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单词 Civil service
1. He had a long career in the civil service.
2. The Civil Service is/are threatening to strike.
3. The British Civil Service is supposed to be non-political.
4. There has been increasing politicization of the civil service.
5. One source of recruitment is the civil service.
6. The civil service was established under the previous dynasty.
7. Her progression through the grades of the civil service had been rapid.
8. The press says that the civil service of the country have too much power.
9. She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service.
10. She'd had a typical nine-to-five job in the civil service before she worked in the theatre.
11. The government have imposed a freeze on civil service appointments.
12. Civil Service documents are often written in gobbledegook that ordinary people cannot understand.
13. The civil service became the preserve of the educated middle class.
14. He mumbled about official secrets and civil service discipline.
15. Well,() a retired high flier in the Civil Service.
16. Civil service tests determine promotion in government jobs.
17. Three senior civil service appointments were also announced yesterday.
18. Then even Civil Service temporary staff were dismissed.
19. During the 1980s, the government reorganized the civil service.
20. Details can be obtained from the Civil Service Commission.
21. He had been groomed for a career in the Civil Service / groomed as a future civil servant.
22. There are still few women in the upper reaches of the civil service.
23. It often seems that true power lies with the Civil Service mandarins, rather than MPs and cabinet ministers.
24. The daily grind of government is done by Her Majesty's Civil Service.
25. A glittering career had been predicted for her in the Civil Service.
26. The public would laugh fit to burst if someone really ballsed up the Civil Service or the Cabinet.
27. She had been groomed for a career in the civil service.
28. My father pulled a few strings to get me into the Civil Service.
29. He used his friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door.
30. They have purged thousands from the upper levels of the civil service.
1. One source of recruitment is the civil service.
31. The main function of civil service participation in the work of the Cabinet and its committees is to work out interdepartmental compromises.
32. In the civil service merit pay has been extended to cover all grades from April 1990.
33. Indeed the idea of civil service leadership is a contradiction in terms within a democracy.
34. The civil service had several advantages for a study of this type.
35. The image of the civil service as a male, middle class bastion is now outdated.
36. But the relatively small civil service portion could sail through, if Republicans sign on to them.
37. Job-seekers over those age limits suddenly found they had no hope of getting a civil service job.
38. Prop 103 removes civil service protections from appointed department heads.
39. Researching and devising a strategy to build a smaller, smarter civil service is much, much harder work.
40. One aspect of the argument concerns the process of recruitment to the top policy-making positions within the Civil Service.
41. Such a role called for financial autonomy, an independent international civil service, and collaboration between world organizations.
42. In 1958 the Civil Service led the way towards equality by granting equal pay.
43. He stated that the civil service had been opened to people of all parties who were qualified to hold office.
44. Designed for a government of clerks, civil service became a straitjacket in an era of knowledge workers.
45. He was speaking during a wide-ranging cross-examination by the Treasury and Civil Service select committee.
45. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
46. The terms of employment, which are still linked to the civil service, are to be changed.
47. The council is finishing work on a civil service law.
48. Now, there are also legitimate concerns about the quality of our civil service.
49. In 1975 she saw an advertisement for executive officers in the civil service.
50. The division between parliament and the civil service is overlaid by that between executive and legislature.
51. The task is less to reform civil service than to define the appropriate personnel system for a modern government and create it.
52. Almost 40 percent of the country's budget goes on the 57,000-strong civil service.
53. Others go into the civil service, journalism, pressure groups, or voluntary organisations and a variety of other careers.
54. The austerity measures included a freeze on civil service appointments, pay and promotions.
55. A politically appointed typist could be required to type the same number of words a minute as the civil service typist.
56. University-trained lawyers dominated the civil service but only the highest posts gave social prestige.
57. Can he give any information as to how arrangements such as job sharing have grown in the civil service to facilitate that desirable outcome?
58. In addition, Federal, State, and many local governments may require that inspectors pass a civil service examination.
59. These new agencies will generally be within the civil service, and their star-f will continue to be civil servants.
60. The top echelons of the civil service have generally abjured responsibility for policy decisions.
61. In October he announced negotiations to review all civil service wage and career structures dating back to 1946.
62. Edward was still living at home, preparing without a coach for the Civil Service examination.
63. The leading engineers and managers who were involved in these consultations often retained strong negative stereotypes of the civil service.
64. But the Bush budget seems less certain about the civil service.
65. In 1981 conflict over pay settlements led to an unprecedented civil service strike.
66. They were used to store such items as candles, dustbins and ashtrays for the Civil Service.
67. Certainly they now boasted insistently of the marital bliss of their daughter and the solid Civil Service progress of their son.
