单词 | Third world |
例句 | 1. Falling coffee prices have impoverished many Third World economies. 2. Western countries often dumped surplus goods into Third World countries. 3. "Third World" is an abstraction, a form of shorthand. 4. Our foreign policy tilts toward the third world. 5. He claims that most Western aid to the Third World is just colonialism in disguise. 6. Many countries in the Third World are as poor as they have ever been. 7. She does a lot of work in the Third World. 8. Aid to the Third World is at present little more than a drop in the ocean. 9. Third World countries receive a lot of money from developed countries, but the other side of the coin is that they have to spend this money on expensive imports. 10. Many large Third World cities have arisen unaccompanied by national industrial growth. 11. The'Guardian'is running a series of articles on Third World Economics. 12. The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system. 13. No wonder Third World sugar producers feel discriminated against. 14. It seems you confuse Third World countries. 15. A few third world countries will have automatic entry. 16. Embassy, demanding they declare war on the Third World. 17. We buy Third World commodities for a song. 18. This, they believe, is the lesson which other Third World figures contemplating similar action are meant to learn. 19. A lot of people make the assumption that poverty only exists in the Third World.http:// 20. The Archbishop of Canterbury has sounded a warning to Europe'sleaders on third world debt. 21. Environmentalists argue that the organization fails to address the needs of third world farmers. 22. Western governments should be giving more aid to the emerging democracies of the Third World. 23. They accused the West of dumping out-of-date medicines on Third World countries. 24. The country no longer wants to be tagged as a Third World nation. 25. In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF, he urged third world countries to undertake sweeping reforms. 26. Economic aid tends to undermine the national independence of third world countries. 27. And he wants the Liberal Democrats to make the third world a high priority if they play a part in government. 28. A leading figure in the Arab world, sure that the Third World should not align itself with either superpower. 29. We like the sight of them taking advantage of a new-era spirit by loosening the shackles of third world debt. 30. However, the variations in mortality between the developed and Third World in the later years of life are much less extreme. 1. Falling coffee prices have impoverished many Third World economies. 2. Western countries often dumped surplus goods into Third World countries. 3. A lot of people make the assumption that poverty only exists in the Third World. 31. For the Third World or rather the underdeveloped world these questions have existed for the greater part of this century. 32. This practice is particularly damaging to Third World countries trying to sell their goods. 33. Today, these taxes are still levied by many Third World governments because they are straight forward to collect and hard to evade. 34. The culture-ideology of consumerism in the Third World will be the subject of Chapter 5. 35. Even by Third World standards, it was an unusual basketball game. 36. Anyone who has traveled in Third World countries is aware that the favors of public officials are customarily and blatantly for sale. 37. Given third world debt problems and so on, many corporates are stronger credits than many banks. 38. The amount is the equivalent of trebling every wealthy country's aid budget to the third world. 39. It is clearly unfair that so much tax in the Third World falls on the backs of those least able to pay. 40. By the 1970s, researchers discovered that a major cause of childhood blindness in Third World countries was vitamin A deficiency. 41. Third world towns and cities contain large numbers of women who may lead lives very different from those of their rural counterparts. 42. These recent proposals reflect Moscow's current priority to retrench economically and militarily in the Third World. 43. Virtually all Third World countries were Spending enormous sums on war or preparation for war, despite staggering debts and dreadful poverty. 44. In general, illiteracy and lack of motivation militate against reliability of figures from Third World countries. 45. The cash crisis in the Third World will help concentrate the minds of lenders. 46. Plunging prices have caused extreme hardship for farmers and workers throughout the Third World. 47. Perhaps it was the clash of Third World beach and Dallas skyscraper which triggered my uncharitable scepticism about his extraordinary Utopianism. 48. Others brought the Third World Marxist rhetoric that was popular at that time among black nationalists. 