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单词 event
释义 Word family  noun event non-event eventuality uneventfulness adjective eventful ≠ uneventful eventual adverb eventfully ≠ uneventfully eventually  Related topics: Sporte·vent /ɪˈvent/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  interesting/exciting 有趣的/令人兴奋的 [countable]HAPPEN something that happens, especially something important, interesting or unusual 〔尤指重要、有意思或不寻常的〕事件 one of the most important events in the history of mankind 人类历史上最重大的事件之一2  social gathering 社会活动 [countable]HAPPEN a performance, sports competition, party etc at which people gather together to watch or take part in something 活动〔指演出、体育比赛、聚会等〕 The conference was an important social event (=an event at which people can meet each other). 那次会议是一次重要的社交活动。 one of the major sporting events of the year 年度重大体育赛事之一charity/fundraising etc event The school raises money by organizing fundraising events. 学校举办捐款活动来筹集资金。3  race/competition 赛跑/竞赛 [countable]DS one of the races or competitions that are part of a large sports competition 〔大型体育比赛中的〕比赛项目 The next event will be the 100 metres. 下一个项目为100米赛跑。 The 800 metres is not his best event. 米赛跑不是他的强项。 → field event, three-day event4  in any/either event  (also at all events)DESPITE used to say that something will definitely happen or be true in spite of anything else that may happen 不管是哪种情况,无论如何 SYN in any case I might see you tomorrow, but I’ll phone in any event. 我明天或许会与你见面,但不管怎样我都会给你打电话。5  in the event IN FACTused to emphasize what actually happened in a situation as opposed to what you thought might happen 结果,到头来 SYN as it happened Extra police officers were brought in, although in the event the demonstration passed off peacefully. 虽然又增派了警察,但结果示威游行以和平的方式进行。6  in the event of something  (also in the event that something happens)IF used to tell people what they should do if something happens 如果某事发生;万一…,假若… He left a letter for me to read in the event of his death. 他留了一封信给我,万一他去世,我可以看。7  in the normal course of events USUALLYif things happen in the normal way 如果一切正常 SYN normally In the normal course of events, the money is released within about three months. 如果一切正常,大约在三个月之内即可放款。 COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: something that happens, especially something important, interesting or unusual 〔尤指重要、有意思或不寻常的〕事件adjectivesa big/major event (=important) 大事Getting married is a major event in anyone’s life. 结婚对谁来说都是人生的一桩大事。an important/significant event 重要事件It’s natural to be nervous before such an important event. 在这样一件大事到来之前感到紧张是很自然的。a momentous event (=very important) 重大事件the momentous events of 9/11 “九一一”重大事件a historic event (=very important in a country’s history) 历史性事件The signing of the peace treaty was a historic event. 这项和平条约的签订是一个历史性事件。a dramatic event (=very exciting) 激动人心的事件nThe dramatic events will be brought to you live on BBC.a tragic event (=very sad) 不幸的事件nLet’s not talk about the tragic events of the past.a traumatic event (=very upsetting) 痛苦的事件nHe was forced to relive the traumatic events of his common/an everyday eventThe death of a child was a common event in those days.a rare/unusual event 少见的/不寻常的事nA sighting of a white deer is a rare event.recent events 最近发生的事件Recent events in the country have caused great concern. 该国进来发生的事件引起了人们的极大关注。the latest events 最新事件We will be bringing you news of all the latest events. 我们将为您报道所有最新的新闻事件。current events 当前事件There are some similarities between what happened in the 1920s and current events in the US. 美国当前发生的事件和20世纪20年代的情况有一些相似之处。verbsan event happens/takes place (also an event occurs formal) 事情发生The event took place last year. 这件事是去年发生的。events unfold (=happen, usually in an exciting or unexpected way) 事情发生〔一般指激动人心或出乎意料的事件〕I watched the dramatic events unfold from my window. 我在窗边看着一件件激动人心的事发生。events lead (up) to something (=cause something) 若干事情导致某事发生His assassination was one of the events that led to the First World War. 他的遇刺是导致第一次世界大战爆发的若干事件之一。the events surrounding something (=the events that are closely related to a situation) 与某事密切相关的事件The events surrounding her death remain a mystery. 有关她死亡的种种事件始终是未解的谜团。celebrate/commemorate/mark an event (=do something to show that you remember it) 庆祝/纪念某事件nFans observed a minute’s silence to commemorate the tragic event.witness an event (=see it happen) 目睹某事件发生nLuckily, a film crew were on the spot to witness the event.record an event (=write down or photograph what happened) 记录某事件nTwo photographers recorded the events.phrasesa series/sequence of events (=related events that happen one after the other) 一系列事件The incident was the first in a series of events that finally led to his arrest. 一系列事件导致他最终被捕,而这是其中的第一起。a chain of events (=a series of events where each one causes the next) 连锁事件He set in motion a chain of events that he couldn’t control. 他惹出一串连锁事件,自己都无法控制。the course of events (=the way in which a series of events happens) 事情的发展过程Nothing you could have done would have changed the course of events. 不管你能做什么,都无法改变事情的发展过程。 THESAURUSevent something that happens, especially something important, interesting, or unusual 〔尤指重要、有趣或不寻常的〕事件He spoke of the tragic event in which more than 100 people died. 他说起了那宗有一百多人死亡的不幸事件。