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单词 Complaining
1, Man alone is born crying, lives complaining, and dies disappointed. Samuel Johnson 
2, Learn to suffer without complaining; that is the best thing I can teach you. 
3, African-Americans have been complaining about police harassment for years.
4, Teachers are always complaining about their heavy workloads.
5, Nothing satisfies him-he's always complaining.
6, She was complaining about her nosy parents.
7, Complaining does not solve anything.
8, Do what I tell you to do without complaining.
9, Residents are complaining because traffic in the area has increased.
10, She is always complaining.
11, Instead of complaining about it, I'm just gonna go in every day and give it my all.
12, Instead of complaining about what's wrong, be grateful for what's right.
13, She wrote an indignant letter to the paper complaining about the council's action.
14, He is forever complaining.
15, He's complaining of all the usual flu symptoms - a high temperature, headache and so on.
16, We are sick of your complaining.
17, People were jostling, arguing and complaining.
18, For once, dad is not complaining.
19, Are you just going to sit there complaining?
20, Fishermen have been complaining of poor hauls all year.
21, I wish you'd all quit complaining.
22, It's too late to start complaining now.
23, They are complaining about harassment by the police.
24, She's been complaining of a bad back recently.
25, What's the use of complaining?
26, She is forever complaining about the food.
27, Nothing contents her,(http:///complaining.html) she is always complaining.
28, They've got a nerve, complaining about our behaviour.
29, There she goes again, complaining about the weather.
30, I know that love shall not be compared, but I still used to complaining what he is lack of.
1, African-Americans have been complaining about police harassment for years.
2, Teachers are always complaining about their heavy workloads.
3, Nothing satisfies him-he's always complaining.
4, She was complaining about her nosy parents.
5, Do what I tell you to do without complaining.
6, Residents are complaining because traffic in the area has increased.
7, She is always complaining.
8, She wrote an indignant letter to the paper complaining about the council's action.
9, He is forever complaining.
10, He's complaining of all the usual flu symptoms - a high temperature, headache and so on.
11, The patient is complaining of pain in the abdomen, doctor.
12, The taxpayers are complaining that their money is flowing out through government spending.
31, He's always complaining of some ailment.
32, Dan's been complaining of severe headaches.
33, The boy accepted his punishment without complaining.
34, She went to the doctor complaining of dizzy spells.
35, Jean is always complaining about something.
36, My grandparents are always complaining about falling moral standards.
37, She went to the doctor complaining of chest pains.
38, She left early, complaining of a headache.
39, You have no grounds for complaint/for complaining.
40, There's absolutely no point in complaining now.
41, Oh, give over complaining, we're nearly there.
42, I think you were quite justified in complaining.
43, He's always complaining and it makes me so mad.
44, The patient is complaining of acute earache.
45, She's been complaining again she's a real pain!
46, My first attempts at complaining were rather tentative.
47, Why are you always complaining about my cooking?
48, That woman next door's always complaining.
49, Give it a rest! You've been complaining all day.
50, Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen.
51, It's not a bit of use complaining.
52, The radio station received a lot of calls complaining about the show's bad language.
53, I wasn't complaining,() I merely said that I was tired.
53, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
54, She has no use for people who are always complaining.
55, He was a quiet man, not usually given to complaining.
56, At a nearby table a man was complaining in a loud voice.
57, I moved to this country with my eyes open; so I'm not complaining.
58, He was always complaining about his various aches and pains.
59, In the end, I just got fed up with his constant complaining.
60, He'll get short shrift from me if he starts complaining about money again, now that I know how much he earns!
61, I've got no time for people who are always complaining.
62, I'm fed up to the back teeth with listening to you complaining.
63, The sound of his grating voice complaining all day was driving me crazy.
64, We knew Dad had turned the corner when he started complaining about the hospital food.
65, He went to bed complaining of a pain in the forehead.
66, The patient is complaining of pain in the abdomen, doctor.
67, I can't put up with her another day—she never stops complaining.
68, I'm sick of your complaining just pack it in, will you?
69, She didn't realize that by complaining she was only playing Peter's game.
70, The parents are complaining that some unpopular subjects are being pushed down the students' throats.
71, For many months local residents had been complaining that the building was unsafe, and that it was an accident waiting to happen.
72, I detest people complaining.
73, There's no mileage in complaining to the Director - she'll just ignore you.
74, If they went around complaining publicly, they might not find it so easy to get another job.
75, "Bite the bullet" is an idiomatic expression that means to accept something unpleasant without complaining.
76, He was a political gadfly, turning up at city council meetings and complaining about the waste of taxpayers' money.
77, Doctors are complaining that the system is cumbersome and bureaucratic.
78, The children are always complaining that they are perishing with hunger. Don't take seriously.
79, There's not much point in complaining; they never take any notice.
80, She's always complaining that she doesn't have enough money, but we're all in the same boat.
