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单词 Pleistocene
(1) These are thought to be Pleistocene rocks.
(2) The whole of the Pleistocene ice-age would fit within an ammonite zone or two.
(3) Here you see a Pleistocene vision, life as it must have looked before humans stepped upright on to the savannah.
(4) This summer will see 2,000 Friends of the Pleistocene swarming over the coastal range, whacking away with their hammers.
(5) During the Pleistocene, Stone Age man appeared on the scene in Java and spread quickly.
(6) The Westbury sediments are middle Pleistocene in age with numerous small mammal faunas in different parts of the breccia sequences.
(7) During the Pleistocene period, Britain's climate ranged from warm-temperate to very cold during the several advances of ice sheets.
(8) It seems that the effect of Pleistocene sea levels may, in fact, be evident on a more modest scale.
(9) The most recent ice age was during the pleistocene.
(10) Pleistocene glaciation caused the extinction of many species.
(11) Quaternary upper Pleistocene Series residual soil and slope washes.
(12) It is middle Pleistocene in age.
(13) The occurrence of the Middle Pleistocene extension along the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau may be the response to postorogenic collapse of this marginal zone.
(14) However, during the Pleistocene glacial epoch, the melting water of the Pleistocene glaciers could form some small- scale karst caves along the margin of the glacial valley in the limestone mountains.
(15) Nevertheless, researchers of the Pleistocene epoch have developed all sorts of more or less fanciful model schemes of how they would have arranged the Ice Age had they been in charge of events.
(16) Given current attention spans, it may as well have come out during the Pleistocene.
(17) Evolutionary psychologists say that there are human universals which were laid down in the pleistocene epoch.
(18) How much of this former water erosion can be attributed to pluvial phases in the Pleistocene is very doubtful.
(19) All this, of course, is during a time of exaggerated relief following the Pleistocene glaciation.
(20) It was finally breached by the sea flooding through valleys late in the Pleistocene.
(21) Herb Caen created this species by linguistic splicing sometime in the Pleistocene Age.
(22) The deep-sea core oxygen isotope record is a framework for a relative chronology for the Pleistocene.
(23) There are two main issues in the study of the Middle Pleistocene sequence.
(24) It has been suggested by the authors that the modern avifauna here might succeed from the meadow and forest-meadow type in late Pleistocene to current plateau wetland type.
(25) We know that some of man's close ancestors predated the Pleistocene.
(26) The writer knows no completely credible geochemical documentation of any effective Pleistocene oil source beds.
(27) In this paper, ages of depositional stratums of the late pleistocene epoch in Diancangshan area about Dan city in Yunnan province are determined with ESR dating method.
(28) Owing to climate was being droughty from terminal late Pleistocene, so Aibihu Lake ceaselessly shrank.
(29) The stone tools in later period is mainly microlithics, The main geological time of cultural layers falls between late Pleistocene and early Holocene Epoch.
(30) The process of paleogeographic evolution in this area is from land of pleistocene epoch to ingression of holocene epoch, then to littoral circumstances of today.
(31) A large extinct European deer of the genus Megaceros of the Pliocene Epoch and the Pleistocene Epoch, having very large palmate antlers.
(32) The modern tiger is thought to have originated in northern Asia during the Pleistocene Epoch and spread southward thereafter, crossing the Himalayas only about 10,000 years ago.
(33) Since the late Pleistocene epoch, the main faults in striking NE were relatively stable except some striking NE faults.
(34) The top strata of Late Pleistocene on the northern Jiangsu plain of the Yangtze delta generally consist of dark-green or yellowish-brown hard clay.
(34) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(35) According to the research of sporepollen and diatom fossils, the deposit formed in the dry and warm shallow water environment during later pleistocene epoch.
(36) Fault depression took place in Pliocene and the Qinghai Lake formed in Middle Pleistocene.
(37) Xijiang riverbed has obviously superimposed since Middle Pleistocene Epoch at latest.
(38) These structures are believed resulting from earthquake related to volcanic activity of the Late Pleistocene.
(39) This relationship is an important one for understanding the ancestry and relations of the Levantine populations of the Upper Pleistocene.
(40) Pleistocene The glacial and postglacial epoch following the Tertiary, lasting from around 2 million to 10,000 years ago.
(41) According to the animal fossils, the geological age should be the late Pleistocene Epoch.
