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单词 Sunni
1. This is a fundamental difference between Sunni and Shita.
2. Islam has two main sects: the Sunnis and the Shias.
3. The three remaining Sunni factions were said to be refusing to talk to Kabul.
4. The distinction between Sunni and Shiite persists to this day.
5. The Qataris are mainly Sunni "Wahhabi" Muslims.
6. Government officials believe Sunni extremists are to blame.
7. A suspected Sunni insurgent is arrested inside his home.
8. The new defense minister is a Sunni Arab.
9. The regime regards all three predominantly Sunni Muslim towns as hostile and continues to claim that foreign-backed extremists inside them are driving ever-escalating violence.
10. The "Twelver" Shi'a, Sunni, and Druze each have state-appointed clerical bodies to administer family and personal status law through their own religious courts, which are subsidised by the State.
11. Its distinctive characteristics , which differ from Sunni Islam today, are mostly originated from this period.
12. The Sunni compose about 90 percent of present - day Islam.
13. Sunni Muslim insurgents are being blamed for the blasts that killed at least 88 people.
14. The dominant form of Sunni Islam among Pakistan's non-Pashtun population is the Barelvi movement, which accommodates many of the rites and practices of Sufism.
15. But it finds some progress in Sunni insurgents fighting al - Qaeda.
16. A Sunni Muslim group, Jundollah (God's soldiers), claimed responsibility for that blast and Iran said the group operated from Pakistan.
17. The key is that, unlike last time, the Sunni Arabs are expected to vote en masse.
18. Some towns in the province have a record of Shia - Sunni enmity.
19. Authorities in Iraq say unidentified gunmen have killed a Sunni Arab tribal chief, three of his sons and a close relative.
20. This reminds us how al-Qaida was always only one of scores of radical groups that together constituted the dynamic, varied and evolving phenomenon of Sunni Muslim violent extremism.
21. He has begun tentatively tackling the lethal ShiaH militias, now as much a scourge as the Sunni insurgents.
22. Others fled to Saudi Arabia where they were influenced by Wahhabism, a branch within Sunni Islam that is considered extremist even by many Sunni and Shia Muslims.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. The papal nuncio called on Al-Azhar, the highest seat of learning in the Sunni Muslim world, to refute the Byzantine emperor's argument.
24. The Ak-Sray-Ding Tower is located in the northern Turkmenistan town of Kunya Urgench and has become an important Sunni Muslim pilgrimage site.
25. The Assad regime is dominated by the Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shiite Islam, but the country is overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim.
26. He established numerous mosques and madrasah in order further the spread of Sunni beliefs.
27. The core of the insurgency is made up of Sunni Muslim militants who oppose the polls.
28. To the east was the Afghan Taliban, a regime that espoused a ruthless brand of Sunni Islam and viewed Iran's Shia Muslim leaders as heretics.
29. Fallon also said a largely Iraqi-led security presence along the Syrian border crossing has cut off a major transit route for al-Qaida-linked fighters, who are predominantly Sunni.
30. Aides to a radical Shiite Muslim cleric meet with a key Sunni group in Iraq to ease sectarian tensions amid a spree of violence that's killed hundreds.
31. The Sunni provinces are also home to much of the current violence.
32. Religion: Islam is the State Religion , Shiite Muslim 60 %, Sunni Muslim 37 %; other 3 %.
33. Government ministers accused agents provocateurs linked to Sunni Muslim militants of deliberately panicking the huge crowd of Shia Muslim pilgrims into a stampede.
34. The attack happened yesterday in Mahmoudiya, the Sunni insurgent stronghold about 20 miles south of Baghdad.
35. Sunni Justin reports from Sudan says an airstrike has destroyed a car near the city of Port Sudan.
36. He said that today not only participates in the demonstration to have Shiah, but also has from the northern Kurds autonomous region Kurd and the sunni sect which comes from the Salahe tetracene .
37. Such alarmism reflects, to a degree, a desire by the Sunni, American-allied governments of countries such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia to staunch what they see as a rising tide of Iranian influence.
38. "My whole life has been a chronology of changes," Malcolm told Haley one night, and, in a few months, he would transform himself yet again, becoming El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, a Sunni Muslim.
39. When the dictator was deposed, it became a stronghold of Sunni insurgents.
40. The 3, 000 lives killed heinously, and his mis-reading of Islam confound Shia and Sunni.
41. A military interpreter before he switched to journalism, he was streetwise; a Shiite who lived in a Sunni neighbourhood; a survivor.
42. The Shiah and the Sunni place their differences aside and fight the occupation army together.
43. Mohammed, born in either1964 or 1965, was raised in a religious Sunni Muslim family in Kuwait, where his family had migrated from theBaluchistan region of Pakistan.
