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单词 Us army
1, In a nearby medical tent, a US Army doctor gently unwinds Metruk's bandage.
2, Gunmen have repeatedly sniped at US Army positions.
3, He's a major in the US army.
4, He signed on as a soldier in the US army.
5, Everywhere US Army goes, it will overthrow monocracy.
6, 52Supplies for US Army troops overlook the Hindu Kush mountains at Observation Post Mustang in Kunar Province, Afghanistan.
7, In 1924, two US Army planes landed in Seattle, Washington, having completed the first round-the-world flight in 175 days.
8, US Army Sgt Kyle Whalen, 22, playfully taps his helmet with an Iraqi boy's toy football helmet during a visit to the boy's school in Mosul.
9, The Luger was tested for use by the US Army shortly after 1900(), but was beaten in the trials by the incredibly rugged Colt 1911.
10, German pillbox on Omaha Beach serving as a US Army command post, during the early days of the invasion.
11, Edward Murphy was an aerospace engineer for the US Army.
12, Etymology: This phrase comes from World War II US Army slang.
13, Colonel Ed Fleming of the US Army Engineer Corps said people in the area had been evacuated.
14, As Palin looses off a few rounds, a US Army instructor can be heard telling her approvingly: "You're pretty much hitting it dead centre."
15, The US army is poised to unleash the dogs of war - four-legged, petrol-powered robots to help its "troops" in battle.
16, US Army New Training Helicopter(NTH)is a non-developmental item commercial helicopter which is to replace Bell UH-1H as an initial en- try rotary wing and primary instrument trainer.
17, "It has been observed that helicopters of the US army were flying a short distance from the Iran-Iraq border," Iran's military headquarters said in a statement.
18, Dr Alan Kehs , of the US Army Laboratories, discussed the overall RF threat.
19, A US Army soldier walks past a de-mining robot named after the computer animated character "Wall-E" at Camp Leatherneck in Helmand province, southern Afghanistan, March 10,(http:///us army.html) 2010.
20, US Army helicopters constantly deafen out our emergency meeting but everyone knows the military presence is vital in this landscape with no open shops or banks.
21, General Mark Clark, US Army commander was born at Madison Barracks, New York of a military father.
22, The alleged shooter , a US army psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan is alive and in stable condition.
23, Left: A US Army sound locator for a mobile searchlight unit: early 1940 s.
24, It's interesting to note, also, that neither the US Army nor the Obama regime has yet to publically state exactly what Specialist Millay was arrested for.
25, During the Second World War, he was drafted into the US Army.
26, I had worked in a shaving - brush factory, joined the US army a private.
27, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Chemical Agents has some links to the MSDSs published by the US Army Chemical and Biological defense Command.
28, Abdo applied for conscientious objector status in 2010 after he decided Islamic standards would prohibit his service in the US army in any war, military officials said.
29, During the second world war, the physicist Enrico Fermi asked General Leslie Groves of the US Army how many generals might be called "great" and why.
30, It seems Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica has fans everywhere – including in the US Army, as evidenced by chibi Homu decorating what appears to be the inside of a US Army field ambulance.
1, In a nearby medical tent, a US Army doctor gently unwinds Metruk's bandage.
31, Hallucinogenic - type drug experiments were also conducted by elements of the US Army Intelligence community.
32, Bradley Manning, a 22-year-old US army intelligence analyst, has been arrested and charged with allegedly giving WikiLeaks the footage of the Baghdad attack.
33, They teach monkeys how to use Kalashnikov, Bren machine gun, and even mortar, and how to attack those who wear US army uniforms.
33, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
34, The CAIV acquisition methodology from US Army emphasizes the affordability and performance-cost Tradeoff in defense systems program.
35, The report contains some secret information about the US army forces.
36, Shortly after, US Army Air Corps7 scientists developed dark-green sunglasses for pilots.
37, Mr Xiong is now a US Army chaplain based in Alabama.
38, After referring the US army, s pedrail, this article use the theory of soil force to analyze the working of arista.
39, Over the past year, Bosnia-Herzegovina uncovered dozens of women trafficking cases, many of which were associated with the US army .
40, His olive-green shirt, however, looks like the uniform of soldiers in the US Army.




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