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单词 Drilled
1) The reporter drilled in his point.
2) The dentist drilled a hole in the tooth.
3) He drilled into the wall of Lili's bedroom.
4) They drilled boulder's for inserting dynamite.
5) We had multiplication tables drilled into us at school.
6) They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil.
7) He drilled through a metal plate.
8) He broached out the drilled hole.
9) He drilled the children in what they should say.
10) The language patterns were thoroughly drilled in.
11) Of 27 new wells drilled, 16 have proved exploitable.
12) The oil workers drilled for oil.
13) The murder victim was drilled with bullets.
14) The soldiers were being drilled outside the barracks.
15) He drilled through the wall by mistake.
16) I drilled five holes at equal distance.
17) The dentist drilled my tooth.
18) He accidentally drilled into a water pipe.
19) It was drilled into us at an early age never to drop litter.
20) The teacher drilled the class in pronunciation of French words.
21) It was drilled into us at an early age that we should always say 'please' and 'thank you'.
22) Mother had drilled it into me not to talk to strangers.
23) I didn't like having my teeth drilled but extractions were infinitely worse.
24) The children were drilled to leave the classroom quickly when the fire bell rang.
25) The pain is often likened to being drilled through the side of the head.
26) The men had drilled all day and wanted a rest.
27) The hole they drilled pierces 6 km into the earth's crust.
28) The teacher drilled grammar and the multiplication tables every day.
29) I acted instinctively because I had been trained and drilled to do just that.
30) I simply don't believe that spoken skills can be drilled into learners in a language laboratory.
1) The reporter drilled in his point.
2) The dentist drilled a hole in the tooth.
3) He drilled into the wall of Lili's bedroom.
4) They drilled boulder's for inserting dynamite.
5) We had multiplication tables drilled into us at school.
6) They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil.
7) The dentist drilled my tooth.
31) At the other extreme of cost is drilled emplacement.
32) They hammered and plowed and drilled.
33) Ken was ably assisted by seconder Royal Robbins, who has probably drilled more bolts than anyone else.
34) If we had drilled that prospect, we would have missed our main target.
35) As it is no longer in focus the drill serves to reinforce what has already been drilled and ensures automaticity of control.
36) But when I first drilled that hand-made aluminium throttle pedal down to its bump stop, I was absolutely stunned.
37) It went on a rampage and mercilessly drilled another robot.
38) With this approach, very young children do not write words, but are only drilled on alphabet letters and blends.
39) The scientists had drilled nearly 600 feet into the ocean bottom in over ten thousand feet of water.
40) In the past, he has been a fundamental coach whose teams were not fancy but very well conditioned and drilled.
41) Early drilled crops have a greater and earlier nutrient demand and their root systems can cope better, he said.
42) A third well has also been drilled and is currently being completed, and Pogo has plans to drill a fourth well.
43) A third appraisal of this potentially significant heavy oil field will be drilled in 1993.
44) In the process, some 2, 000 miles of tunnels were drilled through the mountains.
45) However, if they were not attached to a string when new and soft they will have to be drilled.
46) The recruits drilled regularly.
47) The Engineering Geology and Geophysics Group's responsibilities for borehole geophysics extend to boreholes drilled for mineral exploration.
48) Boreholes were drilled and geophysical investigations were made at Shaftesbury, and a draft report has been prepared.
49) Aquifers are located and drilled into, so releasing the water trapped in the pockets.
50) For a differential drill they are placed side by side and drilled across to highlight the difference between them. 7.2.2.
51) They drilled with one of the groups out there, living in open huts made of eucalyptus logs and assorted vines.
52) No gas fields occur in the Bramsche and Vlotho Massifs, although in the past many boreholes have been drilled there.
53) What is the scale of threat from this stem canker disease to the rape crops now drilled?
54) A 300-yard tunnel is being drilled through the mountainside to connect the two halves of the severed road again.
55) Other pieces were slid under a computerized drilling rig, to have boltholes drilled according to the shop drawing.
56) The water enters through a drilled spray bar and is filtered through Cypripack plastic filter medium under a perforated support tray.
