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单词 Paradoxically
1 Paradoxically, the less she ate, the fatter she got.
2 Paradoxically, the prohibition of liquor caused an increase in alcoholism.
3 But the commercial success paradoxically impoverished the peasantry.
4 Yet paradoxically, so did the prevalence of HIV infection.
5 Paradoxically, that very thought reassured him.
6 Paradoxically, he suffered from bouts of tyranny.
7 Paradoxically, it had the opposite effect on Grant.
8 She was relieved but paradoxically slightly annoyed, too.
9 Perhaps paradoxically, the problem of loneliness is most acute in big cities.
10 The more experienced dealers guessed it might paradoxically refer to a disaster on the horizon, but kept their thoughts from clients.
11 The very nature of their mouths says so. paradoxically, however, surface feeding is part of their nature too.
12 And paradoxically, now Luke had gone, she felt more alone and more afraid than ever.
13 Paradoxically the ecological problems deriving from the application of artificial fertilizers are often equally complex and extensive.
14 Paradoxically, this move beyond the individual to the social has resulted in a much more pessimistic prognosis for disabled people.
15 Paradoxically, they also encourage a greater reliance on means-tested benefits, which are divorced from employment records.
16 Paradoxically, the other key to global food security lies at the opposite end of the technology scale.
17 Paradoxically, community councils are an insidious form of planning since they stem indirectly from the dominant ideology.
18 Paradoxically,[] the other major beneficiary from apparent disillusion with the established parties was the far right Front national.
19 Paradoxically difficult decisions are more difficult to make in difficult times.
20 So paradoxically, those with the poorest land came in the end to prosper the most.
21 Coal has become unpopular and, paradoxically, in view of the Greens' increased influence, nuclear power has experienced a resurgence.
22 Art which confronts the tragic and dark side of life can, paradoxically, have a regenerative effect.
23 If its previous currency has been effectively destroyed by hyper-inflation the problem is, paradoxically, simpler.
24 We rejected the former alternative on the grounds that competition can, paradoxically, sometimes be inimical to economic efficiency.
25 It is the first collective memory of the new family, paradoxically shared even by children who were unborn at the time.
26 Yet a judicious use of some survey courses might paradoxically allow more depth in others.
27 It is a contemporary tale of medical misfortune which paradoxically illustrates quite dramatically the remarkable achievements of modern medicine.
28 He appears stiff, robotic, insincere even when he is not, and paradoxically unable to mask his ambition.
29 The fluttering or hovering of the Spirit, which is also implied, paradoxically indicates infinite gentle care.
30 In Engineering, the choice which Bill Larnach did make, that paradoxically meant Newcastle-upon-Tyne, a 30-mile round trip every day.
31 Paradoxically, the accusations stirring the most indignation have, in money terms, been comparatively small potatoes.
32 Paradoxically, third parties dealing with an international organisation may feel secure despite the lack of legal regulation.
33 Paradoxically, the tax subsidy cushions the borrower from the full effects of a restrictive monetary policy.
34 Paradoxically, it was this decline that brought Quality Kraft Carpets into existence.
35 Paradoxically he is the only free man in the community, as he pays no taxes and is not subject to conscription.
36 It is in the city, paradoxically enough, that true loneliness is experienced most bitterly.
37 Paradoxically, it is even more damaging, until treated ironically by some women or groups of women.
38 Paradoxically, the very accuracy of these scoring systems for assessing the severity of illness precludes their use for comparison and audit.
39 Paradoxically, it was the grain-surplus areas which were most at risk of severe deprivation and periodic famine.
40 Yet paradoxically the bird is now giving serious cause for alarm to environmentalists because of a decline in the breeding population.
41 Feminists are also realizing that a rejection of biology can, paradoxically, increase the influence of biological determinism.
42 Paradoxically, while dreaming we are without imagination and we are not aware that we are dreaming.
43 Paradoxically, my own company has always given plenty of headroom, but not everyone perceived it thus.
44 Paradoxically, Diamond feels this loss of linguistic diversity may be our best hope.
45 Paradoxically, Soviet planners turned the primitive conditions and shortage of supplies at the factories to their advantage, Overy says.
