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单词 Stung
(1) He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung
(2) He was stung by a wasp.
(3) He was stung by thousands of angry bees.
(4) The nettles stung their legs.
(5) He was stung by a bee.
(6) I was stung on the arm by a wasp.
(7) A bumblebee stung me on the cheek.
(8) I got stung by a bee.
(9) I was stung for a fiver.
(10) A bee stung him.
(11) A bee has stung my hand and it is swelling up.
(12) His own army, stung by defeats, is mutinous.
(13) I got stung by a wasp yesterday.
(14) His words certainly stung .
(15) A bee stung me on the cheek.
(16) They stung him to make unremitting efforts.
(17) Their taunts stung him to action/into fighting.
(18) Her harsh words stung him into action.
(19) Anger stung him into fighting.
(20) He was stung into an angry retort.
(21) He was stung into answering in his defence.
(22) The boy was stung by a bee.
(23) I got stung for a £100 meal.
(24) Her insult stung him into making a rude reply.
(25) He was stung for $200.
(26) Their cruel remarks stung her into action.
(27) His ears and fingers stung with cold.
(28) The blowing sand stung his cheeks.
(29) Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.
(30) I stuck my hand in the beehive and was stung three times!
(1) He was stung by a wasp.
(2) He was stung by thousands of angry bees.
(3) The nettles stung their legs.
(4) He was stung by a bee.
(5) I was stung on the arm by a wasp.
(6) A bumblebee stung me on the cheek.
(7) I got stung by a bee.
(8) A bee stung him.
(9) A bee has stung my hand and it is swelling up.
(10) Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.
(11) I stuck my hand in the beehive and was stung three times!
(12) The insulting remarks stung him to a rage.
(31) The insulting remarks stung him to a rage.
(32) The soap/smoke/sweat stung my eyes.
(33) She had been stung by criticism.
(34) He was stung by her criticisms.
(35) His knee stung from the graze.
(36) A hornet stung me on the cheek.
(37) He was stung by their criticism.
(38) His tongue was stung by hot food.
(39) The garage stung him for £300.
(40) The dog went berserk when a wasp stung him.
(41) The bee stung her leg.
(42) She knew he was right, but his words still stung.
(43) I didn't see the nettles until I was stung by them.
(44) Stung by recent publicity,() the Home Office now seems to be trying to brazen this issue out.
(45) The impact of the tennis ball really stung his leg.
(46) Don't get into the line of flight of the bees?you'd be sure to get stung.
(47) The barb stung her exactly the way he hoped it would.
(48) The November air stung my cheeks, a harbinger of winter.
(49) The bank stung me for £50 in charges when I went overdrawn.
(50) He's a sensitive lad and some of the criticism has stung him.
(51) I put some antiseptic on the cut and it stung for a moment.
(52) My arm swelled up where I was stung by a bee.
(53) His rude behaviour stung his mother into losing her temper.
(54) He was stung by a person who looked like a gentleman.
(55) Tears stung her eyes.
(56) My foot swelled up to three times the normal size when it was stung by a wasp.
(57) Their taunts stung him into his best performance for the team yet.
(58) Tears pricked my eyes and stung in my throat.
(59) Her eyes stung, as if she might cry again.
(60) Constraint stung his skin like a wave of hornets.
(61) Maybe Ray Floyd stung him into action too.
(62) His cheek stung where his mother had slapped him.
(63) Henry was stung by a bee at the picnic.
(64) The warm rum stung and sent tremors through him.
(65) It stung, that eruption of uncomprehending idiocy.
(66) Lathan was stung by the senator's harsh criticism.
(67) It stung her deeply and she recoiled at once.
(68) The familiar dark soured then stung with chlorine.
(69) The smoke stung my eyes.
(70) Had they stung Bristol into raising a game dampened by unremitting drizzle they might have suffered more.
(71) Unthinkingly she glanced at the clock on the bedside-table and tears stung her eyes.
(72) Still, she wrung the dripping, salted cabbage until her wrinkled hands stung from the brine.
(73) Tears of outrage stung his eyes, and something deeper than humiliation sank like a stone into the pit of his stomach.
(73) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(74) His head throbbed, and every tiny movement of his mouth stung.
(75) His hand stung and his head hurt and he felt in no shape to begin the delicate task of restarting their relationship.
(76) The brandy tasted bitter as it flowed down her aching throat and tears stung her eyes.
(77) The hot car seats stung the children's bare legs and made them cry out in protest.
(78) He froze, stung with pain, and tried to breathe slowly.
(79) Other phone companies were stung by the sophisticated ring, but they have not filed suit.
(80) Perhaps he was just young enough to bounce back, perhaps Oasis stung him into action.
