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单词 Lance
1) I hurled a lance at him.
2) Lance Corporal Williams officiously ordered them out.
3) I work free - lance and am paid by the hour.
4) They are armed with a sword and lance.
5) Harding a pastel portrait of Lance Henly.
6) The first man to be appointed as Minister, Lance Buckmaster,[http:///lance.html] had seemed logical.
7) Prang your opponent with your lance to turn him into an egg.
8) I have been feeding with Gamma Fish, Lance Fish and earthworms.
9) The highwayman had assumed it was a lance, but now a curved blade sprang out and glittered blue along its edges.
10) Then he thrust his lance into the vulnerable spot and killed the warrior.
11) Lance wondered why no articles were done about how she spent her Christmas.
12) Lance Rees was set on as he passed the sorting office in Withernsea, Humberside, on his way to school.
13) It is owned by property developer Robert Lance Hughes who plans to re-erect it on an as yet unconfirmed site.
14) Former world cycling champion Lance Armstrong is returning to the sport after a year-long battle with testicular cancer next year.
15) But as Lance Ealey, a consultant with McKinsey, points out, this is only the start.
16) They told the hearing in Hull that Lance was pestering them.
17) Ramsay's lance snapped off, broken, and left his right arm and hand too numb to draw his sword.
18) The lance is represented by a nerve which has every likeness to the shape of that instrument.
19) Carrying a lance and attended by a wolf Mars did, however, have his bloodthirsty moments.
20) She and assistant manager Lance Green had been instructed to improve profits at the expense of Burger King.
21) Lance is making long-distance calls from his study - he's looking forward to seeing you in the morning.
22) Description: Production pneumatic tools, spray paint guns, Lance.
23) And then along came an old battered AC30, which Lance, my guitar tech, gave to me.
24) Minerva, like Athene, was usually depicted wearing a helmet and armour and carrying a lance and shield.
25) James Mellaart reports evidence from Catal Huyuk for the use of the slingshot, bow and arrow, lance, and spear.
26) As for Mrs Thatcher's loudly voiced determination to force through a replacement of the Lance nuclear missile, nobody is listening.
27) Fittingly, the winning team trophy was handed over to Lance Corporal Manning's widow, Elaine.
28) Eleventh-century Norman knight with chain mail coat, kite-shaped shield, sword and long lance which could be used from horseback.
29) Even in my mind I found it extremely unwieldy trying to lance one - let alone 100,000 - from a charging steed.
30) The impact of this slavering beast on an enemy formation is just as effective as that of a Knight with a lance.
1) I hurled a lance at him.
31) This force lance has recently fired two such effectors.
32) A small pennon borne on a lance .
33) Did we fool around at Lance Davis'graduation party?
34) Jiang is planning a trip to Chinatown with Lance.
35) Tom broke a lance with Bill yesterday.
36) You joust well, sir, I offer you another lance.
37) Is Lance wet behind the ears?
38) Lancelot:You joust well, sir, I offer you another lance.
39) Lance Burrow was arrested a half block away.
40) He leveled a lance at him.
41) Lance is a regular brick.
42) Well, is it with small crescent lance or halberd?
43) LANCE: Tommy! I'll stay here and watch over Diaz!
44) Lance: Yes, I actually saw the launch on TV. It was really exciting.
45) Coordinate or establish a disease and nutritional surveil - lance system and collect data as necessary.
46) US Marine Lance Corporal Jarvis Norfleet from the Bronx, New York walks with his weapon on June 26, 2009 in Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan.
47) Armstrong created the Lance Armstrong Foundation for cancer patients, and designed a yellow Livestrong wristband, the yellow for the Tour de France and 'live strong', his motto.
48) to lance an abscess.
49) Mediterranean evergreen tree ( Olea europaea ) having fragrant white flowers, usually lance - shaped leathery leaves, and edible drupes.
50) "An American Family" was a hit, and Lance Loud, the oldest son, became a celebrity, perhaps the world's first openly gay TV star.
51) But the skull had been severed to be spiked upon a lance, hatefully impaled in the floor.
52) Wearing brigandine armour, and armed with a lance and sword, this unit is capable of devastating charges.
53) Marine Corps Private First Class Lance Corporal " U. S. " Marine Corps rank from the rank of Major ...Led the vertical center "of" each shoulder strap to wear blue.
54) Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon , horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks.
55) The financial reform of 1534 made a copeck the basic coin, and there was a horseman with a lance printed on it.
56) How does a broke - ass guy like Lance lose 50 grand in 30 minutes?
57) A small pennon, flag, or streamer borne on a lance.
58) Usually a Valkyrie will hold a sword or lance, wear heavily or lightly armor, and ride a horse.
59) Fans watch Lance Armstrong race the prologue trial July 3 in Rotterdam.
60) " We must get a good killing lance and always have it on board.
61) The fishermen say will give up this quarter, sand lance caught fish.
62) Scott Jones, 43, a New York free lance photographer, said he was aware of the risk of becoming upside down on a car loan when he went shopping for a new vehicle last spring.
63) When a knight fought, he usually carried a shield, a lance, a long sword, a battle-axe and a knife.
64) That hopeless example had fallen under the lance of the director's criticism.
65) Shining Spear Exarch has a Star Lance giving a S 8 power weapon on the charge.
66) Supremely skilled warriors who excel in armed combat and horse riding,[/lance.html] they are armed with a lance and mace.
67) In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner. Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance.
68) Turnus threw his lance, but it recoiled harmless from the shield of Aeneas.