49. In the same way,(http:///third world.html) the West continues to make large sums of money from Third World debt. 50. As Third World capitalism develops, the working class is destined to play its classic revolutionary role. 51. Of course, some third world countries spent heavily on armaments, bought effectively from the same capitalist cartel who loaned the money. 52. Nevertheless, many Third World countries still rely heavily on selling raw material commodities as their principal source of income. 53. Alternative energy technologies will be successfully diffused only if realistic assumptions are made about the real economic situation in the Third World. 54. Government response to the crisis has hit the poor in a way that has become all too familiar in the Third World. 55. The Group linked third world debt and more favourable trade agreements to environmental issues. 56. The claim that aid is the answer to Third World poverty is then highly debatable. 57. Third World countries struggled for national independence and did so often under the banner of nationalist socialism. 58. And the cities of the Third World often have unpaved roads. 59. The individual principles in Brezhnev's five-point doctrine were familiar to numerous Soviet proclamations on Third World regions. 60. The problem ultimately lies in the relative weakness of the Third World economy in the world capitalist system. 61. However, many third world traders do more than circulate goods for sale. 62. Much energy-intensive industry would then decamp to the third world. 63. Do not the problems of the third world, which is still suffering economic deprivation, need to be addressed? 64. For example, 80 percent of our tin and 75 percent of our bauxite come from the Third World. 65. Educationists have allied with development theorists to extend these ideas to the Third World. 66. He is vehemently opposed to abortion, gay rights and many aspirations of the Third World. 67. Most of my companions on this field trip to the mines are from the Third World. 68. It is clear that Third World countries share many needs and problems of hazardous waste management with developed countries. 69. Kobrin has studied no less than 511 acts of forced divestment involving 1,500 firms in 76 Third World countries from 1960 to 1976. 70. Fifteen writers and publishers from 13 Third World countries attended the seminar. 71. Of course many programmes of regional co-operation exist, but unlike oil most Third World commodities are no longer essential to the West. 72. Many Europeans who consider themselves to be poor are rich by the standards of some Third World countries. 73. The impact of both of these on the position of women outside the sphere of employment in Third World countries. 1. 74. Can the Third World politically challenge the statusquo or are its political institutions similarly under-developed? 75. Yet family-planning funds to Third World countries have been limited because of conservative opposition. 76. It would be impossible for the affluent to live in peace if conflict after conflict exploded in the third world. 77. Disposable workers Modern methods of super-exploitation, tried and tested in the Third World, are coming home to industrialized countries. 78. People are also being asked to make their voices heard expressing concern over the possible cut to aid to the third world. 79. They argued that development would eventually take the Third World through its own demographic transition to low rates of death and birth. 80. Around the globe,(/third world.html) the richer nations have made easing the overcrowding of third world cities a top aid priority. 81. Low octane petrol is readily available almost everywhere, while paraffin is widely used in the third world. 82. If computers are now to be shipped to the third world, what are they going instead of? 83. I think it's hard to generalise about western feminism and third world feminism. 84. Indeed, no country is truly independent if its economy is such as to consign it at once to the Third World. 85. In many Third World countries as many as three out of five children die before the age of five. 86. The poorest Third World countries spend the largest proportions of their incomes on weapons. 87. It wants child poverty abolished in 20 years; it aims to cancel third world debt. 88. Tony Vaux follows him through the comic-horror jungle of Third World bureaucracy - and corruption. 89. But Lipton claims that such a path is unavailable to the Third World. 90. Some companies had offloaded substandard medicines onto Third World countries. 91. What is left over often goes hack to the Third World. 92. They work in partnership with small co-operatives, consumer groups, churches, clinics and nurseries throughout the Third World. 93. Labour would implement environmentally-progressive policies and press for reductions and possibly cancellations in third world debt. 94. Third World governments build roads which help farmers to market their produce and schools which create a literate and numerate workforce. 95. The demand for courses had declined dramatically as more facilities became available in Third World countries. 