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单词 Mildly
1. He felt elated and mildly drunk.
2. The drug is only mildly addictive.
3. He gave Robin a mildly quizzical glance.
4. I was mildly amused.
4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. Those figures are mildly encouraging, but we need faster progress.
6. He was annoyed, to put it mildly .
7. The result was unfortunate, to put it mildly .
8. To say I'm disgusted is putting it mildly.
9. The discussion started off mildly enough.
10. I was, to put it mildly, annoyed .
11. The soup tasted mildly spicy.
12. 'I didn't mean to upset you' he said mildly.
13. 'Of course I don't mind,' she answered mildly.
14. He's not very musical, to put it mildly .
15. She spoke mildly to us.
16. The film has some mildly humorous moments.
17. His tone was mildly reproving.
18. Josephine must have had the disease very mildly as she showed no symptoms.
19. The photos, which include some mildly titillating semi-nude shots of the actress, will be on display for a week.
20. I was only mildly interested in the report I heard from radio.
21. Molasses are mildly laxative and something of a general tonic.
22. But not all the money, to put it mildly, has been used wisely.
23. The teacher lectured those pupils rather mildly for not finishing their homework.
24. Not all the money, to put it mildly, has been used wisely.
25. We were mildly surprised to see him again so soon.
26. I felt mildly depressed.
27. She has written her description of him in a mildly humorous vein.
28. "I think you've made a mistake, " he said mildly.
29. Losing two members of staff was unfortunate, to put it mildly.
30. Saying that Joan was taken aback is to put it mildly. She was completely flabbergasted.
1. He felt elated and mildly drunk.
2. The drug is only mildly addictive.
3. He gave Robin a mildly quizzical glance.
4. I was mildly amused.
4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. She has written her description of him in a mildly humorous vein.
6. Those figures are mildly encouraging, but we need faster progress.
7. The soup tasted mildly spicy.
8. Saying that Joan was taken aback is to put it mildly. She was completely flabbergasted.
31. I was mildly worried by the large postbag.
32. Cardea responds, a mildly sadistic glint in his eye.
33. It is a mildly sordid story.
34. Mildly irritated,[] he returned to the dinner table.
35. I feel mildly guilty about accepting such hospitality.
36. Tucson audiences are passionate, to put it mildly.
37. He's a troubled youngster, to put it mildly.
38. To a layman, it might all seem mildly amusing.
39. Unforthcoming, to put it mildly.
40. Lambert felt mildly surprised that he had arrived.
41. The caffeine in coffee is mildly addictive.
42. The old man was mildly superstitious.
43. Femfresh are individually wrapped, mildly fragrant, moist tissues.
44. The house appears mildly surprised but always dignified.
45. McKee was only mildly interested.
46. This mildly picaresque novel recounts a boy's flight from prep school to an eventful weekend in New York.
47. Polly seems mildly surprised that there aren't any men singing similar lyrics to hers.
48. Mildly indignant surprise was what she intended to convey, and almost succeeded.
49. You may, if you don't like trades unions, grow mildly pensive.
50. There may be something mildly transgressive in the whole enterprise.
51. His narrating hero and anchorman, Nicholas Jenkins, is constantly being mildly surprised by the way things and people turn out.
