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单词 Template
1. Trace around your template and transfer the design onto a sheet of card.
2. In our DNA we all carry a genetic template for the next generation.
3. Her childhood became a template for how she brought up her own children.
4. The deal is likely to provide a template for other agreements.
5. Use a template or stencil or simply do it freehand.
6. Pressing the template firmly down on the plastic, cut around it with a knife.
7. Not so much an eye as a template.
8. It will pay to have a tough template for cutting by scalpel, hot iron or roller-cutter.
9. One example is the method of recognition using template matching which is applied in both speech recognition and optical character recognition.
10. This way, the original template is available for producing more copies of the form letter to send to other clients.
11. The program then pours these articles into a template designed by the user.
12. A large stitch pattern template will automatically be correctly split over the appropriate number of Mylar sheets when necessary.
13. Move the template the distance indicated in the direction shown by the arrow.
14. Each then acts as a template to which other simpler molecules become attached until each has once more become a double helix.
15. A template had been forged which was subject to only minor modifications over time.
16. This method gives you something like a template for a graph, which you can use time and time again.
17. Elephant pizzas Cut a template of cardboard into the shape of an elephant's head.
18. A die and a template are both markers used for forming objects that will ultimately disintegrate.
19. Now we will create the form-letter template that we will later copy variable information into from another document.
20. The director uses his own childhood experiences as a template for the movie.
21. If you need to write a lot of similar letters, set up a template on your computer.
22. After printing each letter, however, you did not save the personalized version, but instead reloaded the original template.
23. Taylor wanted to move the planer clear out of the way and position the anchor bolts by means of a template.
24. The shapes are created on the spindle using one template.
25. Then we will copy the variable information into the template for each copy of the letter.
26. The main players seem cut from the X Files template.
27. For both complexes the additional blockages all occur at(/template.html), or one nucleotide prior to isolated G residues on the template strand.
28. In our hands, these precipitations result in progressively diminished yields of potential template cDNA for amplification.
29. This phenomena is consistent with the formation of intrastrand crosslinks between adjacent guanine residues on the template strand.
30. A collection of these tags makes up a style sheet and, together with the skeleton document, are saved as a template.
1. Trace around your template and transfer the design onto a sheet of card.
31. These variations may be a result of slight variations in the amount of template cDNA.
32. A template document saves you having to type the same letter over and over.
33. And as an aid to drilling, make a simple template from a length of batten.
34. The template can be anything from a simple list of stories to a traditional newspaper layout with headlines of differing sizes.
35. The rail piece is then cut to the correct curve, using the template prepared from the original.
36. You could: Use the template on this page to cut out lots of tiny Trefoils and stick them on to the bookmark.
37. We now have two documents: a template of the shell text and a variable list.
38. The wall thus provides a template for the pattern of the migrating cells.
39. He surmised that every bird possesses a form of template upon which it tries different notes until it finds the correct ones.
40. A template file will also contain a lot of information about the layout and style of the document.
41. They enable the reader to activate the relevant template for the text and create expectations of how the text should progress.
42. Mark the position of the scallops with chalk on the interfacing, using the template.
43. To fire the blunderbuss use the large teardrop-shaped flame template to represent the spread of shot from the gun's barrel.
44. We used a template and inserted or copied text wherever variable information was needed.
45. Then retrieve the original template and repeat the steps for inserting the variables and printing the letter and envelope.
46. Position the template as you wish, with the thin, pointed end next to the model.
47. A diaper design was then card-wired on to the shell using a template and a straight-edge.
48. But there are professionals for whom this is a daily task, for them Trend have made an adjustable letter box template.
49. Firstly, you will need to make a card template for your scallops in order to mark them off accurately.
50. Greengate, a greenfield plant opened in 1981, was to serve as the template for change throughout the company.
51. This template allows for slight song variations.
52. Both use the same if-then rule template.
53. Via a specific action and template.
54. This template was manufacturing allows bottom slab production automation.
55. Indicates whether the framework has an inbuilt template engine.
56. Comparison of the document template for custom development projects.
57. To define a build quickly and easily, in the Build process file list(), click Default Template.
58. In addition, extra code is executed on the server to process a WS response Template request.
59. As you can see, the template filter substitutes the variable name with the actual value associated with that key name in the Map object.