69) It was in fact the spearpoint of the German lance.
70) Dating from the early 14th century, it portrays a sober, warlike figure in a suit of chain mail(), the end of his lance being chewed by a lion.
71) LANCE : Ok, timers are set, 5 seconds and ticking.
72) Lightly armoured in leather and equipped with a hand weapon and a lance.
73) Furthermore, the surveil- lance software running on portable computer is designed to calibrate the voltage-sampling circuit by software, for sake of debugging the device conveniently.
74) Guardsman Bortnill St. Ange is measured for his uniform by master tailor Lance Sergeant Matthew Else (left) at Victoria barracks in Windsor on April 21.
75) Sunshine State News reporter Lance Wright spotted video footage of a US senator looking at the image of topless women on the Senate floor Thursday (see photo).
76) He is a very famous free lance politician in this country.
77) Each is brought toand allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance.
78) Can you use some evenings, weekends and lunch hours to solicit some free lance gigs?
79) We have three people work on a free lance basis.
80) Lance Lewis, a Quilling partner listed on all the cases JPMorgan has moved to have transferred to federal court, did not return messages seeking comment.
81) A submersed Old World Plant ( Hydrilla verticillata ) having whorled , lance - shaped leaves and unisexual, solitary, axillary flowers.
82) Old thing , good appearance, bad assemblage technique, not good as showing the single lance head.
83) The geometric similarity ratio between the model and its prototype (including the side tuyeres and the top lance) was1:4.
84) Even when Siegfried and Roy were around, Lance was the best magician in Vegas.
85) Saints WR Lance Moore sat out because of a groin injury.
86) North American evergreen fern having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance - shaped fronds.
87) Can you use some evenings, weekends and lunch hours to solicIt'some free lance gigs?
88) The concentration distributions in the distance about 2.5 times diameter of blowpipe from the exit of the lance tend to be uniform...
89) Crusader : Lance - Damage over time effect will now stack with other allies.
90) Prior to being diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1996, Lance Armstrong was a professional bicyclist.
91) With the addition of bass vocalist Lance Bass, things came together.
92) I soon realized I would have to work as a free lance writer just to meet expenses.
93) The sweat blood treasure horse, the lance shake hands, the helmet is shining, I am puffed up with pride and violent.
94) The lance has a hood that directs both a flow of liquid cryogen and a flow of vaporous gas toward the metal surface.
95) Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance.
96) Paul Is a free lance writer and has been drinking coffee since 7 this morning.
97) And as Toastmasters' 2006 World Champion of Public Speaking Lance Miller shares in an article for the Toastmaster magazine, the more personal and passionate your story is,[http:///lance.html] the better.
98) Spear or Lance - Knightly service and devotion to honor.
99) Switching applications of high impedance circuits include low current, high resis - lance, and high impedance voltage applications.
100) To aim or thrust ( a lance ) in a joust.
101) A common weed ( Chenopodium album ) having lance - shaped leaves with a mealy surface and small green flowers.
102) Lance Corporal Alan Smith.
103) When his patrol ran into a large enemy force preparing an ambush, Lance Corporal Kayser charged towards them.
104) It was a media event with flowing blood and absurdist overtones ( Lance Morrow ).
105) The concentration distributions in the distance about 2.5 times diameter of blowpipe from the exit of the lance tend to be uniform due to the mixing of gas and solid phase rapidly in blowpipe.
106) The researchers believe the loss of the sand lance may be linked with climate change.
107) Plans for the conduct of normal operations, maintenance, surveil lance and periodic testing.
108) Lance from USA have clock 10 second to set a new 100 - meter world record.
109) In the 2st part, the principles of converter gradient control, oxygen lance control, material loading control and dust exhaust control are described.
110) Farrier Lance Corporal of Horse Chris McCabe welds a horseshoe in the forge at Hyde Park Barracks in London on April 15.
111) Preludes discusses the journeys of the companions prior to the War of the Lance (the 5 years before Chronicles), and the Meetings Sextet explores the youth of the companions.
112) But something tells me the dragons are for real and if I shatter a lance or two on a whirling blade, maybe I'll catch a dragon in the bargain...
113) Hot air blasting involves use of a hot - air lance ( HAL ) connected to a compressed air unit.
114) Her father Simon - a Lance Corporal - was serving in Basra at the time.
115) I cannot imagine the pain and suffering Lance Corporal Bernard's death has caused his family.
116) Lance, after all, is a man who cheated his own death, having survived testicular cancer.
117) The new technology includes precise design on the oxygen lance and nozzle and establishment of proper oxygen supply schedule.
118) When close to the whale, in the very death-lock of the fight, he handled his unpitying lance coolly and offhandedly as a whistling tinker his hammer.
119) This method of impalement by lance is also evident in both "The Prophecy" and "Bram Stoker's Dracula" where in each movie we see a scene in which hundreds are impaled in the same upright manner.
120) " They didn't answer, are straight cold sweat, I thought in my dreams, visions and free lance beast, I loudly say:"the bird of the sky, armored! "
121) Very fast, these elite lancers are equipped with light mail or brigandine armour and armed with lance and sword.
122) Lance Mackey, winner of the Iditarod for the last three years, reaches out to fans while charging down the trail just after the official start in Willow, Alaska March 7.
123) In Russian copeck is "kopeyka", and the word "lance" in Russian is "kopye". This is why it's called "copeck" .
124) Two forced oxidation devices of flue gas desulfurization in power plants are introduced, including fixed air sparger(FAS) and agitator air lance assemblies(ALS).




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