96. The fall in commodity prices means that Third World countries must produce more to earn the same amount. 97. It all went to needy charities(), both at home and in the Third World. 98. While he lived Nehru remained the most eminent spokesman for the Third World. 99. All this has caused alarm in the third world, particularly among its autocrats. 100. Hastily Stevens laid down his book on Third World debt and straightened his reclining chair. 101. These are seen as distinct stages of Third World exploitation associated with the growth of industrial capitalism in the west. 102. Financial meltdown, with that most visible, third world symbol of a municipality in crisis: piles of uncollected rubbish. 103. Some critics have accused these Western pop artists of exploiting Third World traditions in an extension of cultural imperialism. 104. Several Third World countries have themselves become suppliers of small arms for such conflicts. 105. Soviet capabilities for the long range projection of power in the Third World were comparatively ineffectual. 106. Several correspondents called for a brainstorming session, largely of Third World scholars, to discuss how best to proceed. 107. The rich world can now buy more Third World commodities at very low prices. 108. Enterprise in the third world tends to be hampered less by lack of capital than by bad economic policies and missing infrastructure. 109. Literally billions have been smuggled out of Third World countries to Western banks, often in suitcases./third world.html 110. One argument is that if Banks cancelled debts, Third World countries would only borrow more. 111. The Third World faces an energy crisis even without the problems posed by global warming. 112. The agreement is being cited as a model for other companies working in Third World countries. 113. It also carries out research into Third World needs for microcomputers. 114. Their attitude is seen as giving Third World nations a licence to opt out themselves. 115. The self-interest behind such measures and the harmful effects in Third World countries are plain for all to see. 116. The arguments are moral: the rich countries owe a debt for the ravaged resources of the Third World. 117. Some perceived that these inequalities were global and particularly afflicted the Third World. 118. Of course, the Third World has already had - and has - some considerable environmental disasters. 119. Another well-documented scandal has been the sale of unsuitable or dangerous medicines in the Third World. 120. Endpiece and the Country Profile sketch of a Third World country. 121. In the new post-cold war global economy, what was the Third World has been energized while the developed world has languished. 122. The Soviets were also initiating an economic assistance program for selected Third World countries. 123. Used prudently, advanced hybrid or bio-engineered crop strains could make a potentially significant contribution to third world agriculture. 124. Our battered forecabin now looked like the canopy of some decrepit truck jacked up for repairs in some Third World country. 125. The nation state, particularly in the third world and the erstwhile Eastern bloc, is the agent of global capital. 126. Some third world countries are now making massive investment in basic education. 127. They are not taking things lying down as many other Third World people tend to do. 128. That is that industrialised agriculture in its current form is neither sustainable nor exportable to the Third World. 129. Third World loans represent a mere six percent of their total portfolios. 130. Taxing poverty Popular myth has it that poor peasants and casual workers in the Third World do not pay tax. 131. The mullahs were no better at curing characteristic third world socio-economic ills than the secular regimes they despised. 132. They accused Clinton of using moralistic language to cloak protectionist policies aimed at restricting imports from Third World countries. 133. They lent too much too easily to unstable third world countries, private corporations built on sand and risky clients. 134. The US delegate to the committee announced a grant of $75 million to help third world countries. 135. Millions of jobs are likely to be lost in the developed countries while Third World nations slump deeper into poverty. 136. We must in fact recognise that Third World countries are considerably different from one another. 137. In the Third World land scarcity among the poor is due to skewed ownership, not an overload of people. 138. The fear of jobs lost to immigrants and Third World countries, to corporate greed. 139. He spoke briefly of the responsibility the rich owe to the poor of the Third World. 139. try its best to gather and make good sentences. 140. These applications and others like them for the microprocessors have growing importance in the Third World. 141. Some 120 trainees from Third World countries will get a two-year post. 142. Not until rising nationalism and socialism ousted capitalism from the Third World would capitalism be destroyed. 