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单词 Sleeping
1. It is not good to wake a sleeping lion. 
2. A barking dog is better than a sleeping lion. 
3. The sleeping fox catches no poultry. 
4. Sleeping is the best cure for waking troubles. 
5. It is not good to make a sleeping lion. 
6. Let sleeping dogs lie.
7. Let sleeping dog lie.
8. The mother laid the sleeping boy against her.
9. I did everything to hurt her, including sleeping around.
10. The noise aroused the sleeping guard.
11. I unrolled my sleeping bag as usual.
12. What are our sleeping arrangements here ?
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. Our guests are sleeping in the spare room.
14. A cat was sleeping underneath the table.
15. She tiptoed to the bedside of the sleeping child.
16. I put the sleeping baby down gently.
17. Some of us will be sleeping in the annexe.
18. He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills.
19. He threw a warm cover over his sleeping wife.
20. Set the sleeping child against his brother.
21. I could just about make out his sleeping form on the bed.
22. All sorts of sleeping bags have been developed and many have been given extensive trials under various conditions.
23. There must be an alternative to people sleeping on the streets.
24. The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping
25. The tortosis wins the race while the hare is sleeping
26. The trust, which has 2.3 million members, has been characterised as a sleeping giant of the environment movement.
27. We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping.
28. The children had been living on the streets, foraging for scraps and sleeping rough.
29. When I last looked in the bedroom, he was still sleeping away.
30. When he was 17 he took an overdose of sleeping pills and nearly died.
1. A barking dog is better than a sleeping lion.
2. The mother laid the sleeping boy against her.
3. I did everything to hurt her, including sleeping around.
4. The noise aroused the sleeping guard.
5. I unrolled my sleeping bag as usual.
6. What are our sleeping arrangements here ?
7. Our guests are sleeping in the spare room.
8. A cat was sleeping underneath the table.
9. I put the sleeping baby down gently.
10. Some of us will be sleeping in the annexe.
11. He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills.
12. He threw a warm cover over his sleeping wife.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. Set the sleeping child against his brother.
14. The trust, which has 2.3 million members, has been characterised as a sleeping giant of the environment movement.
15. We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping.
16. The children had been living on the streets, foraging for scraps and sleeping rough.
17. I could just about make out his sleeping form on the bed.
18. When I last looked in the bedroom, he was still sleeping away.
19. When he was 17 he took an overdose of sleeping pills and nearly died.
20. All sorts of sleeping bags have been developed and many have been given extensive trials under various conditions.
21. There must be an alternative to people sleeping on the streets.
22. People under a lot of stress may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping difficulties.
23. If you have difficulty sleeping at night, avoid taking catnaps during the day.
24. He confessed to sleeping/having slept through most of the film.
25. In the daytime he stayed up in his room, sleeping, or listening to music.
26. Pointing up she told me that the director was sleeping in his office upstairs.
27. He's still sleeping; he was surfeited with too much wine last night.
28. It's a good idea to spend the first night of your holiday sleeping off the jet lag.
29. In his sleeping bag he'll be as snug as a bug in a rug.
30. The most widespread drug addiction is to alcohol, tobacco, and sleeping pills.
31. People under a lot of stress may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping difficulties.
32. If you have difficulty sleeping at night, avoid taking catnaps during the day.
33. He confessed to sleeping/having slept through most of the film.
34. In the daytime he stayed up in his room, sleeping, or listening to music.
35. A good sleeping bag is an essential part of every campers equipment.
36. Pointing up she told me that the director was sleeping in his office upstairs.
37. He's still sleeping; he was surfeited with too much wine last night.
38. If not for you, I must be shivering in the despair and fear, groaning painfully. But for you, every day I will dream the most beautiful apart. Becoz u use your whole life to love me, and I feel free. My life seems to leave me like the sand flowing. I can hear that, but I can still smile only as long as I see you sleeping by my side.
