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单词 Tangled
1. Her hair was a tangled mess.
2. My hair had got all tangled.
3. Your hair looks a bit tangled.
4. Your bedclothes are all tangled up.
5. The cat tangled the ball of twine.
6. We were caught in a tangled web of relationships.
7. She ran a comb through her tangled hair.
8. The wires have got all tangled up.
9. Martin tangled with her over the question.
10. Sheep kept getting tangled up in it and eventually the wire was removed.
11. Dolphins often get tangled in the nets that are used to catch tuna fish.
12. My legs got hopelessly tangled in the rope.
13. We tangled heatedly over the justice of the war.
14. The wind tangled my long hair.
15. Bodies lay among the tangled wreckage.
16. The wind tangled her hair.
17. The wind tangled up her hair.
18. Last time I tangled with him, he won!
19. Her tangled hair hid her face.
20. Animals get tangled in fishing nets and drown.
21. He had hair like tangled yellow string.
22. His personal life has become more tangled than ever.
23. They were tangled in the labour-management controversy.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. She smoothed down her tangled curls.
25. The themes get tangled in Mr. Mahfouz's epic storytelling.
26. Her hair was matted and tangled.
27. Your hair's so tangled that I can't comb it.
28. A movement caught his eye in the tangled undergrowth.
29. He had hair like tangled string.
30. While it was still wet, I gently teased out the tangled knots in Rosie's hair.
1. Her hair was a tangled mess.
2. My hair had got all tangled.
3. Your hair looks a bit tangled.
4. Your bedclothes are all tangled up.
5. The cat tangled the ball of twine.
6. We were caught in a tangled web of relationships.
7. She ran a comb through her tangled hair.
8. The wires have got all tangled up.
9. Martin tangled with her over the question.
10. Sheep kept getting tangled up in it and eventually the wire was removed.
11. While it was still wet, I gently teased out the tangled knots in Rosie's hair.
12. Dolphins often get tangled in the nets that are used to catch tuna fish.
13. My legs got hopelessly tangled in the rope.
14. The wind tangled her hair.
15. Your hair's so tangled that I can't comb it.
16. A movement caught his eye in the tangled undergrowth.
31. The bad news tangled my thoughts terribly.
32. For many days now Buddy and Joe had appeared to be more and more tangled up in secrets.
33. Politicians normally avoid getting tangled up in anything to do with their electorate's savings.
34. He described it as an extraordinarily tangled and complicated tale.
35. They managed to extricate the pilot from the tangled control panel.
36. His parachute became tangled in the wheels of the plane.
37. Her hair had loosened and was tangled around her shoulders.
38. He pulled explosives and some tangled cord from his bag.
39. The teeth are like razors. Once you get tangled up it will never let you go.
40. She was tangled in a snarl of logs and branches.
41. She tried to kick the pajamas loose, but they were tangled in the satin sheet.
42. You are currently in a muddle where financial and emotional concerns are tangled together.
43. He really did look a sorry sight, his hair tangled and his clothing covered in feathers.
44. Her hair got all tangled up in the barbed wire fence.
45. A mermaid with dark, tangled hair.
46. I think they just got their feet tangled up.
47. I thought our feet got tangled up.
48. Hoskins beard was tangled and unkempt.
49. Hockey pucks tangled up in blue.
50. A few lonely tangled bankers snipe from their laboratories.
51. The purest wilderness, everything tangled up with everything else.
52. He ran a hand through his tangled hair.
53. The tangled undergrowth prevented, for the moment, exploration.
54. The concrete highway was edged with tangled dry grass.
55. The phone cord is all tangled.
56. It warns policymakers not to get tangled up with averages but to focus instead on increments.
57. She lay on her stomach, tangled in sheets, eyes closed and mouth open.
58. The Conservatives also promised to: reform the tangled web of income-related benefits which had grown up piecemeal over forty years.
59. As his gaze tangled with hers, Ashley felt a tug of emotional recognition.
60. The sheets lay tangled, hanging down on the threadbare carpet.
61. Zitney lay beside her, his firm, lean shoulder in the air, the sheet tangled negligently around his bronzed arm.
62. Later they emigrate to Pittsburg, but can never escape their tangled past.
63. Looking back at the tangled web of confused events we can see that the answer had already emerged.
64. He groaned and ran a hand through his tangled hair.
65. You should have heard her the other night after you tangled with her.
66. Mr Hallam said he slid in for the tackle and they ended up with their legs tangled.
67. With her hair tangled and her lips pale she looked beautiful, and he said so, but that made her cry.
68. The tangled underbrush showed no trace of a horse's passing.
69. My hair fell out, leaving tufts of dry lifeless strands tangled in hairbrushes or in the shower drain.
70. The sun had burned him black and his hair, which was naturally black, was matted and tangled.
71. In the tangled politics of the regency such a complication was hardly needed.
72. Let us examine what his theory predicts, without getting tangled up in the mathematics.
73. Would you have put on your disapproving hat and talked about tangled webs and reaping what you sow?
74. The extraordinary thing about these life-and-death medical ethics cases is that they knit a tangled web of contradictory principles.
