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单词 Naughty
1. Naughty boys sometimmmes make good men. 
2. Naughty boys sometimes make good men. 
3. 'Edward, you are naughty,' Dorothy chided.
4. He's a terribly naughty child.
5. You naughty boy, stop pulling the cat's tail.
6. Don't do such naughty things.
7. Those naughty boys have been acting up again.
8. The naughty children chucked snowballs at passing cars.
9. You're a very naughty boy! Look what you've done!
10. Now that's naughty - you mustn't throw food on the floor!
11. He who has ability to be such a naughty guy and can be stronger more as well.
12. Don't be so naughty.
13. 'You naughty girl!' Mom said, wagging her finger at me.
14. These naughty kids have pulled off all the rose buds.
14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. The naughty dog cowered in a corner.
16. Go along, you naughty boy!
17. Our boss treats us all like naughty schoolchildren.
18. I'm being very naughty—I've ordered champagne!
19. That naughty boy has faked away.
20. You were naughty to pull the cat's tail.
21. He's a naughty little devil.
22. It's naughty to pull your sister's hair.
23. The naughty pupils disarray the class.
24. Those naughty boys barred themselves in for fun.
25. Girls, you're being very naughty.
26. 'You naughty boy!' she said in a harsh voice.
27. The teacher allured the naughty student from evil.
28. You naughty boy, you gave me such a fright.
29. Those naughty boys fastened on her.
30. As a child,he was rather naughty.
1. 'Edward, you are naughty,' Dorothy chided.
2. You naughty boy, stop pulling the cat's tail.
3. Don't do such naughty things.
4. Those naughty boys have been acting up again.
5. The naughty children chucked snowballs at passing cars.
6. You're a very naughty boy! Look what you've done!
7. Now that's naughty - you mustn't throw food on the floor!
8. Don't be so naughty.
9. 'You naughty girl!' Mom said, wagging her finger at me.
