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单词 Keyboard
1) I was expected to familiarise myself with the keyboard.
2) He studied the keyboard carefully, one finger poised.
3) The machine is operated through the keyboard.
4) Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills are inefficient.
5) The program locks the keyboard until a password is given.
6) Treat your keyboard with care and it should last for years.
7) He tapped out a few words on the keyboard.
8) I bought a keyboard in the supermarket yesterday.
9) He played the song on his keyboard.
10) The keyboard has a black plastic casing.
11) He began pounding the keyboard of his computer.
12) Finish off by cleaning the monitor and the keyboard.
13) She tapped away at her keyboard.
14) He hammered out "NO" on the keyboard.
15) A bad keyboard can make life unnecessarily difficult.
16) The keyboard was fitted with a non-standard plug.
17) Ed Duke was at the keyboard.
18) The recording features Herbie Hancock on keyboard.
19) matchless virtuosity at the keyboard.
20) Tanya's hands rippled over the keyboard.
21) We admired her sure touch at the keyboard.
22) Messaging allows real-time communi-cation by keyboard with up to five people at any one time.
23) The keyboard plugs in at the back of the computer.
24) It has a stylus-operated on-screen keyboard that takes great skill to master.
25) Where's the percentage sign on this keyboard?
26) Theresa found him slumped over the keyboard.
27) The score was written to be played on a keyboard instrument.
28) She told us how easy it was to use the computer,(http:///keyboard.html) then by way of demonstration simply pressed a few keys on the keyboard.
29) Using the mouse is quicker than typing it on the keyboard.
30) You can move the cursor either by using the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.
1) I was expected to familiarise myself with the keyboard.
2) He studied the keyboard carefully, one finger poised.
3) The machine is operated through the keyboard.
4) Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills are inefficient.
5) The program locks the keyboard until a password is given.
6) Treat your keyboard with care and it should last for years.
7) I bought a keyboard in the supermarket yesterday.
31) Keyboard or joystick are your choices of control.
32) A detachable keyboard completed the ensemble.
33) Kyle MacLachlan as keyboard player Ray Manzarek.
34) The keyboard is the input device.
35) The new IBM laptop features a full-size keyboard.
36) She attacked the computer keyboard with renewed vigour.
37) System control is via a standard computer keyboard.
38) Haydn wrote symphonies, chamber music, keyboard pieces,() operas.
39) How many keys are provided on the standard keyboard?
40) Let's not end up like the keyboard players who have to call in programmers.
41) The QWERTY keyboard has its origins in the days of early mechanical typewriters.
42) Emma Lee lives in Liverpool and enjoys reading, handicraft and playing the keyboard.
43) When this is augmented by oddly tangential keyboard sounds it's an enjoyable little maelstrom to be caught up in.
44) Text chat is a generic term for communicating in real time over the Net using your keyboard to type messages.
45) On Windows 95, go to control panel, then keyboard, then languages, then properties(), and there choose Dvorak.
46) It's a good idea to buy a cover for your computer keyboard.
47) Both instruments have automatic setting of wavelength, bandwidth and gas flows, video displays, disk storage and full alpha-numeric keyboard.
48) Both keyboard and mouse are from Logitech and both are comfortable to use and give easy, positive control.
49) His desktop held three telephones and an answering machine, a computer screen and keyboard, and a fax machine.
50) There's a Braille clock, Braille dials on the kitchen appliances and a phone with Braille print-out and keyboard.
51) It can be undone. Memory jogger Keyboard: tap the Del for Delete key smartly but with caution.
52) The major problem with the QWERTY keyboard is that it needs to be learnt.
53) There are more than 500 different sounds on the synthesizer, each of which has a complete scale on the keyboard.
54) The phonetic information is manually input using a special keyboard having 21 keys.
55) A description of the feature located at that point can also be entered into the host computer using a keyboard.
56) The puzzle supports mouse, joystick or keyboard and has four levels of difficulty, giving hours of fun for all ages.
57) His piano had a single red rose poignantly lying across the keyboard.
58) The general quality of the whole machine is let down by the tacky keyboard.
59) Eo made an Etch-a-Sketch-like personal communicator that replaced the electronic keyboard with a pen.
60) Rex tapped at the keyboard and requested access to the menu.
61) Controlled by a hand-held remote with a small built-in keyboard, it would be used to browse the World Wide Web.