52. His constant travelling to outlying villages to hold clinics was only mildly odd.
53. I walked cautiously towards the body, and noticed that her face looked mildly surprised.
54. After one hundred days of world peace, all surviving were to put it mildly, a little bothered and regretful.
55. The driver glanced over and seemed only mildly surprised to see them.
56. Indeed, he was quite unaware of her frenzy and mildly loved her.
57. Helen shrugged; she felt mildly embarrassed, as if she had overstepped the mark.
58. The sweet pepperoni is usually made of all pork and is mildly seasoned.
59. For a day or two this tactic was mildly successful, but eventually even Auster began to droop from the monotony.
60. The response of Bob Dole was not really adequate to the task, to put it mildly.
61. The movie contains some scenes that are, to put it mildly, rather difficult to watch.
62. Mildly cheered by this glimmer of light in the midst of nightmare, she made her way down to the library.
63. The description seemed close enough to Hebden to make Blanche feel mildly excited.
64. Father Tim said mildly having saved this piece de resistance for the right moment.
64. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
65. Mr Danskin and Mr Smith entered with the air of men performing a mildly disagreeable obligation.
66. I was, to put it mildly, wet behind the ears, politically.
67. To put it mildly, this is great news for the companies that stand to make the weapons systems.
68. But the testimony from the High Street is mixed, to put it mildly.
69. "Perhaps," she answered mildly.
70. Traveling in pairs out here saves a lot of walking -- to put it mildly.
71. Barkley, to put it mildly, is a bit more complicated.
72. Another inspector I know had problems with an innocuous piece written in a mildly conversational style.
73. To say confidence is high among supporters in Dublin this week would be putting it mildly.
74. Tomorrow's Woman was mildly enthusiastic about a proposed series of astrological interviews with celebrities from all walks of life.
75. In fact,() John Major promises to emerge mildly well from the schemers' cauldron.
76. Then began a day of great anxiety, to put it mildly.
77. She realised that he hadn't ever responded to her first mildly scolding words as they left the Hamiltons'.
78. Feeling mildly suicidal, I crossed McAllister to Fulton, which was bold for any kid north of the park.
79. He looked up and she was mildly surprised to see that he had a youthful Middle Eastern complexion.
80. For example, mildly depressed and tired old people used to be given amphetamines.
81. Meh'Lindi wore a mildly blissful smile which vanished as she came alert again.
82. Fathers mildly lit on Friday nights, at ease with these immeasurable obligations.
83. Corie Blount suffered a mildly sprained right ankle after his awkward landing following a defensive rebound.
84. Sage: A strongly aromatic herb with a mildly resinous flavor, sage has a particular affinity for game birds.
85. But the depth of the dislike of the Tory leadership surprised everybody, to put it mildly.
86. As if she knew what Carrie was thinking and found it mildly amusing.
87. Although a child like Matthew clearly shows abnormal behaviour, others with hyperkinetic syndrome may only be mildly affected.
88. Tom told a clean, mildly funny joke, and Marge laughed hilariously.
89. On this view there is, to put it mildly, no urgency about a referendum.
90. Thornton also stars as a mildly retarded man who returns to his hometown after 25 years in a mental institution.
91. But a shop selling only summer-weight clothes in November looked mildly ridiculous.
92. Marc made her feel as if she'd just had a battle with a steamroller - but she was mildly pleased with herself.
93. He was mildly surprised it seemed not to have the power of speech.
94. Opinion takes a world of countries so much for granted,[http:///mildly.html] it is mildly shocking to discover how recent the concept is.
95. He had inherited it as an agreeable but mildly onerous responsibility, together with her considerable fortune.
96. He felt mildly exhilarated, which troubled him a little because he couldn't think why.
97. Flux can be mildly irritating so avoid getting it into cuts or grazes.
98. He is rueful, polite, mildly disappointed, and afflicted by a low-key melancholy.
99. His manner was mildly flirtatious and he had a tendency to glance in my direction, showing off, I suspect.
100. While leprosy is slowly contagious and probably mildly contagious, its usual horrors argue the danger of neglect.
101. Wherever possible, mentally handicapped children should attend normal schools, and thousands of mildly handicapped children do so.
102. It varies greatly in severity, with some children so mildly affected they can play sports.
103. Mildly abnormal fear orr nervousness.
104. "I'm not meddling," Kenworthy said mildly, "I'm just curious.".