81, Letters have been pouring into the office complaining about this kind of refrigerator.
82, Economics will not stop Europe's politicians complaining when jobs are lost in their own backyard.
83, He was unsympathetic with many house sellers, complaining that they were motivated by greed.
83, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
84, A number of people have been onto me complaining about the noise.
85, He topped her glass up after complaining she was a slow drinker.
86, It's no use complaining.
87, It's no use complaining about the failure of our experiment; what we should do now is to make the best of a bad job and get ready to start anew.
88, Letters poured in complaining about the gratuitous violence on the show.
89, Tenants are complaining about the landlord's neglect of the property.
90, The taxpayers are complaining that their money is flowing out through government spending.
91, If food is scarce it's no use complaining; we shall just have to pull in our belts.
92, There's no point complaining now-we're leaving tomorrow in any case.
93, She was complaining about all the sex and violence on television.
94, Some of the victims are complaining loudly about the uneven distribution of emergency aid.
95, We are born crying, live complaining, and die disappointed. Thomas Fuller 
96, Limbaugh is complaining about the teaching of history.
97, Ed was always complaining, those last few months.
98, Parents were complaining about the school's inadequacies.
99, But you won't catch me complaining.
100, My 11-year-old son is always complaining his tummy hurts.
101, There is no water; members are complaining.
102, The kids were complaining there was nothing to do.
103, I have curtained the towel service; members are complaining.
104, This will also go a long way towards preventing your neighbour complaining about the noise you make.
105, He was just complaining that nobody remembered send him a card.
106, But the way he is playing football(), no one is complaining.
107, They all filed lawsuits, complaining that their civil rights had been violated.
108, He also told them to stop complaining about the electoral system.
109, Complainers change their complaints, but they never reduce the amount of time spent in complaining. Mason Cooley 
110, Male chest beating comes in the form of talking at length in meetings and then complaining when meetings overrun.
111, You should talk to your teacher instead of just complaining to me about it.
112, Jenny ran slower and slower, complaining all the way of various aches and pains.
113, When this question arises, we think of Amanda, the marketing manager besieged by complaining customers and disloyal subordinates.
113, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
114, Two days later, after refusing to eat and complaining of stomach pain, Jimmy was hospitalized.
115, And I was missing too many games complaining of a bad knee when there was nothing really wrong with it.
116, People keep complaining about the service at hospitals, and meanwhile more and more nurses are losing their jobs.
117, She'd been complaining of a headache all morning, and suddenly she just keeled over.
118, A war of words continued for months, the defeated candidates complaining of unfair muckraking.
119, But the police are already complaining about their poor pay and the fact that they are armed only with handguns.
120, Environmentalists are complaining that the amusement park is ugly and obtrusive.
121, The man who shared her apartment was surly, unfriendly, and always complaining about the lifts and the garbage disposal.
122, Eighteen days after discharge from hospital he was readmitted as an emergency complaining of epigastric pain and vomiting for 24 hours.
123, A letter to the chairman from Miss Bangham complaining of the misbehaviour of members of the youth club. 2.
124, Eighteen months on, some head teachers are complaining that inspectors are fulfilling their duties with a zeal which smacks of prejudice.
125, Jenny's always complaining that her boss gives her too much work.
126, Lowry, cackling and scratching, is a hoot as the rooster who lords it over the complaining hens in his roost.
127, In the course of things, some drivers already have quit, complaining of long hours, inadequate pay and poor organization.
128, Wednesday Dad has started complaining about the school holidays early this year.
129, He was admitted to hospital complaining of severe stomach pains.
130, Lewis-Ann sat under a huge umbrella, fully clothed, complaining bitterly about being too hot.
131, I drafted a letter to the publisher, complaining about the offending sentence.
132, It is not unusual for new mothers to go to the doctor complaining of tiredness, lethargy, and mild depression.
133, At midnight Stubb sits down to eat, complaining to the cook that the meat is overdone.
134, Many years later we would hear her still complaining about this.
135, Complaining is dangerous business. It can damage or even destroy your relationship with God, your relationships with other people, and even with your relationship with yourself. Joyce Meyer 
136, The mindset is to go after the person complaining, as opposed to the issue.
137, Frustrations ran high, with fans and journalists banging on windows and excitedly complaining to transportation volunteers during the busing debacle.
138, Which shows that it is worth complaining instead of just accepting a raw deal.
139, He is always complaining about having to flog electric storage heaters anyway.
140, They should quit complaining and just get on with their job!
141, You might start complaining that all these changes are happening too rapidly for comfort.
142, Even more amazing, Elsie, who had been getting in touch with her previously repudiated strengths, stopped complaining for the day.
143, In October a former Minister, Charles Fiterman, withdrew formally from conference preparations, complaining about lack of internal democracy.
144, A month later, however, she returned, complaining of discomfort from the lesion and still awaiting her clinic appointment.
145, Hamlin wrote a letter to the council, complaining about the incident.
