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单词 Unify
1. The new leader hopes to unify the country.
2. No one dissents from the decision to unify.
3. The independence movement sought to unify the country with a national identity built around a common language.
4. How can we unify such scattered islands into a nation?
5. If the new leader does manage to unify his warring party it will be quite an achievement.
6. Someone in charge of quality control should unify the printing with the rest of the book.
7. He said he would seek to unify the Conservative Party and win the next general election.
8. Demanding but worthwhile effort to unify qualitative and quantitative research methods under one logic of inference.
9. Music serves to identify and unify members of the group, as well as to entertain.
10. Unify says the software offers data dependent routing, fault tolerance and integrity, along with debugging and administration functions.
11. What Lednor and Versloot have done is to unify these unrelated chemical curiosities by suggesting one underlying mechanism.
12. Nothing is better designed to galvanise a people, unify it, strengthen it.
13. Well - considered overall plans unify interdepartmental activities.
14. Can New Institutional Economics Unify Social Science?
15. Meanwhile, I also unify the gravitation and electromagnetic force.
16. It displays the feature to unify rationality and irrationality, stability and openness, practicality and possibility, and definiteness and indefiniteness .
17. The management and the service unify, is exchange control work important way.
18. First, the classroom form and the prominent student unify for the center.
19. The last four Argentine Draft Civil Codes unify both contractual and non contractual liability systems. There is also a strong tendency among the Peruvian doctrine.
20. Tantric practices use both ritual and meditation to unify the devotee with the chosen deity.
21. A flexible retirement age is being considered by Ministers to unify men's and women's pension rights.
22. It is difficult to imagine how the North and South could ever agree on a formula to unify the divided peninsula.
23. The plan has been for the rival armies to demobilise, to unify[], and then to hold elections to decide who rules.
24. Powell spoke hours after the right wing of the Republican party began to unify behind Dole.
25. Albert Einstein spent the last 50 years of his life unsuccessfully trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity.
26. Presidential losers have also habitually opted for mates designed to unify the ticket but with whom they could comfortably identify.
27. Is there a single frame or context of explanation which will unify the diversities of belief and custom?
28. The test results of abrasive grain constitution showed that the standard sands and can assure high testing accuracy is capable to unify the testing result.
29. The application of law of the international contract experienced an origin and development that went to law of nations to law merchant in the Middle Ages from conflict of laws to unify private law.
30. According to the need[Sentencedict], the market uses offices to unify the shopping environment and service management in the hardware facility disposition aspect.
1. A flexible retirement age is being considered by Ministers to unify men's and women's pension rights.
2. It is difficult to imagine how the North and South could ever agree on a formula to unify the divided peninsula.
3. How can we unify such scattered islands into a nation?
4. Someone in charge of quality control should unify the printing with the rest of the book.
31. Cornell:american businessman and philanthropist who helped develop and unify telegraph systems in the United States and founded Cornell University (1868) with andrew D. White.
32. The "Reform Program for Basic Curriculums(Trial)" emphasizes: "pedagogy is the unify of the teacher's teaching and student's learning which is the essentialness of the communication and interaction.
33. Third, it is the areal study mentality which economics, politics, society and administration unify.
34. With the theoretical progress in the study of terminology, translating terms from the terminological point of view provides a well-grounded platform to unify and standardize terms.
35. There was a collection lf laws set up to unify legal practices in Babylonia.
36. Introduced is this paper are the probability differential method and the unify way of calculating the probability distribution of the continuous type and that of the discrete type.
37. In 2006, the legislature started up legislative process of the unify of two corporation income tax law, this is the new page of China corporation income tax legislation.
38. National Government to " unify the Preparatory Committee for Mandarin. "
39. Before we reconstruct a 3-dimensional (3D) model of a scene from a set of 2D images, firstly we need to unify the world coordinate system (WCS).
40. Based on fully and specifically analyzing all the correlations in a program, a formal model was constructed to unify both control-flows and correlations.
41. Service Data Objects (SDOs) are designed to simplify and unify the way in which applications handle data.
42. The green tea not only tastily stimulates, but can also go greasy ...Therefore, I unify these fragmentary knowledge, has decided a diet plan for oneself.
43. Therefore, to unify global data transfer standard and establish a global single window system has a long way to go.
44. After its establishment, red coins were adopted to unify Xinjiang's monetary system as an inevitable result of unification in the province-wide executive system.
45. By reason of using graphical programming power, customer can unify layout, service and control with Virtual Instrument standard.
46. In order to avoid such a result, countries and international organizations unified in their efforts to explore ways to unify the maritime liens.
47. So convenience management unify of layer management and decision, provided a work efficiency in the meantime.
48. Experiment results showed that the system is able to unify the high efficiency, high recall ratio and high precision ratio into one.
49. Though occupied with his lonely struggle to unify gravity and electromagnetism in a single mathematical framework, he watched Germany's saber rattling with alarm.
50. In order to unify the international maritime law, CMI set up the international Sub-Committee to draw up the new law-the Draft Instrument.
51. The British Union Jack was designed to unify the diagonal crosses of Saint Patrick (Ireland) and Saint Andrew (Scotland) with the rectilinear cross of Saint George (England).
