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单词 rank
释义  Related topics: Police, Military, Sociology, Motor vehiclesrank1 /ræŋk/ ●●● W3 noun  1  position in army/organization 军队/组织中的职位 [countable, uncountable]SCPPM the position or level that someone holds in an organization, especially in the police or the army, navy etc 等级;〔尤指〕军衔,军阶rank of officers below the rank of Colonel 上校军衔以下的军官 He held (=had) the rank of Chief Inspector. 他的警衔是总督察。rise to/be promoted to/attain the rank of something During the war Harold had risen to the rank of major. 战争期间哈罗德晋升为少校。high/senior/low/junior rank an officer of junior rank 低级军阶军官 He was sentenced to prison and stripped of his rank (=had his rank taken from him). 他被判入狱,并且被剥夺了军衔。2  the ranks a) SSOPPGthe people who belong to a particular organization or group 〔组织或团体的〕成员in/within ... ranks There were splits in the party ranks on this issue. 在这个问题上党内成员意见不一。 The Democrats now face opposition from within their own ranks. 民主党现在面临党内成员的反对。the ranks of Most are recruited from the ranks of people who studied Latin and Greek at university. 招来的人大多在大学里修读过拉丁文和希腊语。 That summer I left school and joined the ranks of (=became one of) the unemployed. 那年夏天,我从学校毕业,加入了失业者的行列。 b) PMall the members of the army, navy etc who are not officers 普通士兵 He rose from the ranks to become a Field Marshal (=he became an officer after starting as an ordinary soldier). 他从普通士兵升到了陆军元帅。3  break ranks to behave in a way which is different from other members of a group, especially when they expect your support 〔与所属团体〕决裂,叛离break ranks with He was the first to break ranks with Ceausescu and publicly criticise his policies. 他第一个和齐奥塞斯库决裂,公开批评他的政策。4  line 行 [countable] a rank of people or things is a line or row of them 〔人或事物的〕行,列,排rank of Silently, ranks of police edged closer to the crowds. 一队队警察悄无声息地向人群靠近。 Everyone lines up in ranks, all facing the instructor. 大家都一排排站好,面朝教练。rank after rank/rank upon rank (=a lot of things or people in a row) 一排又一排 On the shelves were rank after rank of liquor bottles. 架子上是一排排的酒瓶。5  pull rank (on somebody) informal to use your authority over someone to make them do what you want, especially unfairly 〔尤指不公正地〕(对某人)运用权势 You may just have to pull rank and tell them. 你也许就得用你的权威去让他们知道。6  POSITION/RANKquality 质量 [singular] the degree to which something or someone is of high quality 等级;级别 While none of these pictures is of the first rank (=of the highest quality), some are of interest. 尽管这些都不是一流的照片,但有些还是很有趣的。7  social class 社会阶层 [countable, uncountable]SSPOSITION/RANK someone’s position in society 社会阶层 people of all ranks in society 社会各阶层的人 He came from a family of rank (=one from a high social class). 他来自上层家庭。8  taxi 出租车 [countable] (also taxi rank)TTCBBT a place where taxis wait in a line to be hired 出租车站 I called a taxi from the rank outside. 我在外面的出租车站叫了一辆出租车。 → close ranks at close1(17)n COLLOCATIONSverbshold a rankFrom 1 Dec 1914 to 31 Oct 1915 he held the rank of captain.rise to/achieve/reach a rank (also attain a rank formal)He rose to the rank of promoted to a rankHe was promoted to the rank of stripped of your rank (=have it taken from you as a punishment)The officer was stripped of his rank for his part in affair.adjectiveshigh/low/middle rankHer father had been an army officer of fairly high rank.senior/junior rankHe held a junior rank in the infantry.cabinet/ministerial rankAs promised, a minister of cabinet rank has now been appointed to supervise its operation Examples from the Corpusrank• Applying the usual procedure to obtain this in another frame we obtain so that transforms as a rank 2 tensor.• So I goes to the cab rank, and gets up on the box.• The position of Secretary of State holds Cabinet rank.• This hot work, however, had left the Confederate ranks badly fragmented.• If anything, the past few days demonstrated even more turmoil in Democratic ranks.• She always wore rich fabrics and jewels, as befitted one of her rank.• Her rank, though high, did not meet the level protocol demanded of future empress.• They were all standing in ranks next to each other.• State your name, rank, and serial number.• He was obviously destined for the professional ranks and as I watched him I could see why.• But we have not been able to attract them into the professorial ranks in anywhere near the percentage they are getting degrees.• Gang members wear clothes or decorations that show the member's rank.• Four of the boys in Boy Scout Troop 611 reached the rank of Eagle Scout.• He joined the Los Angeles police department and was eventually promoted to the rank of lieutenant.• Now there is talk of recruiting blacks and Latinos, traditionally absent from the higher union ranks, to more prominent positions.held ... rank• His father had held army rank and won a medal in the last war.• Kimmel held four-star rank and Short wore three stars on the day of the attack.• He also wore uniform but explained that he only held an honorary rank.of the first rank• Washington has emerged as an actor of the first rank.• For Stewart, the Athens dispatches were a journalistic coup of the first rank.• John was a substantial magnate but, in terms of land held in hereditary right, not one of the first of rank• You see, you said the girl would have to come from a family of rank.rank2 ●●● W3 verb  1  a) [intransitive always + adverb/preposition, not in progressive]POSITION/RANK to have a particular position in a list of people or things that have been put in order of quality or importance 具有…等级[地位]rank as/among Today’s match ranks as one of the most exciting games that these two have ever played. 