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单词 Taxonomy
1. That comforts both creationists and experts on- taxonomy.
2. It will establish a taxonomy of the agencies and assess the linkages between them and governments.
3. Let us consider this taxonomy of Mr Humphries' weekend companions.
4. Another taxonomy for political systems is based on the system of political parties.
5. The taxonomy of this family would then not have any branches.
6. No taxonomy is used in all political analyses, because each taxonomy emphasizes different aspects of the political world.
7. New ways of working will take taxonomy into the fast lane, providing information on species, the components of biodiversity.
8. Using this taxonomy of barriers, estimates of the benefits of removing them were made.
9. Gaston and Mound are right that in taxonomy, as in science in general, the drive comes from individuals.
10. As yet, however, no rigorous taxonomy of text types is available, let alone describable in terms of typical linguistic features.
11. The choice of a taxonomy depends upon the interests of the political analyst.
12. The lexical items in a taxonomy may be thought of as corresponding to classes of things in the extra-linguistic world.
13. How can taxonomy work if its subjects can no longer claim an unblemished identity?
14. To taxonomy, though, their essence lies in years to come.
15. The taxonomy of Chinese Lycopodiaceae (sen. lat. ) I.
16. Method Resource survey and taxonomy method were applied.
17. Historical review of taxonomy of Agropyron.
18. A numerical taxonomy of Chinese Jasminum.
19. Number taxonomy is an identifier taxonomy.
20. Works with core Taxonomy module and Content Taxonomy module.
21. Taxonomy is very largely subjective and intuitive.
22. Taxonomy of the genus Triticum L.
23. Venation is a character sometimes used in taxonomy.
24. Some annotations mainly concerning nomenclature and taxonomy are supplied.
25. A numerical taxonomy of Sphagnum species.
26. More importantly,()(Sentencedict) I did not find the sections on taxonomy and evolution wholly satisfactory.
27. Nobody knows how many different species there might be, even in a taxonomy based on external appearance.
28. The Garden produces the Edinburgh Journal of Botany, which publishes research on plant taxonomy and other botanical sciences.
29. It provides detailed source of information on all 23 crocodilian species, including distribution maps, images, taxonomy, etc.
30. We studied cysts and nauplii of 15 bisexual Artemia strains from Shanxi, Inner Mongonia and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau of China by using the method of numeric taxonomy.
31. A study on leaf morphology and anatomy of Lardizabalaceae, Sargentodoxaceae and its significance in taxonomy.
32. A study on the taxonomy and distribution of Lithospermum and Arnebia China.
33. The following list of values are defined in the UDDI : types taxonomy.
34. However, the DITA specialization already demonstrates the value of maintaining a taxonomy and classification as part of your content.
35. The canonical XML schema format specifies the elements that can be defined in a classification taxonomy representable in WebSphere Service Registry and Repository.
36. Ostracod taxonomy and phylogeny contribute to general studies of crustacean evolution.
37. Taxonomy reveals a great deal about the evolutionary relationships among organisms. A clade is a taxonomic unit whose members are derived from a common ancestor.
38. Aspects considered in the present paper included the basic characteristics, taxonomy and distribution in fermented foods of Leuconostoc species.
39. Chemotaxonomy (biochemical systematics ; biochemical taxonomy) A system of classification of plants based on the nature of their metabolic products (metabolites).
40. The study has stayed in the taxonomy and horticulture research since long times ago, but the ornamental crabapple resources lacks systematic collection and investigation.
41. A process engineering task requires good understanding of RUP taxonomy (meta-model) and availability of a consistent extension mechanism.
42. Finally, the structure and function of the alimentary canal and its significances in Panorpidae taxonomy are briefly discussed.
43. The study of the Pinus tabulaeformis f. shekanensis is of importance to the forestry, plant taxonomy as well as phytoecology etc.
44. The existing problems were discussed, and the suggestion on the taxonomy of the genus Oryza was given.
45. And taxonomy adapts the evidences of ultrastructure, genetics and molecular biology to form a comprehensive branch of mycology.
