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单词 Realised
1. I realised I was becoming increasingly depressed and apathetic.
2. He quit the sport when he realised he didn't have the killer instinct.
3. I realised how hard life was going to be for me hereafter.
4. Liberman realised Kurt was unsuited to office life, but offered him a contract anyway.
5. He realised his dream when he passed the entrance examination.
6. He realised that it was improper for a police officer to accept gifts.
7. Some politicians have realised that there are more artful ways of subduing people than shooting or jailing them.
8. As soon as we realised something was wrong, we moved the children away.
9. He realised that their money was useless in this country.
10. It was then that I realised she'd tricked me.
11. I never realised you knew my brother.
12. I hadn't realised that things had got this bad.
13. Mia realised her trick had rebounded on her.
14. Straightaway our worst fears were realised.
15. They realised the situation to be against them.
16. I suddenly realised that I had no money about me.
17. Once they realised their mistake the phone was reconnected again.
18. I got an awful fright when I realised how much money I owed.
19. They realised that some of their prices were higher than their competitors' and revised prices accordingly.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. After an hour he realised he was completely running with sweat.
21. To my horror,() I realised my shirt was wet with blood.
22. When we re-examined the regulations, we realised that we had misinterpreted them.
23. I suddenly realised what I'd said, but it was too late.
24. Columbus had not realised that this new land was not India.
25. I realised that I must have imagined the whole thing.
26. When it was first realised that BSE could lead to new variant CJD, the European Commission banned the sale of all British beef.
27. All of these are quite useful breeds whose potentiality has not been realised.
28. The house came up for sale and the couple realised they could just about afford it.
29. I thought it was paint at first, but on closer examination I realised it was dried blood.
30. When the bank refused to lend us any more money we realised we'd reached the end of the road.
1. I realised I was becoming increasingly depressed and apathetic.
2. He quit the sport when he realised he didn't have the killer instinct.
3. I realised how hard life was going to be for me hereafter.
4. Liberman realised Kurt was unsuited to office life, but offered him a contract anyway.
5. He realised his dream when he passed the entrance examination.
6. He realised that it was improper for a police officer to accept gifts.
7. Some politicians have realised that there are more artful ways of subduing people than shooting or jailing them.
8. As soon as we realised something was wrong, we moved the children away.
9. He realised that their money was useless in this country.
31. I had to unravel one of the sleeves because I realised I'd knitted it too small.
32. We realised it wouldn't be easy to find another secretary.
33. It was only after we'd had the car for a few days that we realised we'd been screwed by the dealer.
34. When police realised who he was, they asked for an autograph and let him off with a warning.
35. I then realised that he had made a simple but excusable historical mistake.
36. When I first came to college I realised that brainpower didn't count for much.
37. When he realised he had lost his keys, he retraced in his mind his movements that day.
38. Scientists in Switzerland realised that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree.
39. He apologised as soon as he realised what he had done. In actual fact he wrote a nice little note to me.
40. By the time the pilot realised how close the plane was to the building, it was too late to take evasive action.
41. Barely had I set foot in the street when I realised I was lost.
42. It was then that she realised, with blinding clarity, that she loved him.
43. It was not long before I realised the enormity of my faux pas.
44. I suddenly realised that I was being made a fool of.
45. At first he was most dictatorial and aggressive in what he said, but when he realised that he would get nowhere by that means, he began to sing another tune.
