随便看 |
- sth days are numbered
- sth doesn't bear repeating
- sth doesn't bear thinking about
- sth doesn't compare
- sth doesn't compare with sth
- sth doesn't hurt
- sth doesn't wash
- sth doesn't wash with sb
- St Helens, Mount
- st-helens,-mount
- sth excepted
- sth expresses itself
- sth fierce
- sth former self
- sth gets my vote
- sth going
- sth happens to be sth
- sth happens to sb
- sth happens to sth
- sth has had it
- sth has left the building
- sth has little to recommend it
- sth has much to recommend it
- sth has nothing to recommend it
- sth has sb name on it
- Drowsy
- Obsession
- Outset
- Bread and butter
- Geocentric
- Break ground
- Heliocentric
- Not long
- Oppress
- 昨夜西风凋碧树,独上高楼,望尽天涯路
- 昨天已成过去,每天都是一个新的开始
- 昨天,象黑色的蛇
- 昨日之岛
- 昨日之日不可追,今日之日须臾期
- 昨日之日不可追,今日之日须臾期。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 昨日屋头堪炙手,今朝门外好张罗。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 昨见一少妇,行哭甚哀,声似贤节,意甚怜之。友人曰:“子得无视妇女乎?”曰:“非视也,见也。大都广衢之中,好丑杂沓,情态缤纷,入吾目者,千般万状,不可胜数也。吾何尝视?吾何尝不见?吾见此妇亦如不可胜数者而已。夫能使聪明不为所留,心志不为所引,如风声日影然,何害其为见哉?子欲入市而闭目乎?将有所择而见乎?虽然,吾犹感心也,见可恶而恶之,见可哀而哀之,见可好而好之。虽性情之正,犹感也,感则人,无感则天。
- 昭公二十年(晏子论和) 《春秋·左传》
- 昭发恭帕耶纳黎萨拉努瓦第翁