10. These naughty kids have pulled off all the rose buds.
11. The naughty dog cowered in a corner.
12. Girls, you're being very naughty.
13. We just sat there giggling like naughty schoolchildren.
14. The naughty children had run a mile when their teacher arrived.
14. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
15. If you are naughty you won't get any ice cream.
16. It is naughty of you to pull your baby sister's hair.
17. The teacher kept the student in because he was naughty.
18. His father bopped him on the buttocks for he was too naughty.
31. You've been a very naughty boy!
32. He smacked the naughty child.
33. We just sat there giggling like naughty schoolchildren.
34. He always buys her naughty underwear for her birthday.
35. If you're naughty, mother will spank you.
36. Please manage your naughty child!
37. The old lady was displeased with the children's naughty behaviour.
38. I felt a bit naughty going off on my own, leaving the children behind.
39. The naughty children had run a mile when their teacher arrived.
40. Where's that naughty child now? I'm sure he'll be up to no good wherever he is.
41. She is naughty, that one. She tries it on with me sometimes!
42. You're going to get a smack on the bottom if you don't stop being such a naughty boy.
43. Their naughty children always contrive to make such a mess of things.
44. When the children are naughty she deals with them in very short order: they're sent straight to bed.
44. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
45. Whenever Daniel's little sister was asked to do something she always had a naughty reply.
46. She felt cheap and stupid, like a naughty child caught stealing.
47. It was naughty of Father to stay out so late.
48. If you are naughty you won't get any ice cream.
49. The naughty boy devised a plan for winning the entrance tickets to the football match.
50. It is naughty of you to pull your baby sister's hair.
51. You can guarantee the children will start being naughty as soon as they have to go to bed.
52. The naughty boy wrote one of his classmates down as a fool.
53. The teacher called the naughty boy out to the front of the class.
54. The naughty children have just heaved a stone through my window.
55. The naughty boy sat on the edge of the fence dangling his legs.
56. The teacher kept the student in because he was naughty.
57. The naughty kid was in the classroom in body but not in spirit.
58. His father bopped him on the buttocks for he was too naughty.
59. You know what little boys are like with naughty words.
60. My mother advised me to stay away from those naughty girls.
61. It is unfair to label a small baby as naughty.
62. So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
63. The naughty postcard camp king of alternative comedy.
64. Tell her she's a naughty girl?
65. Keith, hyperactive and aggressive, a naughty boy.
66. He's really naughty, but he's so cute.
67. Betsy said a naughty word, Mom.
68. Oh, what a naughty child I was!
69. But they were naughty and stayed.
70. Flat five: Beatrice, for naughty boys.
71. If you've been a very naughty girl.
72. We've been looking for you everywhere, you naughty boy!
73. Dennis sat on his bed reading a naughty magazine.
74. Are these just bad vibes and sour grapes or is hip hop just too naughty by nature for the mainstream?
74. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
75. You want your nice boyfriend to do naughty things - the things this girl does in your fantasies.
76. He was the town naughty boy all right, and it was incongruous that he should have been named Wesley.
77. He is always pleased to see his nursery teacher but is terrified that she will think he is a naughty boy.
78. A shower of gravel barely missed me, hurled by naughty boys who played among the ruins, ambushing one another.
79. Daisy Venables, you naughty girl, have you been telling tales again?
80. I tried to make no mistakes, but they called me naughty every moment of the day.
81. The boy might break wind or say a naughty word and forfeit the protection of that great white spirit.
82. It appears the naughty boys were in the altogether just as a primary school field trip walked past.
83. Even so, one naughty specimen, avoiding the fate of its fellows, buzzed around McAllister's head.
84. The pleasures of the romance novel are not dissimilar from those of the chocolate bar; naughty but nice.
85. Tale-telling on each other and inciting each other to be naughty are frequent problems faced by parents of young children.
86. Yes, when I was ten and twelve years old, I was very, very naughty.
87. Besides ... you were such a naughty girl where he was concerned.
88. Munnery is not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
89. They were standing outside giggling away like a couple of naughty schoolkids.
90. Dad was told how naughty James had been and then shouted at him and sent him to the bedroom.
91. Inside there was a climbing frame, Lego roundabout, swings and a wooden catapult for firing naughty children out of the castle.
92. He was listed as a naughty boy when he joined a protest against censorship in the arts.
93. Yet I don't think I used to be very naughty.
94. I asked my childminder to do what I do when Laura is naughty.
95. Naughty lunches usually wholefood take-aways eaten in Tom's friendly old nest of a bed.
96. Then he complains when she begins to behave like a very naughty child.
97. They were reading an American novel that seemed to have had all the naughty bits cut out.
98. If the child starts to be deliberately naughty, throwing toys or destroying the activity the parent should stop talking.
99. I think he's wonderful, and very funny, but he's also very naughty.
100. There's only one way to deal with naughty children and that's to be strict with them.
101. Naughty students could end lessons for the day simply by rubbing a ramp inside a radiator.
102. I've learnt about 60 I suppose overall and half of them are duds naughty words or words for something completely different.
103. She waited with her buttocks bared like a naughty girl, while he selected an instrument of corporal punishment.
104. Bleeped for a naughty word during the telecast, Morissette did not make her way backstage to answer questions.Sentencedict
105. I feel like a naughty schoolkid who's standing in front of the headmaster.
106. Nicandra felt flattered and amused at the joke about being naughty, but did not comment on it.
107. He was no longer her treasure, but a naughty child, too old to be smacked.
108. Naughty by nature: Busi's latest novel latin lover Aldo Busi gives good quote.
109. Then Sam had thrown her a pleading look, like a naughty little boy caught with his finger in the jam pot.
110. You naughty little scallywag!
111. To allow the naughty child to be seen as good, the good child also needs to be seen as being naughty.
112. She must be trying to lure him to it, the naughty girl.
113. Abraham and MacGregor begin tasting that delicious sense of playing hooky from life, just like two big, naughty kids.