75. Leonora lay gasping, arms outflung, eyes closed, her hair a tangled mass of damp curls against the pillow.
76. Birds can be injured by getting tangled in it, she says, or by swallowing hooks.
77. The boy Ezra was kneeling over the stern with the tow rope tangled in his hands.
78. Her hankering for the outside world is shown through a solo where she is cruelly tangled in the legs of a chair.
79. Miles found himself in the water, tangled in coils of rope, battered by sealskin floats.
80. It too was festooned in ribbon, which managed to get tangled up with the lead.
81. The impossibility of giving orders in the darkness, among the tangled thickets, soon produced its effects.
82. Her long skirt dragged on the ground and her tangled hair fell around Janir as she hunched over him.
83. Dendrov branched every which way,(/tangled.html) a forest of tangled stags' horns.
84. But such rescues were the exception as time ran out for those pinioned under collapsed concrete walls and tangled girders.
85. This lamb's leg was tangled with twine and swollen so badly it had to be put down.
86. The tangled web of their past and present balled against the rage of Ruth's emotions.
87. Seikaly and Kitchner tangled for several minutes before the referees separated them.
88. It was a jungle of thick eucalyptus, corpses, tangled azalea, and memories of aimless nocturnal screams.
89. It was a tangled web of paths, roads, and tracks through wilderness.
90. The tube-type filter also has less chance of getting tangled in the growing roots of the plants.
91. The whole tangled web of each other's relationships was getting to breaking-point.
92. Then she sees Rainbow's cast-off shirt at the foot of the stairs, tangled in a heap with Anya's jeans.
93. Economic decline is tangled up with political turmoil in a way that has made for a crisis of the constitution.
94. Billy's short legs kept getting tangled in the heather, so he bounced along like a kangaroo through the springy tufts.
95. The series involves the tangled relationships of two families in the London suburb of Blackheath.
96. This is not so easy to practise in the informal pool, for part of its charm is its tangled informality.
97. Six more joined it, slowly screwing out of nothing, until they suddenly stretched together into a tangled web of pulsating tendrils.
98. It was cooler and very quiet in the wood that was tangled with old huge trees.
99. Flossie's lead was now hopelessly tangled round Dotty's wrinkled stockings.
100. Set in San Diego, the play examines the tangled web woven by those who conceal certain truths from others.
101. Then he noticed the dark eyes, smouldering with hate at him from beneath tangled strands of black hair.
102. Extensive branching leads to numerous contacts with the host, and ultimately covers the host with a tangled mass of vines.
103. He saw their tangled limbs relax and slide into sleep, arms trailing.
104. She had tangled brown hair, a small and lively face, a dress of dark red material that clung to her.
105. Above the tangled knots of old fishing-nets, still supported by their floats, always hovered seabirds, waiting for a meal.
106. And the continuous loops put an end to tangled cords.
107. She shook her head, tugging the hairbrush vigorously through her tangled auburn locks.
108. Bees hummed steadily through the yellow bird's foot trefoil that wove itself in a tangled carpet over the sand.
109. In the hippy era images filtered weakly through a hairy sea of tangled tresses.
110. Rory was crumpled head-down into the floor, his feet, above his head, still tangled in bedclothes.
111. Even the bare winter branches, tidy and muted like dry bones, had become a disturbance of tangled nerves.
112. I take care of Chavez for Mr Vee and come home to stale tangled sheets.
113. Compared with the tangled mass of filaments that form the mycelium of most growing fungi,(/tangled.html) the Laboulbeniales appear decidedly non-fungal.
114. The bank above it was a tangled slope of late-flowering mallow and campion, bright purple-pink in the long grass.
115. Almost inevitably the issue had become caught up in a tangled web of local education politics.
116. It has been greatly influenced by the tangled confusion into which the Anglican Communion has stumbled over the ordination of women.