(81) The rain stung the pavement with all the fury of the arrows at Agincourt.
(82) It stung the back of her throat and fired in her belly.
(83) A flurry of rain stung my face before the electric window could wind up again.
(84) Airlift over a fish-sting TROPICAL-fish keeper Ian Durnall was flown to hospital after being stung by his pet lion fish.
(85) In the early days she had been stung by criticism of the way she dressed.
(86) The first job was to scythe paths through the nettles so the children could play without being stung.
(87) Stung by this delay, they drove the students back many a yard at the opening scrum.
(88) The wind was biting, and sleet blew into our faces and stung our eyes during take after take after take.
(89) Tears stung her eyes a moment at the thought of her sister losing her identity.
(90) A friend of mine got stung by a bee and swelled up and died.
(91) The accusations of incompetence after the botched attempt to support the anti-Noriega coup in October had stung the Bush Administration.
(92) He walked away down the corridor, without so much as a backward look, and tears stung her eyes.
(93) As they drove back from a barbecue the bee stung Rod's arm.
(94) Returning to the jungle he finds he has to kill Lowery who has been stung by a Varga.
(95) Today an estimated 150,000 people are stung each year but less than 1 percent of these attacks prove fatal.
(96) Her foot in its canvas tennis shoe stung like mad but to her surprise the bolt had moved a little.
(97) At the same time, three regional discounters were stung by mounting competition.
(98) Forty-seven other officers were stung with lesser penalties ranging from long suspensions to letters of reprimand.
(99) Perhaps Louis was also stung by the threatened negation of his own youthful exploits on the March.
(100) But not before the advance guard had stung him 10 times.
(101) Schramm's eyes were swamped with sweat, and the salt stung.
(102) It sneaked up through her coat buttons, ballooned her sleeves and stung her face.
(103) And once he was nearly stung by a stingray.http://
(104) He was stung by a hornet.
(105) My mustache stabbed and stung into my lips.
(106) Right. Sounds like you got stung by a Scorpio!
(107) Hitler was stung to the quick.
(108) Miss T'ang's nose suddenly stung.
(109) The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung Byron.
(110) The corner of a small catalog stung the corner of his mouth.
(111) In einigen F & auml ; llen f ü hrt die Umr ü stung auch zu dem in Deutschland so wichtigen erh & ouml ; hten L & auml; rmschutz.
(112) The bee ran down the cigar, Jack could only stare at it cross-eyed in terror, and stung him on the upper lip.
(113) A pensioner has died after he was stung by a bee during a picnic.
(114) A bumble - bee stung one, and then there were five.
(115) Play-bills and snapshots, a withered boutonniere, old report cards that stung me with pride; a stack of homemade thank-you cards from the second-grade Spanish class Jeff volunteered to teach.
(116) It was at the Mekong, just north of Stung Treng, that I set out to see the Irrawaddy river dolphins, some of the last remaining on the planet.
(117) The NAND industry was stung earlier in the year by oversupply and weaker demand for consumer electronics. SanDisk shares have more than doubled this year as balance has returned.
(118) Hurtful comments and stung the people I cared most about.
(119) Tears stung at the back of my eyelids and threatened to spill over at any moment.
(120) But the White House was stung by Pyongyang, which has snubbed its overtures.
(121) Sitting against a fence in my garden, I was stung by a wasp.
(122) Althogh he spent many hours daily in the apiary, he was seldom stung by a Bee.
(123) The house negroes of the County considered themselves superior to white trash, and their unconcealed scorn stung him, while their more secure position in life stirred his envy.
(123) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(124) A bumble - bee stung one then there were five.
(125) That stung a bit. I'd been careful to avoid all forms of moroseness , moping included.
(126) She burst into tears, stung by the harshness of his words.
(127) United were rocking and a Mark Wilson piledriver in the 68th minute stung the palms of De Gea.
(128) we have read about the uncanny sense of direction which bees posses, we have a horror of being stung.
(129) He was stung by Calvinists' treatment of Arminianism. and his own response to Calvinism was often too harsh.
(130) Stung by his ungraceful departure from Kharkov three weeks earlier, Hausser was determined not to allow the army to share in the glory of recapturing his prize.
(131) One thief was stung by scorpion, do not become aware aphonia says: " Very painful! "
(132) As he did so there was a pistol shot. Something stung his shoulder.
(133) A fowler went into the woods to shoot a Ringdove with his bow and arrow, when an adder that he had trodden upon in the grass, urned and stung him.
(134) If you get stung by this nettle you can treat it with the stalks of elephant ear plant, and it won't itch.
(135) Sitting on a fence in my garden, I was stung by a wasp.




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