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单词 surrealistic
释义  Related topics: Literature, Painting and drawingsur·real·is·tic /səˌrɪəˈlɪstɪk◂/ adjective  1. STRANGEseeming very strange because of a combination of many unusual unrelated events, images etc 梦幻般的;离奇的;超现实的2. literaryALAVP relating to surrealism 超现实主义的 SYN surrealist —surrealistically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpussurrealistic• It was bizarre, surrealistic, a little enclave of cancer patients in a noisy, crowded bar.• Our best guess is that the earthquake takes on a surrealistic aspect; it is certainly trivialized.• If the Marx Brothers had made a surrealistic comedy while on downers, this would be it.• Earlier, an almost surrealistic comic chaos attended royal occasions.• The pupils thought he'd been brought in specially for their benefit and turned up the next week with more surrealistic pieces.• A parody, a surrealistic sculpture in green slime.• And the rooms pull a few surrealistic tricks with their architecture.sur·real·is·tic adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus seeming many unusual very combination a of strange of because




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