117. With so many weapons to hand, some cancel out others in a tangled web of incentives and disincentives.
118. I looked and saw: hair tangled through and around maggoty eye sockets and nostrils.
119. The saga centres on the tangled love life of a 30-year-old woman, who fears she will be left on the shelf.
120. Remove the normal collar before fitting the choke chain, so that they can not become tangled together.
121. I saw these villages peeking out of the jungles and tangled hillsides all through the highlands.
122. My feet are tangled in old cans and cardboard boxes.
123. The path wound off into soiled twilight purples, lavish and darkly tangled, vanishing altogether after a few yards.
124. His dark curly hair seemed tangled, the stubble on his cheeks and chin turning into real beard growth.
125. In 1988 Sea World freed three gray whales that had become tangled in drift nets.
126. Beings who were now dead or dying, and who were lying in tangled, dreadfully mutilated heaps.
127. His head was snapped upwards as though long fingers had tangled themselves in his hair and pulled.
128. The man had a large gold ring dangling from one ear-lobe, and hair like tangled yellow string.
129. Ballater, advancing into the garden, noticed a heap of uprooted dead cannabis tangled with chickweed on the small cleared area.
130. She said the legs of both players tangled, and then both players were on the turf kicking out at each other.
131. Sea World freed three gray whales in 1988 which had been tangled in drift nets.
132. A ferocious-looking man whose tangled hair resembled the roof of his own tent held up to them a rough bowl.
133. The tangled web of life ultimately complements the finished weave of art.
134. Mr Wakenshaw's parachute became tangled in the wheels of a plane and he was dragged along its fuselage.
135. The men lay crumpled and motionless, open-mouthed, their thin legs tangled together.
136. But I must struggle to understand at least my own tangled emotions about interracial rape.
137. A tangled ball of dried grass raced back towards Aulef like a whippet bound for home.
138. The future of machines lies in the tangled weeds underfoot.
139. Such tech gangs held the frontier between the tangled civilization above and the bestiality beneath.
140. You're tangled up in something which will probably end in humiliation.
141. The high savanna lowered into a lower, drier savanna, dark with thorny, tangled thickets.
142. Blyth had taken off the hollow plastic leg and left it lying tangled in its straps and the long grass blades.
143. Using a shedder also prevents hair from becoming tangled.
143. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
144. The power failure had traffic tangled in the city.
145. Lee and I fell in a tangled heap.
146. Frogs in the tangled grass croaked rhythmic accompaniment.
147. A spider web is tangled up with me.
148. The telephone cord was distorted and tangled.
149. The power failure had tangled traffic in the city.
150. Life is a messy and tangled business.
151. The two threads got tangled up.
152. The wrong shampoo can leave curly hair in a tangled mess.
153. It has positive roles to decrease tow's lousiness, tangled and breaking of single fibre in the process.
154. The little girl tangled the yarn her mother was knitting.
155. It's all related to my own private life, only these tangled unclear things can be controlled, the production process is random, unconscientious.
156. A universe of ineffable gaudiness spun itself out in his brain while the clock ticked on the wash-stand and the moon soaked with wet light his tangled clothes upon the floor.
157. Take the lot of the hap - piest - it is a tangled yarn.
158. In this depiction of the rod-shaped E. coli, two flagella trail from one end while hairlike pili surround a capsule full of tangled nucleoids.
159. The "ultras" as they are known, have long tangled with police and during the revolution one year ago sided with the protesters.
160. Thin, tangled fibers, about 3 to 5 nm in diameter, traverse the clear nuclear area.
161. Unpredictably , regions of strong and tangled magnetic fields arise, causing sunspots and bright active regions.
162. Think of the tangled web of business relationships: office equipment distributor IKON is an HP partner, but it also sells similar products from other firms and competes with other HP partners.
163. Whether we are evaluating the impact of an educational program or running experiments on mice, we are dealing with a tangled web of cause-effect considerations.
164. Fallen leaves, in the wind and the Acacia tangled up, slowly join you when the appearance, in my heart, touched the unhealed wounds.
165. These abandoned gods, exiled in outdoor environments, reveal crackling paint, tangled beards and fractured skulls.
166. Pink and chum salmon carcasses lie tangled in linguine strands of tidal sedge.
167. Once, during a brief halt, when he got tangled in the traces and delayed the start, both Dave and Sol-leks flew at him and administered a sound trouncing.