62) A keyboard combination that saved a file in one program might delete a word in another.
63) He might be pretentious in other ways, but he was not posing at the keyboard.
64) This makes the format much friendlier to use than a desktop computer and keyboard.
65) Otherwise blow out dust from the keyboard and clean keyboard casing. 5.
66) He wrote the books in 1985 to help people with physical disabilities enjoy electric keyboard music.
67) The keyboard had a mushy feel,(Sentencedict) which is characteristic of Toshibas.
68) Dennis the keyboard player in Relief comes over and talks incoherent rubbish to no-one in particular.
69) In order to input text it is still necessary to use the keyboard.
70) She rummaged through the huge mounds of books and papers that habitually covered her desk, finally locating her tiny Nagasyu keyboard.
71) A manual typewriter is physically harder to use than an electric keyboard.
72) It is entirely probable that Bach himself envisaged his scientific and musically profound opus as a solo keyboard work.
73) Screensafe comes with two earth conductors one to be attached to the computer monitor, the other to the keyboard.
74) She guessed that her weekly visits made her a regular, for the keyboard player nodded at her and the guitarist/vocalist grinned.
75) Yet(), as is always the case the results sound quite different when directed from the keyboard.
76) It's brought on by repetitive typing on a computer or word processor keyboard.
77) Sitting at a multimedia keyboard is more than just a typing experience.
78) Charles threw back the sheet and lifted the ebony cover on the keyboard.
79) Mike Dawson was sitting at a dead computer, strumming the keyboard and offering a toothy smile to an invisible audience.
80) A sequence of decimal digits input from the keyboard is formed into the corresponding decimal whole number or zero.
81) Using a mouse is very convenient - but some might prefer the keyboard.
82) Keyboard, mouse and joystick are supported, but every now and then the planes seem to do their own thing!
83) To make life easier for the user a keyboard overlay is supplied which carries the various options.
84) The QWERTY keyboard was, and still is, the principal input device.
85) The company also will demonstrate a new keyboard aimed at the home market that incorporates a built-in paper scanner.
86) I looked down at my keyboard and noticed the spacebar of this high-tech machine was stuck.
87) Nevertheless, pen-based systems offer a number of distinct advantages over speech or keyboard based systems.
88) You see, at the moment I have no desktop machine and not full-sized keyboard to hammer.
89) On a two-deck trolley to his right a V.D.U. stood above a computer keyboard.
90) Insufficient support is provided for both keyboard and keypad which sag under pressure but the key actions are quite nice.
91) The Dvorak keyboard may also be winning more commercial acceptance.
92) Writing music, the bottom line is that it's a stringed instrument but rhythmically you are playing a keyboard.
93) The keyboard will have a payment connection to simplify the billing process.
94) The extra keyboard facilities include both Delete and Edit keys and a numeric keypad but once again the Break function isn't labelled.
95) Some of the keys on the keyboard, and for example, have no ASCII code.
96) Pull down menus offer easy access to the multitude of facilities and options can be selected by mouse or keyboard.
97) Since 1973 he has been a full-time instructor at Rutgers University, teaching theory, keyboard harmony and piano.
97) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
98) But you can attach a keyboard or computer monitor to it, along with an optional floppy disk.
99) It made a noise like an old-fashioned horror film soundtrack whenever it came into contact with the keyboard.
100) Apart from its legs it resembled an old fashioned typewriter with a carriage and Qwerty keyboard.
101) Striking any letter caused a different letter to appear on another illuminated keyboard above.
102) And James Clapperton's piano recital astonished - here was real keyboard wizardry.
103) If you add keyboard skills, you could widen these horizons.
104) The microcomputer which is usually recognized as the part with the keyboard on top is the workhorse of the system.
105) Secondly, the computer keyboard has many additional keys which are used to alter the function of the alpha-numeric keys.
106) The scanner accepts one sheet of paper at a time, which it pulls through the keyboard using a tiny motor.
107) The use of the triangle and finger cymbals is particularly effective against a backdrop of keyboard.
108) When they introduced computers they also taught her typing and keyboard skills.
109) This removes a lot of work from the main processor which no longer has to bother with keyboard scanning, buffering, etc.
110) If they can not be replaced by more adequate instruments, an electric keyboard can lie appropriate.
