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单词 Predominant
(1) Which country is the predominant member of the alliance?
(2) Research forms the predominant part of my job.
(3) Love of peace is the predominant feeling of many people today.
(4) Yellow is the predominant colour this spring in the fashion world.
(5) The Socialists were predominant in the last Parliament.
(6) In this painting, the predominant colour is black.
(7) Dancers have a predominant role in this performance.
(8) The predominant feature of his character was pride.
(9) Her predominant characteristic is honesty.
(10) Amanda's predominant emotion was that of confusion.
(11) The predominant opinion voiced by Detroit's Arab population seems to be one of frustration.
(12) Economic factors are predominant in the motivation to invent.
(13) Advocacy should become their predominant activity.
(14) The predominant constraint is, of course, public examinations.
(15) Immigration is the predominant social issue of the day.
(16) What are the predominant power strategies?
(17) Employment Redundancy is a predominant form of adjustment to changes in the demand for labour.
(18) The geographical location of the installations and predominant meteorological conditions and sources of danger arising from the location of the site 2.
(19) It is a way of thinking that is predominant in social research and to a considerable extent in social theory(Sentencedict), too.
(20) A form of hospital where the predominant smell was dettol?
(21) The predominant motive for writing this type of history is to demonstrate chronological sequence.
(22) When too energetic and predominant, it disposes of Credulity, and in mercantile men, leads to rash and inconsiderate speculation.
(23) The predominant clay mineral constituents in lake muds from both regions include smectite, illite-smectites and lesser kaolinite.
(24) The effect of biological and physiological factors is predominant during fetal life and in the perinatal period.
(25) The predominant view in Britain and other Western countries associates aging with decline, dependency, isolation, and often poverty.
(26) In an age where commercial profit and gain are predominant, the purpose of archaeology is often called into question.
(27) Notice the lack of contrast between voiced and voiceless sounds and the predominant contrast between long and short consonants.
(28) Monotony was a cardinal sin for Victorian architects, just as it is the predominant defining characteristic of modern architecture.
(29) After oral administration, mesalazine is extensively acetylated such that N-acetyl-5-ASA is the predominant form found in both plasma and urine.
(30) His face was full technicolour with red and black the predominant hues, with stitches over one eye and underneath the other.
(1) Research forms the predominant part of my job.
(2) Yellow is the predominant colour this spring in the fashion world.
(3) The predominant feature of his character was pride.
(31) Keynesian ideas were predominant in the Treasury as well as among academic economists.
(32) The addition of learning skills and the intelligent construction of knowledge through exploration gradually becomes a predominant feature of the transactional style.
(33) All three countries represent a state of affairs that defies predominant theories in comparative politics.
(34) Nevertheless, the Exchequer was, from 1554 onwards, the central and predominant financial institution, the national treasury.
(35) On the main line, the remorseless reduction in fleet sizes resulted in Mark 3 vehicles steadily being more predominant.
(36) When we visited the country, our predominant impression was one of poverty and hardship.
(37) These sentiments were to prove too rich for the Whigs and Liberals who were predominant in the mid nineteenth century.
(38) Where an institutional view is predominant, preventive efforts are pitched at the secondary level: early intervention to prevent problems worsening.
(39) The predominant color of the two-part finale, Move, Members, Move is yellow.
(40) Because the Pharisees were the predominant sect, few, Sadducee writings have survived.
(41) Where constipation is the predominant symptom, there may be considerable discomfort which again is damaging to morale.
(42) It is this that leads to the dependency culture predominant among deaf people in integrated education.
(43) The aquatint, as a book illustration, was predominant in the period 1790-1830.
(44) Here, the round arches are predominant on the lower storey of both nave and tower and pointed arches above.
(45) The predominant sensation is one of tension, which steadily mounts until it becomes unbearable.
(46) Yellow is the predominant color in most of his paintings.
(47) In both books, hope is a predominant trait that comes shining through.
(47) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(48) This ambition becomes more predominant in his character not long after his encounter with the witches.
(49) The physiological significance of the findings in diarrhoea predominant irritable bowel syndrome patients, which were contrary to expectation, is unknown.