52. To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify.
53. The beginning of the Qing Dynasty, facing the situation of war unify whole country, Qing Dynast continue to implemented the tea-horse trade in North west area following the rule of the Ming Dynasty.
54. At the time of the long-term wars, every feudatory states pay attention to military affairs gradually in order to end chaos of the wars and separatist regimes, make China unify at last.
55. Germany unified officially in 1990 ; Will the two Koreas unify?
56. New thinking :How to unify the strong interactions and the electromagnetic interaction ?
57. To establish the perfect company to unify, the highly effective organization system and the work system.
58. Various family groupings help to unify the study of particles.
59. Study and implement the integrate backup, unify management and scheduling process of backup data from caching storage to tape.
60. Therefore, a reasonable choice should be made for us to unify the income tax laws of these two kinds of enterprises, correct the imperfections in the income taxes of dividend and investment.
61. The National Aeronautic and Space Agency was organized 1958 to unify non-military space efforts, following failures by the Navy, Army and Air Force to keep pace with Soviets.
62. Service Data Objects (SDOs) are designed to simplify and unify the way applications handle data.
63. Unify currency and weights and measures. on the business consumedly the convenient domestic communicate.
64. The thesis brings to bear conjectural variation to unify the classical oligopoly models and open out that the differences of the models are only the dissimilarities of conjectural variation range.
65. Leia's efforts were also felt in the distant Minos Cluster, where she helped unify Rebellion against the Empire.
66. Our company produces , sells , serves unify , provide the relevance technical adviser and fine after-sale service to product effectuation.
67. See the champions, take the field now, unify us, make us feel proud.
68. It was achieve warehousing, stock and deliver from godown unify , help enterprise realize product informatization supervise to into that these system object.
69. The sightseeing agriculture is take the agriculture as the foundation, one kind of type of chiasma emerging industry which the agriculture and the tourism unify.
70. Methods Immediate compensation, operation and management "mechanism" was established to unify compensation policy, simplify compensation procedures, and standardize compensation management.
71. This article has used the induction and the deductive method unifies, the static analysis and the dynamic analysis unify analysis method.
72. We present here a database for DNA methylation data that attempts to unify these results in a common resource.
73. It is important and emergency to unify molecule and organism, microcosm and macroscopy.
74. They become embroiled in a despicable warlord's efforts to bring the Dragon Emperor (Jet Li) back to life so he can reawaken his army and unify China.
75. In this paper we unify the Green formula and the Gauss formula, and obtain the higher-dimensional Gauss formula.
76. Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher, See the champions, take the field now, unify us, make us feel proud.
77. In what is now Germany, they aimed to unify the German-speaking peoples into a single state.
78. The monument is 35.5 meters high, unify the kingdom and build for commemorating 1871 in Deutsche.
79. Organic unify of the two aspects form the governing credit.
80. North Korea and South Korea should unify into one country.
81. Third, unify the OTC market and perfect the base of system and rule.
82. It could unify people's knowledge of the attitude angle and be of assistance in the development of rolling bearing dynamics.
83. So as long as attain the each area orotund and opposite to unify, just match the principle for sing.
84. It is the requirement on writing the sports science paper in info-society to unify the scientific content and standardized format.
85. Space and time interpenetrate and unify, form a dynamic whole pattern of the theory.
86. We need a leader who will unify us, not divide us.
87. There was no excuse for what I did, but trying to come to grips with why I did it gave me at least a chance to finally unify my parallel lives.
88. To unify the path and the system is to scientifically orient socialism with Chinese characteristics[Sentencedict], which has sufficient theoretical capacity and enormous innovation space.
89. To unify the magnetic field level of the whole area in marine geomagnetism surveying, the base value of the secondary base station must be reduced to the main base value.
90. Historical logic rationality would unify that two in order to search logical confirmatory and standardization from historical development, and remove mysticism, mistiness and relativism.
91. Unifies the aspect request to attain in an area of sing the method to unify, the orotund position unify and the tone color unifies the etc. , opposite but speech.
92. The vehicle park the time contain preface, very neat, the clearness unify, the beauty is generous.
93. Objective: The observation traditional Chinese medicine sausage and the western medicine unify method treatment ulcerous colitis's clinical curative effect.
94. Article research technique:First, the canonical parse and the empirical analysis unify.
95. Speaking of the elementary school nature study teaching, the teacher mainly should unify "Program" requests, to grasp with other various branches teaching relation.
96. Behaviourism psychology has ended Fengte and Du Wei unify dreary aspect in the world, has raised upper deep west psychology history revolution.
97. In unify time - order control, the system has discrete control characteristic.
97. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
98. We'll make detailed rules and regulations , unify the terminology and stipulate standard form.
99. Unify the style of whole lighting and surrounding arch lighting.
100. A class of new KKM theorems are obtained in a newly defined G-convex metric space. These theorems unify, improve and develop the corresponding results in literature.
101. When the lofty fine arts skill uses in outlining in the earthliness people's life hundred condition, elegant vulgar can unify.
102. It is needful for fair competition among foreign to unify two sets of income tax law.
103. A little unwilling and ordinary stylist wants to break white, rice then the depressing aspect of dichromatic unify the whole country, let closestool also come beautiful change personally.
104. We must unify the printing with the rest of the book.
105. The paper uses the essential method which the essential factor analytic method, the comparison research, the theory and the practice unify.




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