46. I realised I was looking at it from the wrong angle.
47. I think he realised he'd gone over the top with the seating arrangements.
48. It was several minutes before we realised what was happening.
49. A selection of correspondence from P G Wodehouse realised £1(http://),232.
50. He overrode the autopilot when he realised it was malfunctioning.
51. Mrs Drummond was distraught when she realised Isabelle's condition.
52. But she had enjoyed the experience, she realised now.
53. Tomorrow, she realised, she would be socially conscious again.
54. Then she realised, and felt heat flood her face.
55. After two bites I realised the apple was rotten.
56. In 1990, however, David finally realised his lifelong ambition.
57. His head, she realised was at an odd angle.
58. They had all drifted away, she realised vaguely.
59. She hadn't realised that they were so close.
60. It looked gaunt and inhospitable, he realised.
61. The heifer realised £258 and the bull £305.
62. I should have realised that would cause a disturbance.
63. I realised I wanted another guitar player.
64. She gasped as she realised what it was.
65. Sabine realised she had almost stopped breathing.
66. And with an inward smile Dexter realised another reason why Blanche's flirtation with the inspector had made him so irritable.
67. Mayli stared at him for just a second, then realised that the waiter would have given the alarm by now.
68. This went on for 13 months until my parents realised that I needed medical attention.
69. Boulton realised that if Watt's engines were to be exploited commercially the patent would have to be extended.
70. Cherith's betrayal had bitten deep, then - deeper even than Folly had realised.
71. Then she felt the blood drain from her face as she realised he was right.
72. For gardeners this is the most exciting time of year, when all your plans are realised and ideas become reality.
73. The firm realised some sort of fiddle was going on, but they had no idea how much they were losing.
74. Suddenly she giggled and I realised I was still holding her fingers.
75. She'd finally realised that what she needed was to commit mind, body and soul into something challenging and exciting.
76. Discs realised maybe they could make a go of it.
77. On the sixth day, after a curt nod from the chef, Mark realised he must be doing something half-right.
78. Sue was talking as they went, describing the scene, and Kathleen realised they were on air live again.
79. Staff there were looking forward to the event until they realised that the Princess regularly went fox hunting.
79. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
80. He was engaging in a war of nerves with her, Isabel realised at last, but he didn't remember.
81. She had not realised they could reach out from the charmed circle of themselves.
82. The following questions must therefore be asked: To what extent are the real planning implications of curriculum development realised?
83. Then we realised that she'd had diarrhoea so badly it was actually oozing out of her collar!
84. Once she glanced at her watch and, with a despairing sigh, realised it wasn't even midnight yet.
85. Caroline realised that she was floundering in such a morass of conflicting emotions that she hardly knew what to resent most.
86. In his hands she saw something glint and realised it was a knife.
87. Then she realised that Louise would have already broken the news to the bridge party.
88. If it was the hospital, she realised she was terrified to hear the news.
89. Government reforestation targets are not being supported by adequate funding and can not be realised, the report claims.
90. His jaw ached and he realised that he was grinding his teeth, so he released the muscles and tried to relax.
91. Now, after thirty days at this backbreaking and endless task, he realised why.
92. A truly democratic government would have realised the populace was against the tax and abandoned it immediately.
93. Before I realised what was happening, the man had grabbed my bag and run off with it.
94. One of the men glanced at him, giving a double take as he realised who it was.
95. They realised the strategic importance of the site and used it as a naval base and trading post.
96. She realised that previously she must have been eating many more calories than she'd thought.
97. For one thing, all concerned had by now realised that the books offered considerably more scope for exploitation.
98. But only on account of the smooth running of the business, she realised.
99. He said that when the Government realised it faced defeat on amendment 27 it had produced a second legal opinion.
100. It was weeks later before he realised it was one of his team, heading for a dram in Dunbar High Street.
101. She followed his eyes downwards and cringed inwardly when she realised the top buttons of her shirt had come undone.
102. She had drawn back from a direct confrontation again, Guy realised.
103. Then, almost magically, as she realised this, something stirred inside her and that something was excitement and courage.
104. I only realised later that the clear liquid in the glass must have been vodka.
105. And almost immediately after that she realised that Julius had moved much closer.
106. When Elisabeth realised her mistake, she had stood up and gazed round the cinema.
107. Then, and only then, was it realised she had taken it off when she had washed her hands.
108. For the first time she realised that Deana Davenport's jealous bitterness wasn't the real danger.
109. They were both attacked, one having a violent headache,() the other being possessed as I now realised I had been.
110. Shelley realised that tears were coursing down her cheeks, and that the cook was watching her.
111. Newman had realised that, because of cultural inequalities, many people were not ardent followers of drama as presented in the Theatre.