46. Plant ecology and plant taxonomy respectively infiltrate into chemistry or phytochemistry, forming the phytochemistry ecology and the phytochemistry taxonomy.
47. It's found that there is either difference or corresponding relations between soil taxonomy and pedogenesis classification.
48. The premiss of establishing taxonomy of culture is to establish scientific culture view.
49. The study on the taxonomy and the eco-geographical distribution of the genus Silene in Inner Mongolia.
50. The Department of Entomology is an international centre for the study of insect and arachnid systematics, taxonomy, identification and comparative biology.
51. The results support the traditional taxonomy of leopard cat subspecies based on morphological characteristics and geographic distribution.
51. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
52. The realism and nominalism of middle ages affected the traditional taxonomy with different modes.
53. The Willis curves show that Chinese Soil Taxonomy has a more regular structure, which is probably related to difference in classification ideology between the two scientific disciplines.
54. Methods Entomological taxonomy and zoogeography principles and Methods were used in this study.
55. The ultra-morphological characteristics provided dependable reference to taxonomy for whitefly.
56. Therefore, it is of significance, to some extent, to apply non morphological characteristics in whitefly taxonomy.
57. Taxonomy of Najas: a synthetical analysis with evidences on cytology, isozymes and SEM examination.
58. Our results were consistent with the traditional taxonomy and provided more valuable information for Corylus accessions belonging to the same species.
59. Finally, the cherry in Fujian Wuyi Mountain should be treated as a new variation of Cerasus subhirtella in taxonomy.
60. The taxonomy, distribution and medicinal value of the medicinal plants of the family Huperziaceae and Lycopodiaceae in China.
61. The taxonomy of the genus Thalictrum is still unclear. The plants are perennial herbs.
62. When numerical methods have been used in avian taxonomy, inter-sexual phenotypic variation has always been neglected, especially in species without obvious sexual dimorphism.
63. To know more about it, we review the taxonomy and onomatology, epidemiology, identifying features and morph, biochemics, pathogenicity and therapy of S. dimidiatum.
64. Its scientific programme is based on the study, analysis and interpretation of taxonomy, chorology, ecology, ethology, animal physiology, parasitology and the problems of zoonosis.
65. A reclassification of the genus Clematoclethra (Actinidiaceae) and further note on the methodology of plant taxonomy.
66. Studies on chemical constituents and taxonomy of the Pyrrosia Mirbel in China (Report I. ).
67. One aspect of oceanography that has fallen into neglect is that of identifying fish: taxonomy.
68. Taxonomy, distribution and possible floristic origin of the genus Acacia from China.
69. The results provide a new basis for taxonomy of Morus.
70. A preliminary study on the taxonomy of the family Magnoliaceae.
71. However, existing semantic clustering approaches based on the taxonomy hierarchy take little account of load balancing problem among clusters, which inevitably compromise network performance.
72. Although the pollen morphology did not show its importance to the taxonomy at sectional level of the genus Begonia, it showed some value to some specific treatment.
73. A study on the pollen morphology of Lardizabalaceae, Sargentodoxaceae and its significance in taxonomy.
74. The value of the element is a forward-slash-separated string that identifies a hierarchic location in the indicated taxonomy.
75. The defendant in that case, Nidal Hasan, is white according to standard racial taxonomy.
76. Such a taxonomy is expected to be particularly useful here, due to the large number of items and the sparseness of data per item (mostly attributed to "tracks" rather than to "artists").
77. On the basis of the original conceptual taxonomy, the knowledge taxonomy is added to Blooms revised educational objectives, as result of which it becomes two-dimensional.
78. A certain species of hosts usually have their fixed louse species. The similarity of sucking louse communities is highly consistent with the affinity of small mammal hosts in taxonomy.
79. Then it analyzes the relationship between modular organization and loosely coupled system, and presents a new taxonomy for the latter.