143. For the rural people of the Third World time is short. 144. It seems unlikely that they will jeopardise their superior circumstances by combining in an alliance with Third World workers against capital. 145. Three out of five people in the Third World have no easy access to clean water. 146. The long incubation period means that no Third World country has yet faced the full truth of what is to come. 147. And we receive a steady income from interest on Third World debts. 148. Development in the Third World has stalled, ground down by the relentless wheels of the global economic machine. 149. There's a third world study which lists a minimum of drugs and medicaments essential to public health. 150. As with other institutions in the Third World education has been heavily influenced by colonialism. 151. When it comes to third world development the Bishop says he gives each of the three main parties two cheers. 152. High costs, low wages and merciless poverty are the price that Third World people pay. 4. 153. I was fairly ignorant of Third World literature at the outset and in many respects still am. 154. Third World taxes have grown out of the colonial experience. 155. The Third World should no longer serve as a playpen for greedy, killer interventionist maneuvers by aging cold warriors. 156. The arms trade increases Third World debt, which is a burden born by the poorest. 157. But tragedy struck again in 1970 when Jochen Rindt, Chapman's third world champion, was killed at Monza. 158. The most radical and definitive solution would be for all Third World debtor countries to collectively renounce their debts. 159. This was an unusually specific Soviet comment in the 1970s on neutrality in the Third World. 160. August - at least 10 Third World countries have stopped repaying their commercial bank creditors. 161. A key question is, therefore, whether industrial expansion and international commerce has a similar impact on the Third World. 162. In the Third World, however, the application of a little force or a little money could have dramatic results. 163. Development aid, international monetary assistance, transnational corporate investment are all geared towards integrating Third World economies into a global market. 164. Labour will promote environmentally sustainable development and encourage new approaches to reduce Third World debt. 165. It was not because of labor, or high wages, or the Third World. 166. The overriding theme of the conference is the need to reduce Third World debt. 167. One interesting potential source of energy in the Third World is the water hyacinth and other aquatic weeds. 168. Similarly, it is indefensible to be inactive in the face of third world poverty and famine. 169. Building a first world economy on top of a massive third world workforce does not create the strongest of economic foundations. 169. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 170. This voluntary code sets standards for retailers buying goods from the third world. 171. On this basis, precious resources have been allocated to mass literacy campaigns all over the Third World. 172. Third World debt is so massive that recent pledges to reduce or forgive it are just a drop in the bucket. 173. The purpose of the Enterprise is to involve Third World countries in mining nodules and give them a share in the profits. 174. With my friends from home we had discussed Third World politics and our growing awareness of exploitation globally. 175. This has led to some repatriation of the apparel industry from the Third World back to the First. 176. Among them are problems of air and water quality and waste in rapidly expanding third world cities. 177. My brief visit certainly brought home to me the grim realities that lie behind the many statistics on Third World debt. 178. How many shantytowns of the Third World would not cherish one of those suburban bungalows you so despise? 179. Last year's figures were boosted by strong foreign-exchange earnings and a £122 million write-back from third world debt provisions. 180. Nevertheless, as the following studies indicate Soviet officials have regarded neutralisation in the Third World as a pragmatic compromise at best. 181. Surely then, until Third World populations decline through national programmes of family planning, population pressure will cause hunger and shortages. 182. Third World industry could also become an ally in promoting efficient technology. 183. It also created a possible precedent for Soviet conduct in other Third World regions. 184. It has underlined that Third World nationalism may frustrate zero-sum calculations by the superpowers. 185. Moreover the West has developed cheap alternatives for most things they used to depend on the Third World for. 186. The purpose of third world colonies was to make colonial powers rich not the reverse. 187. My work experience is in a Third World country rather than in the United States or other industrialized country. 188. The Cuban revolution resulted in a reassessment of Washington's policy towards the Third World generally. 