112. Struggling to his feet, he realised he was waving his sword.
113. Squinting again along the left of the nose I suddenly realised that his head had become completely transparent!
114. All at once Jehan realised that Jehana had not yet given her reasons for consenting to betrothal with Alexei.
115. Lucenzo looked up as if he'd only just realised she'd slipped away, and seemed taken aback when he saw her.
116. All of us realised that there was nothing we could do, no evasive action we could take.
117. Chrissie felt a moment's deep despair as she stared at her husband and realised, again, that he was slipping.
118. This was the heart of the bastide, Sabine realised with a gasp of delight.
119. He would groan when he realised, afterwards, how he had raged at Maria Filippa.
120. William realised that he should feel contented with his lot, but he was not.
121. I was excited about the prospect, but quickly realised that this was not the time to share my jovial mood.
122. This expresses a fact, idea or intention which will be realised if a certain condition is fulfilled.
123. The atmosphere was tense and all realised it was heads down for a full house.
124. During the six months I spent there I realised how important it was to adapt quickly.
125. She'd sounded rather forlorn, she realised, and she silently cursed her frankness.
126. He realised that when Field played his pianos in City salerooms, business boomed.
127. You probably realised she's a severe case of portal cirrhosis, with ascites and jaundice.
128. In a flash I realised that my propeller was tearing great chunks out of his cockpit and he was quite literally trapped.
129. In fact we executed such prisoners, but Teitgen only realised that later.
130. They had charted their son's progress from afar but had not realised the group's popularity.
131. The complexity of rural development everywhere, whether in the developed or the developing world, is not always realised.
132. They had simply come a little deeper into the forest than they had realised.
133. That's when I realised that I couldn't go on with this free agent nonsense.
134. The friar suddenly realised that Cranston's claim that Allingham was murdered was really a piece of pure guesswork on his part.
135. We also realised that there was insufficient classroom time for the testing of children individually in dramatic performance.
136. But she realised that more serious training in classical ballet was necessary, and went to Edouard Espinosa for classes.
137. Senna said he realised that a good start was vital.
138. It was only when I started to receive my magazine that I realised just how courageous the lifeboat crews are.
139. I realised I had a large gay following last year(http://), but managed to lose him by ducking into a Virgin Megastore.
140. As the kettle began to boil, she realised that the mugs she needed were stowed beneath the sink.
141. I realised who I was O K - I just couldn't live inside the envelope.
142. In dismay Paige realised that the atlas lay open to his inspection.
143. She looked at him, then realised her overnight bag was in the boot.
144. Leith afterwards supposed she should have realised that that state of affairs could not go on indefinitely without some one getting hurt.
145. There were two cavernous nostrils and Nuadu realised that this was the reason for the hissing whispering voice.
146. I realised I'd become so confident because I really believed in what I was doing.
147. He realised however that Douglas Ferguson was speaking for the whole partnership and that it was foolish to resist.
148. But now she suddenly realised it fitted him like a glove.
149. Her accusation in front of her family had made him coldly furious, she realised with a jolt.
150. He stretched and picked up the phone, but before he could dial he realised he had cut in on a conversation.
151. Through his work, Freud realised that some taboos of the time were much more commonly breached than was acknowledged by society.
152. Mr Dodd realised his hands were on fire and ran from the garage.
153. He tried to rub it, and then realised that he was handcuffed to the Police Constable sitting next to him.
154. And then the girl had giggled, in what Folly now realised was probably a nervous reaction.
155. On our return we realised it was our last evening at the campsite in Waldsee.
156. At which Stour realised suddenly that he was the one who must act, and fast.
157. The bizarre thing was, I don't think they realised this.
158. Fred often winced when he witnessed his wife's impudence and guile, but he realised she was right.
159. She jiggled the receiver and realised that there was no dialling tone.
160. She hadn't realised how quickly the stock had been gobbled up by the hungry flames.
161. He realised suddenly that he had to go to the bathroom.
162. Events prove that, in the context of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel,() his prediction is being realised.
