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单词 Kindly
1. The woman conductor kindly responded to my question.
2. Kindly inform us when this is put into effect.
3. He has kindly agreed to help.
4. Kindly notify us when this is put into effect.
5. Would you kindly close the window?
6. You should treat others kindly.
7. Her neighbours spoke of her as kindly and hospitable.
8. She very kindly lent me her bicycle.
9. Her neighbors spoke of her as kindly and hospitable.
10. Will you kindly shut the door?
11. She spoke kindly to them.
12. We should treat animals kindly.
12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
13. Mr Nunn has kindly agreed to let us use his barn for the dance.
14. Kindly address yourself to the chairman, not directly to other representatives at this meeting.
15. He was a stern critic but an extremely kindly man.
16. Christmas is the most human and kindly of season,as the month of June with sunshine and the balmy breath of roses.
17. We shall all remember Mr Page for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.
18. She doesn't take kindly to sudden change.
19. His gentle(), kindly appearance did not deceive me.
20. Kindly step this way, ladies and gentlemen.
21. I never heard a kindly word pass between them.
22. They won't take kindly to being ordered about.
23. This exhibit was kindly loaned by the artist's family.
24. She is a warm kindly person.
25. You are kindly requested to leave the building.
26. She was always kindly and generous to the extreme.
27. Visitors are kindly requested to sign the book.
28. She very kindly invited me to lunch.
29. She does not take kindly to criticism .
30. His rudeness when we first met didn't dispose me very kindly to/towards him.
1. The woman conductor kindly responded to my question.
2. Kindly inform us when this is put into effect.
3. He has kindly agreed to help.
4. Kindly notify us when this is put into effect.
5. Would you kindly close the window?
6. You should treat others kindly.
7. Her neighbours spoke of her as kindly and hospitable.
8. She very kindly lent me her bicycle.
9. Her neighbors spoke of her as kindly and hospitable.
10. Will you kindly shut the door?
11. She spoke kindly to them.
12. We should treat animals kindly.
12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
13. Mr Nunn has kindly agreed to let us use his barn for the dance.
14. Kindly address yourself to the chairman, not directly to other representatives at this meeting.
15. He was a stern critic but an extremely kindly man.
16. His rudeness when we first met didn't dispose me very kindly to/towards him.
17. We shall all remember Mr Page for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.
18. We should not insult them, take away their personal effects or try to exact recantations from them , but without exception should treat them sincerely and kindly.
31. Will you kindly put that book back?
32. A veiled woman gave me a kindly smile.
33. Kindly remit us the balance without delay.
34. "You seem tired this morning, Jenny," she said kindly.
35. I don't think he takes kindly to foreign tourists.
36. He kindly carried our picnic in a rucksack.
37. That bespeaks a kindly heart.
38. John Herschel was an urbane, kindly and generous man.
39. Kindly address your remarks to the bench, Mr Smith.
40. The stewardess kindly brought me a blanket.
41. Kindly keep your opinions to yourself in future!
42. Recent historical work looks kindly on the regime.
42. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
43. She didn't take kindly to being called plump.
44. She did not take kindly to being offered advice.
45. He spoke kindly to them.
46. Would you kindly hold this for a moment?
47. I don't take kindly to criticism from him.
48. He hoped they would look kindly on his request.
49. He very kindly offered me a lift .
50. She didn't take kindly to my suggestion.
51. Mrs Gardiner was a kindly old soul.
52. She spoke in a kindly way.
53. Edith Harlow has kindly agreed to help.
54. Kindly oblige me by opening the door.
55. She did not take kindly to cat.
56. A kindly twinkle came into her eyes.
57. Barbara Forrest has kindly volunteered to lead a guided walk to Bolton Abbey.
58. He has kindly consented to give us some of his valuable time.
59. He had kindly offered to loan us all the plants required for the exhibit.
60. We have good reason to think kindly of a school that has provided all our children with an excellent education.
61. We should not insult them, take away their personal effects or try to exact recantations from them , but without exception should treat them sincerely and kindly.
62. Next time you decide to take some action, kindly inform me.
63. Stella has very kindly offered to help out with the food for the party.
64. He is a kindly teacher, mucking in with his students.
65. He kindly made me free of his library for my research.
66. He doesn't take kindly to suggestions that he is over the hill.
67. Will you kindly obey the instructions I am about to give?
68. If you would kindly move your posterior just a fraction to the right, I might get by.
69. Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke at the buffet counter.