39. It's a good idea to spend the first night of your holiday sleeping off the jet lag.
40. She put a blanket over the sleeping child.
41. Benedict's eyes roved boldly over her sleeping body.
42. He was disaccustomed of sleeping late./sleeping.html
43. She took twice the prescribed dose of sleeping tablets.
44. A grey day dawned upon the sleeping city.
45. Just look at Sleeping Beauty there!
46. You'd better not interrupt him. He is sleeping.
47. You've been sleeping too long/long enough.
48. He OD'd on sleeping tablets.
49. I love sleeping under canvas.
50. She's been taking sleeping pills.
51. She laced his food with sleeping pills.
52. The sleeping bags can zip together.
53. She took a massive overdose of sleeping pills.
54. Now he is sleeping here.
55. He glanced across at his sleeping wife.
56. He awoke the sleeping child.
57. She overdosed on sleeping pills.
58. The sleeping child was a deadweight in her arms.
59. I snuggled down in my sleeping bag.
60. He carefully lowered the sleeping child onto the bed.
31. The baby is sleeping, so they fall their voice to a whisper.
32. Sleeping too long is a lame excuse for being late.
33. She had psyched herself up so much for the camping trip that she forgot her sleeping bag.
61. She gently wakened the sleeping child.
62. I feel like sleeping 24-7.
63. No one must disturb him while he's sleeping.
64. The children were all sleeping soundly.
65. You'll be sleeping in the back bedroom.
66. The sleeping pills left her feeling very groggy.
67. The death was adjudged a suicide by sleeping pills.
68. Generally , you shouldn't overeat yourself before sleeping.
69. It's very easy to become dependent on sleeping pills.
70. She gently disengaged herself from her sleeping son.
71. She put a rug over the sleeping child.
72. Lately,[sentencedict .com] I've had trouble sleeping.
73. Her voice awoke the sleeping child.
74. Silence enwrapped the sleeping town.
75. Most doctors recommend sleeping on a firm mattress.
76. The sleeping car and restaurant car were coupled together.
77. This sleeping bag is very warm.
78. The children were safely zipped into their sleeping bags.
79. No sleeping on the job!
80. The doctor wrote me a prescription for sleeping pills.
81. The church bells keep me from sleeping.
82. She looked lovingly at the sleeping child.
83. Those people are concerned only with eating,sleeping and procreating.
84. I haven't been sleeping well just lately.
85. The sleeping pills soon knocked the patient out.
86. The sleeping tablets knocked him out for 18 hours.
87. Waking or sleeping, I think of you.
88. We rolled out our sleeping bags under the stars.
89. It's time she tried to come off sleeping pills.
90. The doctor tried to wean her off sleeping pills.
91. Sleeping tablets are not recommended in this case.
92. The dog kept vigil over his sleeping master.
93. I tiptoed past the sleeping child.
94. If the baby's sleeping, let her be.
95. Her arm pillowed the sleeping child.
96. Put a blanket over the sleeping child.
97. He felt tired and giddy from the sleeping pill.
98. He's still sleeping off yesterday's hangover.
99. I came across children sleeping under bridges.
100. For many young people, the bright lights of London beckon, though a lot of them end up sleeping on the streets.
101. On the top floor we have sleeping quarters for women and children.
102. The study showed a significant correlation between the baby's sleeping position and the risk of cot death.
102. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
103. The mother set the toy gently by the side of the sleeping child.
104. Sleeping in doorways, begging for food and money - it's not a very enviable way of life.
105. His wine had been drugged, and they stole his money while he was sleeping heavily.
106. It is never a good idea to take sleeping tablets regularly for this kind of wakefulness.
107. We decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not take them to court.
108. They zoned the house into sleeping, sitting and dining rooms.
109. Marjorie looked down at the sleeping infant in her arms.
110. There were a pair of winos sleeping under the bridge.
111. She went into a coma after swallowing a whole bottle of sleeping pills.
112. The boss reamed them out for sleeping on the job.
113. Many of the homeless have been sleeping out for years.
114. To have hundreds of homeless people sleeping in the streets of a rich city like London is a crime .
115. They had been up all night and were sleeping it off.
116. Everybody in the office knows he's been sleeping with Kathy.
117. He got a crick in the neck from sleeping in an awkward position.
118. He got out his knife and acted out cutting into the sleeping bag.
119. We were warm and safe, cocooned in our sleeping bags.
120. In his sleeping bag he'll be as snug as a bug in a rug.
121. Make sure that the baby is not sleeping in an awkward position.
122. By about 6 weeks of age, most babies begin to show something approximating a day/night sleeping pattern.
123. I was very careful about what I said. It's best to let sleeping dogs lie, I think.
124. You'll be as warm as toast in that sleeping bag.
125. They had lain on sleeping bags on the concrete floor.
126. The most widespread drug addiction is to alcohol, tobacco, and sleeping pills.
127. The old man is sleeping in a hammock hanging between two trees.
128. We were weighed down with sleeping bags, gas cookers and pans - all the impedimenta of camping.
129. There are thousands like him in Los Angeles, begging on the streets and sleeping rough.
130. She went into a deep coma after taking an overdose of sleeping pills.
131. She carefully laid the sleeping child down on the bed.
132. Sleeping Beauty was under a spell when the prince found her.
132. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
133. The weight of the sleeping child's body was pushing on my arm and making it uncomfortable.
134. Sleeping Beauty lay under the wicked fairy's spell until the prince woke her with a kiss.
135. Breathing and sleeping are examples of biological rhythms in humans.
136. Sleeping on a bed that is too soft can be bad for your back.
137. It is never a good idea to take sleeping tablets regularly.
138. It makes me so sad when I see young people begging or sleeping rough on the streets.
139. As time goes by, sleeping becomes less of a problem.
140. He has been sleeping rough in the streets to highlight the plight of the homeless.
141. A bottle of sleeping tablets will release you from your sufferings forever.
142. I wake at 6 am as the sleeping pill doesn't work for more than nine hours.
143. Hundreds of kids are sleeping rough on the streets of London.
144. The paper showed a picture of homeless people sleeping on the streets with the caption underneath 'the unacceptable face of capitalism'.
