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单词 glare
释义  glare1 /ɡleə $ ɡler/ ●○○ verb [intransitive]  1  LOOK ATto look angrily at someone for a long time 怒目而视 → stareglare at She glared at him accusingly. 她用责备的目光瞪着他。glare into/across/round etc He glared round the room as if expecting a challenge. 他凶巴巴地环视房间,像是等待有人来挑战他。► see thesaurus at look2  [always + adverb/preposition]LIGHT to shine with a very strong bright light which hurts your eyes 发出刺眼的强光 The sun glared down on us. 刺眼的阳光照在我们身上。► see thesaurus at shine→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusglare• Claude put down his fork and glared across the table.• He sat there in silence, glaring angrily.• "You can go if you want, but I'm staying, " Denise said glaring at him.• I added cheerfully, but Lilly glared at me, and we ate our cinnamon toast in silence.• No one complained, or even glared at me.• He glared at Newman and then left the room with Carver.• Peggy Soong stood behind him and glared at the woman sitting opposite Quinn.• Adam glared back at him and looked away.• Miguel glared back like a cornered rat, lifting himself up with the stick.glare at• Roger glared angrily at her across the dinner table.• Lilly just glared at me when I asked her what was wrong.glare2 ●○○ noun  1  [singular, uncountable]LIGHT a bright unpleasant light which hurts your eyes 刺眼的强光the glare of something the harsh glare of the desert sun 沙漠中耀眼的太阳光 a special screen to reduce glare 一种可以减弱刺眼强光的特殊屏幕2  [countable]LOOK AT a long angry look 怒视 → stare She gave him a hostile glare. 她狠狠地瞪了他一眼。3. the glare of publicity/the media/public scrutiny etc PUBLICIZE/MAKE KNOWNthe full attention of newspapers, television etc, especially when you do not want it 舆论/媒体/公众等的密切关注Examples from the Corpusglare• His eyes looked up at her in a glare of hate.• The heat and glare of the furnace is immense.• Management in the public sector is a highly political process, operating in the full glare of political debate and public attention.• She gave him an icy glare.• When you look at them, you imagine your eyes aching in the intense glare of the desert in heat.• Polarized sunglasses reduce glare.• Mars and Mercury were hidden in the sun's glare and Pluto was too small and distant to appear.• He looked me straight in the eye with a stern glare.• Her blackface glistened in the glare of the stage lights.• They displayed 14 models under the glare of quartz-halogen floodlights.• The glare of sunlight under the edge of the roof hurt his eyes.• the glare from the skylight• the glare of the car's headlightsthe glare of something• Her eyes were closed against the glare of lights overhead, but still their dazzle came through.• Celandines and violets grew there bright and innocent against the glare of the bones.• Now having been discharged they're convalescing from surgery with a family in Oxfordshire away from the glare of publicity.• Her blackface glistened in the glare of the stage lights.• These young people have been raised in the glare of cease-less media violence and incitement to every depravity of act and spirit.• In one accident I witnessed, the take off was being made towards the glare of the sun.• Even as it was, the glare of the Earth, filling half the sky, drowned all but the brighter stars.Origin glare1 (1200-1300) Middle Low German glaren “to shine dully”glare1 verbglare2 nounChinese  someone angrily for at to Corpus a time look long




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