68. He came down with a First and started his civil service career in the humble surroundings of the National Assistance Board.
69. The proposed budget cuts would have affected housing subsidies, pensions, family payments and civil service pay.
70. He quickly met the inertia of a civil service used to forming and evaluating policy as well as carrying it out.
71. Her reservations about the senior civil service as a whole were well known in advance.
72. Like the steam engine, civil service was a valuable breakthrough in its day.
73. Those who have worked in the legal civil service report that it is much more interesting than appears at first sight.
74. In the civil service, for example, recruitment is dependent upon the selector's perceptions of: 1.
75. Some former students have taken up administrative posts in various public and private enterprises and in the civil service and local government.
76. Even civil service employees are subject to political pressures in the form of unwanted transfers, withheld promotions.
77. She was on her certain way into the civil service from the beginning.
78. This would be achieved through cuts in the civil service, the freezing of public-sector wages and the privatization of state enterprises.
79. The same principle applies to the civil service, where rank is determined in part by the number of employees one supervises.
80. Anyone who has had access to classified work produced by the scientific civil service is likely to endorse this view.
81. When governments reduce their numbers through layoffs, civil service employees with seniority can bump those with lesser seniority.
82. As for the civil service, it had to be cut down to the lowest level necessary.
83. Alix, I regret to say, did not take the Civil Service seriously as a prospect.
84. At that time I was a fervent believer in the civil service system.
85. Yesterday civil service union leaders complained that security staff had initially treated it as a hoax.
86. Veterans get five free points added to their civil service exam score; disabled veterans get an extra ten.
87. So the role of the civil service expands not merely because ministers are overwhelmed with work but because Parliament is also.
88. There were to be increases in civil service wages and in minimum salary levels.
89. The civil service accounted for almost half of total expenditure.
90. When the war began the civil service was expanded to cope with a multitude of new tasks.
91. As the match entered its final stages Civil Service thrust forward again using the long ball into the circle.
92. Instead, he had directed his talents to bolstering the vanity of the military and the higher-paid members of the Civil service.
93. He retired in 1982 in some frustration with the civil service before eventually becoming director-general of the Institute of Directors.
94. But the episode nevertheless did focus attention on the corruption that is rife within the civil service.
95. They have to hire most employees from lists of those who have taken written civil service exams.
96. Instead, he became preoccupied with civil service and tried to put more and more city employees under its protection.
97. Not words we use much in the Civil Service, yes and no, even in the most impersonal contexts.
98. It is highly unlikely that any formal moves will be made to politicize senior civil service appointments.
99. It matters little to the efficient running of the Civil Service where the administrative work of a department is carried out.
100. Somewhat the same difficulty arises when outside bodies wish to deal with the civil service as such.
101. The civil service procedures for the most senior appointments are well established.
102. Since 1979, the civil service has been under renewed pressure to reduce administrative cost.
103. Certain staff who might have shown a real aptitude for broadcasting found themselves discouraged by civil service rules on promotion and pay.
104. The main advantage of the career civil service is continuity.
105. Civil Service had most of the play throughout but were unable to convert their territorial advantage and possession into goals.
106. They possess a modern civil service of proved ability and critical acumen, at least at the higher levels.
107. However, most national politicians and local councillors share the civil service preference for the functional and centralized system based on Whitehall.
108. Tamils felt deprived of access to government and of their traditional route to advancement, jobs in the civil service.
109. Scores of existing officers will be released for active duty by the creation of a police civil service.
110. Since then he has been an active backbencher, chairing the influential Treasury and Civil Service select committee.
111. The administration and enforcement of federal laws and regulations necessarily are largely in the hands of staff and civil service employees.
112. Arguably local government and the career civil service should be included in this list.
113. For those in this upper-middle range of ability employment in the civil service may well offer better rewards.
114. The civil service and institutions based on this style see feeling as irrelevant in work performance.
115. I must confess that I would prefer to see a pigtail with an earring rather than the traditional civil service bowler hat.
116. Besides raising important matters of principle, the ban proved unwieldy in operation because of the great breadth of the civil service.
117. For an absence of spin by a civil service press secretary substitute vicious turn off the wicket from Alastair Campbell.
118. Within the civil service the Priestley pay bargaining system was abolished which linked civil service pay to rates in the private sector.
119. After the stories that circulate about Civil Service chicanery, I can attest to the professionalism of my team.
120. They thought a redesigned legal system might constrain the civil service and protect their economic interests.
121. In January cuts had been implemented in the civil service to reduce the public-sector wage bill.
122. The civil service found itself penetrated and politicized in the mid-1980s in a manner unknown since the days of Lloyd George.