168. Varicoceles is a condition like varicose where the blood vessels the scrotum become tangled and swollen.
169. Finally my nerves gave andand bolted, through the unfamiliar plantation , tangled vines and rustling leafage.
170. Tangled as all his matters were, he did not worry over that.
171. It fluttered ungracefully to the groundlanded in a tangled mass of weedsstring against a dead bush.
172. They were standing in a country lane bordered by high, tangled hedgerows, beneath a summer sky as bright and blue as a forget-me-not .
173. The muddy Flint River, running silently between walls of pine and water oak covered with tangled vines, wrapped about Gerald's new land like a curving arm and embraced it on two sides.
173. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
174. His crinkly black hair was tangled and wild, but his dark skin was smooth and perfect, his teeth white and straight.
175. The tangled remnants of an orange grove I drove past every day, tipped over and torn by military bull-dozers, has disappeared, razed for firewood.
176. Navigating the tangled branches of a bramble bush, a waiflike insect flits between flowers to feed on nectar.
177. Alan began to search again, this time through the tangled thickets of what a herb garden.
178. Keeping the needs of an iPod user in mind, Jordan later added a patented system to keep wires from dangling off clothing and getting tangled in a doorjamb or other device.
179. The tangled, overripe Queensland rain forest becomes a mirror of their states of mind.
180. Fearful that it would remain entangled in the web, I selected a long-handled broom to assist him escaping the tangled threads.
181. Paths, tangled like reel of thread, give an impression of typical European townlet , which cultivates people's mind and temperament.
182. The rain and mist can't mask the funky rot. Pink and chum salmon carcasses lie tangled in linguine strands of tidal sedge.
183. Still unwilling to sleep, he watched the young woman in his arms, removing a bruised flower petal from her tangled hair.
184. It has positive roles to decrease tow's lousiness, tangled and breaking single fibre in the process.
185. The tangled Indian aesthetics, mixed with so many culture forms as religion, ethics, philosophy and poetry, etc, is just like the Minos Labyrinth that makes one shrink back at the sight of it.
186. Take the lot of the happiest ----- it is a tangled yarn . bereave.
187. In the old society, owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads, the labouring people led a vagrant life. ...
188. It fluttered ungracefully to the ground and landed in a tangled mass of weeds and string against a dead bush.
189. The wild is more than just an expanse of tangled forests, stagnant swamps and windswept plains.
190. He was bare-headed, and the leaves had tossed his rebellious curls and tangled all their gilded threads.
191. Between this Apple Company and the black raspberry company's tangled warfare is actually splendid!
192. Then I'll make it look like he got tangled in the anchor line and went overboard.
193. You're lisening to Science writer Carl Zimmer, author of the 2009 book, The Tangled Bank: An Introduction to Evolution.
194. Buy a system disk backup with the old computer and then poisoning is very tangled.
195. Glitter like a swarm of fire - flies tangled in a silver braid.
196. When a program element's name reflects its roles in multiple concerns, as it does in the above example, we call it a tangled signature.
197. The blame for sexual morality and the need for sexual instinct get tangled.
198. You'll save trees, and you can say goodbye to spirals that eventually warp into wicked metal spikes that get tangled together and slash up your Ultimate Frisbee hand.
199. Relationships are often a tangled web at the best of times.
200. Then one day I saw a hunting dog in the woods, an English setter flecked with black. His tail tangled with dock burs.
201. But don't get tangled: Gasol's a key player, one of the most adept power forwards in the league at scoring nattily and moving the ball.
202. The Lan Hui is to listen to know, a host of words tally up into one be'she tangled a waist'just, truly enough troublesome.
203. In her thought she traced its course as it ran down the hill to the sluggish Flint River, through the tangled swampy bottoms and up the next hill to Twelve Oaks where Ashley lived.
204. Her fingers tangled with the grey-black hair laying open the bald patch.
205. Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze. It fluttered ungracefully to the ground and landed in a tangled mass of weeds and string against a dead bush.
206. Environmental chaos, something non - constant infighting tangled several forces, the detection work like and mirrors, investigators overwhelmed.
207. He was bare-headed , and the leaves tossed his rebellious curls and tangled all their gilded threads.
208. Mr Fryer now applies his supple mind to the touchy, tangled issue of racial inequality.
209. In tales from a wide variety of cultures, including 1, 001 Arabian Nights, these tangled tapestries take flight to carry people vast distances.
210. Then , for more than an hour, he wandered with erring feet through the tangled undergrowth.
211. For penny-pinchers, the line between thrift and thievery turns out to be as tangled as a yard-sale yo-yo.
212. Finally my nerves gave away and I turned and bolted, through the unfamiliar plantation, tangled vines and rustling leafage.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:35:18