114. In the later poets he was her son and almost invariably a mischievous, naughty boy, or worse.
115. I don't believe in hitting children, no matter how naughty they've been.
116. This story was recounted as a warning to naughty children.
117. A smack terminates the child's naughty behaviour, thus bringing relief to the harassed parent.
118. More importantly, once we start nibbling naughty things our willpower slides down a very slippery slope.
119. It may happen that the child is so naughty that it ends up never being rewarded for the desirable behaviour.
120. If you are naughty, mother will spank you.
121. Daniel: Dear Mom, please permit of superman's naughty.
122. The naughty boys used play the man.
123. I hate to baby-sit Jason because he is naughty.
124. He had a naughty schoolboy's gleeful disregard for rules.
125. Naughty little children often tell on each other.
126. The naughty child got a good dressing-down.
127. You really deserve a good beating, you naughty boy.
128. His grandchild is a naughty boy.
129. Always the very naughty Venus asks a unprecedentedly.
130. Georgy Porgy was a naughty boy.
131. Once in a while they're naughty: I did get word of a fellow who'd made a key safe by hollowing out one of my books.
132. The naughty boy was sitting astride of the house - roof.
133. If one naughty boy played games on his class, the teacher would call-over him and leave him to stand for the whole class.
134. He was always a naughty boy but he had toto come to heel before his teachers.
135. ZioF. T., the patron saint of giggling, naughty children who toboggan downstaircases, throw bread balls at restaurants and even put toddler cousins inlarge salad bowls and spin them across floors.
136. Everyone could be naughty when decorating his or her dedicated space, making the house unalloyedly charming with bold color of claret-red and pure white.
137. They may validate every form field entry to remove e-mail injection commands, embedded Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) tags, and other naughty bits.
138. The pinna is the visible part of the ear, just right for grasping naughty boys by.
139. She quickly gathered a bunch of sweet-smelling leaves, and then, holding them under Greenfinch's nose, said coaxingly, "Come, come, Greenfinch, you must not be naughty!"
140. Yes, Ed was naughty, and yes he had a wonderful time offending all the folks on his floor in the biology department.
141. The naughty schoolboy knows it is time for him to be in for it.
142. Now, which one of you naughty kiddy been messing with the Shadow Man?
143. It's no need to get shirty with the naughty guy.
144. The naughty boy left the classroom on the plea of a headache.
145. Art thou a Christian child- ha?Dost know thy catechism?Or art thou one of those naughty elfs or fairies, whom we thought to have left behind us, with other relics of Papistry, in merry old England?
146. Or art thou one of those naughty elfs or fairies whom we thought to have left behind us, with other relics of Papistry, in merry old England ?
147. The sidewise look and a pull at the beard expressed concurrence with a naughty erotic taste.
148. Trick or Treat naughty this semester, leading to learning even worse.
149. I never have to tell him anything more than once. He was housebroken in three days and has never done anything naughty.
150. PG - 13 for a few naughty words and innuendo.
151. Begone! you naughty boy!
152. Billy had been naughty all day, but he really brought his parents'anger down on his head by pushing his little sister into a mud puddle.
153. The naughty children skedaddled when the security guard approached them.
154. The naughty boy tore down notice from a notice board.
155. On the flip side, they mentioned "not listening to parents, " "being mean and bullying" and "being snobby" as behaviors exhibited by those headed for the naughty list.
156. I love kids, When I stay with children, their naive, naughty and teeny-weeny lovely idea, let me can not help but want to give them more love. Also make the job becomes a kind of enjoy life mode!
157. Slip some on to arms, legs, decollete, anywhere you want luminescent luxury. The silky velvet finish is slightly naughty and totally irresistible...its all you will want to wear!
