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单词 On time
1. See to it that you're ready on time!
2. Don't stint on time to make a plan.
3. Tenants are obligated to pay their rent on time.
4. Our train pulled into Beijing Station on time.
5. Fortunately the train was on time.
6. The train pulled out exactly on time.
7. She always pays her bills on time.
8. shipment will arrive on time.
9. She never gets anywhere on time. She's hopelessly disorganized.
10. I only just managed to finish on time.
11. I will finish on time.
12. Chill out! We'll get there on time!
13. Don't worry! I shall awake him on time.
14. I cannot ensure his being on time.
15. With a bit of luck(), we'll finish on time.
16. You can figure on him to be on time.
17. They kicked off on time.
18. The train pulled in exactly on time.
19. The buses don't come on time.
20. Stop fussing about; the bus will arrive on time.
21. Don't fret, we'll get there on time.
22. You will all have to come on time; I can except no one.
23. They're doing/working overtime to get the job finished on time.
24. We sweated blood to get the work finished on time.
25. The work was finished on time and within budget .
26. Only teamwork will enable us to get the job done on time.
27. Tell him from me that he must be at the meeting on time.
28. He had to bring forward an 11 o'clock meeting so that he could get to the funeral on time.
29. Isn't it a happy thing if you review what you have learned on time?
30. He spurred on his car and went to the office on time.
1. Tenants are obligated to pay their rent on time.
2. Fortunately the train was on time.
3. She always pays her bills on time.
4. shipment will arrive on time.
5. She never gets anywhere on time. She's hopelessly disorganized.
6. I only just managed to finish on time.
7. With a bit of luck, we'll finish on time.
8. The buses don't come on time.
9. They're doing/working overtime to get the job finished on time.
10. Only teamwork will enable us to get the job done on time.
11. Tell him from me that he must be at the meeting on time.
12. He had to bring forward an 11 o'clock meeting so that he could get to the funeral on time.
13. We sweated blood to get the work finished on time.
14. The work was finished on time and within budget .
15. Ally was confident that we would be ready on time, but I had my doubts .
16. 'Good of you to arrive on time,' George said, with heavy sarcasm .
17. The advance must be repaid to the publisher if the work is not completed on time.
18. He was punctilious about being ready and waiting in the entrance hall exactly on time.
19. Can you give me a cast-iron guarantee that the work will be completed on time?
20. The trains are often late, so getting to work on time is a fairly hit-and-miss affair.
21. It is out of question to arrive there on time.
22. He did the backdoor deals that allowed the government to get its budget through Parliament on time.
23. The alarm clock awoke me on time.
24. To our astonishment, they arrived on time.
25. We fetch up at the wharf exactly on time.
26. To get there on time we must leave before daylight.
27. The builder had a commitment to finish the work on time.
28. I risked life and limb to get here on time.
31. Ally was confident that we would be ready on time, but I had my doubts .
32. 'Good of you to arrive on time,' George said, with heavy sarcasm .
