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单词 reaction
释义 Word family  noun act action ≠ inaction activity ≠ inactivity reaction interaction overacting adjective acting active ≠ inactive verb act ≠ overact adverb actively noun reaction reactor reactionary overreaction adjective reactionary reactive verb react overreact  Related topics: Illness & disability, Drugs, medicines, Chemistry, Physics, Policies, Sociologyre·ac·tion /riˈækʃən/ ●●● S2 W2 AWL noun  1  to a situation/event 对某一情形/事件 [countable, uncountable]REACT something that you feel or do because of something that has happened or been said 反应 → response What was Jeff’s reaction when you told him about the job? 你告诉杰夫这个工作时,他是什么反应?reaction to the government’s reaction to the fuel crisis 政府对燃料危机的反应in reaction to something An emergency fund was set up in reaction to the famine. 针对这次饥荒设立了一个应急基金。2  MOVING QUICKLY 快速行动reactions [plural]REACT your ability to move quickly when something dangerous happens suddenly 〔突发危险时的〕反应能力 a skilled driver with very quick reactions 反应很快的熟练司机3  to food/drugs 对食物/药物 [countable]MIMD if you have a reaction to a drug or to something you have eaten, it makes you ill 〔药物或食物引起的〕不良反应reaction to a reaction to the immunization 对注射疫苗的不良反应have/suffer a reaction She had a severe allergic reaction to the drug. 她对这种药产生了严重的过敏反应。cause/bring on/trigger a reaction Certain foods are more likely than others to cause allergic reactions. 某些食物比其他食物更容易引起过敏反应。4  science 科学 [countable, uncountable] a) HCa chemical change that happens when two or more substances are mixed together 化学反应 a chemical reaction in the soil 土壤里的化学反应 b) HPa physical force that is the result of an equally strong physical force in the opposite direction 反作用力5  change 变化 [singular]REACT a change in people’s attitudes, behaviour, fashions etc that happens because they disapprove of the way in which things were done in the past 〔对过去的态度、行为、时尚等的〕抗拒;改变reaction against a reaction against the traditional values of the nineteenth century 对19世纪传统价值观的反抗6  against change 反对变革 [uncountable] formalPPPCHANGE YOUR MIND strong and unreasonable opposition to all social and political changes 〔对一切社会政治变革的〕反对,反动 The revolutionary movement was crushed by the forces of reaction. 这场革命运动被反动势力镇压了。 → chain reaction COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: something that you feel or do because of something that has happened or been said 反应ADJECTIVES/NOUN + reactionsomebody’s first/initial/immediate reaction 某人的第一/最初/即时反应His first reaction was to laugh. 他的第一反应是大笑。somebody’s gut reaction informal (=what they feel or decide immediately, before thinking) 某人的本能反应You must trust your gut reactions. 你必须相信自己的直觉。somebody’s instinctive reaction (=what they do immediately, before thinking) 某人的本能反应Often your instinctive reaction is to blame someone else. 你的本能反应往往就是责怪别人。a natural reaction 自然反应Anger is a natural reaction if you feel undervalued. 若感觉被人看轻,生气是自然反应。a knee-jerk reaction (=an immediate reaction that happens without sensible thinking) 不假思索的反应Environmentalists have a knee-jerk reaction against any development. 环保主义者总是不假思索地反对任何开发。an emotional reaction (=showing strong emotion, especially by crying) 情绪化的反应〔尤指哭泣〕I was surprised by her emotional reaction to the news. 她对这消息的情绪化反应令我很吃惊。a positive/favourable reaction (=showing that someone agrees or likes something) 积极的/赞许的反应nThere has been a positive reaction to the campaign.a negative reaction (=showing that someone disagrees or dislikes something) 消极的反应nWe are concerned about the negative reaction of some of our customers.mixed reactions (=some positive and some negative reactions) 褒贬不一的反应nThe book met with mixed reactions.a violent/angry reaction 暴力的/愤怒的反应nThe artists were surprised by the violent reactions to their work.a delayed reaction (=a reaction that comes some time after an event) 延时反应nYou’re suffering a delayed reaction to the accident.the public reaction (=what the public think about something that happens) 公众反应nThe public reaction was less than encouraging.verbsprovoke/produce/bring a reaction 激起/产生/带来某种反应The decision provoked an angry reaction from the local tourist industry. 这一决定激起当地旅游业界的愤怒。get a reaction 得到某种反应We didn’t know what kind of reaction we would get. 我们不知道会得到何种反应。