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单词 Sit in
1, It is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the Pope. 
2, Let us cross over the river and sit in the hade of the trees. 
3, The students sit in a circle on the floor.
4, Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.
5, They had to sit in the waiting room for an hour.
6, Can we switch over I'd like to sit in your seat.
7, We switch over? I'd like to sit in the sun, too.
8, Turf the cat out if you want to sit in the chair.
9, Come and sit in front of the fire.
10, Here and there, husbands sit in wordless despair.
11, Would you prefer to sit in the shade?
12, How dare you sit in judgement on me?
13, Mom,(http:///sit in.html) can I sit in the front?
14, Sit in a relaxed upright posture.
15, He was the first journalist to sit in parliament.
16, Don't sit in the sun too long.
17, Let's sit in the shade for a while.
18, We could only afford to sit in the gods.
19, Let's sit in the back row.
20, They sit in separate seats.
21, Shall we sit in a smoker or a non-smoker?
22, You're to sit in the corner and keep quiet.
23, Bags I sit in the front seat!
24, I'd like to sit in front.
25, They sit in impotent opposition while the country goes to the dogs.
26, Dena took them into the courtyard to sit in the sun.
27, Can we change over? I'd like to sit in the sun.
28, I shall sit in for you while you go to the shops.
29, This will enable the audience to sit in comfort while watching the shows.
30, All he does is sit in front of the television all day.
1, The students sit in a circle on the floor.
2, Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.
3, They had to sit in the waiting room for an hour.
4, Can we switch over I'd like to sit in your seat.
5, We switch over? I'd like to sit in the sun, too.
6, As I sit in a shadowy corner, I observe a slow and gradual elongation of his mouth.
31, I always feel sick if I sit in the back seat of the car.
32, How can you sit in judgement on somebody you hardly know?
33, Though he had no vote, he was allowed to sit in on the conference.
34, The old couple seem content to sit in front of the television all night.
35, I was allowed to sit in on an executive meeting.
36, As I sit in a shadowy corner, I observe a slow and gradual elongation of his mouth.
37, She would just sit in her room dreaming away the hours.
38, I'd rather sit in the circle than in the stalls.
39, It was pleasant to sit in a sidewalk cafe and watch people pass.
40, Whether we like a particular piece of news or not, all we have to do is sit in front of the tube and 'let it happen'.
41, The president's wife doesn't muck around with policy or sit in on Cabinet meetings.
42, You'll go square-eyed if you sit in front of that TV any more!
43, He felt he had no right to sit in judgement on someone he had only just met.
44, Some of them think that big company directors don't do any work,(http:///sit in.html) but just sit in their offices gathering in the profits.
45, The women sit in the corner and men eye them up.
46, I don't know why he thinks he can sit in judgment over us like that.
47, Would you like to sit in on some of my interviews?
48, You have no right to sit in judgement on her—you'd probably have done exactly the same thing if you'd been in her position.
49, I get travel-sick if I sit in the back seat.
50, It's only in the bleachers where you have to sit in the sun.
51, The teachers allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting.
52, He argues very strongly that none of us has the right to sit in judgement.
53, A gaggle of journalists sit in a hotel foyer waiting impatiently.
54, We're having a conference and we'd like you to sit in.
55, He loves to people watch. Sometimes he'll sit in a tea-house and look at the people going by for hours.
56, White egrets sit in a green tree.
57, The kids should sit in the back seat.
58, Bwoy, you sit in de hot sun tod long.
59, We sit in a circle in anxious anticipation.
60, Whilst the interior allows you to sit in the lap of luxury.
61, Should I go to the seaside in Cornwall and sit in a little cottage?
62, When he came out, he thought, he would sit in the driver's seat and allow himself a daydream.
63, We were asked to sit in the third and fourth rows and the lower school children filed in.
64, What was the domain of the desktop until recently can now fit into a briefcase and will soon sit in the pocket.
65, Beautiful glass jars sit in expensive rows on gourmet store shelves.
66, Grandpa likes to sit in the comfy chair beside the fire.
67, Yet the Government expected unionists to sit in the same council chamber with them.
68, Roosevelt, furthermore, was almost certainly the most gifted man to sit in the White House in the twentieth century.
69, I sit in my room by candlelight, the distant black silhouettes of land through the window strangely calming.
70, He would return to his apartment, take off his clothes, and sit in a hot bath.
71, You can begin this aspect of training right from the outset, encouraging the puppy to sit in advance of every meal.
71, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
72, She loved to sit in the park and feed the ducks.
