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单词 potentially
释义 Word family  noun potential potentiality adjective potential adverb potentially  po·ten·tial·ly /pəˈtenʃəli/ ●●○ AWL adverb [+adj/adverb]  POSSIBLEsomething that is potentially dangerous, useful etc is not dangerous etc now, but may become so in the future 潜在地,可能地 a potentially dangerous situation 有潜在危险的局势Examples from the Corpuspotentially• The image presented was of potentially active individuals bereft both of health and satisfaction through enforced retirement from economic activity.• The number of varieties that are potentially available can be infinitely large.• For this reason and no other, Gates is spending huge amounts of money to defend itself from a potentially catastrophic judgment.• Sculpture workshops are potentially dangerous work sites.• These tips also help prevent heat exhaustion, only several cases of which advance to potentially deadly heat stroke at the Canyon.• a potentially fatal disease• However, many potentially hazardous chemical installations are not covered by such regulations.• Building it in is hard because the amount of knowledge which is potentially relevant to decoding each pronoun, is extremely large.• Used prudently, advanced hybrid or bio-engineered crop strains could make a potentially significant contribution to third world agriculture.• At the limit, governments are obliged to defend their currencies with interest-rate changes and potentially unlimited intervention.po·ten·tial·ly adverbChineseSyllable  is potentially etc something useful dangerous, dangerous that is etc not Corpus




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