recent political events 最近的政治事件occurrence /əˈkʌrəns $ əˈkʌrəns/ formal something that happens – used especially when saying how often something happens 事件〔尤在说明其频繁与否时使用〕nDivorce is a common occurrence these days.Storms like this one are fortunately a rare occurrence. 幸好这样的暴风雨很少发生。Accidents are almost a daily occurrence on this road. 这条路上几乎每天都有事故发生。incident something that happens, especially something that is unusual or unpleasant, or something that is one of several events 发生的事情〔尤指不寻常、不愉快的事或若干事件中的一起〕He died after a violent incident outside a nightclub. 他因一起夜总会外的暴力事件而丧命。This latest incident could put an end to his career. 最近的这一事件可能会毁了他的事业。occasion an important social event or celebration 重要的社交活动;庆典She only wore the dress for special occasions. 这条裙子她只在特殊场合才穿。It was his 100th birthday, and friends and family gathered to mark the occasion. 那天是他的百岁诞辰,家人朋友齐聚一堂,庆祝这一特别时刻。affair [usually singular] something that happens, especially something shocking in political or public life which involves several people and events 〔尤指令人震惊的〕政治[公共]事件The affair has caused people to lose confidence in their government. 这一事件令人们对政府失去了信心。phenomenon /fɪˈnɒmənən $ fɪˈnɑːmənɑːn, -nən/ something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand 〔社会、科学、自然界中存在的难以理解的〕现象natural phenomena such as earthquakes 地震等自然现象Homelessness is not a new phenomenon. 无家可归并不是新现象。n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: a performance, sports competition, party etc at which people gather together to watch or take part in something 活动〔指演出、体育比赛、聚会等〕ADJECTIVES/NOUN + eventa social event (=an event at which a group of people meet and spend time together for pleasure)I don’t go to many social events since my husband’s death.a sporting eventMany of the weekend’s major sporting events were cancelled due to bad weather.a cultural/musical eventa monthly guide to the cultural events in Londona charity/fund-raising eventForthcoming fund-raising events include a sponsored five-mile walk.verbshold/stage an event (=organize a public event)The charity plans to stage several fund-raising events this year.go to an event (also attend an event formal)Unfortunately, the prime minister will not be able to attend the an event (=pay to attend a charity event in order to encourage it )I’d like to thank everyone who came tonight for supporting the event.boycott an event (=refuse to go to an event as a protest)The games went ahead despite threats to boycott the event.sponsor an event (=give money to an event, especially in exchange for the right to advertise)The event is sponsored by the Royal Bank of Scotland.Examples from the Corpusevent• Meeting Professor Kearney was an event which changed my life.• The town's beer festival is an annual event.• Tomorrow's match against Portugal is expected to be the big event of the season.• The anniversary of the accession of George I, 1 August, was marked by an exciting event on the river.• The observational abilities of the ancients were to have practical application beyond those of time-reckoning and attempt to predict future events.• The Ryder Cup is the big golfing event this month.• Our special December issue lists the most important events of the past year.• Every Lee movie contains his signature style; all are major movie events.• Nothing we could have done would have changed the course of events.• Police are attempting to reconstruct the sequence of events on the night of the killing.• To my amazement, it was just about as easy and even more fun than writing about real events.• The evening meal is a time when all the family can get together and discuss the day's events.• We have a full programme of social events that take place throughout the year.• Joe's party was a splendid event - about 200 people were there.• John rarely misses a sporting event in his town.• Wimbledon is one of Britain's great sporting events.• It was really delightful to be treated with such consideration after the events of the last week or so.• The book discusses the events leading up to the outbreak of World War Two.• In the loop of Henle, the events are qualitatively similar to, but quantitatively different from, events during dilution.• The events that it scans during its journey are conceived as the experiences of a positive event• Nowadays, Super Sunday has become more of a social event.• The Club's day-to-day affairs and social events carried on side by side.• Soon this star quality spills over into schoolwork, sports, and social events.• Funerals are not just some grim social event for retired people.• The May festival has become a major social event in the racing calendar and includes a classic trial for the Derby.• It will compare different methods of recruitment, identify opportunities for involvement and stress the importance of a programme of social events.• At first they just focused on the fun part, the social events.• The presidential victory party was the social event of the year.Origin event (1500-1600) Latin eventus, from the past participle of evenire “to happen”e·vent noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   something interesting especially Corpus happens, something that important,




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