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单词 Discreetly
1. Bland, banal music tinkled discreetly from hidden loudspeakers.
2. She coughed discreetly to announce her presence.
3. His desk was discreetly placed behind a screen.
4. Everyone tried discreetly to find out more about him.
5. I took the phone, and she went discreetly into the living room.
6. The police car was discreetly parked in the furthest corner of the courtyard.
7. He glanced discreetly around the room at the other people.
8. The loos were discreetly tucked away behind a screen of trees.
9. She moves discreetly but with considerable effect on occasion.
10. Neighbours had watched discreetly through parted net curtains.
11. Otherwise, you may discreetly kick him out.
12. The coveted ingredient is discreetly kept in the garage.
13. A month later he discreetly announced it to a select few.
14. Discreetly Pamela put on her bifocals and craned her neck.
15. Sometimes Fate tiptoes discreetly at the margins of our lives, averting her eyes and keeping her distance.
16. The control and supervision must be done discreetly and quietly and hopefully even without the awareness of those who are being supervised.
17. Agents appear to be mostly discreetly patrolling the muddy roads around the compound, monitoring traffic and keeping a watch.
18. Grey flannels, a discreetly checked sports jacket, a plain green tie and brown brogues which gleamed like ripe chestnuts.
19. The angels had told her to do things discreetly, not to make a big show of generosity or kindness.
20. Even the typewriters seemed to be muffled, recording discreetly the secrets of the human condition.
21. The product was discreetly set out towards the back with the label half turned away.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. Walesa was reported as mediating discreetly with union leaders over disputes in various sectors throughout the month.
23. He had neither remained discreetly silent, nor had he made any attempt to explain in public the reasons for his resignation.
24. Garland covered his mouth with his hand and belched discreetly.
25. Why do gays have to come out at all? Why can't they just live their lives discreetly?
26. That was shocking; for him, the novelist's duty was to remain invisible, inaudible, discreetly omniscient.
27. Kathleen swallowed a lump in her throat, Ben coughed discreetly and Jack busied himself at the X-ray box.
28. Mud pools wait until you are looking the other way before plopping discreetly.
29. Such factors of course make Northern Ireland a prime site for locating computer operations which can be done discreetly with no eyeballing required.
30. Rachel carried a flask of brandy to sip from discreetly.
1. Bland, banal music tinkled discreetly from hidden loudspeakers.
2. Garland covered his mouth with his hand and belched discreetly.
31. I saw a strapless black gown in the corner, a pair of stilettos discreetly hidden on the floor.
32. I put this description in quotes because it is an informal garden, discreetly signposted.
33. Ludens also noticed her small feet, clad in expensive discreetly elegant shoes.
34. The coveted ingredient is discreetly kept in the garage. Quality controls are in place.
35. She has defended the Mulroney government, whereas Mr Charest has discreetly distanced himself from the old regime.
36. Whitehall mandarins have discreetly voiced hopes that the party leaders will cobble together an agreement rather than face a second election.
37. After he was sacked, he was escorted discreetly from the building by two senior managers.
38. Johnson was reading a local newspaper he had bought at the Frankenwald service station when his phone trilled discreetly.
39. Cameras and sound recording equipment were discreetly sited in the shop soas to record all that occurred over the counter.
40. These were made discreetly with the aid of a telephoto lens and with the full co-operation of the club.
41. They all expected each member of the staff to express - discreetly - particular and intense interest in their child.
42. She responded very professionally and discreetly nodded, so I knew there would be either a discount or a special plate delivered.
43. Passing discreetly through the solid wood of the garage door he slid right into the skulking Omally.
44. It is imperative that these claims are dealt with discreetly to avoid any distress to the deceased's relatives.
45. The bell captain hovered discreetly out of sight.
46. He kept discreetly in the background.
47. He acted with discretion , ie discreetly.
48. The two rooms were relatively small and discreetly lit.
49. His face will be discreetly concealed by camera angles.
50. Sherry discreetly opens up the safe and sees that the envelope addressed to the District Attorney contains Keith's secret microcassette.
51. With practice, Kegel exercises for men can be done discreetly just about anytime — whether you're relaxing on the couch or driving your car.
51. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
52. These are proud people, so the teachers do it discreetly.
53. Sensing that Lilian wanted to be alone with Celia, Andrew discreetly disappeared.
54. This was in The Summerhouse , a discreetly upscale restaurant just down the street from his townhouse on the Upper East Side.
55. Morrison stepped discreetly into a small storeroom where Chief Torpedoman Darrell Garrett greeted him with a paper cup filled with gilley, a fiery red liquid.
56. Confronts people directly and openly , but discreetly, over poor performance.
57. He had only known the perennial widow, the discreetly expensive Frenchwoman.
58. Don't be afraid to be mean, but do it discreetly.
59. You can do Kegel exercises discreetly just about anytime, whether you're driving in your car, sitting at your desk or relaxing on the couch.
60. But we must use it discreetly and not waste powder for nothing.
61. You can do Kegel exercises discreetly just about anytime, whether you're driving in your car, sitting at your desk or relaxing on the couch. You can even do Kegel exercises when you're pregnant.
62. His thoughts were interrupted by a nurse who had knocked, then entered discreetly.
63. The industrial areas were discreetly apart , concealed from residential and recreational portions of the town.
64. On Iran, however, Israel tends to speak loudly and discreetly.
65. At the party tonight, women would gather in corners and whisper discreetly and with malicious pleasure.
66. The rear has a discreetly decorated boot lid and carbon fiber taillight covers.




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