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单词 Judges
1. Three judges unanimously upheld the sentence.
2. The two judges concurred on the ruling.
3. Corrupt judges have taken millions of dollars in bribes.
4. Judges had been engaging in sexual orgies.
5. Officials include a referee, judges and a timekeeper.
6. Judges wear black robes when they are in court.
7. Who judges best of a man,his enemies or himself?
8. The judges awarded both finalists equal points.
9. The judges all concurred in giving Mary the prize.
10. His designs were highly commended by the judges .
11. The judges decided to exclude evidence which had been unfairly attained.
12. They believe that judges are too lenient with terrorist suspects.
13. It must be conceded that different judges have different approaches to these cases.
14. Judges are advised to show greater leniency towards first - time offenders.
15. Two of the judges disagreed with the verdict.
16. Judges have great discretionary powers.
17. A panel of six judges will choose the winner.
18. Judges and law courts dispense justice justly.
19. Pliant judges have been a problem in the past.
20. Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favour.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. Judges only grant marriage annulments in exceptional circumstances.
22. Judges wear a wig in court.
23. Judges interpret this law in different ways.
24. The winners were chosen by a panel of judges.
25. Judges feel that the courtroom is their private turf.
26. Judges must weigh the evidence logically and objectively.
27. The judges gave the nod to the winning challenger.
28. The judges awarded equal points to both finalists.
29. The judges were robed in scarlet.
30. We've got to change the present system in which high court judges are regarded as somehow untouchable.
1. Three judges unanimously upheld the sentence.
2. The two judges concurred on the ruling.
3. Corrupt judges have taken millions of dollars in bribes.
4. Judges had been engaging in sexual orgies.
5. Officials include a referee, judges and a timekeeper.
6. Judges wear black robes when they are in court.
7. The judges all concurred in giving Mary the prize.
8. His designs were highly commended by the judges .
9. The judges decided to exclude evidence which had been unfairly attained.
10. We've got to change the present system in which high court judges are regarded as somehow untouchable.
11. They believe that judges are too lenient with terrorist suspects.
12. It must be conceded that different judges have different approaches to these cases.
13. Judges are advised to show greater leniency towards first - time offenders.
14. Judges wear a wig in court.
15. The judges gave the nod to the winning challenger.
16. He judges It'safer to go away than to stay.
17. This part of brain judges the spatial relationship between objects.
18. The panel of judges included several well - known writers.
31. I'm putting my faith in the appeal judges.
32. People who are less subjectively involved are better judges.
33. Judges sometimes show great disdain for the law.
34. Judges must be independent of political pressure.
35. The judges passed on each contestant.
36. In Britain, judges wear white wigs in court.
37. He judges It'safer to go away than to stay.
38. A panel of judges is now selecting the finalists.
39. Judges are often accused of being out of touch.
40. The judges gave her the maximum rating on style.
41. The judges awarded the prize to him.
42. Three judges will deliver their verdict in October.
43. He was straining every nerve to impress the judges.
44. Judges are increasingly taking a tougher stance on rape.
45. The judges upheld the validity of the previous judgement.
46. The judges will select the best from this year's crop of first novels.
47. The President is empowered to appoint judges to the Supreme Court.
48. She threw in a lot of flashy footwork to impress the judges.
49. His lawyers are confident that the judges will declare Mr Stevens innocent.
50. Judges are meting out increasingly harsh sentences for car theft.
51. Judges no longer have the power to pass the death sentence.
52. Judges are imposing increasingly heavy fines for minor driving offences.
53. After much argument,[http://] the judges finally compromised on the 18-year old pianist.
54. The appeal judges spoke of strong mitigating factors in the case.
55. We were kept on tenterhooks for hours while the judges chose the winner.
56. Can we devise a system in which judges function independently of party politics?
57. Not everyone judges success by the same standards - some people think happiness is more important than money.
58. This part of brain judges the spatial relationship between objects.
59. The trials were a mere farce since no judges were present at all.
60. Which judges are assigned to a case is always a bit of a lottery.
61. It would be unseemly for judges to receive pay increases when others are having to tighten their belts.
62. How many judges in our male-dominated courts are sensitized to women's issues?