60. Connection service definition template - This is NOT a real service, just a template!
61. In Template Explorer click on the Open Folder icon to browse for a folder containing templates.
62. All templates contain the same file structure, there are thumbnails with images in each template.
63. In our scenario, the integration point existed between the middle-tier application server that ran the web service and the Microsoft Word template that invoked it.
64. This procedure demonstrates how from the dynamic link library loaded document template.
65. One restricting factor is the typical compiler's limit on template recursion depth.
66. Lastly, the quadrilateral meshes are generated for the whole structure model by using the separated region template method.
67. The pattern needs a minimal set of three pattern template parameters (marshaller, marshallerFactory, jibxMarshaller) of type Class.
68. Thermal treatment at 330℃ results in a partial removal of the template.
69. You cannot instantiate a generic or template class based on a local or unnamed type.
70. To put it less punningly, Groovy's template framework is a slick alternative for plain-Jane Java coding when you need to quickly knock out simple applications that require a view aspect.
71. With this option, the keyword typename is generated for every template parameter of type class.
72. Assigns content a template placeholder or a list. Can be used on associative arrays and scalars.
73. To ensure that your template is fully internationalised you must make sure that certain XML elements are translated and that the language definition files are listed in the templateDetails.xml file.
74. Usually, the rectangle template is adopted, and there is a distance between the template and the photosensitive surface, which is critical in the measurement.
75. After copying the template, edit the report process by expanding the copied DB activity trace report in your process group.
76. Means that you are talking about a Wake Island, the Marshall Islands and Hawaii, the three points, a template to move anywhere in the world, constitute a blocking mode?
77. Though Steichen didn't invent fashion photography, an argument can be made that he created the template for the modern fashion photographer.
78. A template can constrain the cardinality of a clone's attribute.
79. Fill in a template with information about your videos to alphabetize your collection and sort by movie title.
80. Signature validation failed for the official template included in Issuance License.
81. The /etc/security/limits file contains a section called default that defines a template of standard values for each user unless that user has set custom values.
82. Visual Studio 2008 includes a Text Template Transformation Toolkit, also known as T4, as part of Domain-Specific Language Tools, and can be used to generate code based on a text template.
83. For example, you can define a WebSphere Service Registry and Repository template using an XML schema to represent contractual information specific to the SP.
84. You can store a set of options for the tabbed desktop as a template and thus change the options of all tabs together in a snap.
85. Towards model machine template and mold board rust, Antirusts gets up protect effect.
86. Cannot read certificate template information from a Automatic Certificate Request object.
87. The protonation of template molecule of tetramethylethylene-diamine( TMEDA) trapped in the channels of zeolite ZSM-35 , ZSM-5 and mordenite was studied by using (13)C CP MAS NMR and chemical analysis.
87. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
88. To create a new document outline type, create a new Microsoft Word template (.dot file).
89. A new ECG pattern classifier with Variable Area Template is applied to improve the quantity of ECG analysis results, while the optimized software design ensures the other performances.
90. EDST including product functions, carriers and production process information was constructed by introducing manufacturing process information into domain structure template.
91. VDM finds the corresponding VM template by going though the directory containing VTD files and cloning the VM template to the destination specified in the deployment task file.
92. Analogously , template parameters represent types or values we can use in the definition of a class or function.
93. Second, JavaScript bases object construction on a prototype, or an existing instance of an object, rather than a class template.
94. The Holographic Template or Thought-Energy Blueprint is the original thought-form construct upon which our universal structure is perpetually re-created.
95. This example clearly demonstrates that the one-to-one mapping between a JSF request URL and view template is not imperative.
96. Parses template and sends to standard output ( Browser ).
97. The user's template may reside in internal memory (capable of holding over 27,000 users), or on other media such as a hard disk or smart card chip.
98. As a starting point for our new model file (ASDI.mdl), we used the Rose template that follows the structure defined by the RUP (see Figure 1).
99. The utility model relates to a valve body detection template of automobile automatic speed variator, belonging to automobile maintenance technical field.
100. The first part of the text in the example contains information about the message template, that is, the qualified name of message definiton and the parts defined in the message definition.
101. A template can constrain the cardinality of a clone's association.
102. This approach proved to be a good debugging aid when trying to track down which template controlled which content.
103. The third XML document application builds on the second application and places one of the grid displays with the xfy Adaptive Chart template to display only the email and sales total information.
104. Highly ordered mesoporous carbon, denoted as CMK-5, was synthesized by using mesoporous silicates SBA-15 as template and furfuryl alcohol as carbon precursor.