(50) Khan is a Pathan, the predominant group in the Northwest Frontier, although he grew up in Punjab.
(51) But predominant in her mind was the unsettling effect her companion seemed to be having on her.
(52) Throughout the Latin quarter, Spanish is a predominant language.
(53) The predominant species was Culicoides punctatus (56.7%).
(54) Therefore, amebic dysentery was the predominant cause during this outbreak.
(55) In mold-fermented brown bean, Mucor, Rhizopus, Aspergillus and Penicillium were the predominant species and their contents varied by changing the culture medium and temperature.
(56) The cytoarchitecture of the predominant reticular formation nuclei of the medulla oblongata in the tree shrew was studied with Nissl' s method.
(57) water-borne polyurethane is the predominant material of membrane pressing adhesive.
(58) S. efforts to remain predominant in space and on the ground — because it raised the possibility that the network of U. S. spy satellites could be shot down.
(59) Which is predominant -- the bright side or the dark?
(60) Remarkably efficient sailing downwind or well off the wind, square sails do not generate power from their leading edge as in the Bermuda rig, which has become predominant in modern times.
(61) Results: The demyelination was the predominant lesion in nerves subjected to pressure and was commonly present in nerves around which the compression chamber remained uninflat-ed.
(62) Of 158 stencils in the French cave of Gargas, 136 have been identified as left, and only 22 as right; right-handedness was therefore heavily predominant.
(63) It was shown that the curing process of resoles, at first, proceeded by condensation reaction of methylol groups, and the formation of dimethylene ether linkage was predominant.
(64) Conclusion: Although hematuria was its predominant findings, TBMN also manifested severe proteinuria, even nephrotic syndrome.
(65) Hypohydrotic ectodermal dysplasia is a common group of hereditary diseases, with congenital tooth loss as the predominant oral symptom.
(66) After multivariable analysis, cigarette smoking was found being the predominant cause for chronic respiratory diseases.
(67) Linoleic acid is the predominant fatty acid in the chloroplast.
(68) Fusarium and Curvularia are the predominant pathogens of mycotic keratitis in Zhanjiang district.
(69) Euro(), Ruble and Yen position of a new predominant quote currency in oil trade.
(70) The predominant pathological characteristics of the chronic airway inflammation are airway inflammation, airway remodeling, mucous hypersecretion and so on.
(71) To study the adhesion of subgingival predominant bacteria on implant materials.
(72) The distributions of rare actinomycetes in different mangrove in this research showed that Micromonospora and Actinoplanes were of predominant genus.
(73) The SLA was found either anastomosed with the contralateral labial artery, or only one side predominant and the other side absent.
(74) Ultrasonic testing using the through transmission squirter technique remains the predominant method of inspection of composite materials.
(75) Paecilomyces cateniannulatus, an entomogenous fungus and one of the predominant species of the fungi in a Masson spine plantation ecosystem, plays an important role on forest pest control.
(76) The results indicate that the predominant organism groups were a complicated ecosystem including bacteria, protozoa and algae in the biotrickling filter while it was only fungi in the biofilter.
(77) The avian community was relatively stable; Tree Sparrow and Light-vented Bulbul were predominant in the study period.
(78) Compared with characters( ), pictures can embody what writers intend to express as well as their predominant ideas.
(79) The first IDU HIV infection in Guangdong was detected in 1996, which is now predominant route of HIV transmission, accounting for 73. 3% of the total HIV infections in Guangdong.
(80) Also, in Hawaii, the predominant mix is Asian and white and native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, while in Oklahoma, it is American Indian and white.
(81) A predominant process for the manufacture of powder coatings involving continuous compounding of pigment, resin, fillers, additives and hardeners , mixing at elevated temperature.
(82) Predominant flavours are those of tropical fruit with herbaceous overtones, whilst the overall impression is of elegance and delicacy with a long flavoursome finish.
(83) At the time of distributing the estate, successors who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining the decedent or have lived with the decedent may be given a larger share.
(84) In many reasons resulted in steel brittleness, the amphiprotic temper brittleness is a predominant influencing factor.