46 Paradoxically, these secret arrangements created what was probably the most open government in history.
47 Paradoxically, the relative unimportance of money in Soviet society compounds these difficulties.
48 Paradoxically, it has not even been able to undermine the relative economic stability of the imperialist countries.
48 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
49 Paradoxically, what was potentially a threatening situation for Franco in fact strengthened his position.
50 Paradoxically, environmental damage is a source of growth because it prompts people to spend money on repairs.
51 Paradoxically, this view would appear to be corroborated by the blatantly anti-communist theses of Nizan's own grandson, Emmanuel Todd.
52 Paradoxically, Anthea now threatened to become a millstone to drag him down.
53 Yet paradoxically, the reaction expected from a reader is in the opposite direction.
54 Paradoxically, a true anti-sexist curriculum is one that encourages creative and political resistance - both in and out of school.
55 Yet simultaneously and apparently paradoxically it was during the nineteenth century that the debate about sexuality exploded.
56 Paradoxically, the success has also been frustrating.
57 Paradoxically, the thorniest outstanding issue involves Bolivia.
58 Those could be dismissed as, paradoxically, unisex units.
59 To know oneself was paradoxically the way to self-renunciation.
60 Paradoxically, Italy needed the war of Hitlerite nazism.
61 The darkest thinkers may paradoxically be the most cheering.
62 Paradoxically, the only time the court can deliver the subpoena is when all relevant evidences prepared.
63 Expression of an oncogene in a primary cell can, paradoxically, block proliferation by inducing senescence or apoptosis through pathways that remain to be elucidated.
64 Paradoxically, another glutamate - booster , D - cycloserine, is being tested not to enhance memory, but to abolish it.
65 First, as Kay acknowledges , great American businesses have not , paradoxically, usually been exponents of the ABM.
66 Paradoxically, wurtzite boron nitride's hardness appears to come from the flexibility of the bonds between the atoms that make it up.
67 When you win a battle your partner submits, you have, paradoxically, lost.
68 In this case, paradoxically, the real free - trade position is to impose tariffs.
69 But, paradoxically, averting another Great Depression - like calamity removed political pressure for more fundamental reform.
70 Paradoxically, the real problem for governments may only occur if they manage to revive their economies.
71 Paradoxically, it's their parents who make up a big percentage of the buyers.
72 Paradoxically, between 3 and 49 % of presumed dopamine neurons are excited aversive stimuli.
73 Paradoxically, Athens was on the threshold of her " age of despotism ".
74 Paradoxically, the US is both the birthplace of global environmentalism and the world's biggest environmental spender.
75 Paradoxically, the intrusion of another top predator could in someways make life easier for the white bears, says Rockwell.
76 Paradoxically, both forms of malnutrition may act through a similar molecular process of modifying DNA, called epigenetics, to cause stable, but non-heritable, changes to the way genes are used.
77 He the dignity of a great master and the passion of genius paradoxically.
78 But, paradoxically, as democracy gets stronger and the middle class grows richer[], it can realize it has more to lose than gain from a real enfranchisement of society.
79 THE one sure way to prolong an animal s life is , paradoxically, to starve it.
80 To speak paradoxically, the existence of insignificant people has very important consequences in the world.
81 Paradoxically, some of the conditions may relate to the narrowing and the limiting of the subjectivity.
82 Paradoxically , ice ages seem to occur when the sun gets hotter.
83 Paradoxically, voters' grumpiness may be a spur for radical change.
84 Paradoxically, however, the belief that there is no imminent crisis brewing may be Japan's biggest problem.
85 One, paradoxically, is morality: Often, ordinary decent people feel bad if they take someone's money but then renege.
86 Paradoxically, it is only by engaging in this evanescent deception that you have a chance to present a faithful self-portrait.
87 Paradoxically, Africa's food problems are often ascribed to an overemphasis on nonfood drops.
88 Paradoxically, optimizing a program for speed could cause code to run slower.
89 Paradoxically, he made use of the past in proportion as they rejected it.
90 Paradoxically, the supreme information provider also has the effect of reducing information intake.
91 Paradoxically, they may do so even more because of new rules guaranteeing minimum service, ensuring that strikes do not paralyse public transport.




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