63. Judges often give reduced sentences where there are mitigating circumstances.
64. His story was picked out as the best by the judges.
65. We would like to thank all the judges who gave so generously of their time.
66. When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges.
67. Any attempt to influence the judges will be seen as an infraction of the rules.
68. The panel of judges included several well - known writers.
69. One of the judges thought it was a foul throw.
70. Critics said judges were on the side of the establishment.
71. The judges have given him top marks for this performance.
72. In Athens at that time, judges were chosen by lot .
73. He backed a provision that would allow judges to delay granting a divorce decree in some cases.
74. The judges remarked on the high standard of entries for the competition.
75. We were kept on tenterhooksfor hours while the judges were deciding the winners.
76. The judges could not decide which category it belonged in.
77. Judges don't have to shoot from the hip. They have the leisure to think, to decide.
78. He will be giving/issuing directions to judges on sentencing in the next few days.
79. The judges have been heavily criticized for their partiality in the whole affair.
80. They said they were going to stack the court with anti-abortion judges.
81. Many judges deal out harsher sentences to men than to women.
82. This is a test case which will influence what other judges decide.
83. The judges found it impossible to separate the two contestants .
84. There is concern that the judges might misuse their power.
85. He judges it safer to go away than to stay.
86. The judges went into a huddle to decide the winner.
87. She wrote an article attacking the judges and their conduct of the trial.
88. Judges should be incorruptible.
89. The judges have received death threats.
90. The computer judges the trainee's advice and provides feedback.
91. Judges granted around a third, resulting in 582 convictions.
92. Judges loved its deeply inspiring red and grey bricks.
93. Three appeal court judges reserved judgment.
94. Judges were blown up, policemen shot, historic monuments targeted.
95. And who were to be the judges of error?
96. Judges must not be gagged.
97. Six judges were photographed making their exits.
98. Other judges should follow his example.
99. Environmentalists hate loggers and loggers hate federal judges.
100. Federal judges are appointed, while state judges are elected.
101. Judges have discretionary powers over sentencing of criminals.
102. Judges should not be influenced by political motives.
103. She was also one of the founder members of a super pool of judges which brought more than 450 Mafia members to trial.
104. Fifth, Dole is fully aware of the fact that presidents can not control judges once they have been confirmed.
105. Sentencing policy is a source of disagreement between judges and the Home Office.
106. Spokesman Michael Ritchie said it appeared the judges had agreed a crisis situation required crisis measures.
107. Then there is the question of the selection of federal judges and their interpretation of the Constitution.
108. Most interviewers did their jobs like judges at a beauty contest.
109. Men still tend to dominate the world of law - hardly any top judges are women.
110. Well, if it's all the same to you,[] we would rather be the judges of that.
111. Then as now, judges felt more at ease burning some poor wretch if they had a confession in hand.
112. Any reconciliation can not be achieved upon the basis that some judges preferred more limited and some more extensive review.
113. Judges will normally interpret contracts strictly and will use certain principles when it comes to resolving inconsistencies and ambiguities.
114. AD/M-19 leaders accused the government, in accepting this ruling, of letting political decisions be taken by judges.
115. In effect, the question of calculating the multiplier is left to the discretion and experience of the judges.
116. After a fabulous day in a London hotel with the six finalists, our prestigious panel of judges made their final decision.
117. Finally there are federal judges, who have a general and overriding authority over the other levels of jurisdiction.
118. In other technical areas, despite not personally possessing relevant expertise, judges are fully prepared to determine questions of professional competence.
119. Rules are to be drawn up by the Law Society, subject to approval by the Lord Chancellor and four senior judges.
120. The touch judges come in for some even more serious verbals.
121. The decision of the judges, including that of the Editor, is final and no correspondence can entered into.
122. Fortunately the judges agreed, and awarded it the first prize.
123. Cunningly simple: two contestants, three rounds and a panel of three celebrity judges.
124. Judges present decisions behind the veil of abstract principle which often conceals the naked face of consequentialist considerations of loss distribution.