111) When it was first launched in 1982 a Minitel terminal consisted of a small monitor with a keyboard and a telephone link.
112) Control of the ship can be handled by mouse, joystick or keyboard.
113) As one ad showed, it allowed you to e-mail from the beach using a pen instead of a keyboard.
114) He was in his office, battering the keyboard of his computer as if it were an old manual typewriter.
115) It flips open to reveal a small video screen and a computer-style keyboard.
116) These keyboard versions of three famous orchestral works shimmer with vivacity.
117) Insert a piece of paper into the scanner mounted at the top of the keyboard, and the PaperPort program instantly launches.
118) He used to lift his hands high off the keyboard, which was my first lesson in the value of showmanship.
119) A 102 key tactile keyboard has keys that give out an audible click when depressed.
120) Natural Communication with Computers Communication with computers and computer controlled machinery is normally achieved using a QWERTY keyboard.
121) It can be programmed by machine code, by taking it through the motions, or by keyboard.
122) The keyboard circuits are designed to detect the order of key presses rather than the duration of each key press.
123) You might even be set free from the keyboard, entering commands by speaking to the Navigator.
124) This makes control easier when looking down the microscope or when operating a computer keyboard for image analysis.
125) You can input text from the keyboard or an ASCII file.
126) A few weeks later, Christine McVie was brought in to add a few keyboard and harmony vocal parts.
127) In a more sophisticated system(http:///keyboard.html), a subscriber can control the pulses from the videodisc player via a keyboard in his home.
128) A caching facility is provided to allow frequently input data to be stored and quickly recalled to reduce keyboard input.
129) For security a lock on the front locks both the system and the keyboard.
130) F117A is a fully featured flight simulator with excellent VGA graphics and joystick or keyboard control.
131) He was a dynamic band leader and charismatic front man who sang and played saxophone, keyboard and percussion.
132) I sat down at the keyboard blowing my mind with Puccini.
133) It looks cool, it's well put together, and the keyboard and mice are well thought out.
134) He is surrounded by an electronic keyboard, a rack of music equipment, a recording microphone and a personal computer.
135) These early systems sometimes provide information only and lack the means to accept orders via the keyboard.
136) With his keyboard, his keypad, and his mouse, Engelbart embarked on a journey through information itself.
137) Whether is it typed in via the keyboard, generated via mouse movements or information received from any other external source.
138) One is a single-sheet paper scanner built into a keyboard.
139) The program can be used to record music input directly from the computer keyboard.
140) The title track highlights a good keyboard backdrop and Time is Running Out is an agreeable accompaniment.
141) Guitarist Parks was replaced by keyboard player Steve Gurl, while yet another new drummer was recruited-Andy Ebsworth.
142) A modern annexe houses the Russell collection of early keyboard instruments.
143) Your child must press a letter on the keyboard that matches one of the letters shown on the screen.
144) The text is entered directly from the keyboard having first selected its position between the staves with the mouse pointer.
145) It was an electronic piano keyboard, a rip-off of the Yamaha instrument that was a big Christmas seller in the States.
146) Although Sherman had not used the keyboard, he had certainly made a combinatorial request.
147) The harpsichord comes first in the title, and Boismortier inscribed the keyboard parts with considerable flair.
148) Plug in the monitor, keyboard and mains power cables and switch on.
149) Other keyboard types need different country key mappings and some don't even have a pounds sign!
150) The system can be totally operated by spoken commands, eliminating the need for mucking about with rodents or using the keyboard.
151) The pianist sits and dabs at his keyboard, as though he were sorting cards for a seance.
152) The Explorer comes with built-in, 16-bit stereo sound, complete with two speakers and a microphone mounted just above the keyboard.
153) Some seem to have simply added a pull-out keyboard tray to the armoire / entertainment center and renamed it a computer cabinet.
154) It will show a Cyrillic keyboard at the Moscow ComTech show on April 27.
155) When Cristofori built his pianos of the 1720s, the harpsichord and the clavichord were the usual stringed keyboard instruments.
156) Age has slowed her speed, but she uses the Dvorak keyboard and still wins accuracy awards.
157) An occupational therapist helped her choose a keyboard as part of an overhaul of her work station and typing posture.
158) Such pupils should be enabled to produce their written work on a word processor or concept keyboard.
159) The keyboard player obviously cares more about advancing his or her career than the future of the band.
