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单词 Stevenson
(1) Self-deprecation is a recurring feature as Stevenson talks.
(2) Stevenson alone is to blame.
(3) Robert Louis Stevenson the novelist and poet who travelled extensively, preferred the donkey.
(4) Stevenson was deliberately seeking a plot that would allow him to explore an aspect of human psychology.
(5) The ratio decidendi of Donoghue v. Stevenson is open to two interpretations.
(6) In Donoghue v. Stevenson we see the synthesis of the previous decisions on the tort of negligence.
(7) It was impossible for Stevenson, the patrician intellectual, and somebody like Sen.
(8) In Donoghue v Stevenson in 1932 the House of Lords shaped a general theory of manufacturer's liability in tort for products.
(9) With Stevenson leading the way, the Machine swept all Cook County and state offices.
(10) Sooner or later every Stevenson bill came to him for discount; and every foreign transaction went via him.
(11) Bob Stevenson has been a worthy successor to Methodist leaders who stamped their personalities on the county.
(12) The daughter told her mother and, said Mr Stevenson, that appeared to have been the last straw for her.
(13) Stevenson persevered in his efforts to discover what had really happened.
(14) Still the elderly couple, a Mr and Mrs Stevenson, stayed with me.
(15) Stevenson has long since taken his towering presence and pounding fists into retirement.
(16) He then presented Stewart Stevenson with an inscribed silver quaich and miniature as a permanent memento.
(17) And Fick and David Stevenson hit two-run homers in the fifth.
(18) Stevenson was arrested for murder and confined in a hospital for psychiatric tests.
(19) Richard Stevenson Managing for a better environment Companies are increasingly turning to environmental auditing to help them fulfil their responsibilities.
(20) The question arose after Donoghue v. Stevenson as to how broadly the ratio decidendi could be interpreted.
(21) The unfortunate man was Mr John Stevenson(), a young lawyer from London.
(22) Judge Geoffrey Jones caused a storm by making the comment at an earlier hearing because Ian Stevenson also admitted assaulting two boys.
(23) Axel raises campaign money and advises candidates, including Adlai Stevenson, the Illinois governor who lost the presidency twice to Eisenhower.
(24) He misses his second game in succession when Instonians are the visitors tomorrow at Stevenson Park.
(25) At his death he left a paper pointing to inadequacies in the standard Stevenson thermometer screen.
(26) The friend bought for Mrs. Donoghue a bottle of ginger beer, manufactured by Stevenson.
(27) The role of chief executive has gone to executive director, Mr Joe Stevenson.
(28) The man who had risen from political mediocrity by identifying with Adlai Stevenson, Sen.
(29) The final result was 442 votes and 39 states to Eisenhower, and 89 votes and nine states to Stevenson.
(30) The Westons' brief life stories would have done credit to the swashbuckling imagination of a Stevenson, Scott or Dumas.
(31) The part is played by the sassy and earthy Juliet Stevenson.
(32) Councillor Stevenson is well placed to comment on the carpet as he was once a weaver at Stoddard.
(33) Imagine Adlai Stevenson taking a night out with the boys from City Hall.
(34) Where Tudor is economical, organic and disciplined, Stevenson is fussy, distracted and ambiguous.
(35) Stevenson, Anne Noted for her realistic, fast-paced stories, believable characters, and excellent use of dialogue.
(36) Stevenson sometimes stumbles too far into academic minutiae and her satire can be flat-footed, but her London is beguiling.
(37) In 1953, after Kennelly was returned to office and Stevenson had his unfortunate encounter with Eisenhower, Gill resigned as chairman.
(38) We all owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs Stevenson, who kindly donated the money for the project.
(39) We elected Mr. Stevenson to head the team.
(40) We elected Mr Stevenson to head up the team.
(41) I felt instinctively negative toward Stevenson.
(42) His Democratic Party opponent was Adlai Stevenson.
(43) Stevenson wrote a book called Treasure Island.
(44) Isn't this a nice thought from Stevenson?
(45) This was a hard blow to Stevenson.
(46) Adlai Stevenson phoned me. Are you going to phone or shall I? I'am calling for the A company. I went back to the motel to phone jane.
(47) Scotsman Robert Louis Stevenson was already a successful writer when he had a dream about a doctor with split personality disorder and woke up gripped by a creative frenzy.
(48) Adlai Stevenson, US delegate to the United Nations, visited Dallas, Texas, in 1963. He was met by a jeering crowd of demonstrators.
(49) Then, on the third vote, a majority of the delegates chose Adlai Stevenson.
(50) Adlai Stevenson phoned me.
(51) He wrote speeches for Adlai Stevenson and acted as a foreign-policy adviser to Hubert Humphrey.
(52) When Adlai Stevenson, the nominee in 1952, accepted his party's call to run again, he said he had prayed this cup would pass from me.
(53) Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson welcomed the delegates, but still seemed like he did not want to run for president.
(54) Not asmuch fun as a 29 year old, but the book contained a speech by Adlai Stevenson. The year was 1952.
(55) Let's talk sense to the American people ( Adlai E. Stevenson ).