33. The advance must be repaid to the publisher if the work is not completed on time.
34. He was punctilious about being ready and waiting in the entrance hall exactly on time.
35. Let's dress the kids or we'll never be on time.
36. Can you give me a cast-iron guarantee that the work will be completed on time?
37. The trains are often late, so getting to work on time is a fairly hit-and-miss affair.
38. It is out of question to arrive there on time.
39. He did the backdoor deals that allowed the government to get its budget through Parliament on time.
40. He made a commitment to pay the rent on time.
41. In future, make sure you get here on time.
42. Last year, the rains came on time in April.
43. We must make sure/certain we arrive on time.
44. The train arrived bang on time .
45. He was banking on the train being on time.
46. The alarm clock awoke me on time.
47. She's agitated about getting there on time.
48. She was determined that we should finish on time.
49. You can never depend on his arriving on time.
50. For once you leave bang on time for work.
51. Everyone's working flat out to finish on time.
52. Barring accidents,(Sentence dictionary) we should arrive on time.
53. The train was dead on time.
54. I'm hopeful that they'll fulfil the task on time.
55. For once, the bus came on time.
56. We must get this work finished on time.
57. We must bestir ourselves to get there on time.
58. Did you hand your homework in on time?
59. To our astonishment, they arrived on time.
60. The bus came right on time.
61. If she's here on time, I'll eat my hat!
62. They managed to get the plans out on time.
63. The plane arrived right on time.
64. Mercifully, everyone arrived on time.
65. Just for once he arrived on time.
66. Organize yourself to arrive at places on time.
67. Be certain you catch your train on time.
68. Whether he drives or flies, he'll be on time.
69. The train pulled in right on time.
70. Try to/and be here on time.
71. We should arrive on time, but it'll be tight.
72. You can't trust the trains to run on time.
73. We fetch up at the wharf exactly on time.
74. The train arrived right on time .
75. Please make every endeavour to arrive on time.
76. He laboured to finish the job on time.
77. The trains are rarely on time.
78. You'll have to leave soon to make certain of getting there on time.
79. He broke his back to get the project done on time.
80. Never say die: we might still get there on time.
81. Pressure was brought to bear on us to finish the work on time.
82. You have my word for it that the goods will arrive on time.
83. You may rest assured that it will be ready on time.
84. I gave her a good talking-to about doing her homework on time.
85. She drove neck or nothing to get there on time.
86. They worked furiously all weekend(http:///on time.html), trying to get it finished on time.
87. Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time.
88. Getting the job finished on time was no mean achievement.
89. I was actually on time, which is unusual for me.
90. You didn't really expect her to be on time, did you? A leopard can't change its spots.
91. The deputation to see the Prime Minister arrived dead on time and was received at once.
92. The only way we'll complete the job on time is for everyone to put our shoulders to the wheel.
93. This means that effectively we have no chance of finishing on time.
94. To get there on time we must leave before daylight.
95. You must have been really gunning the engine to get here on time.
96. You lose a point if you do not complete the puzzle on time.
97. I bust a gut trying to finish that work on time.
98. We need an extra pair of hands if we're going to finish on time.
99. I got a rap on the knuckles for not finishing my essay on time.
100. I take my hat off to Ian - without him we'd have never finished this project on time.
101. Getting the essay done on time will be a tall order.
102. They'll be here any minute, if their train's on time.
103. He made a concentrated effort to finish the work on time.
104. I've got to be on time or Sarah will go up the wall.
105. The builder had a commitment to finish the work on time.
106. I made a conscious effort to get there on time.
107. If you don't pay your credit card bill on time,(http:///on time.html) you'll get socked with a huge late fee.
108. We were all on time - even Chris and he's usually late for everything.
109. Fulfilling orders on time is a matter of life and death for a small company.
110. It was touch-and-go whether the doctor would get there on time.
111. The sports day went like clockwork, with every race starting and finishing on time.
112. The London train was on time, but there was no sign of my Finnish friend.
113. The gaffer said he'd been fined for not doing the contract on time.
114. We need to make a concerted effort to finish on time.
115. It's no thanks to you that I arrived on time.
116. I want to see every mother's son of you here on time tomorrow.
117. Progress so far has been very good. We are, therefore, confident that the work will be completed on time.
118. They are unlikely to get here on time, I fear.
119. It's unlike Mary to be late; she's usually on time.
120. It was a real struggle to be ready on time.
121. Afraid that I couldn't finish up the work on time, they came to help me.
122. We are not running behind time as usual,and we must start to work on time.
123. My employer will confirm that I was there on time.
124. "Can he pay off his debts on time?" I queried.
125. We shall be landing in Paris in sixteen minutes, exactly on time.
126. He left early in order that he should/would/might arrive on time.
127. Progress was slow, fueling concerns that the stadium would not be finished on time.
128. She's threatening to take me to court for not paying the bill on time.
129. You'd better leave now if you want to make certain of getting there on time.
130. It's my job to make sure that the work is finished on time.
131. It was very fortunate for him that I arrived on time.
132. I've been working frantically all week to get it finished on time.
133. We can finish this job on time if everyone does their bit.
134. We're going to have to work like crazy to get this finished on time.
135. He'll move heaven and earth to get it done on time.
136. I risked life and limb to get here on time.
137. She did her damnedest to get it done on time.
137. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
138. They say they'll be here on time, but I have my doubts about that.
139. If the train runs on time, we'll be there by ten.
140. If you don't pay on time, you could be given a fine of up to $1000.
141. The danger is that people who pay their bills on time will be lumped in with those that don't.
142. If you don't chivvy the others along, we'll never get there on time.
143. I don't fancy our chances of getting there on time.
144. We can finish this job on time if everyone does his bit.
145. In her haste to complete the work on time, she made a number of mistakes.
146. Planes are crowded, airlines overbook, and departures are almost never on time.
147. It's classic - you arrive at the station on time and find that the train's left early.
148. The building work was completed on time, contrary to expectation.
149. I need to complete my homework on time. Malala Yousafzai 
150. It essential that they deliver on time, on spec and on price.




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