57) Horizontal boreholes drilled radially from the base of the dug wells add substantially to the yields of the wells.
58) In their undergraduate years they are drilled in factual knowledge and scientific method,(http:///drilled.html) and rarely see patients outside hospital buildings.
59) It was held in place with four bolts drilled through her skull - two in her forehead and two above her ears.
60) They were drilled in by the shattering noise around him.
61) The near-vertical deposit has been drilled to 300 m depth and could be worked in an open pit.
62) My Koreanness was so drilled into me that it became like a religion.
63) Subsequent analysis of a sample drilled from the interior showed it was of bronze with no zinc present at all.
64) For tone languages, tone frames should be drilled from the outset of the course.
65) Offshore commissioning and hook-up is progressing and production and injection wells are being drilled on the Shell-operated project.
66) They'd have to be drilled and fastened with coach-bolts to keep them secure.
67) Artesian wells are drilled into rock formations that contain pressurized water.
68) They were straightened, then cut to length on a saw, drilled, and placed adjacent to their assembly points.
69) Nothing is so thoroughly drilled into the minds of the young as the need for this restraint.
70) Both pipes are drilled and fitted with drilled stop ends for the use of the filter matting.
71) To extract heat from the rock, two j-shaped boreholes have to be drilled into the rock, several kilometers deep.
72) Bullets drilled into wood or stone or sang off the walls with a loud whine.
73) When was the first offshore oil well drilled?
74) He drilled a hole in a stone wall.
75) The teacher drilled the class in pronunciation.
76) The ones who drilled you mercilessly through the curriculum?
77) The batter drilled a single through the infield.
78) The workman accidentally drilled a hole in the gas main.
79) The pile-end post-grouting technology can help to improve the bearing capacity of drilled grouting piles and to decrease their sedimentation.
80) You used netstat and drilled down to the packet level using tracing tools, such as iptrace and tcpdump.
81) She felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth.
82) Yingyi-D1 well, an exploratory well, was drilled to reveal the insider of standard section of Yingcheng Formation in 2006.
83) Insert a self - tapping screw into the drilled pin and carefully pull the pin from the camshaft.
84) It was, I dare swear, the one and only occasion in the annals of His Majesty's army when two regiments have been drawn up and drilled by their commanding general in the dusk after too good a dinner.
85) Better germination is obtained if the seed is sown or drilled shortly after a shower.
86) Bolt (n. ) metal secured into a drilled hole in the rock as means of protection. Often accompanied by a hanger, an eyelet to which a carabiner can attach.
87) There are only a few long cores drilled and studied on the outer continental shelf of the East China Sea with water depth more than 50m,(http:///drilled.html) core EA01is one of them with many indexes analyzed.
88) The borehole must be drilled at correct place , and the gas pressure will be relieved.
89) A well drilled between established production wells to increase production and possibly ultimate recovery from the reservoir.
90) Scientists charted levels of thallium, cadmium and lead in an ice core sample drilled in Greenland.
91) With my tongue I can feel the silencer holes we drilled into the barrel of gun.
92) I look at the table, already was the operating time, fast drilled from the bedding.
93) What would be the bottom surface of the block is then skimmed flat, and locating dowel pin holes are drilled.
94) Noncommissioned officers drilled the new recruits to turn them into combat soldiers.
95) Sources in Japanese military intelligence have also proven that the nuclear weapon was drilled into the seabed by the commandeered Japanese deep drilling ship the Chikyu Maru.
96) On the output shaft fixture design requirements, because accuracy and tolerance, to use more surface grinder drilled.
97) They set to work and drilled enough pump wells to irrigate more land.
98) When used, the left-hand tap is put into a drill hole of a drilled broken bone, and then operated by a left hand to make left-hand internal threads.
99) Methods: The pedicle screw pilot holes were drilled within the center of the pedicle, violated pedicle walls in 9 human dried thoracic vertebrae.
100) When argillite formations at the lower part of intervals are drilled, critical bit weight and endurance failure factor of buckle formed by building assembly should be checked.