80. This paper will analyze the genetic relationship of 7 species of alaudidae in Inner Mongolia with methods of molecular systematics and traditional taxonomy.
81. New taxa rainforest taxonomy Sinopimoa gen . nov. Sinopimoa bicolor sp . nov.
82. The Show Table Format page summarizes the taxonomy table that will be created, showing a sample of the content(http:///taxonomy.html), as shown in Figure 8.
83. More recently, griseofulvin has become an important phenotypic marker in Penicillium taxonomy.
84. Magnoliaceae plants, which have important role in botanic systematic taxonomy and are also important trees in sub-tropic forests, mainly distribute in South and Southwestern China.
85. In this paper, 11 cultivars and 28 characters of Chaenomeles Yizhou were preliminary studied by numerical taxonomy methods, which developed in the recent years.
86. On the taxonomy of the genus Juncus L. in Inner Mongolia.
87. According to "China tree taxonomy" description: "Rosewood is the kind of legume.
88. Liliaceae (lilies) A large family of monocotyledonous plants. Their taxonomy is much in dispute, with groups that were formerly sections now regarded with new evidence as being separate families.
89. A clade is a 'branch' and is a term used in the taxonomy of species.
90. You can leverage and extend this approach as a synchronization mechanism for maintaining the classification taxonomy in multiple systems, including WebSphere Service Registry and Repository.
91. In this paper, taxonomic characters and taxonomic system of dunlin subspecies were introduced. Moreover, Infraspecific taxonomy of dunlin in non-breeding period was epitomized.
92. Linnaean taxonomy categorizes organisms into a hierarchy of kingdoms, classes, orders, families, genera, and species based on shared physical characteristics.
93. Therefore, it seemed to be useful to use micromorphological characteristics in Subgen Saussurea taxonomy both at species and sectional level.
94. With the availability of polyphasic taxonomical method, functions of chemical and molecular taxonomy have become increasingly important in the taxonomy of Bacillus genus.
95. Some issues on studying the cultivated plant taxonomy and origin by mean of isozyme analysis.
96. Therefore it is of importance for understanding bryophyte diversity and its characteristics to study systematically on Inner Mongolia Amblystegiaceae's taxonomy, floristics and distribution character.
97. Therefore, it seemed to be useful to use micromorphological characteristics in Subgne Saussurea taxonomy both at species and sectional level.
98. They may need to contribute to the taxonomy development process directly in-situ within a subscribing system.
99. The results are reported in the paper of the study of the morphological taxonomy of the Culicoides pulicaris section of the Culicoides pulicaris group in China.
100. In this dissertation, we reviewed the development of bacterial taxonomy, the study on halophilic archaea. and the structure, function and application of BR protein.
101. In 1758, Swedish biologist Carl Linnaeus developed a comprehensive system of taxonomy, as the field is known, which is still - with modifications - in use today.
102. Systemic - Functional linguistics aims to provide a taxonomy for sentence a means of descriptively classifying particular sentences.
103. Plant taxonomy and plant systematics may more emphasize on the evolution of plants and their relationships. Its coverage is much broader than dendrology .
104. The good news is that DB2 9.5 conforms to the IBM SWG taxonomy and licensing terms with respect to high availability pricing.
105. By using computer, this paper makes a numerical taxonomy study for nectariferous plants pollen.
106. Another distinction often made in the literature of numerical taxonomy is that between divisive and agglomerative approaches.
107. The Metadata Tool allows the use an existing standard classification schema or your organization's homegrown taxonomy.
108. In insect taxonomy attached Coleoptera, a walk to Branch, is a powder.
109. Founded in 1788 and named for Carl Linnaeus, the Swedish scientist who devised the binomial system of taxonomy, it is the world's oldest active biological society.
110. Taxonomy can lay claim to being the oldest, the most basic and the most all-embracing of the biological sciences.
111. A numerical taxonomy of the genus Populus from northwestern China.
111. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
112. The latest application of molecular methods in the field of molecular systematics and evolution of Caudata in China, primarily from phylogeny, species taxonomy and definition and genetic diversity.
