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单词 Plankton
1. The fish live on the plankton.
2. The first organisms that reproduced sexually were free-floating plankton.
3. Plankton is at the bottom of the marine food chain.
4. The ocean had so uch plankton in it that the sea itself had changed colour.
5. Against the pale background the plankton which swarmed on the surface were clearly visible.
6. The ocean had so much plankton in it that the sea itself had changed colour.
7. Through most of the summer, then, the plankton in open ocean is gradually depleted.
8. The plankton, he said, produce natural chemicals whose effect is similar to that of oil on the water.
9. All creatures that live in the plankton have to devise means of staying afloat.
10. Whales have been lounging about and eating plankton for some fifty million years.
11. Unlike the plankton of the open seas the intertidal zones suffer no shortage of nutrients.
12. Fisheries are sustained by the plankton which depends upon a constant re-cycling of nutrients stirred up from the sea bottom.
13. Because the creatures of the plankton individually are small, they are not always visible to the naked eye.
14. Whales use their pectinate teeth to gather plankton.
15. So we know this plankton is very dange rous.
16. Plankton and nekton are pelagic organisms.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. Diatoms and other tiny organisms form Antarctic plankton.
18. Krill swam with the plankton , a school of young menhaden swam after the krill.
19. The dead plankton on the bottom must be preserved from oxidation.
20. The sea here is particularly rich, and the plankton eating humpbacks sieve out some food.
21. The plankton test is still considered as one of the useful methods for medico-legal investigation of death by drowning although controversies concerning the reliability of the test exist.
22. These are as yet little-known but clearly very important in the economy of the plankton.
23. Brandt switched the emphasis from geographical variation to the study of the annual cycle of plankton growth found in the northern oceans.
24. Cod, for instance, lay about nine million eggs into the plankton.
25. Grazing cattle and sheep eat contaminated grass and plants, while fish eat plankton that has already consumed dioxin-covered microscopic particles.
26. Creatures that float near the surface of the seas are called plankton.
27. Its feeding technique is also similar: drifting downward through the water, it captures small fish or plankton with its tentacles.
28. It was necessary to overexpose this positive record in order to enhance the presence of the Plankton bloom.
29. You'll find the Mola mola in warm and temperate zones of all oceans. It eats fishes, zoa plankton, and jellyfish.
30. I do not know how to separate the plastic from the plankton let along make syngas from it.
1. Plankton is at the bottom of the marine food chain.
31. Result enunciation:Pramecium's thriving period was very different in different polluting water, and it relatived to the totle living of plankton.
32. Researchers from USC confirmed that plankton collected about twenty kilometers southwest of Redondo Beach the next day had very high levels of domoic acid.
33. Photograph by Brian Skerry – Hunting for morsels of plankton, a school of spadefish hovers near the surface off Japan's subtropical Bonin Islands.
34. A giant clam's siphon is used to draw in water to filter and consume passing plankton.
35. This sewage - consuming biological process depends on a closely intorrelated succession of species of animal plankton.
36. Estuaries are the home of many living species that can be classified into plankton, nekton and benthos based on their swim ability and the habitats they live.
37. The plankton hadn't been seen in the northern Atlantic in some 800,000 years—until a survey in 1999 turned up a bunch in the Labrador Sea.
38. The plankton in the sea feeds many kinds of animals.
39. Crustacean plankton (Cyclops) breeding in reservoir has brought new problem to water treatment process, and brought threat to safety of drinking water.
40. At the same time, the material brought back from land to sea include nutrients and trace elements that cause a boom among plankton, which in turn feed other marine biota.
41. The seasonal variation of phytoplankton, zooplankton and nutrients at a fixed station and in the Extended Gulf Stream System are studied by using a vertically averaged plankton model, respectively.
42. The damaged rate of the zooplankton is 31-90 percent, the most serious damaged species by the power plant are Copepoda and larval plankton.
43. The plant-like organisms in plankton, known as phytoplankton, are found close to the surface of the water where there is sufficient light to allow photosynthesis.
44. They can eat weeds and small organisms, like plankton and algae.
45. Some of regulation and reasons for plankton distribution in rotifer cultivated ponds and importance in production management were discussed.
46. Oceanic production of calcium carbonate is conventionally attributed to marine plankton (coccolithophores and foraminifera ).
47. Hunting for morsels of plankton a school of spadefish hovers near the surface off Japan's subtropical Bonin Islands.
48. Each pond often has a unique array of species,[http://] from plankton to fish—even if it was created by scientists.
49. Plankton and benthos monitoring was carried out in 2003. The results in main gulfs were shown as followed in table 3.
50. Their tails leave arcs of light as plankton glow in the waves.
51. A vagrant current - an underwater breeze thick with plankton - passed between them.
52. One possibility is that the squid are being killed by a toxin called domoic acid produced by certain marine plankton.
53. These plankton organisms mostly live only a very short time.
54. In this massive ocean of academia, I felt like plankton.
55. The imperilment of oil pollution on plankton will pass to other halobios through food chain.
56. The reason may be that PSB change the water quality well and increase the plankton which provided the fish good environment and enough food.
57. To sum up, We conducted the effect of PSB on hydrochemical index, plankton , growth of silver fish and bighead silver fish in the reservoirs.
58. Expedition MED said that micro-sized plastic is an enduring hazard, as it becomes mixed with plankton, which is then ingurgitated by small fish that are then eaten by larger predators.
59. Like many marine life-forms, anglerfish spend their youths as plankton—very small or even microscopic creatures that drift with the ocean currents.
60. Set includes SpongeBob, Squidward , Mr. Krabs and Plankton minifigures.
61. The study was based on plankton grown in 27 cubic metre (950 cu ft) seawater containers reaching 10 metres deep in a west Norwegian fjord.
62. If this were to happen in the deep sea, the carbon absorbed by the plankton through photosynthesis would descend to Davy Jones's locker for several hundred years.
63. Other plankton species in near equal numbers replaced calcareous microplankton as they died out.
64. The mud, sand and metabolized products of plankton in bittern of salt lake bring serious difficulty for deep processing of salt chemical product.
65. The result shows the mean accuracy of classification rate is up to 95.41% for freshwater plankton images, such as chironomid larvae, cyclops and harpacticoida.
66. Forty fathoms up, through wisps of plankton, the moon danced on a becalmed sea.
67. I know they call the Red Sea red because the plankton make it look really red.
68. I cannot see more than that, except beyond plankton is the digit zero.




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