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单词 Unrecognized
1. It would be tragic if her talent remained unrecognized.
2. There is the possibility that hypothermia can go unrecognized.
3. He remained largely unrecognized by the scientific establishment.
4. Many minor disease outbreaks often go unrecognized.
5. Most often it is totally unconscious and goes unrecognized by staff and service users.
6. The longer the condition goes unrecognized, the more difficult it is to reverse.
7. When uninterrupted by unforeseen or unrecognized obstacles, parents will go to great lengths to provide these advantages for their children.
8. But to those in distress, and towards unrecognized or emerging talent, he was unfailing in his generosity and support.
9. Unrecognized response to authentication command. Aborting authentication.
10. Unrecognized unicode collation values, using default values.
11. The drive you specified has an unrecognized partition type.
12. An unrecognized method was used to archive this file.
13. An unrecognized session key type was provided.
14. The straight-line amortization of the unrecognized APBO at the time FASB Statement No. 106 is adopted.
15. She adopted an elaborate disguise to help her pass through the town unrecognized.
16. The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized .
17. He was able to walk down the street totally unrecognized.
18. Those who could walk limped painfully home(), in some cases so black with gunpowder they passed unrecognized.
19. Any living system is highly complex and subject to many environmental influences, some of which are probably totally unrecognized.
20. For the present she would change him into an old beggar so that he could go everywhere unrecognized.
21. They were first, as a result, to become concerned with means, explicit or unrecognized, for safeguarding that stake.
22. Unhappily, the significance of the Service is still largely unrecognized, if Congressional appropriations can be taken as evidence.
23. Being at the bottom, they feel their contribution often goes unrecognized, at least by the authorities.http:///unrecognized.html
24. There have been many adjustments, including some that have gone unrecognized or have been poorly understood.
25. With the poor sensation, minor injuries or blisters often go unrecognized and untreated.
26. This intensive investigative process revealed infection by a previously unrecognized hantavirus.
27. Their fortunes may thereby serve as an early warning system to humankind of previously unrecognized environmental problems.
28. They had understood those problems all along-even those that had long gone unrecognized at higher levels.
29. Conducting correlation of layers by using the algorithm, it has fast operational speed and no need for character of which equating known waveforms to still unrecognized waveforms in length.
30. Please keep the tickets well, otherwise we will not accept the responsibility caused by lose, be stolen, disremember or unrecognized ticket.
1. It would be tragic if her talent remained unrecognized.
2. She adopted an elaborate disguise to help her pass through the town unrecognized.
31. Unrecognized connection string. Unable to determine the data source or initial catalog.
32. Syntax error, command unrecognized. This may include errors such as command line too long.
33. It is a largely unrecognized entity with specific histology including myopathic, focal neurogenic, fibrosis, and inflammatory features.
34. The unamortized balance of unrecognized finance charge and the method used to allocate the unrecognized finance charge.
35. NET issues the server error, " Unrecognized configuration section element _ name. "
36. Article 15 The unrecognized financing charge shall be amortized to each period during the lease term.
37. The damage of plant parasitic nematodes to soybeans is generally unrecognized.
38. The lack of immune response to a xenograft of mouse cells in an immunocompetent rabbit model may suggest an as yet unrecognized immunoprivileged site within the intervertebral disc space.
39. This file was recorded in an unrecognized format. Cannot play file.
40. Unrecognized index file revision . Re - create the index.
41. The backup file contains unrecognized data and cannot be used.
42. The drugs may precipitate a first attack in unrecognized cases of this rare condition.
43. An unrecognized object was found in the QOS provider - specific buffer.
44. Your security information could not be exported because the certificate format is unrecognized.
45. The unamortized balance of unrecognized financing charges and the method used to allocate the unrecognized financing charges.
46. An Often Unrecognized Cause of Thunderclap Headache: Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome.
47. E _ invalidCompletionStatus : ( 30100 ) signifies that one of assertion status values passed is unrecognized.
48. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria often goes unrecognized - its diagnosis may be delayed for more than 10 years.
49. I was there too, observing , unrecognized( ), a stranger among the people.
50. You'd have to believe there's been more unrecognized transmission that's occurred.
51. Return to the unrecognized site and try to sign in again later.
52. The diskette contains an unrecognized file system, or is unformatted.
53. Assuming that the Actor at which the header is targeted matches that of the handler, a well-behaved handler will emit a SOAP fault for an unrecognized header and draw attention to the problem.
54. They might have been illegitimate and unrecognized children of Garou wanderers.




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