145. I know he's going out with her, but I don't think they're sleeping together.
146. Tom was in the front room sleeping the sleep of the dead.
147. She was sleeping peacefully.
148. Many people have trouble sleeping after a long flight .
149. The baby is sleeping, so they fall their voice to a whisper.
150. One of his eccentricities is sleeping under the bed instead of on it.
151. He found out that his wife had been sleeping with his best friend.
152. The two sleeping bags can be zipped together to make a double.
153. For a moment, between waking and sleeping, he couldn't understand where he was.
154. Always try a sleeping bag for size before you buy it.
155. They built a new room above/over the garage. When you are talking about movement from one side of something to the other, you can only use over:They jumped over the stream. Over can also mean 'covering':He put a blanket over the sleeping child.
156. Tiredness, loss of appetite and sleeping problems are all classic symptoms of depression.
157. The sleeping child was covered over by the careful mother.
158. Many are sleeping in the open because they have no shelter.
159. The crumpled sheets betrayed the fact that someone had been sleeping there.
160. Sleeping too long is a lame excuse for being late.
161. Some of the crew were sleeping, while others were on watch.
162. On hearing his name called the sleeping dog sprang to life.
163. In cold conditions you'll need a sleeping bag with a hood.
164. She opened the door quietly so as not to disturb the sleeping child.
165. She had psyched herself up so much for the camping trip that she forgot her sleeping bag.
166. Sleeping in the nude, if it suits you[/sleeping.html], is not a bad idea.
167. She shone her light on the sleeping child to see that all was well.
168. There are homeless people sleeping on the streets in all weathers.
169. I was woken up by someone grabbing hold of my sleeping bag.
170. She awoke to a day of brilliant sunshine. Waken and awaken are much more formal. Awaken is used especially in literature:The Prince awakened Sleeping Beauty with a kiss.
171. He'd been sleeping rough for a week, in ditches and haystacks.
172. The boat has a sleeping area at one end.
173. Rex is sleeping like a babe.
174. Silence enwrapped the sleeping village.
175. I had my routines: constant vigilance, my antidote to the sin of sleeping and the undomesticated world of dreams.
176. Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 
177. Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. Dave Barry 
178. You're lucky to find two rooms, one for sleeping, and a patch of allotment for potatoes.
179. But a chief from Puna who had greatly admired Naihe's surfing ability sent a servant to wake the sleeping chanter.
180. Check, though, that she isn't sleeping in an awkward position, which may sometimes cause the problem.
181. The sleeping patient's eyes were bandaged, just in case she tried to anticipate what the surgeon would do next.
182. When we are sleeping, our brains and hearts are still acting and moving through dreaming and breathing. Dr T.P.Chia 
183. Not for them the £120,000 customised horse-boxes around them with built-in kitchens, television and sleeping accommodation.
184. He taught her a position for sleeping that placed the forepart of her brain at the apex of a pyramid.
184. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
185. Sleeping on a contoured pillow will achieve the same effect if you prefer sleeping on foam rather than feathers.
186. The mind may still be active and alert. 9 Don't lie awake for ages wondering why you are not sleeping.
187. Young people are moving away from feeling guilty about sleeping with somebody to feeling guilty if they are NOT sleeping with someone. Margaret Mead 
188. Thought is the sleeping giant of the mind. The world belongs to those who wake up this sleeping giant. Dr T.P.Chia 
189. Sister Aimee died in 1944, from an accidental overdose of sleeping tablets.
190. My Aunt Naomi, like some latter-day Sleeping Beauty permanently imprisoned, never awakened to or acceded to adult sexuality.
191. Bring a sleeping bag.
192. A change in sleeping habits is important, because insomnia often accompanies depression.
193. The sleeping man is still asleep and the other has left.
194. The number of Americans sleeping in the altogether has risen to 16 percent.
195. Every closed eye is not sleeping, and every open eye is not seeing. Bill Cosby 
196. It was January. Rest assured we'd be sleeping soundly by May.
197. Get out of your comfort zone. Wake up the sleeping giant in you. Dr T.P.Chia 
198. Minshuku are the best bet for the budget travellers with ryokan-style floor sleeping accommodation.
199. Dawn is not ideal even now as it has very limited sleeping accommodation.
200. Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day. Friedrich Nietzsche 
201. The adults would take turns staying awake and fanning those sleeping, but this made little difference.
202. I will continue to distribute blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing and food on a regular basis, in the hope that my modest efforts will give some comfort to those people we are able to help. Maya Angelou 




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