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单词 glasnost
释义  Related topics: Politicsglas·nost /ˈɡlæznɒst $ ˈɡlɑːsnoʊst/ noun [uncountable]  PHONESTthe policy begun by Mikhail Gorbachev in the USSR in the 1980s of allowing discussion of the country’s problems 公开性,开放性〔指戈尔巴乔夫于20世纪80年代在苏联倡导的允许公开讨论国家所面临问题的政策〕Examples from the Corpusglasnost• Had they been in vogue in 1951, the words perestroika and glasnost might have been used by observers.• Supposing they are being formed into a new secret police - with the aim of destroying glasnost and perestroika?• Enter glasnost and perestroika, along with the issues of determining where they would lead, and how fast.• Not even glasnost and all its press conferences could change that.• The charms of limitless glasnost have already worn distinctly thin.• Gorbachev was eager to meet with Reagan, as a part of his overall policy of glasnost, or openness.• Above all, though, glasnost and greater contact with the West have brought about a faitaccompli.• Until glasnost, unofficial art was so undocumented that information is still patchy and that which exists tends towards the polemical.Origin glasnost (1900-2000) Russian “openness”, from glas “voice”glas·nost nounChineseSyllable  begun Corpus Gorbachev in Mikhail by the policy




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