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单词 chime
释义  chime1 /tʃaɪm/ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]SOUND if a bell or clock chimes, it makes a ringing sound, especially to tell you what time it is 〔钟〕鸣响,敲响 The clock in the hall chimed six. 大厅里的钟敲了六下。2  [intransitive]SAME to be the same as something else or to have the same effect 协调;一致chime with Her views on life didn’t quite chime with mine. 她的人生观和我的不完全一样。3 chime in phrasal verb SAY/STATEto say something in a conversation, especially to agree with what someone has just said 插话〔尤表示赞同〕 ‘We’ll miss you too, ’ the children chimed in. “我们也会想念你的。”孩子们也插进来说。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuschime• Across the valley, church bells were chiming.• St Clement's clock chimed half-past nine as he reached the beginning of Champney Road.• Others chimed in, saying those who have it made are pulling up the ladder on those less fortunate.• They join our line of thought, and soon are chiming in with what they think the author may have meant.• A clock chimed six.• I heard a clock chime softly in the next door room.• Wrong, wrong, wrong, chime the economists.• The great bells of the Immaculate Conception chimed the hour.• Inside the business school chimed the melody that meant the change of lessons.• Church bells throughout France chimed to mark the occasion.• This last letter did not chime with the rest.chime with• Her views on art chime with my own.chime2 noun  1. SOUND[countable] a ringing sound made by a bell or clock 铃声;钟声2. chimes [plural]APM a set of bells or other objects that produce musical sounds, used as a musical instrument or, for example, as a type of doorbell 〔作为乐器或用作门铃的〕排钟,管钟 → wind chimesExamples from the Corpuschime• The shop door opened with a chime.• Past the pub, and the noise of laughter and the music of a jukebox and the bell chime of gaming machines.• Still Ralph heard every word of every speech as though it were the crystalline note of an ice chime.• To be part of that melody of infinite chimes of light!• The thoughts of solitude are heard in solitude, and have an inward chime that public thoughts must lack.• There was a whirring sound, then the clock's chime marked a quarter to midnight.• Application Tell the students that chimes can be made by using a metal spoon instead of a coat hanger.• the chime of the doorbell• The chimes reverberated through the silent building.Origin chime2 (1200-1300) Old French chimbe “cymbal”, from Latin cymbalum; → CYMBALchime1 verbchime2 nounChinese  or chimes, Corpus makes it clock a bell ringing if a




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