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单词 well-paid
释义  Related topics: Wagesˌwell-ˈpaid adjective  BEWPAY somebody FOR WORKproviding or receiving good wages 薪金优厚的,高薪的 a well-paid job 高薪工作 well-paid executives 薪金丰厚的主管► see thesaurus at earnExamples from the Corpuswell-paid• She's a very competent, well-paid housekeeper.• For another it might be a school whose graduates get well-paid jobs.• This is largely because the upper-middle-class educated sector has sold out to the development industry, which provides relatively well-paid jobs.• The result was that what had been a small-sized cheap labour force became a large well-paid labour force.• well-paid managers• But the bureaucratic tendency to expand has generated a stepladder of well-paid officials.• Milosevic has deployed his well-armed and well-paid police to harass the daily protesters.• In his view, it was true that the in-house collection manager was generally dedicated, well-trained, well-paid, well-motivated.• The unions claim that contented, well-paid workers are an essential ingredient of productivity, and so they are.ˌwell-ˈpaid adjectiveChineseSyllable  providing wages receiving or good Corpus




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