236) A phrase search on possessive s returns only an exact match, as shown in Listing 11.
(237) Furthermore, the rapidly changing listing rules of China and the weak enforceability of such rules have added to the complexity of the problem, which make foreign investors hesitate to move forward.
(238) Change to the new target directory and confirm that you are in the right place (see Listing 3).
(239) The safest manner for listing names is in straight alphabetical order by surname.
(240) In Listing 5, you replace the resource with a blank node and use square bracket notation to show that the two enclosed statement fragments have the same blank node subject.
(241) A listing of currently defined supplementary services is included as well.
(242) Listing 1 shows how to annotate a TMX file with terminological data using elements available in the TMX DTD.
(243) For our setup, we created a Kerberos principal called sandeep, as shown in Listing 5, and its corresponding Solaris 10 user, as shown in Listing 6.
(244) Since the listing, Sinopharm's stock has risen 73%, although shares fell 2.1% Friday in an overall down market.
(245) From an assembly language perspective(/listing.html), Listing 10 provides the pseudo-code.
(246) Menacingly, they also stole computer discs listing the businessmen involved.
(247) My client test program prints results to the console, so these come out intermixed with the performance trace information in Listing 6.
(248) In Listing 12, the print command prints each argument on an individual line to a temporary file.
(249) Listing 3's developer, knowing this approach to be expensive, does the work in a background Job.
(250) Probably one of the most common commands you type in is netstat -in (see Listing 5).
(251) The company compiles data from multiple listing services, county assessors and recorders, and information from its users.
(252) The errors were either fixed by the programmer or sent again to the key puncher until the compile listing was clean.




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