113. This paper provides a detail introduction on the composition and features of rRNA genes, and their application in the phylogeny studies, taxonomy and identification of marine animals.
114. Definition, scope , structure, taxonomy and methodology of karstosphere are discussed.
115. It was considered that FTIR could become a rapid, reliable, impersonal and effective method in chemotaxonomy as a supplement of morphologic plant taxonomy.
116. The levels of this taxonomy are considered to be hierarchical.
117. To study on microstructure and ultrastructure may provide some information for myxomycete taxonomy.
118. CCK fields, Taxonomy and Presets can be imported from a module file.
119. Methods Open field investigating, collection specimens, taxonomy and data criticism were employed.
120. A preliminary study on the taxonomy of the genus Echinochloa Beauv. in China.
121. The morphology, taxonomy and biology of the Vespidae were reviewed in order to promote the research on Vespidae in China.
122. The different bract epidermal micro-morphological characters can be used to taxonomy of the tribe at species level.
123. The 4 examined species of Pardosa was grouped together between two methods of phylogenetic analysis(NJ and MP), which is the most evolutive group, as same as recent taxonomy.
124. The originally complicated situation in taxonomy of an agamic complex becomes even more complicated after the publication of additional new species (Malus).
125. Micromorphology also provided valuable information for the taxonomy of angiosperm classification.
125. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
126. The numerical taxonomy approaches in relation to the generic relationships of the Saururaceae in China.
127. The systematic taxonomy of Fagaceae in Shanxi was studied. Some species that had been errorly identified were corrected here.
128. Brokers usually extend the value proposition of a registry by offering intelligent search capability and business classification or taxonomy data.
129. A series of study from morphology to molecular markers on the taxonomy and evolution of the genus Citrus has been carried out both in China and abroad in the past more than 250 years.
130. Immunoblotting analysis demonstrated that the exoantigens were more suitable for being used as an indicator for taxonomy because the specificity of antisera to exoantigens was better tha.
131. Objective To study the taxonomy of Malassezia and distribution of the it in some dermatoses .
132. The research background, history, methods, contents and the achievements of the taxonomy of Psocoptera from China are reported in the present paper.
133. Studies on pollen morphology and taxonomy of Lespedeza and its allied genera from NE China.
134. Objective: The aim of this work is to probe into micro - morphological character of microspore of Selaginella and their significance in Taxonomy.
135. The majority of other books on plant taxonomy are either less concise or more specialized.
136. The study of taxonomy must necessarily involve the amassing of an encyclopaedic knowledge of plants.
137. Data to the ecology and taxonomy of the Cotinus genus.
138. A study on numerical taxonomy of Dioscoreaceae plants in Zhejiang Province.
139. Objective: To establish the identification of protein compositions in Rhizoma Arisaematis through researches of its taxonomy, pharmacognostic anatomy and chemical compositions.
140. In this paper, a method analyseis provided, which based on AR model and Bayes taxonomy.
141. In the present paper, the advances in ecology, evolutionary biology and taxonomy of the genus Plantago were reviewed.
142. Of course, real life blonds don't fit neatly into this taxonomy.
143. Besides common modeling rules and a scalable notation, the approach must be based on a central taxonomy and knowledge of modular architecture.
144. The paper summarizes the researches and advances ir. taxonomy , systematics, anatomy, floral organogenesis and reproduction biology hoping to help the researches of these plants to some extent.
145. It, therefore, is urgent to construct a taxonomy system under Internet environment.
146. For the most part, IBM Software Group (IBM SWG) literature uses the cold, warm, and hot taxonomy to describe standby servers.
147. Abstract Making an attempt to apply the systematic methods of cladistics to plant taxonomy, the author discusses the systematic position of the genus Craigia W.
148. In conclusion, therefore, what can we say about caiman taxonomy?




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