73, They can sit in a foyer until they are needed for extra seating.
74, I went to sit in the bus station and think this over.
75, To sit in relative peace and quiet in the Miller house was a very rare occurrence and Terry was enjoying it.
76, Why stand in a bus queue or sit in a traffic jam when you can walk almost as quickly?
77, He limited access to two reporters, who must sit in the rear of the courtroom.
78, Certain Christians have also given the impression that they sit in judgment over others.
79, Run, I think now as I sit in the dark contemplating Marcy Lupino.
80, They would sit in the lavatories and brew up tea in a can by holding a candle underneath.
81, The inside is completely restored, and visitors can sit in the old desks while a docent explains early school days.
82, The third or fourth time he appeared, Ward invited him to sit in the parlor.
83, The families at Kennedy Airport sit in the hotel ballroom and receive regular reports on the search for wreckage and bodies.
84, You sit in silence through the crashing external noises like a snail in its shell.
85, My great aunt used to sit in her weekly bath, scrubbing the household washing.
86, Lawson and Locke sit in Section 4, Row K, closer to home plate than third base.
87, Those two always sit in the back of the room and whisper.
88, For gravity-fed systems, it can sit in the pipework that returns water to the pond from the filter.
89, They then sit in a circle and hold their bags unopened.
90, He had to go and sit in the woodshed and smoke it.
91, Once the novelty has worn off, most of these kitchen gadgets just sit in the cupboard, unused for years.
92, Small towns and highways sit in the distance like the proverbial well-behaved child -- seen, vaguely, but not heard.
93, Small children are queuing to take it in turns to sit in a special armchair linked up to a computer.
94, Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day. George Carlin 
95, Teacher: If you found a bigger box could we add it to the train for me to sit in?
96, Why couldn't Joe let her sit in the fireside armchair in the living-room so that she'd at least have company?
97, Instead of sitting on the Alligator, you sit in it, with your legs stretched forward.
98, They sit in a circle surrounded by family and friends.
99, I can't sit in the sun anymore - it's too hot.
100, When driving at night, sit in the car for a minute or two before starting off.
101, Turn off the heat and let it sit in the oven for another three minutes to set.
102, Meanwhile,(http:///sit in.html) the voter information packets continued to sit in a warehouse as election day approached.
103, Sit in a full splits position and lower the body gently to the floor in front.
104, Catherine said the music sounded sweeter from high up, and so she went to sit in the dark on the stairs.
105, And I was lucky enough to sit in the catbird seat and watch and learn and be changed myself.
106, In a unique demonstration they left their schools to sit in on a county council meeting discussing the cuts.Tim Hurst reports.
107, It is designed to sit in the living room and plug into a television set and hi-fi.
108, He must sit in his office, playing the Docklands Light Railway like an arcade game.
109, Let's sit in a booth. There's more elbow room there.
110, When chairs sit in the middle of a space, the back might be the first part you see.
111, You are very fortunate that I don't make you actually sit in the real sea.
112, It enable us to dabble in vicarious vice and to sit in smug judgement on the result.
113, Whilst the others joked, drank and flirted(), they would sit in awkward seriousness.
114, He bad to sit in his beret and coat, for she needed fresh air.
115, They sit in front of little screens and press little buttons, but no skill is involved.
116, Southern species often sit in dirt roads or sandy tracks and appear in car headlights.
117, It is men who sit in parliament, debating the laws which control a woman's destiny.
118, Description of the game Children all sit in a circle.
119, Have lunch in the canteen. Sit in on one of my lessons.
120, You can get men to sit in the darkness and watch other people copulate with animals on a screen.
121, Senators sit in big armchairs at mahogany desks and bat around millions of dollars.
122, As they do every morning, the girls sit in a circle in the middle of the floor, stretching and talking.
123, Lie down or sit in a comfortable chair that supports your head.
124, At night, we would go on ambush patrol or sit in a foxhole or listening post.
125, At the grinding mill, a line of women sit in the dirt behind the bags of maize.
126, Her children Peter, 15, and 11-year-old Zara are expected to sit in the front pew for the short service.
127, Some of the men had chairs to sit in, others stood or squatted on the floor.
128, The Compere and Commere sit in an opera box and watch the proceedings.
129, Through such a thing he could not sit in New York.
130, All he could do was sit in the corner of his cage, hoping it would all end.
131, Too many managers in this country want to sit in their offices and write memos.
132, The crew comprises a commander and gunner, who sit in the turret(/sit in.html), and a driver.