105. She felt mildly guilty of something -- perhaps unworthiness.
106. That's putting it too mildly.
107. She was mildly bloated from head to toe.
108. The official statistics are mildly discouraging.
109. He is precise and mildly donnish in manner.
110. Brent's wide ingenuous face was puzzled and mildly indignant.
111. I'm only mildly surprised.
112. We herein present a 16-year-old boy who had multiple mildly itchy, erythematous papules with confluence in a linear arrangement on his left thumb for 6 months.
113. Gastronomical suggestions: The best cuts of red meat, finely prepared; feathered game and dishes in red wine sauces, mildly spiced. Classical cheeses including fairly strong ones.
114. Mildly high blood sugar can be an early warning sign of diabetes.
115. We find that the cast-iron pipe is only mildly corrosive and the indoor pipeline is just rust-eaten, but the seamless steel pipe corrodes badly.
116. It was mildly important when the then European Economic Community was just a small common market.
117. People experiencing hypomanic symptoms typically have a flood of ideas, and sometimes mildly grandiose thoughts and visions.
118. Most people with Down syndrome are mildly mildly to manually victacketmoderately retarded.
119. Ion engine emissions are mildly radioactive, and technicians who work on vital ion engine components often wear protective gear.
120. Fundal examination revealed that the left disc was mildly edematous ; however, its margin was not blurred and the appearance of mottled RPE was also noted in the left macula.
121. They appear to be very sensitive to mildly corrosive environments.
122. That such a wacky idea should be so persistent is, to put it mildly, disquieting.
123. Coenzyme Q 10 Moisturizing & Whitening CleanserPurify skin, balance water and oil, mildly soften aged horniness.
124. It bears tall tapering racemes of white midsummer flowers on wiry black-purple stems, whose mildly unpleasant, medicinal smell at close range gives it the common name "Bugbane".
125. Most people with Down syndrome are mildly to moderately retarded.
126. The slides are first cleaned ultrasonically several times in alternate baths of trichlorethylene and acetone, and are then scrubbed with a mildly abrasive detergent.
127. Most people with Down syndrome are mildly to moderately retargetmoderately retarded.
128. These cheerful yellow and white harbingers of spring, aka daffodils and jonquils, are actually mildly toxic if the bulbs are eaten in large quantities (Narcissus pseudonarcissus is shown).
129. As for the content, despite some mildly adult language and robot-on-robot violence, Real Steel is fundamentally about a son reconnecting with his dad.
130. Chinese Folk Music " Iridescent Clouds Aspire After Moon " is well-known, and it is mildly flowing exquisite and flossy elegance.
131. The two-arm hemispherical helical antenna has very wide impedance and pattern bandwidth, and its gain in the whole band is larger and wave mildly, which show that it is of great applicat...
132. Even today, and even in secular western Europe, the bald and confident atheism and materialism of Diderot and Holbach seems mildly shocking.
133. The two-arm hemispherical helical antenna has very wide impedance and pattern bandwidth, and its gain in the whole band is larger and wave mildly, which show that...
134. The oxalic acid-decomposing bacterium U-1 was isolated from rapes rhizosphere sample collected in a field that mildly suffered from Sclerotinia sclerotiorum all the year round.
135. SEG Square's markets are crowded, loud, and mildly mephitic from cigarette smoke and the odor of fresh-baked electronics.
136. He speaks so mildly, yet firmly and impartially, about politics.
137. However, our conclusions would be much more evenhanded if we flick away the floating dust of politics, and look at Liu Yong and his Ci poetry more mildly from a literary point of view.
138. Typically, human males are 10 percent taller and 20 percent heavier than females.This suggests that, throughout history, humans have been mildly polygynous.
139. Menzerna Sealing Wax APO 60 is the perfect one step cleaner wax to maintain a finish you've restored with Menzerna polishes or to clean and protect a vehicle that is only mildly oxidized.
140. It's easily removed by briefly and mildly heating the piece with a neutral flame.
141. But at Food & Think, we don't just report mildly alarmist news about junk - food shortages.
142. An American Journal of Medicine study found that a mildly underactive thyroid can boost your heart-disease risk by 65 per cent.
