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单词 Aplomb
(1) Carried off the difficult situation with aplomb.
(2) Ms Sharpe handled their questions with great aplomb.
(3) He delivered the speech with his usual aplomb.
(4) Rosalind conducted the meeting with characteristic aplomb/with her usual aplomb.
(5) Morgan handled the media attention with aplomb.
(6) He had done it with consummate aplomb.
(7) Today, with grace restored, it welcomes visitors with aplomb.
(8) They tackle with equal aplomb the living and the dead.
(9) If anything, he handled this crisis with more aplomb than the earlier one.
(10) The female vocalist carried the show with aplomb and the band sounded tough and strong instrumentally.
(11) He answered with perfect aplomb.
(12) You move through each day with grace and aplomb.
(13) The aplomb we had in the account that acreageed us the job is boring yieldn over by fretfulness as our first day accesses, and we fret about authoritative a acceptable first consequence.
(14) She sang several songs, handling herself with the aplomb of a professional entertainer.
(15) She performs the duties of a princess with great aplomb.
(16) Since then, Carlton has coolly fielded questions for congressional inquisitors with wit and folksy aplomb.
(17) However, the so-called case histories which they composed with such artistic aplomb prove nothing.
(18) Conchis plucked the muslin away from one of the plates with the quick aplomb of a conjurer.
(19) Edouard de Chavigny passed from opera box to grouse moor with equal elegance and aplomb.
(20) Both shoe and mosquito fell to the ground before I finished off the job with aplomb.
(21) He normally didn't like wearing uniforms in films, but wore them with aplomb.
(22) In contrast to Spindler, who bristled at critics, Amelio answered the questions with aplomb.
(23) Mooting not only gives you practice in court procedure but helps to develop the aplomb that every advocate should possess.
(24) The whole cast executed the production with truly professional aplomb.
(25) The hard - working Milanese run their busy metropolis with efficiency and aplomb.
(26) He did so, moreover, with a nearly messianic fervor and aplomb.
(27) This rather bloodcurdling recital , delivered with the usual Achesonian aplomb, startled the British.
(28) It is true that Lula inherited a fiscal crisis and handled it with determination and aplomb.
(29) Bob Marley popularized reggae music, along with the Rastafarian religion, to the world outside Jamaica. He did so, moreover, with a nearly messianic fervor and aplomb.
(30) Gloves: The way William had to put white gloves on before entering the carriage, not to mention the practiced aplomb with which he did up the buttons one-handed.
(1) She performs the duties of a princess with great aplomb.
(31) The Reds took the lead after just five minutes when Evandro Brandao finished with aplomb.
(32) As usual, the chairman's cultured voice was low - key in keeping with his old - Bostonian aplomb.
(33) His nonchalance and aplomb in times of trouble always encouraged his followers.
(34) Master of all or mistress of all , aplomb in the midst of irrational things.
(35) Gates is one of the few to pull off both feats with aplomb.




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