133, Invite the most junior person in your department to sit in on your executive meeting.
134, Peter Jacobsen probably likes to sit in the front row at movies and be there in time for the trailers.
135, Then he closed the door behind him and came to sit in the same pew.
136, How easy it could be for him - to simply sit in the cockpit of his Foxbat and fly to freedom.
137, I was greeted by the men as usual and taken to sit in a separate compound.
138, I sit in the grass at the side of the track, rubbing the skinned ankle.
139, Take a little tour in our beautiful country - sit in the sunshine - drink some wine.
140, No, honestly, I often sit in alone wearing a bottle and a half of Christmas cologne.
141, Michael Morris will sit in for Betty Boothroyd ... the first woman Speaker, who was elected last week.
142, The delegates sit in a provincial assembly and implement directives from both regional and national capitals.
143, They sit in Montreal making decisions and they've never heard a train's call at night across the prairie.
144, Toucans sit in cages and aluminum pots steam with hot food, stewed beef and chicken or sausage and potatoes.
145, She turned around and went back to sit in the road.
146, They came to read Dante, drink wine, sit in the sun and get laid.
147, As one young male noted: I had better things to do than just sit in an office talking.
148, He was persuaded to come round to the back of the house and sit in the shade.
149, We sit in semidarkness around a huge circular table which fills the compartment almost completely.
150, After supper with Dooley he would sit in the study and read it again.
151, Mcduff came with him to sit in the shelves and they took it in turns to keep watch.
152, Tobie made to sit in a chair and then desisted, because it was inlaid and foreign and breakable.
153, They have to sit in the one room, wearing extra jumpers, watching television.
154, Don t sit in the front row, unless you re a masochist.
155, During this same period, the trainee may also be asked to sit in on interviews in their bureau.
156, Today he would sit in a think-tank, cosseted by secretaries and flattered by a stream of calls from talk-show producers.
157, He could sit in his palace like the sun at the nodal point of an array of beams of light.
158, This ... this man, this total stranger was actually daring to sit in judgement!
159, Or sit in a tiny planetarium for an introduction to the rudiments of stellar navigation.
160, Three women holding guitars and a balalaika sit in front of it.
161, Upon entering the range Jakobs, because of his injured ankle, was permitted to sit in a chair.
161, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
162, I had failed before I had even gotten a chance to sit in a helicopter.
163, Dearest Timothy: It is a good evening to sit in this pleasant room and write a letter.
164, Most evenings, my father will sit in his easy chair and pore over one issue or another of National Geographic.
165, Catherine, napping, playing cards with whomever came to sit in the free light, drinking a cold beer.
166, Fate drove so that Glover could sit in the back and keep Lucky calm.
167, Unlike the other candidates, he is always ready to sit in the back of his bus shooting the breeze with reporters.
168, People must sit in front of these computers constantly, poking and prodding to do even the simplest task.
169, Sit in one of the circular chairs, at a circular table, in the circular lobby.
170, His critics say he should not sit in government with a party whose military wing holds on to illegal weapons.
171, She had to sit in the waiting-room, on a slippery horsehair sofa, while it was going on.
172, Three bored black men sit in the back of a mini-van.
173, Stigler scoffed at the quaint idea of university as a place where a professor and a small group of students can sit in a study and discuss great thoughts.
174, Therefore, I can speak of the experience when four hon. Members sit in quasi-judicial godliness hearing the arguments for and against.
175, Hubert knew me and let me sit in the parlor.
176, I'd sit in meetings, fretting about what was happening at home.
177, It is quite insane to imagine that you are going to sit in a restaurant adding up calories and grams of fibre.
178, Do not sit in the corner and sulk.
179, We want you to sit in on our meeting.
180, They decided to sit in on the discussion.
181, I'd like you to sit in on this meeting.
182, We were allowed to sit in on the hearings.
183, to sit in an armchair.
184, The swivel armchair is douBly comfortaBle to sit in.
185, Can I sit in on your Intermediate Hittite class?
186, The public may sit in on al council meeting.
187, He was invited to sit in on a rehearsal.
188, Yoga students and meditators sit in lotus position.
189, Ladies usually sit in the grandstand.
190, Everyday, we sit in the steam room trying to sweat off some fat.
191, Turns out, however, that it takes a little training to use the WCS—including learning to sit in the correct position so that, well, "Uranus" orbits directly above the WCS's "black hole.
191, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
192, His secretary would attach a piece of notice on his seat to remind other colleagues not to sit in his chair , take away his telephone cord , reticle or stationary.