70. Despite his kindly, sometimes whimsical air, he was a shrewd observer of people.
71. They very kindly invited my sister and myself to the inauguration.
72. Kindly put it back.
73. Handle children kindly,[/kindly.html] if you want them to trust you.
74. It was unfortunate for Davey that his teacher did not take kindly to him.
75. Jimmy would probably not look too kindly on our request.
76. Kindly leave me alone!
77. Would you kindly show me the way to the station?
78. After years of being looked after by his mother, he didn't take kindly to being told to cook for himself.
79. Will patrons kindly note that this shop will be closed on 17th July.
80. She had hoped the critics would look kindly on her first novel.
81. Jason kindly offered to give me a ride home.
82. Carelessly dressed would perhaps be putting it more kindly.
83. Knott was kindly, painstaking, cheerful, and imperturbably good-natured.
84. Nancy doesn't take kindly to being corrected.
85. But she does not take kindly to criticism.
86. She took kindly to him, and he to her.
87. Very kindly, they asked Daisy about her financial circumstances.
88. He had always been kindly disposed towards his stepdaughter.
89. Kindly Grimm cradles my head, as I cradled him.
90. And the city manager smiled his fatherly, kindly smile.
91. I was welcomed very kindly at my hotel.
92. Presumably killers did not take kindly to amateur detectives.
93. Spiers was an unassuming and kindly man, whose painstaking scholarship was greatly admired by those who knew him.
94. Her duties as a chaperone had become less evident now that she was accustomed to Paul and had been spoken to kindly.
95. Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, leave the rest to God. Ronald Reagan 
96. Kindly rectify this as soon as possible and consult Betty Syrett if you have any doubts or queries on the subject.
97. The inclinations to treat animals kindly are grounded in the analogies to be observed in human behaviour.
98. The objection to the claim is that it is mere assertion or, more kindly, an act of faith.
99. The women in particular, knowing of my mother's departure, were kindly and generous with their affection.
100. Officer Browning has kindly agreed to come into school and give us a talk on crime prevention.
101. Farmers began to look kindly upon them when they found they grew in a variety of conditions.
102. My wife went down the fellside to a cottage and the lady kindly called 999 for help.
103. The governess here, Miss Lambert, has kindly taught me a little.
104. As will have appeared previously, judges do not take kindly to abbreviations in speech.
105. I believe the First Mate, Mr Brown, treated me kindly; he consigned my dead infant to its watery fate.
106. I have been very kindly treated in your lovely City, and everyone has been good to me.
107. The whips, however, would not take kindly to a woman set among them.
108. In Head, Nicholson had kindly provided them with a suicide note for which Mike Nesmith was eternally grateful.
109. This kindly knight in greasy overalls is as handsome and charming a prince as any young maiden could wish to meet.
110. Her pity for the man she had hurt so deeply made her behave more kindly towards him than was perhaps sensible.
111. Reggie was an endearing, kindly man who had led a leisurely, unadventurous life as a country gentleman.
112. By making a full confession, Reeves hoped he would be more kindly treated by the authorities.
113. So the kindly plant grew to cover the rock with her green leaves.
114. Penry was unlikely to look kindly on some one who landed on his island uninvited twice in a row.
115. Edith Harlow had kindly agreed to teach in her place.
116. Sometimes, a lie is told in kindness. I don't believe it ever works kindly. The quick pain of truth can pass away, but the slow, eating agony of a lie is never lost. John Steinbeck 
117. She kindly taught me, after that, To wrestle with her on the mat.
118. Following the meeting, Mr R Mulford has kindly offered to give a talk and slideshow.
119. The big centre forward got his reward when it fell kindly, but he turned to smash his shot inches wide.
120. It was obviously a subject she barely grasped, because her report was, to put it kindly, gibberish.
121. Ken's clan didn't take kindly to that and rounded on the woman, who sought some kind of defence.
122. Luckily a good friend had managed to obtain a pair of livingstonii and very kindly gave me a young pair.
123. He rang me last night, very kindly, principally I think to assure me that there could be no doubt.
124. She very kindly hung a string of five flint arrowheads around my neck.
125. There've always been plenty of kindly brother officers to bring it to my attention.
126. A bachelor who did not take kindly to children under any circumstances, he found the atmosphere at Four Winds appalling.