125. Lord Taylor's main point is to suggest that judges should pass sentence with an eye to the public's expectations.
126. Put the right clothes on some one and everyone judges them by their appearance.
127. Although the right to strike had been established, some of the judges were not to be so easily defeated.
128. Two days before it started grenades were thrown at the home of one of the judges hearing the case.
129. The judges will have to pore over the 22 volumes of evidence already accumulated and hear the 66 witnesses for the prosecution.
130. What impressed the judges most was the originality of the dancers' performance.
131. A panel of young judges, to be chosen through a national competition, will announce its own winners.
132. Court of Appeals judges considered the bias issue and also raised concerns about technical aspects of Jackson's ruling.
133. The dispute broadened to include the appointment of judges after the retirement of several members of the Supreme Court.
134. Only the extraordinary personal anguish expressed by the judges themselves reminds us of the human horror at the centre of it all.
135. The period you so fondly remember was dominated by activist and economically unschooled regulators and judges.
136. The court cases discussed indicate how judges have been resolving conflicts on these issues.
137. If there are(), the attorney general must petition a Washington-based panel of three federal judges to appoint an independent counsel.
138. The other judges, both charisma-free, were handpicked to make him shine.
139. The court's action left the determination of damages mainly in the hands of state legislators, judges and juries.
140. The main innovation was the gradual increase in the number of Sri Lankan magistrates and judges.
140. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
141. But the bigger impact on the Clinton legacy may be the judges that Mr Clinton himself was unable to appoint.
142. But we have already noticed that judges and lawyers very often disagree about the correct answer to questions like these.
143. The Department of Public Instruction provided a guideline of administrative duties, advice and judges for the state meet.
144. Last month three Court of Appeal court judges refused to overturn the libel jury's verdict.
145. Judges are normally appointed as chairmen of those numerous committees which are concerned with reform of substantive law or legal procedure.
146. This is the only crime for which the judges concede there is sufficient evidence.
147. The judges ruled that they had denied miners the agreed consultation period.
148. Some of the earliest arguments that legislative intentions count were made to judges in the course of lawsuits.
149. The Law Society also considers that the recommendation enabling judges to exclude relevant evidence in certain circumstances is capable of being abused.
150. A gene has only one criterion by which posterity judges it: whether it becomes an ancestor of other genes.
151. A 15-page indictment was placed before the panel of judges.
152. They think it was a trick by the Garda or the judges to frighten people and teach them a lesson.
153. There are no ethnic minority judges in the high court or above.
154. The judges awarded the Home Office costs, but granted leave to appeal to the House of Lords.
155. Such an approach appears to give schools and judges wide discretion to determine what is reasonable and what are legitimate educational concerns.
156. The party membership of judges has always been an important factor in judicial appointments and promotions.
157. His appeal against the tribunal's findings and sentence was dismissed by three High Court judges sitting as Visitors.
158. So the judges, once again by their own fiat, simply changed the law.
159. Scalia is perhaps the most doctrinaire of the court's conservative judges.
160. The Longitude Act established a blue ribbon panel of judges that became known as the Board of Longitude.
161. Bismarck had refused to contemplate the possibility of Prussian judges exercising a supervision over political decisions.
162. Probation officers may also become part of the process as may legal representatives, judges, juries and the higher courts.
163. The action is the latest in a series of assaults on journalists, judges and opposition politicians.
164. Ideas about immorality and what constitutes dishonourable conduct change over time, but the views of judges change more slowly than most.
165. Of these, only four were actually put on trial by the army, and three were acquitted by military judges.
166. The Federation's central council would organise a panel of judges and there would be a special, high-profile awards ceremony.
167. This was not surprising, given its high-octane roster of judges, congressmen, and Wall Street barons.
168. The appeal also argued that the judges did not take into account the public demand for Suharto to be brought to justice.
169. The judges were looking for books that challenged pupils to get to grips with big concepts while giving teachers autonomy and flexibility.
170. Ethics in the abstract judges action by its conformity with the moral law; political ethics judges action by its political consequences.
170. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
171. On the other hand, some judges do not believe that academic freedom applies to public schools.
172. Nicky Haslam is generally acknowledged as a superb story-teller, who judges his audience beautifully.
173. He was apparently out of favor with the judges, some of whom had dropped subtle hints that Galindo should move on.
174. The Times reported that judges were now permitted to impose the death penalty even though a jury had refused to do so.