(85) Dipole ground penetrating radar (GPR) antennas radiate linearly polarized wave with the predominant polarization direction parallel to the long axis of the antenna.
(86) Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a predominant CD 4 + T cell infiltration.
(87) Religion: Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox are the predominant religions in Latvia.
(88) Pain with motion is the predominant finding , and crepitation may be palpated with passive motion.
(89) The most common origins are the orbit and the kidneys and the predominant tumors are retinoblastoma and nephroblastoma respectively. In contrast to those found in Shanghai and Shandong, the inciden...
(90) The predominant product of the company has already gained CCC certificates.
(91) With Datong coal as feedstock, addition of appropriate chemical solution and employing Stepple furnace, obtained was an activated carbon with predominant macro and mesopore and improved absorbability.
(92) Secondly, the shape of QRS complex wave, RR duration variation and predominant rhythm are analyzed in detail.
(93) Concretely, the fungi obtained from S". matsudana were designated as 9 genera and the predominant microbes were Oospora spp. , which frequencies were 18.75%."
(94) Common sense and moral propriety , which ignored the Romanticists, again the predominant preoccupation in literary work.
(95) But this evolutionary mechanism combining dissymmetry, anatomy, and chance does not provide an adequate explanation of why right-handedness should have become predominant...
(96) We test the user-satisfaction with the subjective test, as well as domestic similar music suggestion system Sina and Sohu. The results suggest that our music suggestion system was predominant.
(97) For most of our history we were isolationist. For two fleeting decades we were predominant.
(98) CONCLUSION GLUT1 is expressed by mouse mesangial cell and is the predominant facilitative glucose transporter in this cell.
(99) Three predominant forms of Cdin Cd accumulator oilseed rapes, non-tolerant oilseed rape and Indian mustard were NaCl-extractable, acetic acid-extractable and water-extractable Cd.
(100) However , the cytoskeleton content decreased at late acute cholangitis ( 48 h ), the former is more predominant.
(101) In the practical bilateral ties, strategic co-operation of mutual trust and benefit has always occupied an unshakably predominant position.
(102) Butt welds qualify full and partial penetration butt welds and fillet welds. Fillet weld tests shall be required where this is the predominant form of production welding.
(103) The tropical and sub- tropical taxa are predominant, taking up 75% of seed plant flora.
(104) The results showed that the predominant species of Brucella in 1965,1985,2006 and 2007 were B. melitensis and B. suis biovar 3 and both B. melitensis biovar 3 respectively.
(105) RESULTS: Monosomy 22 was the predominant finding, detected in 47% of meningiomas.
(106) The results showed that the predominant host animal of Dayangshu District was Apodemus agrarius, and presently it has changed to the mixed type of HFRS.
(107) Our predominant: backed by powerful brand, absolute predominance and noble product quality.
(108) Water - borne polyurethane is the predominant material of membrane pressing adhesive.
(109) Objective To study the adhesion of subgingival predominant bacteria on implant and crown restorative materials.
(110) White is always the predominant color on underbody , parts of legs, feet, and part of face markings.
(111) Results show that in the region, Nematoda was the predominant group, and Acarina, Collembola, Tardigrada and Harpacticoida were common groups.
(112) Results Crohn s disease was common in young adults and male predominant with a chronic course.
(113) This occurs because La Ni?a alters the path of the jet stream, making the predominant storm track in winter traverse the Midwest and avoid the South.
(114) Stipulation. As to the buyer, his rights are apt to be aggrieved by disadvantageous clauses addition to the installment contract concluded by predominant seller.
(115) Love of God is made a duty, but reverential fear is the predominant emotion.
(116) Fujian province has been known to be endemk for mixed hookworm infection with Ancylostoma duodenale e as the predominant species.
(117) Eristalis tenax and Episyrphus balteatus are predominant species in the local farmland.
(118) Objective response is a weak surrogate of activity in phase II trials, since in most cases, the predominant effect of these compounds is basically cytostatic.
(119) Its predominant vein was, in Poe's own phrase, " the grotesque and arabesque. ".
(120) The reason was that, at that historic period, the mainstream of Chinese new poem creation, the predominant developing tendency, having ultimately freed from the traces left by Misty poets.