193, I sit in the breakfast nook and drink coffee and leave a ring on the note.
194, Some may be lucky to sit in the stalls, others in the dress circle and sadly.
195, He knew it bored me to death to sit in the office with the boring part of my work, and that I would rather bolt out of the office at every opportunity to do fieldwork, thus avoiding this bore.
196, He even had all his senior staff sit in an open-plan office with himself in the middle. But the mayor was soon frustrated by a system hostile to innovation.
197, Unfortunately, the current Commission on Human Rights, where countries with records of serious human rights abuses like Zimbabwe and Cuba sit in judgment of democratic countries, has lost credibility.
198, A single stipendiary magistrate or three lay magistrates sit in the Magistrates'Court.
199, We ought not to sit in judgment on our fellowmen.
200, It was only to sit in his own rooms in a neighbouring hotel and meditate.
201, In this symposium, my part is only to sit in silence.
202, I hear you! I could sit in this lounge chair all day. I love the Caribbean!
203, He imagined that as in Africa he had had to sit in a mosque wearing a burnous, in Moscow he must be gracious and bountiful as the Tsars .
204, The 27-year-old man and his 26-year-old girlfriend would sit in their car, passionately hugging and kissing to lull passers-by who may otherwise have suspected them of loitering, Ansa said.
205, He could sit in his rocking - chair and read.
206, Sometimes I carry a book out under the pear trees and sit in the dappled shade.
207, Several foreign correspondents were allowed to sit in on the hearings.
208, We're heaving a conference and we'd like you to sit in.
209, Just be to sit in pool of a human excrement.
210, Our Urbanist in Chief may sit in the Oval Office, but Americans continue to vote with their feet for the adopted hometown of widely disdained former President George W. Bush.
211, A frog may sit in water or completely submerge to replenish moisture in its body.
212, I sit in a seat where I can see your magnificence and your grandness.
213, Our factory's spring chairs are Both pliant and strong, and comfortaBle to sit in.
214, I like daze to sit in the cafe by myself on Sunday.
215, And then, there are the "others", those who often sit in a corner and are so nice and good-hearted, but act completely insecurely.
216, I have to sit in the jump seat so that I can tell the pilot if I have any thoughts on his flying.
217, Dude: So if a famous person goes to the bathroom, you sit in their seat?
218, I like to sit in the bleachers. You can see the game better.
219, In Modern Warfare, there is a sequence in which players sit in a gunship, controlling the cannons.
220, Sales tax on revenues and employee withholdings may sit in your account temporarily but will ultimately be owed to the government.
221, People can sit in on meetings, even if it's not really in their subject area.
222, It's like some "zen masters" that brag about how long they sit in zazen. How long you sit is not the point.
223, I asked my student to sit in a semicircle to listen to the story.
224, To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
225, As you can see from the code, this very simple app includes two functions, a and b, both of which sit in busy loops wasting CPU cycles.
226, Bundled up Sulawesi children sit in front of intricately designed dwellings.
227, Still getting me to sit in the chair that is located in mensal thereinbefore , and let me pledge won't peek.
228, It was her habit to sit in a window of her sitting-room on the ground floor, as if watching calmly for life and fashion to flow northward to her solitary doors.
229, The teacher allowed a pupil to sit in on their meeting.
230, Dear Joe, I hope you will have children to love, and that some little fellow will sit in this chimney corner of a winter night, who may remind you of another little fellow gone out of it for ever.
231, I don't gather with others in conversation nor do I bring 5)a deck of cards and sit in the food court.
232, That cane chair is comfortable to sit in, especially in the summertime.
233, When you'd raper sit in pe forums, pan go back to playing your warrior because it just depresses you to even pink of playing.
234, He and his cinematographer, Sven Nykvist, would sit in the hard pews from 11 in the morning till two in the afternoon, watching the light change.
235, Privileged to sit in a curule chair; of superior rank.
236, Harry Truman loved to sit in an old rocker in the evenings.
237, I was allowed to sit in on the deliberations of the board.
238, Sit in firm, straight-backed chairs with high seats and armrests. You should avoid low, overstuffed chairs.
239, I don't think I can't sit in that pleasure boat.
240, Unloving thoughts sit in your aura and attract more of the same lower vibration to you.
241, Many beautiful cayes, or islands, sit in the waters of Belize.
242, The birds peck the berries or the corn, and fly away to the groves where they sit in seeming happiness on the branches, and waste their lives in tuning one unvaried series of sounds.