143. If you misjudge a situation, calling, say, a 30-something matron "lao dama" or a professor "lao shifu", the person addressed is likely to be at least mildly displeased.
144. For the first time , Cantabile spoke more mildly to me.
145. Clean the face mildly and make it smooth without strain after cleaning.
146. Patients with sickle cell disease or trait are particularly susceptible to glaucomatous optic nerve damage from even mildly elevated IOPs.
147. But speak to him mildly ; perchance he may take warning or fear ( Allah ).
148. Most people with Down syndrome are mildly to moderately retardateretarded.
149. Mildly cover facial defects, inhibit the formation of melanin, quickly remove sallowness and dullness.
150. The mediodorsal nucleus and thalamic reticular nucleus were also found mildly labeled.
151. Until the Perak storm broke, Mr Najib had been steering a mildly reformist course.
152. The African Stenocara beetle has become mildly famous for using its wings to capture vapor molecules in the parched Namib Desert air and to herd them into a droplet that rolls into its mouth.
153. The first is the Fujia factory in Dalian, a $1.5bn modern facility that produces paraxylene (PX), a mildly toxic chemical used in plastics.
154. Robert Kincaid was perspiring mildly; his top two shirt buttons undone.
154. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
155. It is delightfully rich and well complement the otherwise mildly flavored fare.
156. We report a 27-year-old woman with mildly itchy follicular papules in both axillae, mammary areolae and the pubes for one year.
157. But he also said that those achievements were mildly diminished by sections that read like "an uncritical paean to Deng's character."
158. Turmeric is mildly aromatic and has scents of orange or ginger.
159. In meetings with government officials to thrash out problems, participants typically chew khat, a mildly narcotic plant that is widely consumed in Yemen but banned in many places around the world.
160. At 64 ", she's tall , to put it mildly, ie She's extremely tall.
161. Soldiers invent "mildly pejorative terms" to help them blow off steam, Adams says.
162. Inflation credibility has many benefits and the ability to pursue mildly heterodox policy when necessary may prove an important one.
163. As a mildly contagious disease(), papillomatosis is transmitted by both direct and indirect contact.
164. It does, after all, keep them from focusing on the scant musical offerings of the past year a dismal period in terms of new creative genius, or even mildly original schlock.
165. Large, straight , white teeth, unilateral tendencies , mildly endearing naivety but generally friendly, nice people.
166. "When colds are circulating, many people are mildly infected but show no symptoms, " said Professor Eccles , whose findings are published in today's issue of Family Practice magazine.
167. As a protective primer finish coat on steel structure in mildly to moderately corrosive environment.
168. " I can't pay you anything on that to - day, " he said, mildly.
169. AHA fruit acid essence mildly removes the aging surface cells, activate and tenderize it.
170. The tumor cells hae abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and mildly atypical nuclei.
171. Besides the sugars and acids, other soft drink ingredients are of concern. Caffeine, which is added to many of the most popular soft drinks, is a mildly addictive, stimulant drug.
172. Please consume alcohol in moderate quantities so that you become mildly sedated but not rowdy.
173. To say we are disappointed about this is putting it mildly.
174. To a child, the disjuncture between weekends (loud, funny, exciting, scary) and weekdays (calm, efficient, mildly dull) was like an ongoing exercise in culture shock.
175. He is in the marriage bureau business, which is mildly ironic seeing that his dearest wish is to get married himself.
176. A gastroenterologist places a flexible endoscope down the throat of a mildly sedated patient.
177. Also, FPL could mildly excite uterine, in which safflower play a main role.
178. Most people with Down Syndrome syndrome are mildly to muderily retargatemoderately retarded.
179. " Yes, " answered Carrie, mildly, overwhelmed by the man's assurance.
180. CT shows homogeneous, sharply marginated, mildly enhancing mass or masses of soft-tissue density which frequently mold to preexisting structures. No bony erosion or enlargement of the orbit.




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