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单词 Own up
1. The headmaster is waiting for someone to own up.
2. I advise you to own up at once.
3. Come on, own up. Who broke it?
4. Why don't you just own up and hope she forgives you?
5. You'd better own up that you were responsible for the traffic accident.
6. He still wouldn't own up to the fact that he'd lied.
7. He was too frightened to own up to his mistake.
8. I'm still waiting for someone to own up to the breakages.
9. If no one will own up to misbehaving, all pupils will be kept in after school.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. Not if you own up to it, anyway.
11. Bates, however, decided yesterday to play fair and own up about his mistress.
12. Almost every environmental organization would have to own up to the occasional creative exaggeration of the facts.
13. The law permits foreign investors to own up to 25% of British companies.
14. They will not own up until they are exposed.
15. I wish you'd own up to your fault.
16. You had better own up.
17. Politicians don't like to own up to their mistakes.
18. People will respect you more if you own up to your problem.
19. If your ball broke the window, you should own up.
20. But I'll own up fairly , I've the shakes upon me for the gallows.
21. Own up to your wrong - doings and save yourself a lot of trouble.
22. Own up to your wrong - doings and save yourself a lot of troubles.
23. You had better own up all you know about it.
24. I think the person's very selfish not to own up.
25. Non UAE nationals may own up to 49 percent of an LLC.
26. Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency.
27. More than is let on, because their victims are often too embarrassed to own up.
28. We expect you to behave yourself in here and own up to all the charges.
29. She persisted in her denial [ in her refusal to own up ].
30. Facing a potentially embarrassing paternity suit in the court, President Lugo decided to own up to his secret past.
1. The headmaster is waiting for someone to own up.
2. I advise you to own up at once.
31. Cap'n Smollett 's a fine seaman, as I'll own up to any day, but stiff on discipline.
32. People will respect you more if you own up to your problems.




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