160) Besides a standard keyboard, the memex would have rows of buttons and levers.
161) Does the mouse pointer still work even if the keyboard doesn't?
162) The ideal position for the mouse is on the same plane as the keyboard and as close to the keyboard as possible.
163) Summary Alternate ways of communicating with computers are required which do not require a keyboard.
164) Eventually found it, set the keyboard shortcuts by yourself.
165) The sound-controlled keyboard realizes input by reading key name.
166) Team spirit nurtured through group keyboard music lessons.
167) First, a map of the keyboard layout is created.
168) To close your document, press CTRL+W on your keyboard.
169) The keyboard sends a message to the bank's computer.
170) And then use keyboard to knock up.
171) Input data from the keyboard are stored in memory.
172) The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard.
173) Keyboard Interface and Application of the principle of teaching materials have many, but usually each have their own methods, each have their own merits.
174) The PX-120 can be divided into two keyboard areas, which can be transposed individually.
175) At the very beginning of learning playing the piano, it makes no difference for the player to practice on a function completed MIDI keyboard or a real piano keyboard.
176) CPLD manages chip logic of the keyboard electric circuit, and DM642 external interrupt monitors states of the button.
177) Previously, I've used those yellow Post-It notes to keep my to-do list organized (I'd stick them to my desk in front of my keyboard) and a pocket-size black Moleskine notebook.
178) Not everyone enjoys writing the software required for keyboard encoding.
179) We're predicting Apple will incorporate new multitouch gestures, and maybe even the accelerometer, to trigger functions of the traditional QWERTY keyboard.
180) On notes list view, long press on Option Menu button, you will see the keyboard, input the keywords, you will proceed the quick search feature on the note list.
181) Apple Tuesday also introduced a new $599 version of its Mac mini, a stripped-down desktop that is sold without a screen or keyboard, and a new high-end Mac Pro desktop.
182) Support physical keyboard operation for all application functions by shortcut key.
183) One port of the PIO is dedicated to the keyboard interface.
184) Keyboard entry with bent wrists increase chance of tendinitis of hand and wrist.
185) The system construction is compact and the volume is sma1l, and the keyboard operation is flexible and convenient.
186) Simple keyboard shortcuts and mouseless operation will be of vital importance.
187) Letting your kitten sleep on top of your keyboard might make for a cute photo op (see slide 3), but in the long run, it's doing some damage to your hardware.
187) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
188) In some cases, the keyboard interface is broken, how input matters not.
189) It has its own dual-function keyboard and dedicated function keys.
190) A piano keyboard acts like a magnet to him, he says.
191) Operate guidebook: The keyboard control, the blank space key blast - off hammer son , the CTRL shoots shell.
192) Software consists of system initialization, self-test, measurement range selection, balance parameter setting, calibration coefficients determining, access programs of keyboard and LCD.
193) Then when return on the keyboard or the green tick on the screen is pressed, the item will be added to the sales ticket.
194) In the thesis, the main research topic is mechanical switch, including SPST , SPDT and keyboard switch.
195) Mr Smalley says that while he doesn't mind mess, he is not so keen on grime: "I do clean my keyboard – if you eat at your desk, they can get pretty horrible."
196) Support both mouse and keyboard use for navigation and selection tasks.
197) The hardware of the monitoring system mainly consists of the DSP controller, nonvolatile memory, LED, clock management, keyboard interface, SCI communication units and CAN communication units.
198) In this example, you enter a character from the keyboard and the program checks if the input character is an alphabetic character.
199) Our software tools are mostly silent; all we hear is the quiet click of the keyboard.
200) Develop an understanding of the features Windows offers for multilingual processing, such as language-specific keyboard layouts, regional settings for units of measurement.
201) The software of keyboard monitor is developed, the analysis program of key value is designed using the state variable method, and the functions of man-machine talk are implemented.
202) We call up the arrow on the screen with the keyboard.
203) With the LPEX editor base profiles, you can configure the editor to adopt the keyboard and command personalities of several popular editors, such as ISPF, XEDIT, VI, and Emacs.
204) The Android soft keyboard is redesigned to make entering text fast and accurate on larger screen sizes.
205) Sorry to compare this keyboard with the PSR 3000 but another improvement is the LCD Contrast Control which is on the black panel surrounding the screen, which is on the back of the 3000.