175. Professional etiquette dictates that judges should not express their opinions about a case in public.
176. Rivalry was keen; judges timed the contestants and deducted marks from the maximum 16 marks per game.
177. You half expect judges to flash up scores by way of a finale.
178. When it was over, the judges signed a certificate saying that they believed Harrison had indeed told them everything he knew.
179. The way in which the judges exercised their duty varied.
180. Only the three senior judges could initiate impeachment proceedings against the president.
181. The judges ruled that it was the job of Parliament, not the courts, to change the law.
182. The overall standard of all the entries in the competition drew praise from the judges.
183. Apart from that situation the Secretary of State is not in my judgment bound to accept the advice of the judges.
184. Thirty-six hours before his execution, Tennessee judges voted to reconsider his case.
185. Clearly the availability of judgments and recent canons and books on procedure made a difference to the judges.
186. The President acts in consultation with the Chief Justice in making four appointments who have to be former judges.
187. The aim is to create something like this ... and that means the judges methodically comparing furrows.
188. An annual contest for authors of programs that can fool human judges at least some of the time was suspended last year.
189. Suppose there is a convention in some legal community that judges must give both sides an equal opportunity to state their case.
190. And the judges and county officials who work in the Civic Center, he put most of them there, too.
191. Law bolstered the moral order of society and judges, as custodians of those values, were deserving of respect and trust.
192. Two judges who were sitting on the case were dead.
193. The three judges I met included the first woman judge to be appointed in Geurrero State.
194. The stereo tape will then be replayed to the Berlin judges who will listen on individual headphones.
195. On Tuesday, Symington vetoed a bill that would have allowed judges to increase prison sentences for hate crimes.
196. Concessions which judges make to workers at one moment in the class struggle may be removed at another.
197. Yet most judges I know are beholden to Power-by that I mean unalterably pledged to the dominant force of the system.
198. Although the appeals court was unanimous in reversing the lower court, the judges each had different reasons for their conclusions.
199. Four other judges concurred.
200. The fate of the prisoners will be decided by a panel of three judges.
201. The Houses of Parliament are also the final arbiters of the tenure of office of judges of the Supreme Court.
202. Instead, justice is a commodity designed by a hierarchy of judges still dedicated to the interests of Power.
203. High Court judges are the deputy chairmen of the Parliamentary Boundary Commissions.
204. Judges already have substantial latitude to limit extraneous arguments that might mislead jurors; they could use it more often.
205. Many judges have allowed abuse defenses but reject compulsive gambling syndrome.
206. But judges seldom reach for a dictionary when seeking to develop a new legal concept.
207. The judges liked the pumpkin pie from Gayle's Bakery best.
208. He judges success by how effectively human needs are reconciled with the needs of the ecosystem.
209. For this Act deliberately sought to use the courts and the judges to achieve political ends.
210. Carter-appointed judges ruled in favor of the defendant in 40 percent of the cases, the study found.
211. Within care centres public law cases may be heard by designated family judges or nominated care judges.
212. Supreme Court judges often had little experience in Sri Lanka, and were unfamiliar with local customs and culture.
213. The decision of he judges is final, as is that of the Editor in all other matters affecting the competition.
214. Trial judges are not required to grant certificates where the conditions are met; they simply have power to grant certificates.
215. Judges must be firm, fair and consistent in their application of the law.
216. At least in Chicago, they have better things to do: prosecute judges, aldermen, clerks who take five-dollar bribes.
217. The judges were so incredulous they twice remeasured the length of the course.
218. The illusion that juries are deciding our civil cases is encouraged by the judges themselves.
219. Earlier, in the sixth round, Hulka got the giggles when the contest judges asked him to spell haggis.
220. Three Old Bailey judges were accused of ignoring the principle of open justice, and wrongly holding secret hearings.
221. Judges are bribed or threatened into making decisions favorable to drug traffickers.
222. But she stood up as eager as Joan of Arc before the judges at her infamous trial.
223. After all, such lopsided enthusiasm indicates that you feel well equipped to tell judges how to do their jobs.
224. It is sometimes said that judges are entitled to make extrajudicial statements critical of the existing law and advocating reform.