158. He is too naughty. You should be strict with him and not spoil him.
159. Pro 6:12 A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth.
160. The teacher's demand cut no ice with these naughty boys.
161. I don't love you, not at all, on the contrary, I detest you—You're a naughty, gawky, foolish Cinderella.
162. My friend is travelling in other countries and her puppy, little Gulu asked aunt Tiffie to take care of her for a week. Let's see what happened to these two naughty puppies.
163. Hamm-e you emmer seen such a naughty kid like him !
164. The naughty boy is whacking the heads off the flowers.
165. She describes him as kind, warm, compassionate[/naughty.html], with the most naughty twinkly blue eyes.
166. The photograph is other to Nanjing network block, the first " naughty clean out alley " the person is angry very flourishing, also be faced with nevertheless coessential the crisis that turn.
167. At first, it looked as if Hurd had suddenly morphed into a familiar entity, abandoning use of his capacious brainpan in order to follow the instructions of his naughty inner man.
168. He was housebroken in three days and has never done anything naughty.
169. Staff ReportIf you're celebrating a birthday, a bachelorette party or just want to have some naughty fun, head to Men of Sapphire.
170. The naughty boy did not like to bear the brunt.
171. Naughty: You send out pre - engraved, homogenous company holiday cards with nary a signature.
172. The revelation to search my cowry :Yesterday, My cowry is lost, because of my negligence and his naughty .
173. I was then a naughty little child, only yay high.
174. Sometimes only a good spanking will straighten out a naughty boy.
175. Be naughty! This playful ruthenium - plated necklace adds a touch of mischief to your mood or outfit.
176. I'm also a bit of an exhibitionist, as I often find myself getting naked at the lifestyle clubs competing in some theme event or getting naughty with girls and/or Hubby.
177. His children are well bred, whereas those of his sister are naughty.
178. I've even seen her shake Zara when she's been naughty.
179. I don't love you, not at all, on the contrary, I detest you—You're a naughty, gawky, foolish Cinderalla.
180. It's a little bit of naughty Chinese eroto-comedy supported by some respectable period sets (both films were based on classic novel The Carnal Prayer Mat).
181. So don't overlook countertops, stairwells or even the balcony. By exploring new, naughty places for a nooky, you'll be making some very steamy memories of your own.
182. Her refusal to become angry with those naughty children speak volume for her patience.
183. " Leap across the brook, naughty child, and run hither!
184. The naughty little boy lost his balance, and pitched out of the window head first.
185. The naughty boy defaced the wall with some vulgar words with coloured chalk.
186. The old man blew up to those naughty boys who had disarrayed his corp.
187. Narrators : Ariel, meets her sister and two friends, Crusty the crab and Finny the fish. Sometimes Crusty can be very naughty, but they have so much fun together.
188. He's a bit naughty, but I like him all the same.
189. A naughty assortment of some of the juiciest sex! Watch the best of the best go GONZO! ! ! ! !
190. There's always a cat-and-mouse relationship between a naughty student and a strict teacher. The student always wants to skip class, while the teacher is hot on attendance.
191. A cat press in naughty Pilates changes a basic Pilates exercise into a sensual arching of the back and tricep pushup.
192. " I have the "Naughty Blue Cat 3000 Questions" series of cartoons and other domestic output to 36 countries and regions.
193. According to legends from Northern Europe, wind is produced by Aeolus and her four naughty sons.
194. Sometimes only a good advice will straighten out a naughty child.
195. There must is someone who can take control of these naughty children.
196. A dark plaits sticking on the hindbrain, curled and naughty hair covers on the cheek.
197. Spears, whose stint in rehabilitation, panty-less pictures, and custody battle for her children has won headlines globally, was awarded top "naughty" honors with younger and older children.
198. Do not be Mr. Goody-goody. Be a bit naughty throw in unexpected and mischievous remarks to leave her wondering if you just said that.
199. These are small naughty will be want as an omnipotent and big hero, you you their strange think the crotchet , all of their funny problems resolve good.
200. A naughty person, a wicked man , walketh with a froward mouth.
201. The naughty boy put on his socks the wrong side out.




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