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单词 Expostulation
1 My expostulation had no effect.
2 My expostulation ( s ) had no effect.
3 The emperor advocated the expostulation about calamities and reanimate officeholders to point out the officials faults used for reference for the frequency of natural disasters in Yuan Dynasty.
4 In composition, they imitate the "Expostulation" tradition of the author of "The Book of Songs" and express satire in poetry.
5 In the third part, I analyze the contents and characteristics of "Expostulation".
6 The theory of "the expostulation of eulogizing and satirizing" have a great effect upon the the subsequent practice of writing poetry and the poetic criticism.
7 Expostulation is a very important old-line tradition of Chinese poetry.
8 The expostulation in Yuan Dynasty had no effect in dealing with calamities, instead, it became a tool of political hurdles.
9 The system of imperial expostulation, which plays a role as the mechanism of self-regulation of monarchy, is an important component of supervising system in ancient China.
10 In his expostulation he dropped his cleaner hand ( perhaps accidentally , perhaps not ) upon the joker's heart.
11 Chapter 4 sorts out the expostulation consciousness in poems and Fu written in Han dynasty.
12 I now went into an earnest expostulation with him upon the extravagant length of his report.
13 Liu to compiling shuo yuan , regard it as "expostulation" and have a kind of psychology to die for his dream.
14 There are also some expostulation poems among works written by literati of Han dynasty.
15 The second part interprets the "Expostulation" from two angles, the semantics and the religious study, then explains significance of researching and the desired purpose of this article.
16 "Expostulation" is the very important way for Akhund to propagandize for Islamism.
17 Han Confucians not only stresses the function of satire, and Mei and Ci in literature criticism but also regard "The Book of Songs" as expostulation in real political life.
18 It reflected Huang Daozhou's strong sense of historiographer, and implied the traditional paradigm in Book of Changes-intelligent satirical expostulation.




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