225. The device of a court of five judges was adopted to add weight to the reconsideration of the earlier cases.
226. Four Patriotic Accord deputies began immediate moves to impeach eight Supreme Court judges on the grounds of incompetence.
227. The judges will look for simple and effective devices which also demonstrate market potential and value for money.
228. Only two judges have been turned out of office since Wyoming adopted this method of judicial selection nearly twenty years ago.
229. Almost every week, at secret hearings in the High Court, judges are asked to issue injunctions against the media.
230. She and a panel of judges will choose 10 finalists,[] and the winner.
231. In 1925 forty-five Chicago judges voted to prohibit cameras in state courtrooms during judicial proceedings.
232. It is only necessary to get the judges to consider the same information and follow the same decision rules.
233. In the past, judges who have taken a stand against the cartels often wound up victims of their bullets.
234. For strict conventionalism gives only the negative advice that judges must not pretend to be deciding such cases on legal grounds.
235. The nine-member panel of bishops serving as judges is expected to rule any day on the Righter case.
236. Outdated computer systems and the failure to help judges to implement the reforms were adding to the chaos.
237. There are normally three judges for the national essay competition.
238. There is only the fairness of what politically appointed election officials or politically appointed judges decide.
239. Certain district judges who have been specially nominated and trained have power to act in public law cases.
240. Some judges make extensive use of shoulder headings; some do not use them at all.
241. Of course they will, but in hard cases judges must make controversial judgments of political morality whichever conception of law they hold.
242. These figures agree remarkably well with the other indications of population in the period of the conquest and the judges.
243. Each girl was interviewed by the judges and her haircare routine discussed.
244. The Appeal court will, at the concluding stage, test its own opinions against those of the judges in the original hearing.
245. Following an hourlong hearing, a three-member panel of judges took no immediate action on the lawsuit.
246. The judges deliberated for half an hour and returned with a unanimous decision for Groton.
247. Or that they are to be judges, or police commissioners, or toilet attendants.
248. In the last five years, some federal judges have ruled in their favor.
249. Put more accurately, individual judges may be clear as to their preferences but those preferences do not always coincide.
250. Three times that day the judges awarded the maximum 30 points for a single ride.
251. The Judicature Society reported that half of the male federal judges were active in party politics before their election to the bench.
252. Simon Jenkins, Chair of the 2000 judges, made the announcement at the awards dinner in London's Guildhall.
253. Judges will consider overall design, safety, level of fun and how the playground caters for children with disabilities.
254. The same would be true if Clinton responds by scaring women about a flood of pro-life Dole-appointed judges.
255. Rather than increasing the sentence, three appeal court judges substituted a three-year probation order requiring him to undergo treatment or counselling.
256. The adequacy of their assessment was investigated by having independent judges make ratings of transcripts from audio-tape recordings of their assessment interviews.
257. Alternatively, judges might become deeply involved in determining budget policy, including whether Social Security or Medicare checks should be stopped.
258. But gifts such as these can not be awarded to everybody, either by judges or by the most benign of governments.
259. Yet even in the criminal case, modern juries are placed under the severest restraints by judges.
260. Wilson denied him clemency and two judges rejected his arguments.
261. The first was the great variation among sentences imposed by different judges upon similarly situated offenders.
262. But what more could you expect from the bunch of monkeys trying to pass themselves off as judges?
263. However, the judges awarded it one of the fifth prizes for a War Department design.
264. At subsequent Forest Eyres in other counties the judges were clearly determined to raise large sums by fining the forest landowners.
265. Magistrates will be given the same immunity over their actions in court as judges now enjoy.
266. Two of the five supreme court judges are white, including the chief justice, Anthony Gubbay.
267. Then those companies which impressed the judges will be justifiably lauded for their efforts.
268. Although he had full access to legal counsel, he was not allowed to reveal details of his abduction to the judges.
269. Policetmen and judges enforce the laws.
270. The bat judges distances by a kind of echo - location.
271. Unlike many senior judges, he has consistently shown that he has the common touch.
272. They appoint precinct election judges and other election - day officials.
273. The dread Tribunal of five Judges, Public Prosecutor, and determined Jury, sat every day.




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