101) Researchers found the same telltale signature of drought in a deep-sea sediment core drilled from the Gulf of Oman.
102) The reasons for large variations of azimuthal and zenithal angles of holes drilled are investigated with a view point of mechanics.
103) Also known as Hex Head Screws or Hex Head Bolts. Includes Standard, Drilled Head, Left Hand Threaded, Self-Sealing, and Military Specification Cap Screws.
104) The Chinese are credited as the first to have drilled deep water wells.
105) Party A with totle drilling cost, contract wildcat to be drilled to artesian well contractor.
106) The ancient Babylonians built walls and towers with asphalt, the Chinese drilled for "rock oil" to provide heating and lighting, and the Byzantines sprayed "Greek fire" as an incendiary weapon.
107) Matching pilot holes were drilled into the spacers, but not into the base plate.
108) The reason is the borehole drilled by eccentricity PDC bit is over diameter. ROP is improved and the cost of drilling will be lowed as a result of using eccentricity PDC bit.
109) The utility model relates to a jack screw and plug screw driver, which is characterized in that a hole is drilled along an axial direction in a screw, and a plug is added on the head of a screwdriver.
110) Methods The growth plate of proximal tibia was drilled with bony scow in 30 rabbits 5 week old .
111) Well, there's the entire outer continental shelf of North America that is basically barely been drilled, explored.
112) The mud in a mud drilling and water pumping well drilled through the Quaternary System can be only removed partly as the well is washed intensively.
113) In recent decades, companies from Europe, the United States, and Australia have drilled for abundant oil and natural gas and strip-mined coal.
114) The hole is drilled , the charge is set up.
115) Oil supply is made through drilled channels or pipe thread.
116) Well WS-5 was an important exploratory well of Daqing Oilfield in 2002, and it was drilled to investigate the gas reservoir in the southeast fault of Songliao Basin.
117) Of, relating to,(/drilled.html) or being an oil or natural-gas well drilled speculatively in an area not known to be productive.
118) The well Guan9, an exploratory well drilled in 2004, has obtained industrial oil flow with light hydrocarbons in the low Shaximiao formation of Jurassic in Southeast Sichuan Basin.
119) This article drilled takes the core method the elementary operation eo request, the matters needing attention has carried on the summary.
120) After hole is drilled, while still rotating, raise drilling bit back out of hole and pressing the.
121) To use the drilled coal core site desorption data can get a drop-down curve of abandoned mine methane emission rate versus time approximately.
122) Of the samples tested, rue oil, cold drilled lemon oil and drilled cold tangerine oil gave the best anti-pest results. It is argued tha...
123) The top die shoe must be drilled for positive knockout if required.
124) Using the gas zone seismic reflection character incorporated with drilled wells to predict its lateral distribution, we have obtained better predicting effects.
125) Taking a successful experience in a drilled well as an example, this study finally concluded that the refined acid system and acid fracturing technology adapt well to the Puguang Gasfield.
125) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
126) Bolts with drilled or undersize heads shall not be used.
127) Nothing soothes me more after a long and maddening course of pianoforte recitals than to sit and have my teeth drilled.
128) The discovery well was drilled in 1927 on the basis of magnetic and torsion - balance surveys.
129) Over 30 years ago Alexander Perfiliev drilled his first longitudinal hole in a miniature Mauser copy with a hand brace.
130) Total left Rub al-Khali early last year, after its program there ran far over its budget and its teams drilled three wells that came up dry.
131) Georgos considered some of the examples drilled into him during the Cuban revolutionary training.
132) NOTE: The undersized locator holes are pre - drilled for easy location and assembly.
133) The teacher drilled the English class until they knew the words well.
134) She said she hoped the latest plan would work but admitted it would be a temporary measure and that a relief well currently being drilled might turn out to be the permanent solution.
135) Exxon Mobil, the world's largest publicly-traded oil company by market value, said it drilled its second exploratory well offshore Danang City in August and encountered hydrocarbons.
136) Looking from the front, the first high-profile place that is more aggressive and more new trapezium was drilled before the crystal headlamps , full of sharp Xia of gas.




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