123. The Civil Service Commission needs to be independent of the Council and this proposal would go in the opposite direction.
124. Texas has managed to survive without a civil service system all along.
125. We will encourage the wider use of performance pay inside the Civil Service and in other parts of the public service.
126. No wonder; in her entire career in the Civil Service she has never typed out anything remotely like it.
127. In 1992 structural reforms to limit spending would include reform of the civil service.
128. Later, Daley would shrink civil service and expand the patronage army.
129. Scandals have proliferated in business and banking, and have tainted the civil service and the judiciary.
130. In the civil service, the relationship between the civil servant and the politician is partly governed by the need for confidentiality.
131. Civil Service forced no less than 16 penalty corners during the game but were unable to cash in.
132. These three, but particularly the Compendium, became the basis of all civil service examinations.
133. There will be no sabotage of the civil service program during my administration.
134. The prefects of the overseas departments were instructed to negotiate the proposed reforms with local civil service unions and political parties.
135. The civil service unions chose this moment to strike for better pay.
136. Bureaucratic governments can do none of these things easily,(Sentence dictionary) thanks to their civil service regulations and tenure systems.
137. On leaving office he argued that the top level of the civil service needed an injection of fresh blood.
138. In theory, the civil service is the non-political arm of the executive.
139. In-depth analysis of all aspects of public sector management including civil service, health and education, local government and parastatal organizations.
140. Often cocculus tunbergii pledge school besides Cornell, in doctor supplies on basic does not succeed in the imperial civil service examination system.
141. Place the external, for the civil service Guanshu left and right for the military attache Guanshu, fully demonstrated the centralized Haohao momentum.
142. The Government monitors closely the turnover in the Civil Service for manpower planning purposes.
143. Kennedy, a federal civil service employee, was fired after accusing his superior of illegal activities.
144. "We both took early retirement because of ill-health and live on our local government and civil service pensions, plus incapacity benefits - all of which are paid in pounds, " says George.
145. The Supreme Court invalidated a Civil Service Commission rule banning resident aliens from government employment.
146. So, President Harrison suspended the civil service laws that protected postal workers.
147. Beijing: The last bastion of China's famous "iron rice bowl" system of lifetime employment —the civil service —has been breached.
148. Grand pianos became a currency or sorts as pauperized members of the civil service elites traded the symbols of their old status for a sack of potatoes and a side of bacon.
149. Sha Tesha Law Texarkana Bank chief economist John Keith commented that a major focus of these measures is to pay 15% of the national civil service.
150. India is a young country, but its civil service is much older than the rest of the country.
151. Its practical significance lies in, in the big background of the civil judicial reform, it provide some possible to supply the reference the plan for the civil service of process.
152. The department also helped the Civil Service Bureau organise two roving exhibitions on the Basic Law, in 1998 and 1999, which attracted altogether more than 43000 people.
153. When Dutch colonial rule ended in the 19th century the civil service was anglicised.
154. Ministers want to see more interchange between the private sector and the civil service.
155. "As the French see it, joining the civil service is not generally considered a track like any other, but a decision to devote one's life to the public interest, " purrs an official report.
156. He desired to obtain a position in the Civil Service.
157. Peng Li confirmed that in the past year the national civil service system implementation achieved results.
158. Harbin Personnel Evaluation: Harbin computer training base in the civil service.
159. They will be underpinned by Permanent Secretaries and a professional, meritocratic and politically neutral civil service.
160. The civil service system is set up in the process of fighting against the favoritism and the "pork barrel" system.
161. Then, civil service is deemed to basic system of civil litigation by the author.
162. Alternative housing assistance provided for eligible Police officers included the Civil Service Home Financing Scheme, Home Purchase Scheme, Housing Loan Scheme and the Accommodation Allowance Scheme.
163. The official inspects as the important component of civil service regulations have the very important function to distinguish and select the talented person.
164. Record number of applicants to compete for civil service vacancies.
165. The official provide reliefs the system is in our country civil service regulations important system.
166. After failing the civil service examinations several times, however, he chose the path of painting, calligraphy, and gardening in reclusion . Mt.
167. The Permanent Secretaries will act as the interface between Directors of Bureaux and the Civil Service.
168. Prince Charles married Camilla Parker Bowles (now known as Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall) in a civil service at the Guildhall in Windsor on April 9(), 2005.
169. President Arthur again appealed for civil service reform. This time, he got results.
170. The president appoints the heads and senior officials of the executive branch agencies, the large majority of federal workers, however, are selected through a nonpolitical civil service system.




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