(121) Therefore, the research and utilization of the 6-4 photolyase gene is of predominant significance.
(122) The short take-off and fast climbing capabilities of the fighters with such a wing planform was viewed as a major advantage by the PLAAF facing the threats of the predominant Soviet air power.
(123) Since late Quaternary, the predominant crust in Beishan Region is shrinking in north-south direction and stretching in west-east direction.
(124) There were two kinds of members need to be measured, including pipes in which axial stress was predominant and steel brackets in which the strains in X-direction and Y-direction were considered.
(125) Choosing earthquake wave, designing table-board import, the test datum were analyzed, seismic behavior such as amplification coefficient, predominant frequency changes etc. were obtained.
(126) The predominant routes of transmission vary according to the endemicity of the HBV infection.
(127) During annealing of the cold- swaged alloy, the low-angle grain boundaries gradually disappear and the high-angle grain boundaries become predominant.
(128) It eventually supplanted competing technologies like IBM's Token Ring and General Motors' Token Bus to become the predominant standard for local-area networks.
(129) Yuan was the first dynasty in China to use paper currency as the predominant circulating medium.
(130) The sintering test results show BLCWS is in possession of very predominant sintering performance and accord with its slagging property.
(131) Conclusion Barton's fracture is an unstable fracture, usually volar fracture is predominant.
(132) Dynamic analysis is the predominant approach to Web application security testing today.
(133) As a result, the electronic current transformers will certainly substitute the old electromagnetic ones for its predominant speciality.
(134) The change of hypothalamus - pituitary - gonad ( HPG ) axis is very predominant in this process.
(135) The predominant color in the traditional Chinese celebrations is red, which stands for auspice, jubilation and prosperity.
(136) Through predominant strain of the preliminary test, which was a strong acid-resistant and hot-resistant one, and was bacteriostasis in vitro testing.
(137) Results The primary diseases were connective tissue diseases, bullous dermatoses, and severe drug eruption,() and the predominant causes of death were severe infection and multiple organ failure.
(138) The virologist is supporting the Ministry in laboratory detection of dengue and helping with the collection and identification of the predominant strain in circulation.
(139) Their predominant loci are the inferior vena cava and large veins of thighs.
(140) The predominant religion is Theravada Buddhism which, along with the common Animism practiced among the mountain tribes, coexists peacefully with spirit worship.
(141) Results The isolation rate of Candida albicans was predominant , accounting for 57.6 %.
(142) Simulation result indicates that the new threshold function is effective and predominant than other threshold functions.
(143) The study on genera composition of Dicranaceae in Guizhou show that there are 4 predominant Genera composed of the bryophytes of Dicranacea in Guizhou.
(144) Ports also has a transparent balance sheet and no debt, which gives it an advantage in the long cash cycle predominant in the fashion business.
(145) However , when the ORP is between - 300 mV and - 400 mV, sulfate reducing bacteria are predominant.
(146) Ammonification, nitrification and nitrogen assimilation in HA - TF are predominant.
(147) We report a 12-year-old Chinese girl who presented with acute encephalopathic illness with predominant features of rigidity and dystonia.
(148) The experiences of nodular graphite QT500-8 parts in lost foam casting were summarized. The predominant factors influencing parts were proposed.
(149) The results show that the predominant minerals in the feed coals are kaolinite and boehmite, averaged 71.1% and 21.1% among the total crystal minerals, respectively.
(150) Mortgage of chattel is a burgeoning means of guarantee which plays a predominant role in mortgage.
(151) Shiism as a state religion means to be predominant culture of Iranian tradition.
(152) What is of prime importance is that consideration is given to the predominant chromophore in any target tissue and the laser wavelength matched to achieve maximum absorption of light energy.
(153) Study of prostate with Three-dimensional 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopyBACKGROUND Prostate disease is the predominant disease in male genitourinary system.
(154) During the 11-year period covered by the study, 61 outbreaks of enteric fever were reported, and Salmonella paratyphi A (SPA) became the predominant causative agent in the province.
(155) In coMpetition with other accoMpanying species, the Betula luMinifera is a predoMinant tree at present.




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