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单词 inspire
释义  Related topics: Medicinein·spire /ɪnˈspaɪə $ -ˈspaɪr/ ●●○ verb [transitive]  1  HELPENTHUSIASTICto encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something 鼓舞,激励 We need someone who can inspire the team. 我们需要一个能鼓舞团队士气的人。inspire somebody to do something He inspired many young people to take up the sport. 他激励了很多年轻人参与这项运动。inspire somebody to something I hope this success will inspire you to greater efforts. 我希望这次成功能激励你更加努力。 Inspired by the sunny weather, I decided to explore the woods. 阳光明媚的天气令人振奋,我决定到森林里寻幽探胜。2  CAUSEto make someone have a particular feeling or react in a particular way 使〔某人〕产生〔某种感情或反应〕,激起,唤起 Gandhi’s quiet dignity inspired great respect. 甘地不怒自威,令人肃然起敬。inspire confidence (=make people feel confident because they trust your ability) 让人信任 His driving hardly inspires confidence. 他开车的技术让人难以放心。 The hospital’s record does not inspire confidence. 医院以往的记录让人难以信任。3  IDEAto give someone the idea for something, especially a story, painting, poem etc 给〔某人〕创作灵感 The story was inspired by a chance meeting with an old Russian duke. 这个故事的创作灵感来自与一位俄国老公爵的不期而遇。 a range of designs inspired by wild flowers 从野花中得到灵感的一系列设计4. technicalMBREATHE to breathe in 吸入〔空气〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusinspire• The movie was inspired by real events.• The country needs a leader who can inspire its citizens.• Mrs. Pianto was the kind of woman who inspired kindness.• When I actually visited the university, it inspired me and made me want to go there.• The lecture today really inspired me to read more poetry.inspire somebody to something• The coach inspired them to victory.not inspire confidence• As has already been suggested, their record does not inspire confidence.• If elected he would be almost seventy as he took office; some spectacular gaffes during the campaign did not inspire confidence.• Its record in economic crisis-management does not inspire confidence.• But, as Elinor was always telling him, Henry did not inspire confidence as a representative of the legal profession.• As we shall see, conflicts of interest left unregulated do not inspire confidence upon which the financial markets depend.• A test ban that could not inspire confidence would undermine stability and might even provoke a new arms race.Origin inspire (1300-1400) French inspirer, from Latin, from spirare “to breathe”in·spire verbChineseSyllable  encourage someone Corpus making confident to to eager feel them and by




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