206) Plus, you can browse through your photos using the left right arrow keys on your keyboard.
207) The keyboard layout is set automatically depending upon the language.
208) The full QWERTY keyboard on the bottom part of the slider is especially useful for those who send a lot of text messages or email.
209) This is just the top row of keys on an English - language keyboard.
210) The task was simple — press the letter E or F on the keyboard when they appeared on the screen, replacing one of the two photographs shown on the screen.
211) Then the peripheral devices were extended, including video circuit, local store circuit, display circuit, keyboard control circuit, etc.
212) The trouble phenomena, trouble analysis and troubleshooting for the runaway of the touch keyboard and the display confusion in Beckman centrifuge were introduced briefly.
213) The demodulator has two main parts, hardware and software. It can perform channel selection and signal demodulating using it's own keyboard or the PC connected.
214) Even without a seat, even while pressed with strangers into human panini, even as someone plays a keyboard harmonica and rattles a cup of change, even when stumbling home after a party.
215) The keyboard lighting device and a remote control circuIt'share one power supply.
216) The resonance - frequency of ultrasonic motor by frequency sweep of keyboard is searched.
217) Most computers are equipped with a keyboard as primary input device.
217) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
218) Examples of common devices that are poorly designed ergonomically include the snow shovel and the computer or typewriter keyboard.
219) To increase the ability of man-machine interaction, this equipment adopts keyboard entry, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), serial port...
220) With this method, the keyboard scanning function program and the display administering program will be organized logically, so the whole system program will be easy to program, read and revise.
221) In this paper, the design and realization of parallel measurement and control system communicating with AT keyboard interface are reported.
222) I explored through direct read $ 60, $ 64 hardware keyboard ports, analog input methods.
223) Keyboard Guardian can also email log files with recorded data to the specified address every specified amount of time, which is useful to remotely monitor one's computer.
224) The sample is a gorgeous figure Enya hums twelve notes over a loping keyboard bass line, lost in echo.
225) Customize your keyboard settings, such as the cursor blink rate and the character repeat rate.
226) Boxes slide by left and right by clicking the tabs, clicking the next box itself, or using the keyboard.
227) Whether you're a hunt-and-peck typist or a Rachmaninoff of the keyboard, you will make mistakes.
228) In computer, a device that accepts serial information from a peripheral device, e. g. , cassette or keyboard, and presents it to the computer, and vice versa.
229) One of the basic programs is Disk Operating System, we call it DOS. Passage B A standard keyboard mainly consists of three functional groups.
230) Possibility to assign keyboard shortcuts to all tools and actions and not just to menu commands.
231) The monkeys produced five pages of text, mainly composed of the letter S, but failed to type anything close to a word of English, broke the computer and used the keyboard as a lavatory.
232) Select the first piece of text. (For more information about keyboard selection of text, see the topic "Navigating and selecting with the keyboard" in the Help.
233) With the use of computability theory dividing whole-word coding into two parts: writing-input coding and computational coding, an method of none keyboard mapping for spelling language is proposed.
234) untrained in keyboard skills.
235) After creating a connection to the cnee program in keyboard monitor mode, special key codes are defined in the %keys hash.
236) Passage BA standard keyboard mainly consists of three functional groups.
237) TIP: To move an item one pixel at a time, select the item and press an arrow key on your keyboard.
238) The programming design of the keyboard interface circuit and the display circuit with MCS - 51 editing language; finishing the multipolar LCD menu design with less key-htting.
239) Make sure you Disable keyboard shortcuts from the Control menu when testing the application.
240) Describes the uses of keyboard shortcuts, text labels on controls, and modifier keys.
241) I have found the position of the & quot ; Eneter & quot ; key on the computer keyboard.
242) If you use a computer, learn the keyboard shortcuts for the programs you use most often.
243) Input methods are limited. Typing on the keyboard is easy, but if you want to draw pictures — well... you could grab a graphics tablet, but that's not as simple as just sketching things on paper.
244) Running up to an acid semitonal acciaccatura in both hands, the piano goes over into a sprint of octave-chords and single notes, jumping manically up and down the keyboard twice a bar.
245) You can also export all your current keyboard shortcuts or import another collection.
246) Large LCD with Chinese display, automatic controlled by computer, keyboard operation.
247) In order to adapt to training simulator of antiaircraft fire control system. The paper develops a special keyboard for training.
247) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
248) This system consists of DDS signal generator module, MCU control module, keyboard input module and nixie tube display module.
249) Our keyboardist, Kenny , played the keyboard while she sang.
250) No matter if you are using buffered or unbuffered input, every frame you must call the capture method on all Keyboard, Mouse, and Joystick objects you use.
251) This matched the number of keys on the piano keyboard.
252) When you interface with any kind of computer that requires manual input (whether by keyboard, or a touch screen) there is the chance for making a mistake.
253) It also includes auto-repeating timers, keyboard shortcuts, on-top window options, muting , flash screen alarm, long sound termination and operation while minimized.
254) A multi-function keyboard display and an electronic device with the same.
255) It also has a slide-out Qwerty keyboard, which is sure to divide opinion.
256) Industrial keyboard housed in a NEMA 4X enclosure with membrane keypad and integrated industrial trackball.
257) Then soak the buttons into the detergent or disinfectant and carefully clean the base of your keyboard with cotton flannel or sterilized towel.
258) As my hands descend onto the piano keyboard and I begin the first line of Beethoven's "Fur Elise, " I become one with the music.
259) The frequency value, sweep method and sweep rate can be input by keyboard.
260) The keyboard is a large and clumsy instrument as far as portable computers are concerned.
261) Turns on the keyboard, the monitor and so on external instrumentation, realizes the man-machine communication.
262) BIOS means 'basic input/output system' and it is the built-in software that determines what a computer can do - for example it controls the keyboard and display screen.
263) A black power key now sits immediately to the right of a smaller eject key on the MBA's keyboard -- the round aluminum power button is gone.
264) "He is by far one of the most underrated musicians in rock and his keyboard work will never be forgotten, " wrote Howard Bayliss.
265) A keyboard was linked to rotors, powered by an electric current, which transposed every keystroke several times.
266) Inputting the characters through keyboard or other equipments and obtaining the internal statement number.
267) It probably would be helpful to use an ergonomic keyboard to further reduce your risk of a repetitive stress injury.
268) Meet Tonia Welter's Keyboard Tablecloth, a fully functional keyboard with electronics woven into a water-resistant fabric shaped like a large doily.
269) A U.S. designer has created a USB Typewriter conversion kit that allows computer users to type on their machines using an old-school typewriter keyboard.
270) The software of system can divide into: initialization module, circulative display module, interrupting module, LED driver module, read clock and write clock module, keyboard and display module.
271) From keyboard shortcuts to bookmarks, you can make the transition simple and fast.
272) She reached out her hands to the keyboard and began to play.
273) The hardware is made up of setting, acquisition and control component, which supports keyboard input and nixie tube display.
274) Geeky shoes from China created out of old QWERTY keyboard.
275) To encourage people to use the stairs, they set up a subway staircase to look — and sound — like a piano keyboard.
276) Input hardware is of two kinds: keyboard entry and direct entry.
277) Here are two of these products aim for small niche market: 80% keyboard and left-hander keyboard.
278) With the keyboard, press Insert to toggle between overwrite mode and insert mode.
279) Keyboard Interface Experiment 1, to understand the structure of the IO port 2, familiar with the keyboard program principles 3, master the use of the keyboard.
280) It features a 3.1-inch multitouch screen with 320x480 resolution over a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, all squeezed into a small, 4.8-oz package.
281) Make a comparison with two kinds of numeric keyboard layouts used for calculators and phone set, based upon a test, and explain their difference in terms of ergonomics .
282) The system provides with the row or column matrix type keyboard, big screen LCDand the miniature printer to make man-machine conversation easy.
283) Control intl. cpl - View or set regional and language options, including formats and the keyboard layout.
284) It featured a touch-sensitive screen, with a built-in battery. Once tilted on its built-in stand, it could be used as a desktop computer with the attachable Folio keyboard.
285) The system utilizes small keyboard microprocessor AT 89 C 51 and complex logic device ( CPLD ).
286) For many data - intensive tasks, the keyboard is superior to the mouse.
287) I welcome the use of the soft keyboard, my keyboard, I decide!
288) Keyboards vary considerably from system system, but most look a lot like a standard typewriter keyboard.
289) The circuit of washing machine includes keyboard matrix, indicating lamp, motor control and power circuit.




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