105. Shows how to customize the display of a data field by using a custom field template.
106. Enrollment, or the process of collecting biometric samples from an individual, known as the enrollee , and the subsequent generation of his template.
107. Williams, the author of this template, launched the first ever blog by a British cabinet minister.
108. This version can follow one's inclinations increase you need, it is really a column of classic all-around template.
109. Template matching and median filtering are fundamental operations in image processing.
110. A specialization of the primary template occurs before the explicIt'specialization.
111. You have to install Genshi and Jinja separately if you want to use them whereas Mako is included in the default Pylons installation because it is the recommended template language to use.
112. Offline Character Recognition for The template matching, USPS font terminology Fisher Linear found handwritten identification numbers.
113. I have a 2007 MS Access template called Lending Library.
114. In the thesis, a new nanostructured silicon template is reported, and hiring it as template, nanostructured noble metal thin films are obtained through immersion plating method.
115. If you want to add your own document type, you must create the relevant Microsoft Word document template (.dot file) and a definition file before adding a new document type.
116. Type a template name and the GC and Memory Visualizer saves the template in the Templates view for future use.
117. The RENAME keyword is used to provide a generic format name to reduce code changes should this code be used as a template for other format handlers.
118. Finally( ), the types of template and substances of Rapid ERP Implementation are discussed.
119. While template engines have this same problem, many Java-based solutions, such as my favorite, Enhydra, allow you to supply the markup page as input to the presentation technology.
120. This template will categorise tagged articles into Category:Wikipedia articles needing rewrite. This template is self-reference. This template is not useful to be subst 'd.
121. The dependence of the molten salt content, the synthesized temperature as well as the molten salt species on the grain growth and the morphology of the SBN template particles were studied.
122. In the future Minx is coming out with a smaller and larger template.
123. Base on the characteristic of ITER Feeder System, template is used to create the parts, feeder is assembled with layers, all this can improve the design efficiency.
124. A template is a model that you use to create other documents.
125. Right-click the class and add a template parameter with name T. Add operations such as isEmpty():bool ,getSize():int.
126. The parameter ID is the parameter name as displayed in the task editor and supported by the XSLT template corresponding to the selected verb.
127. In the basic report processor, you can assign an individual Microsoft Word document template (actually a *.dot file, called an object template) for every Rational DOORS object.
128. You cannot use the name or address of a local variable as a template argument.
129. Firstly the algorithm of selecting standard template was presented to correct the influence of standard template's spectral characteristic on the correct factors.
130. OK, the reason I'm saying this is, we have one class definition, is a cookie cutter, it's a template that's going to let us build versions of these things.
131. Add a resource file template and then edit the template with the XML Designer.
132. FISH and RFLP are the most labour intensive, time consuming and more expensive methods. The special PCR markers, in some degree, are effected by the content of template DNA.
133. The ultralong copper nanowires were electrodeposited in AAO nanoporous template adopting electrodeposition process.
134. Consider that the process template values are not all entered in the object definition (as application specific information or default values).
135. The first control in the template must be a page break.
136. One can't help noticing, for instance(), that Powers borrows and adapts his own novelistic template.
137. The discussion is divided into the following aspects: the phonological template, the nuclear system, the onset system, inter-constituent interaction and the tone system.
138. The project uses the project name for the default document template strings.
139. How to database data in a specified location WORD template display?
140. For arrays this template is called a dope vector or information vector.
141. If China continues to follow the Japanese template, the end of the dollar peg will be the trigger event, setting off a Godzilla-sized credit binge.
142. For example: brevibacterium diazo resin treantment exposure during bleaching , it can change the surprint template color.
143. Phenoxyacetic acid molecular imprinted polymer ( POAA - MIP ) based on Phe - peroxyacetic acid ( POAA ) as template molecule was synthesized.
144. With CA-signed certificates, the MQ administrator controls only the string matching template for Distinguished Names (DN) that are allowed to connect.
145. We use this as a check to determine whether to include another template file to render the login page and then jump out of the page.tpl.php file.
146. User properties can be assigned using a pre - defined template.
147. Custom template gray scale median filter basic region was assigned to 0.
148. Several standard template constructions are available to the nomad, a popular example being the auto turret.
149. Single crystal MTN has been synthesized by vapor phase transport route(VPT) using n-propylamine as a new template.
150. The synthesis of nanoporous silica gel using nonionic surfactant as template and soluble glass and acid as raw material was studied. The removal of templates is an important process.
