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单词 heroics
释义  he·ro·ics /hɪˈrəʊɪks $ -ˈroʊ-/ noun [plural]  BEHAVEbrave actions or words, often ones that are meant to seem impressive to other people (为哗众取宠而说的)豪言壮语;逞英雄行为 America’s present need is not heroics, but calm diplomacy. 美国当前需要的不是逞英雄,而是冷静的外交。Examples from the Corpusheroics• The loyalty and heroics that Mulholland inspired in his workers were a perpetual source of wonder.• The day dawned misty and drizzly so we went to have a look, confident heroics would not be called for.• He staggers around the stage in half darkness, apparently playing only for himself; a guitar hero without any self-congratulatory heroics.• The Bears' last-minute heroics energized the crowd of 57,000.• He has 77 saves in that span and has been called on for some last-minute heroics.• Here there were none of the accustomed party cant or heroics about the Revolution.• Their makeshift pack performed heroics, and the backs found the spirit of adventure whose absence was so often criticised Down Under.• Missionary couples became the new saints; children in Sunday schools enjoyed their heroics.he·ro·ics nounChineseSyllable  to that are often meant words, or brave actions ones Corpus




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