gauge somebody’s reaction (=judge or find out someone’s reaction) 判断某人的反应nHe watched Jane’s face, trying to gauge her reaction.njudging by somebody’s reactionsJudging by the audience’s reactions, the show will be a great success.n THESAURUSreaction someone’s feelings, and how they behave, because of something that has happened or been saidI was stunned by the news, and my initial reaction was anger.What was her reaction, when you told her that you were leaving?response what you say or do when someone says or does something to youThe government’s immediate response was to reject the proposal.The decision was made in response to requests from local residents.We are still waiting to see if there is any response.reception a particular type of reaction to someone’s ideas, work etc – used especially in the following phrasesThe plan received warm reception from conference delegates (=they liked it). The film received a mixed reception and commercially it was not successful (=many people did not like it). The Association of Chief Police Officers gave the idea a cool reception (=they did not like it very much).Alford’s views met with a hostile reception (=people were very disapproving).feedback advice, criticism, praise etc that you give to someone, telling them how well they are workingOur English teacher gave us some feedback on our essays.The feedback we have had from our customers has all been positive.negative feedbackbacklash an angry or violent reaction by a group of people to the actions or decisions of othersThere has been a growing backlash against the government from angry voters.fears of a right-wing backlashn COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: if you have a reaction to a drug or to something you have eaten, it makes you ill 〔药物或食物引起的〕不良反应adjectivesan allergic reactionIf you develop an allergic reaction to your sunscreen, change it.a bad reactionShe had a bad reaction to the adverse reaction formal (=a bad reaction)The patient died after having an adverse reaction to the drug.a severe reactionA severe allergic reaction to the drug has killed five Americans.a slight/mild reactionA spider’s venom usually causes only a slight reaction.verbshave/suffer a reactionPeople who eat these products could have an allergic reaction.cause/bring on/trigger a reaction (=make someone ill)Wheat is one of the foods that are most likely to cause a reaction.Examples from the Corpusreaction• A reaction to these difficulties may be withdrawal, apathy, or acting out behaviour.• an allergic reaction• Can you tell us about your first reactions to this news?• I wanted to write something thoughtful, not just leap in with my gut reaction.• I was stunned by the news, and my initial reaction was anger.• Environmentalists have a knee-jerk reaction against any sort of development, however "green" it might be.• The revolution was defeated by the forces of reaction.• Culture often determines our reaction to events.• Maria's reaction to the birth of her sister was to demand more attention from her mother.• Carter was merely stunned by the reaction from the East; he was blown over backward by the reaction from the West.• Imagine the reaction if David Owen had appeared at Labour's 1989 conference.• There are three aspects of the reaction to the epidemic in Britain that make me terribly uneasy.• My father was so surprised by this violent reaction that he fell silent.reaction to• Her parents' reaction to the news was surprisingly calm.have/suffer a reaction• Tony Norman, the Sunderland keeper, also withdrew after suffering a reaction to a hand operation.• Sure you are going to have reactions.chemical reaction• Fuel cells, which provide electricity generated by a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, constitute one part of that research.• In a chemical rocket these molecules are the products of a chemical reaction.• Baking is a science, a chemical reaction that starts in a mixing bowl, and low-fat baking is even more complex.• Applications here focus on using gigabit networks to combine the processing power of multiple supercomputers for climate and chemical reaction modeling.• The total energy given off is thousands of times more than any conceivable chemical reaction could produce.• The movement of trace-elements through the environment A large number of chemical reactions take place when trace metals move through the environment.reaction against• The attitudes of this generation are a reaction against the selfish values of the·ac·tion noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or something of you because do that feel Corpus




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