(56) The Democratic Party, for the second time, nominated Congressman William Jennings Bryan as president. It nominated a former vice president, Adlai Stevenson, as vice president again.
(57) ADLAI STEVENSON: "I'm prepared to wait for my answer until hell freezes over, if that's your decision. And I'm also prepared to present the evidence in this room."
(58) Buried treasure is probably the most common and enduring theme for books and films about pirates since Robert Louis Stevenson put pen to paper and drew the first map of Treasure Island in 1881.
(59) In 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected president, defeating Democrat Adlai Stevenson.
(60) I counterattacked hard, accusing Stevenson of trying to dismiss serious charges with quips.
(61) " Robert Louis Stevenson stated that: "No person is a failure, if he has a friend.
(62) "It's the freedom that money buys, " says Betsey Stevenson, coauthor of the Wharton study.
(63) Andrew Stevenson is a US Fulbright Scholar studying in Hong Kong.
(64) "Make one brave push and see what can be accomplished in a week" (Robert Louis Stevenson).
(65) I was sent from London on the trail of Stevenson, traveling incognito.
(66) The sociologists Barbara Schneider and David Stevenson have astutely described recent cohorts as “drifting dreamers” with “high ambitions, but no clear life plan for reaching them.”
(67) John Stevenson is Reader in History at the University of Sheffield.
(68) I told him I agreed that Stevenson was swinging very wildly.
(69) In the spring of nineteen fifty-two, Harry Truman offered his support to Adlai Stevenson.
(70) At nightfall on the marshes, the thing was eerie and fantastic to behold(Robert Louis Stevenson.
(71) Welcome, dennis kim. Mr. kim Was not only the valedictorian at stanford university, He is also the youngest recipient Of the prestigious stevenson award.
(72) The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.
(73) Mr. Stevenson was mentioned in the annual report for his cooperation.
(74) This kind of vigilance is still the greatest weapon against all kinds of attack -- for, as Robert Louis Stevenson wrote, "The cruelest lies are often told in silence."
(75) In New York Stevenson felt that we should vote for the Afro - Asia resolution.
(76) Rl stevenson director abc company now in toddy contact him at queen hotel.
(77) There is a Lonesome Place in the Sky Adlai Stevenson Today we meet in sadness to mourn one of the world's greatest citizens.
(78) Although Eisenhower was expected to defeat Adlai Stevenson, no one imagined so lopsided a victory.
(79) Twenty days later, on October 25, 1949, a correspondent identified only as FPD let Hanff know that works by Hazlitt and Robert Louis Stevenson would be coming under separate cover.
(80) "I am responsible for the ship's safety" (Robert Louis Stevenson).
(81) You can't fault Robert Louis Stevenson for writing 'Treasure Island' -- it remains one of the most enthralling children's books of all time.
(82) ' Treasure Island ' was written by Robert Louis Stevenson .
(83) Between him and Stevenson , Washington has swag to spare.
(84) Stevenson and Wolfers provide a number of possible reasons why thisoccurred, including non-comparable data over time, and increasing incomeinequality in the US during this period.
(85) The president and Stevenson had worked harmoniously over the last eighteen months.
(86) Prof. Stevenson Fung, the first visually impaired person granted a doctoral degree in physics by the University of Oxford, is now professor of physics in the University of Hong Kong.
(87) Bella Bathurst made her name writing about the lighthouses built by the ancestors of Robert Louis Stevenson.
(88) The huge height of the buildings. the hubbub and endless stir. struck me into a kind of stupor of surprise(Robert Louis Stevenson.
(89) Eisenhower never have dreamed of calling on Stevenson in 1952 or 1956.
(90) As the party’s heir apparent to Adlai Stevenson’s legacy of intellectual liberalism, McCarthy could be maddening, even disingenuous, in his efforts to appear almost saintly in his lack of ambition.
(91) Mr. Stevenson, this is Paul Smith , a representative of the International Business Company.
(92) Mr. Stevenson comes to work and goes home on the dot every day.
(93) Lessing's early reading included Dickens, Scott, Stevenson, Kipling; later she discovered D.H. Lawrence, Stendhal, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky.
(94) A man must not deny his manifest abilities , for that is to evade his obligations. Robert Louis Stevenson , The Treasure of Franchard.
(94) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(95) "He explained that Jane Doe should not be gay and she should not tell people she is gay, " Stevenson wrote of Davis.
(96) China is our country, and that patriotism which is, in the words of Adlai Stevenson, "the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime" is a natural feeling for us to have.
(97) Adlai Stevenson also gave a powerful speech before the election.
(98) James's correspondents included celebrated contemporaries like Robert Louis Stevenson, Edith Wharton and Joseph Conrad, along with many others in his wide circle of friends and acquaintances.
(99) ACLU lawyer Benjamin Stevenson wrote in the complaint that Gillman's cousin, an admitted lesbian identified as "Jane Doe, " complained to Davis about being harassed by students on Sept. 7.
(100) The city could point to literary greats including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and Robert Burns, who all lived and wrote in Edinburgh.




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