(42) The holocrystalline porphyritic olivine basalts and pyroclastic rocks are the components of Pleistocene to recent volcanic activities.
(43) In the early pleistocene Epoch, due to long-term weathering and denudation, the area where West Lake was located developed into a broad valley.
(44) The main bodies of these alluvial fans were formed during Late Pleistocene.
(45) Mummies of pleistocene ground sloths, with original skin, hair, tendons and claws have been found.
(46) The glaciated surface structures of the early pleistocene were discovered in the autumn of 1984, on the sixth terrace base which is located at the southeastern piedmont of Lushan.
(47) Because the foreland basin was a highly subsidence, that it was deposited a hugely Plio - Pleistocene sediments.
(48) Loess the age which forms according to it may divide into, forms under pleistocene epoch Q1 noon city loess and pleistocene epoch Q2 to the stone loess, is called the old loess.
(49) The Huanglongdong Cave site (named "Yunxi Man Site"), which was discovered in 2004, is an important paleoanthropological site of Late Pleistocene in China.
(50) Fourth layer caves of same level as fourth step proluvia-alluvial terrace form at least in Early Pleistocene Epoch or before then.
(51) The excursion will focus on Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences in the area and the differentiation of coeval lithostratigraphic units.
(52) Any of various extinct ungulate mammals of the Eocene to Pleistocene epochs, having distinctive three-clawed, three-toed feet.
(53) Their tectonic framework was basically underlain in early Pleistocene or late Pliocene.
(54) Numerous sea level fluctuations in the Pleistocene glacial epoch caused a complex stream system with meandering stream channels to develop.
(55) As a result, it is shown that the faults in different sections of Changle-Zhaoan fault zone have different features since late pleistocene epoch.
(56) The site dates back to the late period of Early Pleistocene, approximately one million years ago.
(57) The eastern part of the western Henan province is covered with eolian loess and alluvial or diluvial loess. The Holocene and Late Pleistocene loess have low to moderate collapsibility.
(58) Relics of the flora and fauna of the Pleistocene age have been preserved in fossil form.
(59) Large area of potassic volcanic rocks distributed over the Sailipu area of West Gangdis were originally assigned to the Sailipu Group and the age was Pliocene-Early Pleistocene.
(60) At the end of Pleistocene Epoch, Lingyang Gorge fault cut diagonally Lankewei Hill, one ruptured side was lashed and eroded by the front Xijiang River water.
(61) Abundant, generally well preserved radiolarians were used in stratigraphic analysis of Pleistocene sequences of Tasman Sea.
(62) The universal cover takes to bring with pleistocene epoch Q3 on the above loess and the valley terrace the Malan loess and lower part the brand-new world Q4 secondary loess, calls it the new loess.
(63) During the Pliocene to early Pleistocene strong NW-SE crustal extension resulted in disintegration of the planation geomorphology and formation of a graben basin in the area.
(64) The shallow layer nature gas at the extrance of Hangzhou Gulf mainly existed in the stratums between Holocene epoch and Pleistocene epoch of the 4th Era.
(65) Due to the differential neo-tectonic lift and fall at Late Pleistocene Epoch, Xijiang River changed its course for the first time in the Dry Gorge.
(65) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(66) In the Beimen River basin there is Pleistocene deposit widely spreading with a significant depth.
(67) The characteristics of the red bounder clay, that formed in the middle pleistocene can't be compared with those of the debris flow formed at present.
(68) The floor of Goat Paddock Crater is covered by sediments deposited since the Pleistocene Epoch.
(69) These aquifers were created during the Pleistocene epoch, between 12,000 and 2.5 million years ago, and lack the organic carbon that is needed for arsenic to leach into water.
(70) The Yumen fault has been active since the Early Pleistocene to the present day, so it is an active fault during the Holocene Epoch and a causative fault of the Yumen earthquake.
(71) The Pleistocene Epoch lasted from 1, 500,000 to 2, 000,000 years.
(72) Large bear sized extinct edentate mammal of the Pleistocene in South America .
(73) Stage 3 , early Pleistocene, anticlockwise rotation of Luzon arc and continent - arc collision.
(74) During the Pleistocene Ice Age , the ancient drainage systems were almost completely rearranged by glaciation.
(75) Or maybe you'll be an anthropologist who discovers exciting new fossils Pleistocene Epoch.




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