今天的比赛是双方打得最精彩的比赛之一。 We rank among the safest countries in the world. 我们是世界上最安全的国家之一。rank with/alongside (=be of the same importance or quality) 与…同样重要;与…品质相当 Cuvier wanted to turn natural history into a science that would rank with physics and chemistry. 居维叶想把自然史变成和物理化学一样重要的科学。rank high/low He ranked high among the pioneers of 20th century chemical technology. 他是20世纪化学技术先驱中极重要的一位。 b) [transitive]POSITION/RANK to decide the position of someone or something on a list based on quality or importance 确定…的地位[等级]be ranked fourth/number one etc Agassi was at that time ranked sixth in the world. 阿加西当时排名世界第六。 It is not always easy to rank the students in order of ability. 把学生按能力排名并非总是容易的。2  [transitive] American EnglishHIGH POSITION OR RANK to have a higher rank than someone else 级别高于 SYN outrank A general ranks a captain. 上将的级别高于上尉。3  [transitive]ARRANGE A GROUP OF THINGS OR PEOPLE to arrange objects in a line or row 排列 There were several pairs of riding boots ranked neatly in the hall. 门厅里整齐地摆放着几双马靴。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrank• Connell, a Canadian ranked 73rd in the world, won the third set.• The following table shows some more recent Utopias, ranked according to date of publication.• Nevertheless, as the table shows, we rank among the safest countries in the world.• Sandoz ranks as one of the 10 largest drug companies in the world.• He ranks as one of the most gifted artists of all time.• The name Michael always ranks high on the list of the most popular boys' names.• The Rams have ranked near the bottom of the NFL for two seasons.• She was beaten by someone who was ranked only 200th in the world.• But Aetna ranked only satisfactory, as did CareAmerica.• What factors correlate with people who rank structure highly?• Volleyball Monthly ranked the team third in the nation.• The run-time application of syntactic information uses the transition matrices and the lexicon to rank the words in the lattice.rank as/among• There were other people there, he had been demoted to the same rank as her many friends.• This ranks as one of the few occasions in the past 20 years when I have forked out for a little bottle.• It places Scott in the front rank as one of the world's most innovative Himalayan climbers.• The deal ranks as the biggest drug industry merger on record.• He is a Gentleman of fortune, and takes rank among the first in South Carolina.• Today, hour-long local news shows are the rule not the exception and rank among the stations' biggest revenue producers.• Five Pac-10 schools ranked among the top ten in the nation during the 1993-94 season.Related topics: Plants, Gardeningrank3 adjective  1  CTif something is rank, it has a very strong unpleasant smell 难闻的,臭的rank smell/odour the rank odour of sweat and urine 汗水和尿液的难闻味道2  [only before noun]COMPLETE used to emphasize a bad or undesirable quality 十足的,完全的〔强调质量糟糕〕 SYN total an example of this government’s rank stupidity 本届政府极端愚蠢的实例 They make us look like rank amateurs (=not at all good or professional). 他们使我们看起来像是完完全全的外行。3  HBPDLGrank plants are too thick and have spread everywhere 〔植物〕过于茂盛的,蔓生的 rank grass and weeds 蔓生的杂草Examples from the Corpusrank• The jute had an acrid smell that scooped up the rank aroma of moist earth as it leapt from the ground.• Her students range from rank beginners to professionals.• rank cheese• He also had a rank contempt for Desmond Morton.• Of course the rank darkness was different at sunrise or dusk.• rank hypocrisyrank smell/odour• Everywhere was the rank smell of copra drying.• The rank odour of sweat and urine made him wince.• The strange, rank smell was stronger than ever and after a few moments they all heard a heavy movement close by.From Longman Business Dictionaryrankrank1 /ræŋk/ noun [countable]1a particular level of job in an organization, especially a government organization or the armyHis father retired with the rank of major.Knight-Ridder named Maxwell King, 46, to succeed Mr. Roberts, but at a lower rank.The companies have been trying to reduce the number of management ranks in a bid to be more cost-efficient.2a particular position in a list that has been put in order of quality or importanceNo US airline broke the top 10 rank (=no US airline was higher than 10th) in an airline survey released yesterday.rankrank2 verb1[intransitive] to have a particular position in a list that has been put in order of quality or importanceIt ranks in the top 3% of all mutual funds.2[transitive] to decide the position of something or someone in a list in order of quality or importanceThe firm was ranked the number five underwriter of US bond and stock issues.rank something as somethingThe real estate executives ranked the Northeast as the least attractive area for development.→ See Verb tableOrigin rank1 (1300-1400) Old French renc, reng “line, place, row” rank3 Old English rancrank1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1rank2 verbrank3 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChinese  or Corpus an someone level holds that the position Business in




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