146, I will not be as those who spend the day in complaining of headache, and the night in drinking the wine that gives it. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
147, The people are more expansive in their complaining, but their words merely combine elements by now all too familiar.
148, She returned to the hospital in the early hours of Saturday 4 July complaining of increased chest pains.
149, The noise echoes throughout the usually serene hills surrounding Potrero, but few people are complaining about the commotion.
150, Tony nursed his wife through her long illness without ever complaining.
151, You need to be able to move swiftly, changing gears and learning new skills without complaining.
152, No one is complaining publicly, but few are happy with the new policy.
153, It is no wonder that we receive so few complaining letters about electricity prices these days.
154, Just as they reached the cottage, Dario came out, complaining about having a little flu.
155, Our field stores have been complaining about the lack of responsiveness from the staff.
156, Did you ever hear the cellphone operators complaining that the early competition adversely affected their business?
157, Especially those who wrote in complaining about ish 82 and the new look.
158, This immediately puts the farmer on the defensive and reinforces the public's perception of them as a complaining, dissatisfied group.
159, There was nothing like a horse for leaning on, complaining to, arguing with.
160, Residents of Glacier Bay are complaining about the pollution caused by cruise ships.
161, We obtained supportive evidence for this explanation from a double contrast barium enema investigation of a patient complaining of changed bowel habit.
162, One person stopped by Florida Hospital Waterman complaining of respiratory problems.
163, Women felt that complaining about sexual harrassment was dangerous, as there was always the threat of losing their jobs.
164, Sitting and complaining about it is not going to do anything.
165, She's always complaining about her husband, but she won't throw the bum out.
166, Bullock comes off best because her complaining seems so valid.
167, Phil kept complaining that the $500 fine was unfair, but I think he got off lightly.
168, With hips at 44.5 inches and thighs at 25 inches, it was no wonder Rudolph had been complaining about excess baggage.
169, We adults do the same: we come home from work and start complaining or picking a fight.
170, But it might be a little early to start complaining.
171, He had to cancel a meeting at Camp David, complaining of a stubborn cold and hoarse throat.
172, Stop worrying; start working. Stop complaining; start resolving. Stop fretting; start living. Dr Roopleen 
173, I well remember during one hot dry summer talking to one grower who was complaining about his poor crop of parsnips.
174, People won't have time for you if you are always angry or complaining. Stephen Hawking 
175, I had heard them complaining of how nauseated they felt,(http:///complaining.html) how the very thought of food sickened them.
176, Two of the shop assistants were complaining loudly within earshot of the customers.
177, And despite complaining about charges for dental checks, it would not consider removing them for years.
178, Daniel's been complaining of a stomach ache for a couple of days.
179, The one thing you can not afford to do is give up and lapse into helpless, complaining Stage 5 mode.
180, The first word rose with unlimited aspiration, the second fell precipitously without hope, the third seemed strangely complaining.
181, Watch out for the joy-stealers: gossip, criticism, complaining, faultfinding, and a negative, judgmental attitude. Joyce Meyer 
182, Republicans are complaining that Democrats wanted to broaden the scope but are now objecting to the cost of doing so.
183, She'd come creeping back again, complaining about Dad's crumpled collars and his scuffed shoes, sprucing him up.
184, Most leading ministers resigned, complaining of his dictatorial behaviour, and now form the parliamentary opposition.
185, The typical clinical presentation is a young obese female complaining of new onset headache.
186, Meanwhile job hunters have been complaining that there is a shortage of jobs.
187, Relatives are often fearful of complaining lest there is a backlash in the kind of treatment or care the family member receives.
188, Barbara Garnett, 74, was rushed in after complaining of severe stomach pains.
189, Hospitals, project managers revealed the findings of samples taken since tunnel toll takers began complaining early last month of noxious odors.
190, But he had let it become so obvious that the civic leaders were complaining.
191, Student B immediately slams it shut,(Sentencedict) complaining bitterly of hay fever.
192, Business groups had repeatedly pressed for punitive damages to be limited, complaining of the increasing size and frequency of such awards.
193, Jinju lay curled atop a pile of grass and weeds, neither crying nor complaining, a grin frozen on her face.
194, Farm workers are complaining about long hours and low wages.
195, Two weeks ago he was forced out of a reserve match complaining of cold feet.
196, I hear people complaining about their lives and the world.
197, The court hearing system at Bushey isn't operating correctly; members are complaining.
198, You never were, although the slum people were complaining that a monster was preying on them.
199, Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining - it bores everybody else, does you no good, and doesn't solve any problems. Zig Ziglar 
200, Lots of readers have written in complaining about the lack of uniformity in children's clothes sizes.
201, In May the Girls would sit out on the steel fire escapes during shows and write home complaining about the unaccustomed heat.
202, He left Derby many moons ago complaining they gagged him.
203, By 1980 , however, visitors began complaining about crime downtown.




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