243, On the pitch when I cried out, when I in the KTV gushy eulogize, when I in different places interview different star... bin all at silently sit in front of the computer, watching, smiling.
244, The school does not encourage parents to sit in on classes.
245, They reportedly sit in cubicles with the company salespeople at the Kingston offices.
246, Now they sit in fourth, a mere one game above the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.
247, Let us cross over the river and sit in the hade of the trees. American general Thoman Stonewall Jackson.
248, Good listeners even sit in an open way: relaxed, arms loose.
249, The family can always sit in the car, or find the nearest amusement arcade , or simply turn round and go home.
250, You were a man whom no chaste woman should sit in the same room with.
251, Our teacher was invited to sit in on the conference.
252, Until last week couriers were usually allowed to sit in the "jump seat" near the captain of the plane in order to supervise their precious cargo but that practice has now been stopped.
253, Anytime he'd see a closed-door discussion happening,(http://) he'd sit in for three minutes.
254, Those nuclear missiles, they sit in their silos. Your AK-47, that is the real weapon of mass destruction.
255, They live in 12 high-rise apartment buildings that sit in a desert of concrete.
256, When you get home, do you potter about in the garden or sit in front of the television?
257, "I'd sit in our kitchen on a Sunday afternoon listening to a doubleheader on the radio, " Kupchak said. "My mom thought there was something wrong with me. "
258, As a little silly girl, I used to sit in the dooryard, watching and puzzling how the rain fell in the middle of the house.
259, And so if you see a law saying blacks have to sit in the back of a trolley car, you would say, why do you need a law?
260, Will they permit you to sit in on a few classes?
261, John and Diane are looking for a place to sit in a crowded food court.
262, Our Urbanist in Chief may sit in the Oval Office, but Americans continue to vote with their feet for the adopted hometown of widely disdained former President George W.
263, It's cheaper and most of the real baseball fans sit in the bleachers.
264, Bain didn't even have a team on the ground in India when the first Asia fund was raised, so its three Indian portfolio companies sit in its general fund.
265, This means Rossi must sit in the stands for the Sunday evening trip to Udinese's Stadio Friuli.
266, and (6) To designate officials to sit in on the meetings of the Legislative Council and to speak on behalf of the government.
267, You could sit in the air-conditioned library all summer and read and play on the Internet.
268, To relax, Xizor would sit in his conform-lounger, or trim the branches of his 600-year old miniature firethorn tree.
269, Tonight, I sit in a corner gloomily and miss you silently.
270, Cadres should go deep among the masses, not just sit in their offices issuing orders.
271, I find that I just sit in front of my computer all day and with 2 of us both coding away all day, we don't talk a lot so my chinese has gone to the crapper.
272, To make these actions happen, you need an application to sit in the middle of the call, act as a back-to-back user agent, and provide access to the services mentioned.
273, We didn't sit in our ivory tower and make "our" game without external feedback.
273, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
274, Do you mind if I sit in on the meeting?
275, It's just big enough to sit in your cigarette lighter and trickle charge off of your car's electrical system.
276, The children sit in a semicircle, listening closely ( attentively ) to my stories.
277, Sit in window edge silently, experiencing the infinite scene outside, at this moment, it is satisfied and clinking truly.
278, The party's three MPs will continue to sit in parliament.
279, The bell of the Custom House holds the reputation of the largest bell of Asia, and when you sit in the bar you can hear the melodious bell from the Customs House.
280, It is important to respect the leading role of Afghanistan in economic reconstruction and let the Afghan government and people sit in the driver seat.
281, In this symposium , better is it to on 1 y sit in si 1 ence.
282, Two pilots sit in tandem in the two - seat cockpit with one single large bubble canopy.
283, Bud: What kind of kid would rather sit in a crummy classroom and be out here?
284, SKUs sit in a shopping basket service until they are sent to the order fulfillment service.
285, And whenever he was away she would sit in her casement and weep.
286, All of us were invited to sit in on the dress rehearsal.
287, When you sit in Upavistha Konasana, there is little to support and/or stabilize the sacroiliac joint, and bending forward only adds to this instability.
288, Fans of all ages sit in bleacher seats and grandstands watching, snacking on hot dogs and peanuts, wearing their team's colors and cheering for their boys to be victorious.
289, Those nuinteriorbon missiles, trapy sit in trapir silos. Yrhyme AK-47, toy is trap luck weapon of mass destruction.
290, Foreign dignitaries and diplomats will sit in the South Transept which is directly to the side.
291, It is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the pope.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 6:47:37