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单词 Puff up
1. He puffed up the balloon.
2. He came puffing up the stairs.
3. They went huffing and puffing up the stairs.
4. He was too puffed up with his own importance, too blinded by vanity to accept their verdict on him.
5. Her body bloated and puffed up till pain seemed to burst out through her skin.
6. The bird puffed up its feathers.
7. Birds puff up their feathers to keep warm.
8. He was puffed up with pride.
9. She puffed up the steep slope.
10. He is puffed up with pride.
11. An old man puffed up to them.
12. My leg puffed up all round the insect bite.
13. He felt grown-up, puffed up with self-importance.
14. The pastry will puff up while it bakes.
15. Smoke puffed up from the forest fire.
16. I was so puffed up with my own importance in those days.
17. Many tourists puffed up the steep steps of the ancient pagoda.
18. His face was puffed up with the infection in his tooth.
19. My eye had puffed up because of a mosquito bite.
20. When the pastry is golden and puffed up, take the pie out of the oven.
21. Freud observed that people tend to puff up the status of their forefathers.
22. The gases may puff up the belly in particular.
23. Right-handed person puff up their left face to make the body balance. Left-handed person do exactly on the contrary.
24. Puff up and relax!
25. Whatever the mechanism, the cooler the surface,[sentencedict .com] the less energy there is to "puff up" the sun.
26. At the start of the month, it will puff up thanks to a small mechanical arm inside itself - potentially attracting a mate, said Mr Kestner.
27. Do not eat jellyfish. Or fish that have spikes. Or fish that have parrot like beaks. Of that puff up like balloons.
28. The worst that will happen is your skin will itch and puff up and your doctor will give you something for the allergy or the inflammation.
29. Some kernels pop into ball-shaped puffs, called "mushrooms", while others puff up like "butterflies", with many "wings".
30. Heat in the microwave for about 2-5 seconds, just enough to make the marshmallows puff up, but not get too hot.
31. As the pods puff up and up and up, consciousness that is biological asserts itself in an expanded space between of darkness.
32. This annual gathering already has more delegates who raise their chins and puff up their chests as they speak about the will of the people.
33. Do we puff up with pride, or can we accept praise humbly, grateful for opportunities we have received, the giftedness we were born with, and the people who have helped us along the way?
34. The moisture turns to steam in the oven and it will puff up.
35. In " Healing Natural Oils", in fact , they should puff up their chest ...
36. Thus, in speaking of Bonaparte, one was free to sob or to puff up with laughter, provided that hatred lay at the bottom.
37. The same muscles puff up the feathers of birds and the fur of mammals on cold days to help keep them warm.
38. Ever since silicone turned out to be dangerous, collagen has become the hot item to I gave injected to smooth out wrinkles or to puff up thin lips or weak chins.
38. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
39. Bailey says men often make up heroic war stories to impress women, to puff up their job credentials or because they think it will inspire youngsters such as Boy Scouts and military recruits.
40. When one fails to ascend the space between, the spaces between puff up and up and up in the field of such an initiate as the famous ascension teacher that died.




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