151. Ordered mesoporous carbon was successfully prepared using siliceous MCM-48 as template, p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA) as catalyst, and furfuryl alcohol as carbon source.
152. Conclusion: Using filters provides a faster and more sensitive and universal process for preparing DNA template.
153. The scripting language used with Velocity templates is known as the Velocity Template Language (VTL).
154. To adjust or change the code generation, you can create a Skyway Template project (see Figure 25.
155. The template specificities found with DNA polymerases from human leucocytes is summarized in Table 1.
156. This template is the xJCL template described as part of the variable substitution feature of Compute Grid.
157. A constraining template can be used to guide data entry.
158. The phptemplate engine uses the node.tpl.php as a generic template for a theme designer to mold any generated node data into a content fragment.
159. The establishment of a matrix calculation of template classes, can be combined matrix, subtract, multiply, transpose, inverse, such as computing.
160. Secondly, several template matching algorithms are discussed from the aspect of character space and similarity measure and some improvement is presented respectively.
161. Messenger RNA ( mRNA ) -- an RNA molecule that serves as a template for protein synthesis.
162. In this paper, a face detection algorithm for color image based on skin color segmentation, region analysis and template distribution is presented.
163. A template type parameter may be as the type of more than one function parameter.
164. Here, I introduce you to Smarty, one of the most popular PHP template engines.
165. It should be possible to factor out these common page elements into a separate master template.
166. The device ID returned is 5, which is then used to add a graph for CPU usage (graph type of cg and template 4).
167. The template uses a Template Toolkit FOR loop to iterate over the images, unsorted (if you need sorting, it's better to have the Perl code do it outside the Template Toolkit environment).
168. In some cases, the template is a separate file that is easily updated -- most content management systems work that way.
169. Once the IBM Cognos service is stopped and started, all new IBM Cognos Query Studio reports will now use the global template and display the title block as yellow.
170. The new instruction is xsl:next-match, which is similar to xsl:apply-imports but can trigger a matching template of the same precedence, not just ones of lower import precedence.
171. He would have liked stronger static type checking of template arguments.
172. The concept of a template also applies to decision tables.
173. Most of the current commercial computer aided writing (CAW) software adopts template technique, which offers only an idea or framework rather than a complete solution.
174. The system can automatically and dynamically create report table file and finish printing with different report table template according to users specified request.
175. Selecting template and the binding of transcription factors with RNA pol to form replicon are two major regulatory means.
176. In the beginning, just a small part of points were involved in template matching, and gradually more and more points got involved in template matching.
177. Now comes most difficult part: To write something useful inside of this empty template.
178. Since $Quotes either contains an empty string or a double quote character, you can use the same template for both operating systems.
179. Dojo controls are styled according to a template (in our case "noir") as shown in the page header; a normal system font and button shape would indicate that Dojo is not running.
180. It introduced the first automatic code generation technology; then introduced the XML markup language script; last TSL template described in the scripting language graphical user interaction systems.
181. A speech emotion recognition method is also presented based on weighted Euclidean distance template matching, in which the weights of features are calculated by the method of contribution analysis.
182. This diagram shows the relationship of the Domino Web Access template (iNotes6.ntf to the standard mail template) and the user's mail file (JUser.nsf in the diagram).
183. A mesostructured titanium - vanadium oxide has been synthesized using n - dodecylamine as a template.
184. Not only did this help the styling of the content, but provided a debugging aid when looking at page source to determine which template generated what content.
185. BOOST _ PROTO _ DEFINE _ OPERATORS - Defines a complete set of expression template - building opera non - Proto terminal types.
186. For each default template, some of the DDX elements that can be customized are highlighted and examined.
187. We usually use binarization and template matching method for the printed character.
188. Here is a quick start guide that will give you some pointers and a printable template you can use to get off to a great start with mind mapping.
189. In the Add New Item dialog box, select Preprocessed Text Template.
190. This algorithm is realized by block orientation rough matching, ridge line fine matching in template and ridge matching in windows with two levels of judgement.
191. On this basis, the composition of the directional filter, the selection of the template and the calculation of parameters were presented detailedly.
192. After you get the URI, you can use it to get the resource template for each record type.
193. can be used to pass any number of named parameters to the matching template.
194. Expand the project area and team area to which you wish to deploy a report template.




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