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单词 Toothless
(1) He gave us a toothless grin.
(2) She gave us a toothless grin.
(3) The old man smiled to reveal toothless gums.
(4) This well-intentioned but toothless law will do nothing to improve the situation.
(5) In his view(/toothless.html), the Commission remains a toothless and ineffectual body.
(6) His grandmother watched, her toothless mouth agape.
(7) Then I saw her toothless gums.
(8) Congress has passed several toothless gun control laws.
(9) Legco, the largely toothless legislature, has vowed not to authorise spending for new camps.
(10) The Duke was revelling in the occasion, his toothless mouth curved up in a great leer like the mask of comedy.
(11) These women were old and toothless at a young age, their eyes bereft of hope.
(12) And she saw old Billy, his toothless gums mumbling away at the mashed-up food she spooned into his mouth.
(13) Sugden warned that independent bodies would become toothless if they were constantly overruled by the government.
(14) He pushed into the dry toothless mouth that constricted like the elastic cuff of a pajama sleeve.
(15) A toothless old man from Baku, his double-breasted jacket beribboned with the medals of two world wars, looked dazed.
(16) The lofty but toothless declarations on behalf of world peace and brotherhood of man were gone.
(17) The toothless old mare only turned her head and gave Granny what seemed like a horsey laugh too.
(18) He laughs more, covering his toothless mouth with his yellow cloth.
(19) However they would have been commonly toothless, since false teeth were a luxury until the nineteenth-century.
(20) An elderly and toothless woman lived in a shamble of newspapers and produce cartons on top of the stairs in the hall.
(21) Thereupon a cackling, toothless old maidservant set aside the tray she was carrying and hobbled across to confront him.
(22) Like most laws that are well-intentioned but toothless, it was useless in a real crisis.
(23) Central banks are not toothless, however.
(24) To chew ( food ) with toothless gums.
(25) Does the agency have the power to prosecute companies, or is it a toothless organization?
(26) Whenever Paul spoke, it was almost like the story of the toothless man able to eat rare steak.
(27) Judge: But this programme is balm to millions, many of them toothless, gaga and slumped across a Zimmer frame.
(28) She gave the poor creature a kick, then smiled at me with toothless gums.
(29) William F.. Weld last year, have put some bite into a previously toothless requirement.
(30) One good thing is that the extended family of toothless hillbillies who used to live down the street moved away.
(1) He gave us a toothless grin.
(31) The second complaint is that the oath's fine words are toothless.
(32) Hey, do me a favor to take the table seven, the one with my ex-boyfriend and with his gorgeous, successful, sophisticated girlfriend who makes me feels like a toothless Okie.
(33) Baleen whales, including the humpback whales and blue whales, are toothless and instead use hairlike structures called baleen to filter tiny prey such as krill from seawater.
(34) Gigantoraptor had long arms, bird - like legs a toothless jaw, and probably a beak.
(35) The surfaces lead plates were not hollowed out to cup toothless gums; they were flat.
(36) The only global organization UN is a toothless lion that has been hijacked by those power inebriated countries who conceived it to legitimize their illegitimate actions.
(37) Most birds are toothless.
(38) A toothless old man came ambling up to them, pointing, with a rather wicked grin, at an old rowboat bobbing in the iron-gray water below them.
(39) squirrel-sized South American toothless anteater with long silky golden fur.
(40) A wide, drooling toothless grin split his flat face, and two yellow-red reptilian eyes stared covetously from his immense head.
(41) LIMA (Reuters) - Peruvians crazy about their national dog, a bald and often toothless breed popular among Incan kings, offered Monday to send a hypoallergenic puppy to the Obama family.
(42) Sepa's critics have long derided agency – which lacks ministerial status – as a toothless shop.
(43) When she slipped the bit into his mouth, she saw that he was practically toothless.
(44) large shaggy-haired toothless anteater with long tongue and powerful claws; of South America.
(45) On top of this I was accused of employing toothless and incompetent old relatives to prepare the food for the foundling hospital when I was warden .
(46) Deflation are long bone, and a vicious inflation is a toothless tiger.
(47) Master is a toothless old man, grey hair lazily draping over his broad shoulders.
(48) But the checkup of our country lacks practice detailed rules and material standards. In a sense it becomes a "toothless tiger."
(49) It's one explanation for why humans no longer have tails, birds and turtles are toothless and snakes have stayed limbless.
(50) He was sixteen years old, toothless, blind and could hardly get around.
(51) The lions couchant on the pillars as he passed out through the gate; toothless terrors.
(52) His face was alive with excitement, eyes wide , gums bared in a toothless grin.
(53) These reviews may prove toothless, but the commitment to them is a step forward.
(54) The bills must be reconciled in ways that sharpen the incentives against making toothless admonishments.
(55) Gigantoraptor had long arms, bird-like legs, a toothless jaw, and probably a beak. There are no clear signs as to whether it was feathered.
(56) Malaquo may be old and toothless, but he is a tiger still, and Doniphos will not be returned as triarch.
(57) An elderly woman 3)wobbled over to one while the other approached a toothless, foul-smelling man with rags 4)draped over his sickly body.
(58) And the region's anti - corruption outfits are proving toothless, sidelined or simply embattled.
(59) Toothless Kinch, the superman.
(60) It was sixteen years old, toothless, blind and could hardly get around.




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