127. Like the brick she was, Trish had kindly offered to subsidize my share of the rent until I found another job.
128. I began to appreciate the benefits enjoyed by Ronald Reagan as a result of his kindly nature and his high position.
129. He went out thinking that, behind all her brusque banter, she was a kindly little soul.
130. He wouldn't take kindly to an outsider coming to interfere and poke about.
131. He was always kindly, patient and considerate of all concerned, while Mary was a dear.
132. Bridget Ewing has kindly agreed to co-ordinate the tea arrangements for the October meeting.
132. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
133. In his sixties, he had a mane of white hair and a kindly expression.
134. He also lifted the Challenge Cup, in 1997, thanks to a kindly gesture from Goulding.
135. Because they are human beings and not two-legged souvenirs, Aborigines do not take kindly to having their pictures taken.
136. Gazing up at the kindly, apple-cheeked face smiling down at him, Hilary suddenly made up his mind.
137. Benjamin, with his long, dark face, kindly eyes and lawyer's stoop.
138. He is also a deeply private person whose kindly, smiling face could fool you.
139. Essex feel geographically rather remote from the Crystal Palace but have kindly offered to organise the 1982 event.
140. Mr. Russ was an excellent teacher - a fair man, but whilst a strict disciplinarian, was kindly.
141. What is there more kindly than the feeling between host and guest? Aeschylus 
142. Was it possible that the grasping Miss P had meant the gesture kindly?
143. We were debating the best way to reach the river, when a passing ranger kindly pointed it out.
144. Friends like the Post Office workers who have kindly agreed to deliver this leaflet for nothing ....
145. A biochemist colleague has kindly provided me with a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and enough hydroquinone for 50 bombardier beetles.
146. My cats do not take kindly to strange dogs. even less to strange people.
147. He had the reputation of a kindly man, much respected by those who worked for him.
148. But these kindly visitors may be doing more damage than chain-saws.
149. The best that can be hoped for, on their behalf, is that human beings are kindly disposed towards them.
150. A representative from the College of Arms had kindly agreed to come and talk about heraldry.
151. Rip Van Winkle, a kindly, lazy, henpecked man, set out for a remote part of the Catskill Mountains.
152. He's not a man who takes kindly to being henpecked.
153. Neon Tetras when young do not take kindly to fresh water.
154. Brackenbury was kindly, and had always shown them the courtesy due to their rank - and himself as their ally.
155. They were kindly asked to stand at the edge of a knee-deep ditch.
156. He seemed kindly disposed, yet glum, and held himself somewhat aloof.
157. Annes in 1979, he hit only two fairways yet almost always found his ball sitting kindly.
158. Wood, which is really a craftsman's material, does not take kindly to the inevitable abuses of an emergency.
159. Sethe was deeply touched by her sweet name; the remembrance of glittering headstone made her feel especially kindly toward her.
160. Would Father van Exem kindly ask the Archbishop for his permission, she enquired.
161. Richard Megson, who runs the hostel over at Blackton, very kindly came over to fix it up for me.
162. In character he was kindly, genial, and modest, with an abundant sense of humour.
163. If you would like to receive my prayer letter please contact Joyce MacPherson who has kindly agreed to distribute it for me.
164. But Gandhi was stoical in his bearing, cheerful, and confident in his conversations, and had a kindly eye.
165. But some tablets were kindly provided and they did alleviate the problem.
166. But the Gods were once more on my side, I took very kindly to flying instruction, but again I was lucky.
167. Owing to such nice folk, warm and kindly, I have never lost my faith in humanity.
168. No skimping, and I'd look kindly on it if you'd provide her with petticoats.
169. She kindly said she would, but we both used a spiritual eraser to delete that particular phrase.
170. Yet future historians are likely to look more kindly on his achievements for his country than the present generation.
171. Me kindly neighbours had games with you yesterday, and more games today.
172. He talked to us kindly, his grey eyes dancing with amusement as he questioned us about our journey.
173. But tobacco is a wily and vengeful beast, and one not disposed to look kindly on those who jilt him.
174. Natty , brave, kindly, and illiterate hovers between the two worlds of Indian and white man.
175. Please take note of our order, and kindly advise us when you can despatch the goods.
176. He had very kindly asked me to the cocktail party that evening.
177. He looked kindly at the two in the bunk house.
178. Minnie was truly distressed at this, but maintained a kindly demeanour.
179. The book was kindly and favourably reviewed in the principal papers.
180. His test would contain only the kindly opening clause of my remark.




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