163. Then it was realised that even small changes in the sun's output affect the Earth's climate significantly.
164. Had I read the brochure carefully I would have realised that the experience I was heading for was anything but tedious!
165. Basil realised that there was a whole lot more to education than training for livelihood with its over-emphasis on examinations.
166. Long ago, he now realised, Nicholas had slipped from his grasp.
167. For a moment they were disappointed when Denise realised it was in fact the same car as one already written down.
168. He realised it would not matter at all that they had no bathing costumes.
169. Later I realised that what made me uncomfortable was not that they looked like the inmates of those cattle trucks.
169. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
170. These benefits have been realised despite heavy excise duty discrimination against spirits in favour of beers and wines, both at home and abroad.
171. Then, before she realised what was happening, he fastened her in the double stirrups, binding her hands and feet.
172. Papers abroad realised they just could not match us - and didn't even bother to try.
173. But as the oil men realised that we meant business, seizures began to drop.
174. He realised that some were small, barely six inches high, while others had sword-arms raised or banners flying.
175. We finally realised that we could avoid even that embarrassment by giving ourselves breathing space.
176. She sighed heavily, and then realised that her sigh was audible.
177. There was an orange glow in the sky and he drew in his breath as he realised the cause of it.
178. The band realised such novelties would help Red Rhino sell more records, so agreed to the slight compromise.
179. He had never been afraid or apprehensive before, but now he realised that something was amiss.
180. Even the enthusiasts for fundholding realised that the lid was sinking on health expenditure.
181. The ward is the ideal place for learning, but only if its full potential is realised.
182. She realised she was still gripping the stone, and dropped it with a little horrified cry.
183. Anyone could have typed that message and his initial, she realised with dismay.
184. I never realised there were so many disturbed people around.
185. The worst fears of the residents were realised as the port was an immediate commercial success and heavy traffic quickly built up.
186. It also dealt a blow to his testimonial, which nevertheless realised more than £2000.
187. I realised what it was: a space shuttle entering the atmosphere on its final run-in to earth.
188. But he realised they needed much more evidence before they could arrest him for murder.
189. She carefully cleaned her brushes and put away the paints, then realised she was very hungry.
190. While there he begged a look around a semi-derelict Dakota and realised he was hooked on propliners!
191. The Sisters soon realised that many of the patients could not afford the bus or train fare every week.
192. With the closure of a further five mills in the first half of the current year major cost savings will be realised.
193. I later realised I had missed a major opportunity for helping change the situation.
194. Just because the technology offers exciting possibilities, we can not assume that they will be realised.
195. Only recently has the importance of the timing of insulin injections in relation to meals become fully realised.
196. To his horror he realised his hand was lying in the embers.
197. The message was short and cryptic and Corbett's worst fears were realised.
198. Smith, that the potential range of technological information which could be gleaned from analyses was fully realised.
199. As soon as Oufkir appeared,(/realised.html) Ben Barka realised his number was up and became extremely agitated.
200. It was only when they saw a practical demonstration on the day that they realised how simple and inexpensive it was.
201. Riven and Ratagan exchanged a look, and Riven realised that the big man knew everything.
202. There were accusations last night that doctors at the hospital should have realised she had classic symptoms of the disorder.
203. Have you ever tried to reach a summit when in retrospect you've realised that the conditions were too dangerous?
204. In 1975, my engineers and I realised we should enter a new area of application - robots for arc welding.
205. He gazed upwards until a lace curtain flicked back and he realised an elderly woman with white hair was studying him suspiciously.
206. Shivering, she realised the light was beginning to fade, and almost reluctantly she turned to make her way back inside.