44. It also gives the Baghdad government unsatisfactory marks, for failing to prepare for local elections and couldn't (that could) reconcile Iraq('s) Shiite (Shi'ite) Sunni and Kurd's (Kurdish) factions.
45. Although Oman is a modern country, western influences are quite restricted; the Ibadhi form of Islam is very strict in comparison with Sunni Islam and Shi"a Islam.
46. The goal, it suggested, was to weaken Sunni Arab states so as to realise "Safavid dreams" of Shia expansion, a reference to the 16th-century dynasty that enshrined Shiism as Iran's state religion.
47. The report says the Saudi government has not kept its promise to tolerate religious expression other than its form of Sunni Islam, or to stop printing school books that incite hatred and violence.
48. The provincial council's chairman, another Sunni Arab, tells a similar tale.
49. And what of Iran, which apparently continues to aid and abet both Shi'ite and Sunni insurgent groups with IEDS and other weapons?
50. Marchers in the western city of Fallujah and Bakuba north of Baghdad chanted slogan alleging election fraud and bad called by Sunni Arab groups for the poll to be rerun.
51. The parade is freely distributes by consistent anti-US Sadeer, but also has the numerous sunni sects and the Shiah public figures participates.
52. Saudi Arabian official says about 1,000 Saudi troops have entered the neighboring island state of Bahrain to help its minority Sunni rulers boost security after weeks of anti-government protests.
53. It would be not only Shi'ite versus Sunni ... but [war] inside each community itself.
54. Iranian officials linked the recent suicide bombing of a Shia mosque in Zahedan, in Sistan-Baluchistan, to US, British and Israeli support for the Jundullah Sunni Muslim separatist group.
55. Islam is the national religion and all Maldivians are Sunni Muslims.
56. Most of the candidates Mr Maliki is seeking to bar are Sunni.
57. Many Lebanese fear that an indictment of Hizballah personnel could lead to sectarian clashes between rival Sunni and Shi'ite factions.
58. A Saudi Arabian official says about 1,000 Saudi troops have entered the neighboring island state of Bahrain to help its minority Sunni rulers boost security after weeks of anti-government protests.
59. The Malays and Moors are Muslim, the majority of whom practice Sunni Islam.
60. This is the month in Anbar provincial government office building near the second and fourth years of a local explosion. Anbar province is mainly Sunni Muslim population.
61. A Sunni group, Jundallah ("soldiers of God"), claimed responsibility and said it was a response to "the constant crime of the regime in Baluchistan".
62. A website message from the purported kidnappers Sunday all female Sunni Muslim prisoners in U.
63. Ultimately, all this will likely produce a fragmentation of the country and a proxy war between Saudi-supported Sunni and Iranian-supported Shia, with the Kurds eventually going their own way.
64. Religion: Muslim ( mostly Sunni ) - 94 %; Coptic Christian and other - 6 %.
65. The number of minarets on a mosque indicates whether it is Shiite and Sunni.
66. The neighborhood was a battleground for Shiite and Sunni militias.
67. And after the revolution in 1958, the Sunni military regime followed Arab Nationalist and secularist policies, and thus had more contradiction with the Shi'as.
68. "Accusing a Shi'ite group of killing a Sunni leader leads to a catastrophe, " Ali Khreiss, a Shi'ite MP and ally of Hizballah said Tuesday.
69. Hussein and his unreconciled supporters among Iraq's Sunni minority, there was an explosion of anger.
69. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
70. Abu Ghraib, a hard-bitten town surrounded by lush farmland, is one of the trouble spots for American soldiers facing fierce challenges from both Sunni Muslim insurgents and radical Shi'ite militiamen.
71. Al Dari accuses Iraq's new Shiite - dominated government of arresting, torturing and killing Sunni scholars.
72. Jundallah, the Sunni Muslim group which claimed responsibility for the bombings, says that it is defending the rights of Sunnis inside Shi'ite Iran.
73. One Sunni participating in the political process is Adnan al - Dulaimi.
74. But it found some progress in Sunni insurgents fighting al - Qaeda.
75. But a grim and retributive mood settled over predominantly Sunni areas.
76. Egyptian Sunni caliphs occupied much of north Yemen throughout the 11th century.
77. Why not split the country into Shia , Sunni and Kurdish statelets?
78. Bahrain's Shia Muslim majority has long complained of discrimination and dominance by the Sunni minority, including the ruling royal family.
79. Nearly everyone is Muslim, but in an equally diverse patchwork of Sunni, Shi'ite and Ismaili variants; the latter being a more liberal form of Islam, where the women go unveiled and are less secluded.




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