189. After 1982, the Third World debt crisis also turned banks towards the home market in the search for creditworthy borrowers. 190. Foreign-owned industry tends to outperform domestically-owned industry in exporting in most Third World and indeed in some sectors in First World countries. 191. More generally, the impact of the market is often and issue in development studies of the Third World. 192. Advocates of globalisation advise third world economic planners to divert water away from food production to increase manufacturing. 193. Economic barriers to book publishing remains constant throughout the Third World. 194. Today many Third World countries remain dependent on selling their commodities to the West. 195. Then the educational system can actually perpetuate and even increase inequality in Third World nations. 196. Third World policy has leavened with diplomacy, elections, land reform and emergency help with debts. 197. Libya is Moscow's biggest, and most conspicuous, Third World client. 198. “We’ve known for years that the death rates in Third World countries are lower among breast-fed babies,” she adds. 199. Emma Bonney clinched a third World Ladies Billiards title with a 216-119 victory over shock finalist Eva Palmius. 200. The United Nations is nothing but a cadre of third world criminals masquerading as humaitarians. 201. In 1952 Sauvy wrote that "this ignored, exploited, scorned Third World, like the Third Estate, wants to become something, too." 202. Virtually every serious commentator agrees that major reform within Third World education is long overdue. 203. The Wild West frontier arrest and treatment of DSK, the lynch-mob mood, the media orgy, and his public humiliation make the US look like a nasty third world state. 204. Third world countries including Jamaica, Surinam, and Guyana supply almost 90% of developed nation imports of bauxite. 205. In many Third World regions land reform remains a prerequisite for development. 206. To start with, I wish to express, on behalf of the Chinese Government, warm congratulations on the successful opening of the Third World Climate Conference (WCC-3)! 207. Armes, Roy. ( 1987 ). Third World Filmmaking and the West. Berkeley : University of California Press. 208. And the traditional focus on "fidelity" in translation practices always prevents the Third World countries from the total decolonization . 209. The Soviet Union, it appeared, had solved this problem through "forced saving"; the Third World, some argued, could fill the "saving gap" with foreign aid. 210. We should give some economic aid to the Third World. 211. Now tourism has grown in importance to such an extent that many Third World countries cannot balance their financial budget accounts without their considerable earnings from tourism. 212. All the talk about the imminence of a third world war is just to scare people. 213. The Third World is important because of the massiveness of its poverty. 214. Red Cross Youth leaders from around the world participated in the third World Red Cross and Red Crescent Youth Meeting held in Solferino, Italy in 2009. 215. Writing in the Guardian, Timothy Garton Ash sees a Third World shabbiness when he visits the United States. 216. In Third World countries, consumption of sweeteners is rapidly catching up to American levels; for example, the average Mexican now consumes more than 350 kcal from beverages every day. 217. Kennedy's third world policy represented a considerable break from the Washington world view of the fifties. 218. the Women Scientists in a Changing World conference organised by the Third World Organisation of Women Scientists (TWOWS). 219. In 1962, President Sukarno of Indonesia used the Jakarta Games to assert Indonesian leadership in the Third World, and angered both rival India and the International Olympic Committee as a result. 220. She was speaking at the Women Scientists in a Changing World conference organised by the Third World Organisation of Women Scientists (TWOWS). 221. The price rise affected the Third World Countries with special severity. 222. Whatever you call it, the category still matters ("third world" later became "developing countries" or "less developed countries"). 223. Multi-national producers have attempted to convince the world's leaders that GM is the answer to solving Third World hunger but a UN study last year dismissed their claims. 224. High mortality rates still afflict children of the Third World. 224. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. 225. These forces of neocolonialism oppress not only Third World people but also citizens in their own countries. 226. The Western countries are staging a third world war without gunsmoke. 227. Bhutto was an important anti-imperialist leader in the Third World. 228. For many Third World countries, tea is a convenient cash crop, and an important export. 229. Illich and Freire speak from experience of the impoverished third world of Latin America. |
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