207. I should have realised that genius, as some bright spark in the office said, has a lot to do with genes.
208. The decoder has to create a cognitive space in which the deictic elements and terms can be realised indexically.
209. Jan realised later that her behaviour had been very foolish.
210. Perhaps he'd simply cancelled whatever social engagements he had when he'd realised that his brother needed sorting out?
211. Of course, I realised that it was an example of pure coincidence and that there could be nothing more to it.
212. Our doughty competitors realised that was out of their reach, but the glamour still didn't fade.
213. I had not realised that one innocent man's plight could arouse such blood lust.
214. Because her only defence was to turn him against her, she realised with a pang of sorrow.
215. The benefits of cost savings, greater efficiency and synergy are being realised.
216. She appeared taken aback, as if she had only just realised that the pair of them were not alone.
217. As soon as I walked on to the beach behind the resort where I was staying, I realised its potential.
218. She reached out to switch on the bedhead light and realised that the blackness of night had been replaced by grey gloom.
219. With horror[], I realised he was using his dinner money to feed his addiction.
220. They have realised that the key to unlimited growth was the planting of new congregations.
221. She saw a figure hurrying along the pavement towards her, and realised that it was Marco.
222. As she stepped back to view the result, she realised that Martha was really a most attractive girl.
223. But they quickly realised the judge had done them a great disservice and that his report hinged on a massive irony.
224. Others were part of basic research on living tissue, and their benefits could not have been realised at the time.
225. She would have liked to stay longer, but realised that would have been greedy.
226. Struggling to his feet, he realised he was waving his sword. Things were happening too fast to keep up with.
227. I looked at the paper, and realised that a new comedy show was about to start on Channel 4.
228. I felt miserable and realised the hair of my dreams had turned into the worst bad hair day you could imagine.
229. The provision of opportunities here for introducing and monitoring new materials is now beginning to be realised and opens very exciting possibilities.
230. It is brought into existence precisely to enable a specific purpose to be realised.
231. However,(http:///realised.html) it was also realised that existing service provision did not always meet clients' needs.
232. In many developed countries, politicians have at last realised the promise offered by the magnificent achievements of computer hardware engineers.
233. This was not pursued when it was realised that quite small countries like Ireland could become significant contributors.
234. He realised that Marion's reticence was to protect the secret of her love affair with Ronald Travis.
235. Developments had either been realised or were at least in the advanced stages of negotiation in the bulk of its area.
236. It is dawning on the rebels that they may have wider support than first realised.
237. Local authorities will be permitted to spend all their capital receipts realised from 13 November to the end of 1993.
238. He groaned when he realised how far away it was.
239. I realised the truth when I became close to a friend of a friend and gradually fell in love with her.
240. Then he realised that his music was being drowned by the noise of the conflagration.
241. He realised his future lay elsewhere.
242. Carrie realised the change of affectional atmosphere at once.
243. Hurstwood realised that he was seeing something extraordinarily good.
243. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
244. Suddenly he realised that Jacobs was addressing him.
245. But as the founders of Californian start - up KidZui ( www . kidzui. com ) realised, all filtering techniques have limitations.
246. He realised that students at Dartmouth College had roommates assigned largely at random.
247. In The Truman Show, when Truman realised the artificiality of his suburban existence, he escaped.
248. Researchers realised that a tunable laser beam might be useful in surgery.
249. She confusedly realised this reversal of her attitudes, but could not make out what it portended.
250. I had no hesitation in calling the police because I realised he was capable of murder.
251. I think probably that the laser has not realised the potential that was expected of it in that domain.
252. The kaleidoscopic quality of the book is brilliantly realised on stage.
253. The institutions have realised they need to change their culture to improve efficiency and service.
254. A selection of correspondence from P G Wodehouse realised £ 1,232. P.G.
255. Those are our hopes; we are starting this clinical trial to investigate whether those hopes will be realised.




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更新时间:2025/3/14 9:48:51